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Page 6

by Unknown

  you out of here.” She quickly complied. At a flat run, he took off down the mesa, amongst a multitude of wolves and humans fleeing for their very lives.

  * * * * *

  The helicopter landed on a large concrete square in the middle of nowhere. The noise was

  deafening, but it didn't really bother her. Nothing did anymore. She was always numb and devoid of emotion, regardless of what type of situations she found herself in.

  Despite her inability to feel, she was aware of the man pulling the headset off of her and

  escorting her out into the humid, early morning hours. Somewhere deep within she felt a twinge, but it was too dull for her to acknowledge. She was weary, the events of the night combined with so many years of captivity almost more than she could handle.

  His body was large and warm as he led her to the waiting jeep. After helping her in, he jumped into the other side. The driver took off immediately.

  Marrok looked at her, his expression unreadable. “I'm taking you somewhere safe, a place

  where you can rest. After you sleep, we need to talk.” Alexander had already made the arrangements for them to stay in an empty house in the settlement. Now that she was back, he'd have to look for something more permanent. The barracks were no longer acceptable now that he had his mate.

  She nodded in response. “Where are we?”

  “In Missouri. I live here now, but I still have the cabin in New Mexico. I've also got all of your belongings stored there, as well.”

  Her blonde eyebrow furrowed. “Why would you have them?”

  He cleared his throat before looking away. “After you went missing, I searched for you. There

  was nobody to pay for your apartment, and they were going to put your stuff out on the street.” He shrugged, looking back at her. “Nobody else stepped forward so I did. After all, you came up missing from my home, and I felt responsible.”

  He might have questions, but so did she. At least, she thought she did. Rubbing at her head, she wished her mind was more alert. Ever since her captivity had started, she'd suffered from this dullness of memory. It wasn't surprising, though. The scientists and doctors had given her many drugs and injections, and it was likely that one of them had something to do with this. Her body hadn't been her own for a long time now.

  “How did you find me?” she asked, blinking at the brightness of the morning sun as they

  changed direction. The jeep was moving along a surprisingly smooth dirt road. They were headed straight to a thick grove of trees, and she couldn't wait to get within its shaded depths.

  His hair whipped against her briefly, leaving behind a pleasant scent. She recognized it

  somewhere deep inside, the woodsy scent bringing back the one night they'd spent together. She'd been so young then, compared to the woman she was now. Her mind felt aged beyond its years, faded and jaded to anything life had to offer her.

  “Two men showed up here, badly injured. They said you sent them.” He watched her intently,

  his tone cautious. It was enough to almost make her release the hysterical laugh she could feel teasing the back of her throat.

  “That's right,” she replied, having almost forgot it. Carlos Sanchez, the head of the facility, had blessedly been gone for several days. In his absence the staff had forgotten to medicate her as timely as they generally did. She'd taken advantage of it in a desperate plan of action, hoping and praying that somehow the two she'd helped to escape would bring back help for the others.

  She thought about his words. “Don't you mean werewolves?” At his confused look, she

  explained, “You said two men, but they aren't men. They are werewolves.” The two men in the front seat exchanged an uneasy look, confirming what she already knew. “I spent thirty years in a facility designed for the sole purpose of experimenting on and researching paranormal beings. I know exactly what they are, and you as well.”

  His firm, sensual lips moved into a half-smile of satisfaction, although his eyes remained

  unreadable. “Good. I'm glad we've got that out of the way. How did you know where to send them?”

  She sighed. A remnant of the old Taylor told her she should be embarrassed to share her foolish fantasy, but the woman she was now simply didn't care. “In a place like that people talk in whispers, especially late at night. I'd heard the tales of the great and mighty Marrok, and how you'd joined the Missouri pack. Sometimes in my clearer days, I'd pretend that you rescued me like you did that night at the lake.”

