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Family Values

Page 6

by Delilah Devlin

  Her jaw dropped an inch and then she snapped it shut. Was he teasing her? Brand was the one whose reactions she worried over most. She knew the men had made a mutual decision, but Brand was a possessive man. Could he really share her in the long-term?

  They ate in companionable silence. The late afternoon sunlight winked through the windows, reminding her that the night was still to come, and she was already growing nervous and excited about what would happen next.

  “We should talk about some rules,” Eli said.

  “Rules?” she repeated, not understanding at first. “Oh.” Apparently, their thoughts had followed a similar path to hers. “Um, before we start…” She bit her lip and dropped her gaze. “I enjoyed today. But I do have concerns.”

  “Then we talk,” Brand said, reaching for her hand.

  Just that light contact gave her courage. She offered him a slight smile and then glanced at the other brothers. “This might be…fun…for a while, but what happens if one of you changes your mind?”

  “Are you afraid we won’t be faithful?” Eli asked softly.

  “I’m afraid you won’t be satisfied.” She held up a quick hand to forestall Nate making a joke. “And I don’t mean sexually. I’m sure…well, I hope…that you’ll be satisfied with what happens when we’re…intimate.”

  Her cheeks heated more, but Brand squeezed her hand, telling her silently to continue.

  “It’s lovely you all care about me, but what happens, really, if someone else catches your eye?” Her gaze went to Nate, whom she thought the most likely to stray—after all, he was youngest. “I don’t want you to feel as though you’re trapped. That you can’t change your mind because you think you’re going to damage our family.”

  Eli nodded. “We talked about that. While we all feel very committed, we know time can change things. But we were more worried that you might draw closer to one of us.”

  She blinked, because she hadn’t considered the possibility—she’d loved them all for so long. “I will tell you now, there’s not a chance I’ll stop loving any one of you. But I also want you to know that anytime you want to change things, to see someone else, I’ll be okay. I want you all to be happy—even if that means you’ll be happier with someone else.”

  Nate leaned forward, about to speak, but she held up a finger to stop him. “There are two more things…”

  Eli’s mouth pressed into a straight line as though he was trying not to smile. Nate gave her a crooked grin. Brand held still, his hand squeezing hers just a little harder.

  “I always dreamed of marrying you, each of you, wearing a white dress and walking down the aisle of the church in town. But since that’s impossible, I won’t marry any of you. I won’t choose, and you won’t be flipping any coins.”

  The men shared glances. All three narrowed their eyes.

  “You can assure my future some other way. Legally. I don’t care how. But I’m standing firm. I love all of you and I’ll commit to all of you, but I won’t marry you.” Her voice thickened toward the end, and she paused to swallow the lump settling at the back of her throat. “And I will know who fathers my children. That won’t be left to chance. I will know whose name to have typed on the birth certificate.” She cleared her throat. “And since Brand and I have already had unprotected sex, his child will be first.”

  “You’re not on the pill?” Brand asked, his voice gruff.

  “I haven’t been since you sent me away. For now, you two,” she said, giving Eli and Nate hard glances, “are wearing condoms if you want me.”

  She sat back and waited. Her gaze once again on her plate.

  Beside her, Brand let out a deep breath and slowly untangled his hand from hers.

  Afraid to look at him or his brothers, she held still. Now that this was becoming real, would they change their minds?

  “Your mama will expect a weddin’,” Eli said, his voice even.

  “My mother knows I love every one of you. I think that so long as she knows I’ll be cared for and respected, she’ll be okay.”

  “But what if we want to see you wearing that white dress?” Nate said.

  His voice was so soft and so troubled she couldn’t help but raise her gaze. They were closest in age. Had been playmates, best friends, co-conspirators—she probably knew him better than either of his brothers. He was serious.

  “I won’t choose. And I won’t have one of you resenting the other’s…status in my life.”

  He nodded sharply. “But we can have a wedding. One that means something to us. Do you think you’re the only one who has fantasized about you walkin’ down the aisle?”

