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Page 12

by Unknown

  He stopped at the edge of the couch, making no move to join her. The front of his jeans

  twitched, the flesh underneath full and thick with need. Her eyes locked onto the motion, devouring his hidden erection with her heated gaze. Marrok reached down and slowly undid the button of his jeans, secretly thrilled to see her swallow hard.

  Her blue eyes moved up to his, dazed with need and turmoil. She wasn't ready yet. Marrok turned away from her, injecting a calmness into his voice he didn't feel. “Now it's your turn to want, Taylor. The last time we were together you rejected me.” He forced his body to walk to the hallway, his voice trailing back to her.

  He stopped and stared back at her stunned face. His hands were clenched into fists so tightly, his neatly trimmed nails cut into the flesh. It was too dark in the hallway for her to see the struggle he had to prevent himself from returning to her inviting form. “When the need gets to be too much, you know where to find me.” With that he walked into his room, gently closing the door behind him.

  Chapter 6

  Taylor shut the door to the house Nicole was staying in, her thoughts serious. Her friend was all but healed, the sedatives given to her at the research facility gone from her body. She'd been spared the mind-numbing drugs given to Taylor. Physically, she was completely healthy. Mentally, she still needed time. Their time spent in captivity would take awhile to get over, if they ever could.

  Nicole was going to stay on here at Wolf Town. It was an announcement she'd boldly made the

  moment Taylor had come by. She would not be returning to New Mexico. Her time there was done, or so she said. It was a sentiment Taylor could understand well.

  It was going to be hard to leave her friend behind. After all, they'd spent numerous years

  together. She didn't know what she would do with herself if she wasn't having to watch after Nicole.

  Throughout their time in the facility, she'd done everything she possibly could to protect her friend.

  Sadly, it often wasn't enough. No matter how hard she'd tried, she hadn't been able to save her from the horrible things she'd experienced.

  She felt pensive and sad as she moved down the sidewalk, with no clear destination in mind.

  The drugs she'd been given were starting to wear off. Her loose ends here at Wolf Town were getting wrapped up quicker than she expected, leaving her torn and conflicted.

  The night before hadn't ended quite the way Taylor had expected it to. Shocked, she'd remained on the couch for quite awhile after Marrok had went into his room, hoping that he'd return. He never had.

  He wanted her, but he wanted her on his terms. The sting of her previous refusal had upset him more than she had realized. Life in captivity hadn't prepared her for dealing with powerful, alpha males, apparently. He was her last loose end, though, and Taylor was determined to wrap him up.

  The loud drone of a motorcycle interrupted her thoughts. Immediately her heart began to race in anticipation. Somehow, someway, she knew it would be Marrok. Stopping, she turned to watch his arrival.

  He pulled up next to where she stood, his gorgeous eyes hidden beneath a pair of black

  sunglasses. Putting his booted feet down on the ground, he supported the bike with his strong, muscular thighs while he watched her impassively. A picnic basket was secured across the back of his


  Taylor discretely smoothed her sweaty palms down her jean-clad thighs, waiting for him to

  speak. Tentatively she gave him a small smile. He was so gorgeous and so close that her body couldn't help but respond. Compared to his powerful masculinity and the elegant gracefulness of his lean body, she felt gauche and awkward. He was a man that was attractive and knew it, secure in who and what he was.

  He finally grinned wryly, taking pity on her. “I thought I'd take a ride and have a picnic. Would you like to join me?”

  Taylor smiled in return, her eyelashes lowering to shield her excitement. Her stomach was

  somersaulting in delight. There was nothing she'd love better than spending the afternoon with him.

  “Yes, I'd enjoy it.”

  He nodded to the area behind him. “Hop on,” his voice dared her.

  Putting a hand on his muscular shoulder, she quickly slid behind him and wrapped her arms

  around his waist. His masculine scent enveloped her, sending her mind back to the night she met him.

