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Ark Volume 01 - Japtem

Page 9

by Yoo Seong

  ‘Damn, what kind of situation is this…’

  As he dodged the front paw that kept flying at him, Ark exploded in rage. Now he could only endure one hit, at best. If a second hit flew out at him, his cold head would undoubtedly hit the floor.

  ‘No, that can’t happen! If I give up here, then I have to give up this dungeon! If I’m to die, then I might as well bite the bullet! You damn mouse shit, I’ll take you down with me!’

  Ark flung himself at the Demon Mouse. The front paw flew out and smacked his chest, but Ark didn’t withdraw. With all his strength concentrated on one hit, his fist struck the bastard’s forehead.

  - With your Undying Will, you have found the Demon Mouse’s weakness. You have dealt a fatal blow.

  In that moment, along with the flashing message, the Demon Mouse’s movements just… stopped.

  The Demon Mouse reared, heaved a steaming breath, and collapsed with all its limbs splayed out. Then, the Demon Mouse’s appearance slowly turned transparent. With that, his situation became clear.

  It was Ark’s victory!

  “Is, is this it?”

  As if to confirm his thoughts, there was a pleasant sound that accompanied his 1 level up.

  His legs belatedly began to tremble, as though he had cramps. As he struggled to raise his head, his life was at just 2. While on the verge of death, in critical condition senses his attack power and chance of critical hits had risen. In addition, his Hand-to-Hand Combat skill’s hit chance and evasion added up so the damage he’d taken was a minimum, he was able to drag out the maximum damage for a miraculous victory.

  “Ah, now isn’t the time to be standing around!” Ark, who was absent-mindedly staring at the Monster Rat for a brief time, suddenly raised his head.

  There were still hundred-odd mice still left in the cave. If the paralysis wore off on the mice while his health was at rock bottom, he’d be finished then and there. Ark straightened and glared fiercely at the mice.

  “Hey, you little mice shit! Shall I make you pay for all suffering you caused?”

  Fear flashed into the eyes of the shivering, convulsing mice.

  « o »

  “Now, shall I take a look at the spoils?”

  Ark, who had completely trampled and killed all hundred-odd mice, checked the spoils the Demon Mouse had dropped. But his expression quickly turned to one of disappointment. The Demon Mouse he’d finally killed after escaping the throes of death multiple times hadn’t dropped items that were as good as he’d hoped.

  There was only a thick leather and a worn sword.

  Black Bear Mouse Leather (Ingredient)The leather of the Demon Mouse, who watched over numerous mice inside the mysterious cave. It is strong enough to block a decent sword, and its ability to block the cold is excellent. It can’t be simply used, but if it is processed well, it looks like it can make quality armor.

  “Armor… this looks pretty useful, huh?”

  Corroded Sword

  Weapon Type

  One-Handed Sword

  Attack Damage






  Usage Restriction


  The sword of someone the Demon Mouse ate. It is so corroded that its original form is hard to discern.It’s hard to expect much attack power from this sword.

  “I guess I can’t use this.”

  Ark shook his head, crestfallen. Even the Rusted Sword had 5~8 attack power. The Corroded Sword was much weaker than that. But it was too early to be disappointed.

  There was still the dungeon’s treasure that the Demon Mouse had protected. With high hopes, Ark went to the back of the cave. However, even when he’d arrived at the dead end, he couldn’t see a worthwhile item anywhere.

  “What, what’s this? Surely that’s not all?” Ark muttered with a dumbfounded face.

  Then, as he was turning to go, something caught on his foot.

  He looked down to find a slate with a chipped corner. When he lifted the slate, the information window popped up.

  - You have acquired a mysterious slate.

  The quest information window popped up.

  The Secret of the Mysterious Slate You have obtained the slate the Demon Mouse was guarding in the cave. It is an enigmatic slate containing a secret. The surface is covered with unknown characters. It appears that this is the item the dead person in the entryway was looking for. It would be good to deliver this to whoever needs it.

  Difficulty: F

  ‘A quest item! Then is this connected to another quest?’

  If that was the case, then this wasn’t a bad ending. It was a quest that linked with the original, after all. The task was from the single story of the linked quests. Though it would take a lot of effort and time, there were many cases of people resolving them to the end and earning a high level item.

  It was too early to throw away his hopes on getting rich quick.

  « o »

  “W-What did you say? Did you say that you really got rid of the Demon Mouse?” A surprised Kraydon asked while looking at Ark.

  Ark nodded grandly and showed him the leather.

  “If it’s this big of leather, then it’s definitely the Demon Mouse. Very impressive.”

  - You have dealt with the Demon Mouse! The quest is completed.

  With a drumming sound he hadn’t heard in ages, the quest was completed.

  - Your level has risen.

  His level went up by 2 at the same time, bringing him up to level 13. Since he had resolved a quest that was impossible for a level 10 player, the rewards were that much greater. That was not all. As a reward, Kraydon gave him 10 Gold and told him to go to Hansen.