  “It doesn’t have to be an aisle,” Eli said, drawing both their gazes. “We could hold a wedding here. Invite our friends. Say our own vows. Whoever comes comes. I don’t give a shit who disapproves. This is about us,” he said, glancing at her before looking at his brothers.

  Beside her, Brand pushed back his chair and stood. His brothers followed suit. Staring upward as they all surrounded her chair, she didn’t know what they were doing. But by their tightening expressions, she knew it was something important.

  First Brand, then Eli and Nate went down on one knee beside her. They touched her hands, her knee, their gazes locked on her. At last, realizing what was coming, she blinked against the tears that began to fill her eyes.

  “Will you marry us, Angel?” Brand asked, his voice filled with tenderness.

  “Will you marry us?” his brothers repeated.

  With tears spilling down her cheeks, she nodded. She’d given them an out. She wouldn’t feel guilty about grabbing happiness in both hands. “Yes. Of course, I will.”

  Nate leaned close and slipped a hand beneath her hair to cup her neck and draw her in for a kiss. Then it was Eli’s turn, and lastly, Brand’s.

  She shook her head. “I still have doubts.”

  “It’ll take time to trust. We understand,” Eli said, wiping away her tears with his thumbs. “We’ve been rubbing the wrong way against each other since you went into puberty. Took us a while to figure out why. Wasn’t just that we all wanted you. We didn’t want to take anything away from anyone else. We all love you. We’ll all care for you, sweetheart.”

  Brand kissed her cheek. “Trust us,” he repeated. “We’ve got it figured out. We’ve shared a ranch, responsibilities. We’ve shared heartache. Now we’ll share joy.”

  She hiccupped and gave a quick, bobbing nod. “I don’t care what anyone thinks about this arrangement, except my mama.”

  “Then you better call her and tell her there’s gonna be a wedding,” Eli said, with a waggle of his eyebrows.

  * * * * *

  Her conversation with her mother lasted well over an hour and was filled with tears and laughter.

  “You’re sure you’re okay with this, Mama?”

  “I would be more worried if you’d chosen one. The other two would have been heartbroken. I love those boys like my own sons. Now we’ll be a family. Complete.”

  Angelina shook her head. “I can hardly believe this. Three husbands.”

  “You’re a strong girl, mija. With a very large heart. There’s room for all of them.”

  After she ended the call, she went in search of the guys. Excitement fluttered in her tummy. Happiness kept her steps light.

  She found them inside the master bedroom, Brand’s room. His was more of a suite, with a king-size bed and a sitting area. The men were seated on the leather sofas and chairs, and Eli was taking notes.

  When he saw her hovering in the doorway, he waved her inside. “We’ve been making plans.”

  “Without me?”

  “Had to do something while we waited,” Nate said, one eyebrow arched high.

  She laughed. “Is there anything I should be worried about?”

  “Eli’s going to be your wedding planner.”
br />   “He is?” She laughed. “I promise I won’t turn into a bridezilla so long as you keep it simple.”

  Eli closed his notebook and settled back. He patted the empty place beside him.

  She settled against him, liking the warmth of the arm he draped over her shoulder.

  “We figure Mama Amelia will be home before Christmas. How about we marry Christmas Eve?”

  “I’d like that.”

  “Will you take our name?” Brand asked from the chair opposite her and Eli.

  “Of course.”

  Silence stretched. The atmosphere in the room crackled with electricity. She didn’t dare look at the men when she was already wondering what else they had planned for the evening.

  Nate leaned forward in his chair and gave her a steady glare. “You’re wearin’ too many clothes, Angel.”

  She glanced at Brand and Eli, who both gave her equally pointed stares.

  So that was how it was going to be…

  Angel scooted from under Eli’s arm and stood. She moved toward the large bed, not looking behind her, and began to strip, hanging her clothing on one of the large bed’s posts. When she was nude, she turned slowly to face them.

  She felt no embarrassment, no shyness. She was theirs as much as they belonged to her.

  Brand raised a hand and curled his fingers, beckoning her.