  She looked at him, taking in his solid black hair and unlined face. She might not have aged, but neither had he. His shoulders were still as broad as she remembered, his body powerfully built. “I suppose I thought you would do it again if you knew where I was at,” she said slowly, her voice just a notch above a whisper.

  He closed his eyes briefly, his face tightening with something undefinable. It was over so fast it could have been nothing more than her imagination. The jeep exited the forest, effectively putting an end to their brief conversation.

  Taylor gasped, her eyes widening at the town in front of her. It was like stepping into another world or even another time. The majority of the homes were made of stone, complete with their own yards and driveways. Some of them were grouped together, while others were set apart. Many of the small yards were full of a variety of flowers, the gardens elegant and groomed. A few of the residents were outside, waving to them as they drove by.

  The jeep pulled onto a narrow, paved road. Immediately, she knew that this picturesque village was Wolf Town, but her eyes still swung to his for confirmation. He grinned and nodded at the

  unspoken question he could see in her face.

  “Amazing, isn't it?” He asked, not waiting for a response. “Alexander and his family have

  managed to create the only hidden wolf settlement I know of. Most of the packs have to live among others, ever fearful of discovery during the full moon. We don't have to worry about that here. It's a fully functioning town, complete with a restaurant, bar, and even a grocery store.”

  “Don't forget the spa,” the driver added as Marrok glared at the back of his head. The other

  guardian chortled in response before falling silent.

  Taylor ignored them, not understanding the joke. “This is like something straight from a

  fairytale,” she said quietly to Marrok, her expression awed. “It seems so quiet and peaceful.”

  He stared at her, his eyes never leaving her face. “It is. You will also find the people of Wolf Town to be kind and peaceful. Both you and Nicole will be accepted and treated well here.”

  Taylor nodded, thinking about the other woman. She had been brought in on another helicopter,

  still unconscious. It wasn't uncommon. The sedatives used on her were the best. They should be. The scientists had tested them out often enough on their unwilling subjects.

  “What's going to happen to us?” The realistic side of her knew that Marrok would never hurt

  her, but the pain and fear repressed deep within her soul was too much to ignore. It overshadowed everything, never straying far from her conscious thoughts.

  “Nothing bad,” he assured her, taking her thin hand in his. His palms were extremely warm, and her skin soaked it up. She blushed in response. “I know that you're scared, but please believe this one thing. I will never hurt you, nor will any of the wolves here. You're going to eat, rest, and recuperate.

  When you're ready, we will discuss the rest.”

  The jeep pulled into the driveway of a small home. It was as well-maintained as the other ones she'd seen, distanced quite a bit from the houses on each side of it. Marrok jumped out, landing on the pavement smoothly before lifting her out. With a nod at the other guardians, he led her up the brick walkway to the front door.

  The door was opened by Alexander. Another man hovered behind him, staring at her as if he

  were evaluating her. It was an expression Taylor knew well, and one sh
e never wanted to see again.

  Uncomfortable, she stopped and looked up at Marrok.

  “This is our lead doctor here at Wolf Town,” he explained, gesturing for her to go in first. “His name is Doctor Sanders. Sometimes he's a major pain in the ass, but he means well.” The doctor bristled at his words.

  Alexander smiled gently at Taylor. The wolves were able to smell the fear and uncertainty

  within her, she was sure of it. Her heart raced when she heard the door shut behind them.

  She spun around, her face blanched with fear as she stared at Marrok's chest. “Please leave the door open for awhile,” she told him, her voice trembling despite her attempts to control it. “I don't want to be closed up.”

  “Of course,” he replied, reaching behind him to twist the knob easily. The door swung open, the sun hot against her face. The two men exchanged a look before Alexander looked down at her.

  “We haven't got to meet officially yet, but my name is Alexander. I'm mated to Carole Anne.

  She will be here shortly. Right now, she's seeing your friend settled.” He purposely pitched his voice to be light and friendly, wanting to be as nonthreatening as possible. Taylor appreciated the effort, although it was hard to do when you were built like the wolf version of a wrestler. He held out his hand to her, waiting for her to take it.