  Without even realizing it, she laid her cheek against his back, marveling how how wonderful his body felt against hers. Her eyes closed in pleasure.

  “Are you ready?” His voice was as smooth as whiskey as he revved the engine.

  “Are you kidding?” She answered in response, her voice low. “I've been ready for this for thirty years now. There was just nothing I could do about it.”

  He grinned, ignoring the pang in his heart. So many years had been wasted already. He didn't

  want to waste another minute. “Sounds like we've got plenty of lost time to make up for then. So hold on tight, darling. I'm fixing to take you on a wild ride.”

  With a mighty roar of the engine, he tore off down the street. A group of guardians stood on the sidewalk, watching them with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. Taylor laughed, the wind

  snatching away the sound as soon as it left her lips.

  Within minutes, he hit the main highway. There was nobody else in sight. He took off down the

  road, causing the air to rush through her hair and taking her worries away.

  “This is amazing,” she said loudly, close to his ear. “Thank you for thinking to bring me.”

  He chuckled, the sound vibrating through his chest and back. “You sound like the day is already over with. We're just getting started,” he replied. “I've got plenty more planned for you.”

  She smiled against his back. “Sounds good. I'm looking forward to it.”

  They rode along the isolated, rural highway for nearly an hour before he turned onto a heavily wooded road. “Where are we going?”

  “I'm taking you somewhere I like to come to when I need time alone,” he replied,

  conversationally. They were moving at a sedate pace, his voice easily heard. “I've never brought anyone out here before, but I thought you might enjoy it.”

  “I like it already,” she replied, appreciating the gesture. “It's nice to get away from it all for awhile.”

  He turned onto a dirt road. “It's gonna get bumpy for a few minutes. Hang on real tight. I'd hate to have to fish you out of the woods.”

  The picnic basket rattled behind her as they hit several bumps that jarred them. Her arms were squeezed around his waist so tightly she worried she'd pull them both off. It was a wasted worry. With his powerful arms and strong thighs, he took it all in stride.

  They crested the hill, pulling into a clearing as he brought the bike to a stop. She looked around with interest. They were high up on a bluff, overlooking a river. The edge of the bluff was fenced in, separating the solid ground from the long drop on the other side. It was an isolated, quiet spot, but not unkempt. The grass was recently mowed, the air bursting with the scents of nature. It was perfect.

  Taylor looked up at Marrok in awe. “That's the Mississippi River, isn't it?”

  He nodded in agreement. “The one and only.”

  “Wow,” she said, carefully sliding off the seat before walking up to the fence for a better look.

  In its southern direction, the river wound like a snake, as far as the eye could see. She turned back to Marrok. “I've always wanted to see this this. It has so much history, plus it leads directly to New Orleans. I never got to go there either, but it has always been a dream of mine.” She looked up at him.

  “Have you ever been?”

  Marrok shook his head as he stopped next to her. “No, I haven't been. My travels never led me

  there, at least not yet.” He grinned down at her, his even, white teeth gleaming in the sunshine. “Is there something special you want to see in
New Orleans?”

  She sighed, giving him a sheepish grin. “I feel silly telling you this, but I want to see vampires and ghosts. I mean don't get me wrong. I'm a huge history buff as well, it's just I always heard New Orleans is full of paranormal activity. I'd love to go on a ghost tour. Do you think vampires are real?”

  He chuckled, still staring at her. The heat of a blush spread across her face, but she enjoyed his attentions. In a teasing voice he asked, “You mean a werewolf isn't paranormal enough?”

  She looked back at the river, rolling her eyes. “Of course you are, but you haven't answered my question.”

  “We don't see many of them, but vampires are very real. They usually prefer larger cities like New Orleans or New York. It's easier to blend in there. They have to really take extra care to avoid discover. A werewolf can walk during the day, we eat human food, and we only have to change on a full moon. A vampire's lifestyle makes them easier to detect. After all, they can never walk during the day, and they always need blood to drink.