  Heat curled inside her belly as she strode toward him. Maybe her hips swayed a little more than usual, but she liked the thought of the other two men watching her ass. When she stood between his spread thighs, she shivered.

  His gaze trailed down her front, halting on her breasts as he caressed them, then moving downward again to her pussy. He fingered the narrow strip of her pubic hair. “Before the wedding, I’ll shave this. And that’s how we’ll keep it.”

  Liquid pooled between her thighs at his low, rumbling voice. The sharp bite of his blue gaze challenged her, and she shifted on her feet, wanting to settle across his lap, but she could hear movement behind her. His brothers were dragging away furniture. The question of how they’d all have room to play was answered.

  When the sound of clothing sliding from skin began, she quivered. Latex snapped.

  “This is our future,” Brand said softly. “You’ll never be lonely. Never be left unsatisfied.”

  Hands cupped her ass from behind. Brand dropped his to his belt buckle and slowly opened it. He unbuttoned his jeans and slid down the zipper. Lifting his hips, he pushed down his jeans, just far enough to free his cock.

  A hand pushed on her shoulders, and she went to her knees. Without any further encouragement, she took him into her mouth.

  He dug his fingers into her scalp and controlled her movements, up and down, up and down. She sank and then drew on him, sucking hard when she rose.

  Behind her, someone patted her ass until she lifted it. A cock nudged her entrance and then slowly filled her. She didn’t know who fucked her. Didn’t care. Still hot from Brand’s fierce loving at the pond, she groaned as shallow thrusts opened her and she sank her mouth deeper on Brand’s cock.

  In moments, she could no longer think, just feel. Brand’s musk filled her nostrils as his thickness stretched her mouth. More liquid flooded her channel as the thrusts behind her quickened and deepened. She was on fire. Filled. Slowly losing her mind to the pleasure.

  And then something cold slid between her cheeks. Gel. She tightened and held her breath as a finger slid inside her ass. But she didn’t demur, didn’t come off Brand’s cock to complain. The pressure increased with the addition of another finger, and all she could do was moan, growing more delirious with pleasure.

  Brand fisted her hair and pulled her off his cock.

  The fingers and cock filling her below withdrew.

  He fisted himself and gave his brothers a nod, and she was pulled upward while Eli moved beneath her. Again, no words were spoken. She lowered and mounted Eli’s cock, giving a muffled groan as she slid down his thick shaft.

  He opened his arms, and she cuddled against him, rubbing the hardened tips of her breasts against the hair on his chest. She didn’t care what she looked like, how much of her was exposed to the other two. She was wild with desire. Ready to come. If only he wasn’t holding her so tightly against his chest.

  And then she felt someone else move in behind her. Her nerves jangled and her breath hitched. Nate bent over her back and licked his way up her spine. The tip of his cock tapped her tiny puckered hole, shocking her.

  “Like that?” he whispered in her ear. “I’m gonna take you there one day soon. I’ll be all the way up you, your little hole grippin’ me tight.”

  Eli cupped her face and forced her gaze to lock with his. “We’re going to take you together, baby. Might hurt a bit at first. You let us know. We’ll go slow.”

  “Together?” she said, her voice choppy from her ragged breaths.

  “Both of us inside that tight pussy,” Nate said.

  She groaned. “How?”

  He laughed, his breath gusting against her cheek. “We’ll fit. Promise. But if you can’t take all of me this first time, you tell me.”

  Her wide gaze didn’t leave Eli’s. His face was reddening, his mouth pursing as he blew hot breaths while Nate slid a finger inside her vagina, sliding it over his brother’s cock.

  “Careful there,” Eli gritted out.

  Nate laughed, and hooked the finger to pull up, making a small space.

  She felt the added tightness with just his finger inside her, and shook her head. “I don’t know… I don’t know…”

  But then the blunt tip of his cock pushed into the space.

  She gave a high-pitched bleat and buried her face against Eli’s neck as Nate worked his way inside, sliding over Eli’s cock to fill her.