  Taylor hesitantly shook his hand before withdrawing it as quickly as possible. She fought back the shiver of revulsion. It wasn't that there was anything wrong with the tall man in front of her, but she couldn't stand the touch of any male. At least, any male but Marrok.

  Even exhausted, traumatized, and scared, she was surprised to realize she wasn't repulsed by

  him. In fact, the exact opposite was true. His touch was comforting, his nearness peaceful and calming.

  She took a small step in his direction, pressing her body closer to his.

  Marrok noticed her movement, his expression pleased that his mate was receptive to him. “She

  needs food and drink. Can someone bring some over?” Her stomach rumbled loudly in response to his words, making the other wolves grin.

  “You're going to have a feast delivered in about fifteen minutes,” Alexander assured him with a wry grin. “Homemade. Maggie is cooking up a storm in the manor house, and I've enlisted some

  guardians to make deliveries.”

  Doctor Sanders cleared his throat, holding up his black medical bag. “I need to do some blood

  work on Taylor before she eats. It's the only way to know for sure what they've been using on her. I can also test her blood to see if she will have any long-term effects from her captivity.”

  Taylor blanched, but she slowly nodded. For thirty years she'd been used as a human guinea pig, and her appearance was proof that her body had changed. Her body was fifty-six years old, but she looked like a woman in her mid-twenties. What other changes had the scientists caused?

  “I'll agree, but under one condition. I want to know immediately when you find out something.

  Don't sugarcoat it, and don't delay relaying it to me. This is my body, and I won't be poked and prodded by someone else's will again.”

  Doctor Sanders nodded at her reassuringly, his eyes kind. “I'll see to it personally. You've been through a traumatic event. We want to do all we can to help.”

  She slowly pulled the sleeves of her too-large shirt to her elbows. Marrok swallowed hard at the sight, a sound heard clearly by all. Taylor cringed in shame at the condition of her arms. She'd been manhandled, the truth revealed by the multitude of circular, fingertip bruises. Although she wasn't to blame, the proof of her treatment at the facility embarrassed her.

  The air charged up with an invisible electricity as he growled low. His powerful frame trembled, the iris of his eyes flashing red. “Easy now,” Alexander warned, at the same time Taylor looked up at him. Her blue eyes were wide but unconcerned as she took in his face. It was the trust he glimpsed within the ocean-blue depths that stilled the wolf inside of him, quieting the demand to be set free.

  Her stomach growled again as a wave of dizziness passed over her. She hadn't eaten since the

  evening before, and like always, the portions had been minimal. She looked back at Doctor Sanders.

  “Let's get this over with” she stated, her voice flat.

  Chapter 3

  The midnight hours found Marrok pacing in the living room of the small house, adrenaline

  coursing through his veins. Taylor was sound asleep in the master bedroom. Her rest wasn't peaceful, though. He'd already had to return back to her twice to soothe her through the nightmares living within her ravaged mind.

  He felt helpless in the face of her pain, and he blamed himself. Guilt festered deep inside of soul, strong enough to nearly send him to his knees. All those years he'd spent in misery in his cabin, and she'd been so close him. How could he have not known?

  He hadn't slept since the night they'd discovered her alive, but it didn't matter. His body was wound up too tightly to even consider resting. The option of running it off in wolf form wasn't even a consideration. Taylor needed him close by, and whatever she needed he would provide. No questions asked.

  The knock on the door stopped him in his tracks. “Enter,” Marrok barked out, wondering what

  new problems were in store for him. The doorknob twisted, the door opening to reveal Alexander and Carole Anne standing on the step. The two looked exhausted as they walked into the room.

  “Good evening, Marrok. How is she?” Carole Anne asked sincerely, her green eyes calm and


  “As good as could be expected, I suppose.” In other words, not good, and the other two knew it.

  “Thanks for asking.”