  She looked away from him, staring at the river. The breeze was light, but it was enough to stir up his masculine scent. Standing so close to him was playing havoc with her thoughts, making it hard for her to focus. “I see your point. Are they dangerous?”

  He nodded. “They are for the average mortal. The wolfs and vampires have a truce, although it's not the best of ones. We pretty much leave each other alone.”

  Taylor shuddered. “I'd like to see one, but not for dinner.”

  Marrok laughed loudly, the sound pleasant to her eyes. He walked back to his bike and

  unstrapped the picnic basket. A blanket was folded up underneath it. Carrying them both, he laid the blanket out underneath a large tree. “If Doctor Sanders is correct, which I'm sure he is, you have wolf essence in you. A vampire wouldn't find you a very tasty treat.”

  He stopped talking, and gave her a slow, leisurely look. “His loss.”

  Taylor blushed again. Suddenly hot, she pulled at the top of her shirt and fanned herself. “The sun is warmer than I realized,” she changed the subject, feeling awkward. At this rate, she would never have him seduced.

  He gave her a knowing look before gesturing to the blanket. Taylor knew his dark eyes hadn't

  missed anything, especially her physical reaction to his words. “Have a seat under the shade. I'd hate for you to get too hot.”

  A little too late for that, Taylor thought to herself. She'd been hot for him from the moment she'd set eyes on him. Fighting to keep the longing from her face, she sat down on the blanket, leaning her back against the rough bark of the tree.

  He laid down on his side, propping his powerful body up on one muscled elbow. Taylor

  shivered, despite the heat. He lay only a foot or so from her, and he was six and a half feet of pure, masculine temptation. “Heaven help me,” she muttered, her mind flustered.

  He arched a heavy, dark eyebrow at her, his expression slightly smug. “Did you say


  Taylor looked off in the distance, desperately fighting for some type of control. Her body was responding powerfully to his nearness. Worried she'd make a fool of herself, she changed the subject.

  “No, it wasn't anything important. I was just thinking how great everyone back at Wolf Town is. How did you end up here?”

  Marrok looked thoughtful for a moment. Finally, he replied, “I reached a point in my life where I needed something different. I liked the area and the people, and decided to become a guardian.

  Generally, this is a peaceful area. It hasn't really changed in all the years I've been here, but there has been a lot of excitement the last few months.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “A few months ago, a group of panther shifters gave us some problems. During that time

  Alexander met Carole Anne. The panther shifter was obsessed with something that she had, and he ended up attacking Wolf Town.”

  Taylor gasped, her eyes widening in horror. “Was anybody hurt?”

  His face expressionless, he nodded. “Connor was messed up pretty badly. We weren't sure he

  was going to make it. Also, there was quite a bit of damage done to some buildings.” Marrok looked everywhere but at her.

  A sudden suspicion hit her, prompting her to ask, “What about you?”

  He took his sunglasses off and met her gaze full on. “What about me?”

  “Were you hurt?”

  Marrok shrugged. “A bit, but not enough to kill me.”

  She grabbed a small twig off the ground next to her and toyed with it to give her hands

  something to do. The thought of Marrok hurt bothered her... Going way beyond the concern she'd naturally feel for anyone injured. “It's all over with now, though?”

  He smiled ruefully. “Out of the frying pan, and into the fire.”

  At her confused look, he explained, “We got that resolved. The leader of the panther pack died.

  We were able to come to a truce with the new leader. Things got peaceful again until we found out about the research facility. The panther attacks weren't anything compared to this. I don't see anyway to ever resolve this peacefully.”

  Taylor closed her eyes and inhaled deeply in regret. “I'm so sorry, Marrok.”

  He reached out and touched her hand softly. A sizzle of awareness shot through her from the

  gentle touch. Never had she reacted to any man like she did him. Opening her eyes, she met his determined dark ones, sadly. “Never say that again, Taylor. I'm not sorry at all. I just wish I'd known before now that you were alive and being held against your will. No matter what it took, I would have found some way to get you out of there.”