  The pressure was immense, and she rolled her face on Eli’s shoulder, muttering and groaning as his brother slowly pulsed inside.

  More liquid heat spilled from inside her and Nate chuckled again. “That’s it, baby. Make it slick. Fuck, nothin’ ever felt this good.”

  Stretched beyond her limit, surrounded by heat above and below, she bit Eli’s shoulder and then licked his skin, mewing like a kitten. “I can’t take it.”

  “You already are,” Nate said, his voice tight. He moved slowly, but with determination, raking Eli’s cock and her channel with his thrusts.

  A wave of heat swept over her. “I’m coming!”

  “Yes, fly, baby. Do it,” Nate whispered, moving faster but still with so much care, his fingers biting into her hips to hold her still.

  She exploded, screaming, “Nate!”

  He shouted behind her, jerked his hips and then held still, arresting her orgasm. Slowly, he withdrew and moved away, then Eli rolled, tucked her beneath him and rutted hard toward her center.

  Again, she climbed, her fingers raking his back, her thighs clasping his hips as she met his thrusts. Their bodies slapped together, making slick, percussive sounds that echoed against the walls.

  When she came, she arched her back and dug her nails into his ass, holding tight against him, keeping him deep as she felt his cock empty its load.

  When he slumped against her, he wrapped his arms around her and cradled her close to his chest, his face buried in the corner of her neck. “Jesus.” He drew a deep breath and raised his head.

  She attempted a smile, but she was done in. His kiss was sweet, a soft rub of firm lips. And then he moved off her and rolled to his back beside her. He held her hand as they both drew deep breaths.

  Her gaze went to Brand, still sitting in his chair, his cock standing high against his belly, his hands holding the arms of the chair in a white-knuckled grip.

  And even though she was a little raw, even though she was spent, she rolled and crawled toward him and climbed onto his lap to lower her pussy down his uncloaked cock. They
’d promised her satisfaction. She’d not leave any one of them wanting.

  The moment was more than a simple giving of pleasure. They’d all exchanged silent vows. Promising pleasure and redemption. Nothing was easy. Sharing required trust and a generous spirit. Certainly taking his thickness inside her wasn’t easy. She was sore, but she needed Brand inside her. Eli and Nate had sated her, shown her their love, but she needed something else from Brand.

  When he was deep inside her, she cupped his cheeks and kissed him with everything she had. Brand was the one who’d held the family together all those years. The one who’d shouldered the greatest burdens. For him, she’d provide pleasure, but she’d also give him solace and devotion.

  There was movement behind her.

  “Don’t leave,” she said softly, holding steady with Brand’s gaze.

  “We’ll shower and be back,” Eli said, kissing her cheek. He clapped Brand’s shoulder and strode away.

  Nate tugged her hair, forcing her head back to give her a deep, smacking kiss. His gaze slid to Brand. “Your turn, bro.”

  Brand gave him a blistering glare, but Nate only laughed as he left.

  Angelina slid her cheek against Brand’s. “He always says the most inappropriate things.”

  “He doesn’t mean anything by them. He respects you, Angel.”

  Surprised by his insight, she leaned back. Brand’s expression was taut. But it was probably just because he was so aroused. His cock was rigid and throbbing inside her.

  “Are you too sore?”

  “I’m a little raw, but I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want this.”

  “No bad moments? No worries about how this will work?”

  She grimaced. “When Nate was pushing inside me, I was having second and third thoughts, but…” She met his steady gaze with honesty. “I liked it. I’d like it even better if you tried it sometime.”

  He grunted and let out a slow breath. “I’ll get there.”

  She leaned forward and kissed his mouth. “Are you having second and third thoughts?”

  His mouth tightened, but he shook his head. “You’re here. That’s all that matters.”

  The roughness of his voice betrayed the depth of his emotion. Angelina snuggled against his chest. “I love you,” she whispered. “You know that, don’t you? I always have. You’re everything to me, Brand—friend, brother and now lover. I’ve never felt so loved.”


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