  As soon as Hansen saw Ark, his spittle flew as he congratulated him. “I heard the news. You accomplished a truly huge feat! Since you gallantly stood against the colossal Demon Mouse and knocked it down, I can safely call you Mouse Master.”

  You have received Harun Village’s Elder Hansen’s title of Mouse Master. You have now become an expert at dealing with mice. When fighting mice, your attack power increases by 50%. In front of mice, the chance of landing a critical hit rises by 40%. Because you have become a master at fighting mice, the chance of evasion rises by 40%.

  *The received title gives a bonus increase to all stats by 1.

  *Fame increases by 100.

  As a Mouse Master, the skill Spirit of the Cat has increased to Intermediate. Spirit of the Cat (Intermediate, Active): The cat’s roar and flashing eyes have become more bloodthirsty, making mice and other similarly small monsters tremble in terror.Paralysis for 1 minute. Attack, defense, and fighting morale decreases by 20% (All mice, 50% effect applies to smaller monsters)

  Mana consumption: 100

  It was an additional bonus, awesome enough to make him faint.

  Well, to complete the quest with normal methods, the user would have probably had to be at least level 15. Since a level 10 player had finished the quest on his own, he more than deserved the reward. Along with that, it was linked to another quest.

  This was the definition of an opportunity.

  ‘Huhuhu, I may even have to thank Andel and Bulma.’

  If he hadn’t been used by Andel and Bulma, Ark wouldn’t have even considered doing three hundred mice-catching quests. Thanks to enduring the lost stat restoration, point by point, an opportunity had opened up for him.

  Of course, he didn’t really have any thoughts of thanking them. Earning this opportunity was the result of Ark’s own vicious perseverance. The desire for revenge that he harbored towards those bastards hadn’t softened at all.

  “Take this as well."

  “What is that?”

  “Granny Johansson, who you often took care of, passed away a few days ago. However, before she died, she did away with the little fortune she had. I was holding onto what she said she wanted to leave to you. It should be about 30 gold.”

  Though she was an NPC, hea
ring that the person he’d personally taken care of had died made his heart heavy. Of course, despite that, Ark was not one to deny the offered money.

  It was his duty to fulfill the will she had left.

  Anyway, with this, Ark received a bonus of 12 stat points at only level 13. In addition, though he was at a level where he should only be getting copper coins as rewards, he had received a generous sum of money. After Ark pocketed the money, the slate suddenly came to mind and he asked.

  “Grandpa, do you happen to know a Viscount named Haverstein?”

  “Of course. Sir Viscount Haverstein is none other than the Lord Jackson who governs this district. But why are you asking me this so suddenly?”

  “It’s nothing. I’m leaving, then.”

  ‘It’s simple. I’ve completed gathering information on the next quest…. Now I just have to prepare for my journey.’

  With an open smile, Ark found the Smithy. Then, he extended the Demon Mouse leather and requested the manufacture of leather armor. He also left the corroded sword in their care. It was because he had no replacement for the rusty iron sword that broke.

  After placing the item in their care, and waiting a day, he went back to reclaim it and the repair on the armor and sword was complete. With an examination of the resulting items, he found the initially disappointing spoils transformed to what he’d originally expected.

  The Smithy owner spoke with a boastful expression.

  “Since it was your request, I used the best of my skills.”

  Black Bear Mouse Leather Armor (Enchanted)

  Armor Type

  Leather Armor







  Usage Restriction


  Armor made from the leather of the Demon Mouse that was watching over the mysterious cave. Its elasticity is outstanding, and because it is covered with strong, coarse fur, its defense is considerable. Its ability to block the cold is especially outstanding, so for wintertime travelers, it is the best armor. Option: Agility 2, Cold Resistance 20

  Sharply Shining Sword (Enchanted)

  Weapon Type

  One-Handed Sword

  Attack Damage






  Usage Restriction


  A sword created by whetting the Corroded Sword to a keen edge. Although the durability has fallen because the edge was sharpened to great thinness, its sharpness is without peer. It is comfortable to use because of its light weight.It is better for a beginner to use than a long sword. Option: Attack speed +5

  Of course, they fell a little short from the Smithy’s top leather armor and long sword.

  However, those items were nothing more than displays.

  If you considered the enormous sum of gold demanded as their prices, no matter how much a user saved money, they’d have to be at least level 20~25 to be able to finally buy those. On the other hand, Ark had been able to acquire enchanted equipment with Options at level 13—he had truly struck it rich.

  He also had the inheritance from Granny Johansson and the money he’d earned from brokering the equipment repairs with users. He’d made 60 gold in just 25 days in Harun Village.

  Compared to the beginning, he had made great strides.

  Ark talked with all the people of Harun Village. He thought there might possibly be another hidden quest. However, there weren’t any NPCs who gave him any more quests even when he asked a few times. If that was the case, then there wasn’t a need for him to linger in the beginner village any longer.

  Ark quickly organized his gear and strode onwards to Jackson Castle in search of Viscount Haverstein.