  “Thank you for saying that. You've been awfully kind to me, for someone that you really only

  knew for a night.”

  “It wasn't just your average night, and you know it. We have a connection, Taylor. A very deep connection, and a powerful attraction between us.” His eyes were locked on her face, willing her to admit the truth to both of them.

  “Yes,” she replied, honestly. “It was the best night of my life. The memory of it got me through a lot while I was held in captivity.”

  “Are you hungry?” Marrok asked, his voice tight as he reached for the basket. His body had

  tensed at her words, his movements controlled. Taylor was puzzled at the abrupt change of subject, but she let it go.

  “Actually I am. With all this great food, I'm not going to be able to wear the clothes I already have for long. It's a good thing I really don't have that many, I suppose. I never did thank you for those.” Carole Anne had brought her several outfits after she'd been brought to Wolf Town. She'd later found out Marrok had asked her to buy the right clothing and paid for them.

  He unpacked the basket, while Taylor enjoyed the sight of his lithe body moving around the

  blanket. “You needed them. It was no hardship for me.”

  He looked back at her and said firmly, “Anytime you need anything, I want to know. I never

  want you going without, Taylor. I have more than enough money for ten men.”

  She smiled but didn't comment. There was one thing she wanted desperately, but it wasn't his

  money. It was him. The more she was with him, the more she wanted. Her skin felt hot, her body needy as she stared at the muscular lines of his body.

  He ran a hand through his dark hair, pulling it back from his face. “I'm sorry for being an ass the other day, when Doctor Sanders gave you the test results. I'm not normally like that, but it's no big secret I'm very protective over you. I thought you'd been taken advantage of.”

  “Don't worry about it,” she replied, shrugging. “I'm sorry I called you an ass.”

  He chuckled. “At least with you, a man doesn't have to worry that you won't tell him how you

  really feel.”

  She looked off to cover up her embarrassment. “To be honest, I actually don't mind being a

on wolf. In fact, I'm just grateful that it's not something worse. The scientists there did a lot of horrible things to others, things that they didn't come back from. I count myself lucky. With all the injections over the years, I'm guessing some of those were part of a test to alter me. That explains why I am the way I am now. Carole Anne told me what a mating is. Believe me, there was nobody there, or anywhere else, to mate me.”

  Marrok shot her an unreadable look, his lips tightening into a grimace. He didn't speak, though, so Taylor just ignored it. “Well,” she said, with a forced smile. “The food smells good.”

  Marrok laid a filled plate in front of her before getting his own. Reaching into the basket he pulled out a bottle of wine and two glasses. Quickly, he poured each of them a glass. “I wasn't sure what kind of wine you'd like, so I chose one right in the middle of sweet and dry. I hope you enjoy it.”

  Taylor took a sip. “It's delicious.”

  They ate silently for several minutes before Marrok spoke again. “This is going to be the last peaceful day around Wolf Town for awhile. I'm sure you've heard about the wolf meeting. We will have pack members arriving from all over the world to discuss our plans for eliminating any and all supernatural research facilities. Things are going to get busy, fast.”

  Taylor stilled at the reminder. “I heard about it, and I hope that they can be stopped. Nobody should ever have to be in their hands. They might look like it, but the people that run those are not even human.”

  Marrok growled before clearing his throat. “I'd like you to go to the meeting with me. It won't be easy for you, but maybe there is something you can add to it.” His keen eyes watched her sharply.

  “Okay,” Taylor replied. It wasn't going to easy for her, but if she could help, she wanted to. At least as much as she was able to. There were some things that were too private to share, burdens meant for her to shoulder alone. “I don't know how much I can add, though.”

  “I'd still like for you to be there.”

  “All right,” she agreed, her expression bemused. She really needed to be gone by then, but what if their was the possibility that the wolves could put a stop to Carlos? Her mind raced at the thought. If she didn't have to worry about him finding her, what would her life be like then?


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