  Alexander ran a hand tiredly through his hair. The strands were multicolored, much like his

  wolf form. His Russian roots were thick in his voice when he said, “Against all the odds, Doc Sanders believes the original two escapees will make it. The one from last night seems to be well enough to talk again. I thought you might want to be there for it.”

  Marrok looked back at the bed through the doorway, torn. He was a guardian. He needed to be

  there, but yet he needed to be with his mate more.

  Carole Anne stepped forward, placing a gentle hand on his arm. “I'll sit with her while you're gone,” she told him, glancing into the room. “I'll call right away if there is any change, or if she wakes up. You can trust your mate with me, Marrok.”

  He nodded, knowing the queen was sincere. He'd gotten to know her well the month before

  when Alexander had nearly lost her. She had a heart of gold. Brave, strong, and loyal, she was the perfect mate to the lycan king.

  With a last, lingering look at the bedroom he sighed and said, “I'll go with you.”

  Alexander pulled his mate into his arms. He kissed her slowly and thoroughly, the love between them sincere and honest. The road had been rocky for the king and queen, but the rewards outweighed any hardships they'd experienced.

  Marrok sighed sadly, moving to stand outside to give them privacy. His soul craved that type of love and devotion with the woman lying in the bed. He hoped the day would soon come when he could experience the same.

  Alexander stepped outside, a satisfied smile on his lips as he shut the door. The other wolf was energized, the contact with his mate refueling him when nothing else could. “Sorry about that,” he said wryly as they walked to headquarters. “Carole Anne just can't get enough of me.”

  Marrok scoffed, their long legs eating up the distance. It definitely hadn't looked one-sided to him. He remained quiet, though, his thoughts on his own mate.

  Alexander looked at him and laughed softly before slapping him on the back. “We're all going

  around acting dire, but the truth is we should be celebrating. We've rescued your mate, not to mention countless others. The lab has been destroyed. So far, none of the rescued wolves have died. There is hope here this night
, my brother. We have to grab a hold of it with both hands and hold onto it tight. No matter what the future holds, for this night, we have had victory.”

  “That's true,” Marrok agreed thoughtfully. “Do you think that was the only facility?”

  Alexander shook his head, his aristocratic features darkening briefly. “I wish I could say

  otherwise, but I'm afraid the humans probably have more like it. We are going to have to set up a special team, dedicated to investigating these matters. It's essential that we locate any others and get them shut down immediately. We can't allow something like this to continue, unchecked.”

  “I agree. How many of those from last night are here?”

  “About twenty right now, but we plan on receiving more. Wolf Town is the safest place for

  them, especially the most injured.”

  They reached headquarters. Marrok grabbed for the door, but Alexander stilled him with a hand

  on his arm. “I just want you to know, Marrok, that we don't expect you to be on duty for any of this.

  Your mate needs you right now, and you don't need to try to work her around your job. Take as much time as you need. I've got you cleared for the next month, but take longer if you want to. God knows, you've earned it.”

  Marrok nodded. In the fifteen years he'd been here, he'd never taken any personal leave. “Thank you, My Liege.”

  Alexander shook his head. “And enough with the king and liege stuff. As you well know, my

  name is Alexander. I want you to use it. I consider you my friend and brother. We need no formalities between us.”

  Connor pushed the door open and held it for the other two men to enter. He smiled at Marrok.

  “Glad to see you made it back in one piece,” he said in an amused tone. “Where's your mate? I was hoping to meet her.”

  Marrok growled, his lips pulling back in a snarl. “Hell no,” he growled out. “If I have it my

  way, you'll never meet my mate.” Connor grinned in response.

  Alexander shook his head, his expression a mixture of amusement and irritation. “Connor, leave Marrok alone. I don't blame him for wanting to keep his mate away from you. You have a knack for opening your mouth and inserting your whole damn leg. I'm still pissed about what you said when you met Carole Anne.”


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