  « o »

  “Have all of the applicant reports come in?"

  “Yes, we are currently reading them.”

  “Are there any guys that caught your interest?"

  “Quite a few.”

  Kim Gwon Tae sorted through a few pages of the report and handed them to Ha Myung Woo.

  The applicants in Global Exos’ recruitment exam submitted scheduled reports, which allowed the evaluators to clearly track the applicant’s progress.

  As he glanced through the report, Ha Myung Woo asked with a surprised expression, “Hoho, it’s only been twenty days, but are there 20 users who are already at level 50?”

  Compared to other games, it was 3~4 times harder to level up in New World.

  In other words, if they had been playing another game, they would have reached level 150~200 in just twenty days. It was an unprecedented speed.

  “Naturally, it’s a number that’s impossible to reach by playing the game normally. Although they’ve written in the reports as having done it on their own strength, there seems to be an immense number of people who have supported them. Though it’s not the method we wanted, do you think it will be okay?”

  “Didn’t you predict this much from the beginning?” Ha Myung Woo replied airily, as if it wasn’t a big deal.

  Since the very beginning of their plan to pick an employee from the game’s result, they had predicted the troublesome collaboration to some extent.

  It was a test to enter the world-renowned corporation, Global Exos.

  There were bound to be people who were pouring an outrageous sum of money into the game, and there would also be people who requested their family, relatives, and even their friends to mobilize and support them. In the end, the applicants who had been watching until now chose to use similar methods. If the applicants were that enthusiastic and absorbed, then it wasn’t such a bad thing for Ha Myung Woo.

  “Funding and making use of personal connections are also skills. That’s why we allowed even the idiots who faked their resumes to participate. If mongrels like them cling more desperately, the exam standards are going to naturally rise. In a situation where we can’t directly participate in the system, there’s no better method than that.”

  “Are you considering accepting any of them?"

  “As if.” Ha Myung Woo laughed as if he was telling him not to joke. “We merely needed users we could control. How are the others?”

  “They’re approximately level 30~40. It would be less if they used normal methods.”

  “And what about the ones you pulled out?” Ha Myung Woo gestured at the reports piled up on one side of the table.

  “Ah, those are the people who are playing the game with rather unique methods."

  “Unique methods?”

  “Yes. Should I say they’re stupid, or should I say they’re brilliant… They’re circulating in the lowest of the levels. In a sense, they have been taking full advantage of the system. Even among them, these fellows have caught my eye. Will you take a look?”

  Kim Gwon Tae extended two reports. One of them was on an applicant named ‘Shambala.’ The other was on ‘Ark.’ It was Kim Hyun Woo’s report.

  As he scanned through the reports, Ha Myung Woo shook his head and laughed. Both of them were still under level 20.

  “What we want isn’t a person who properly enjoys the game. We want a person who can properly utilize and cunningly move forward in the game."

  “Isn’t it true that levels aren’t everything in new world?"

  “Of course. But their level can indicate and judge their skill."

  “Well, that’s true."

  “If you want to properly furrow into a game, then you’ve got to be smart. It’s hard to say that a person who couldn’t even get to level 20 in twenty days has a good head. Erase them from the consideration list. And didn’t this one fake his resume?"

  “Is he eliminated after all?"

  “There’s no way we can read all 2000 reports each time they come in. We’ll need to thin them out in the process. Still, we don’t need to inform them of their disqualification right now. While we’re testing we need to be ‘fair’, after all. It�
��s bothersome if curs like him get scared and pull out."

  “I understand.”

  The reports of Gwak Yong and Kim Hyun Woo were thrown into the shredder. On the applicant list, ‘DISQUALIFIED’ was written in red letters by their names.

  « o »

  “For the past few days, your cheeks have been sunken in like a person who hasn’t slept enough. Did something difficult happen? Well, why wouldn’t it be difficult…..” His mom, who was looking at him pitiably, heaved a sigh.

  When she worried about him with her quavering voice, her pale white face, and thin vein, bony arms that were pierced with 3~4 needle drips, Hyun Woo’s heart ached.

  Truthfully, her concerns weren’t unfounded. After Hyun Woo connected to New World, he hadn’t been able to sleep properly.

  ‘The game is as important as my real life. I’m behind in comparison to the other applicants, and though I don’t have a lot of time to concentrate on the game, I knew it was gonna be tough from the start. That’s right. Like Team Leader said, if succeeding or failing the exam isn’t simply based on level, even I might have a chance. As long as there’s hope, I can’t just dejectedly give up.’

  Having made his resolution, Hyun Woo had only slept 3 hours a day and devoted himself to the game.

  And for the last few days, after he started to fight the Demon Mouse, he’d spent the nights with hardly a wink of sleep. Even this morning, he’d briefly slipped into a nap before his alarm went off and he hastily slapped some clothes on and left.

  With his haggard face and grubby clothes, he was definitely in bad shape. However, Hyun Woo answered with a falsely bright face. “Nothing difficult happened.”


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