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First Love

Page 14

by Natalie Ann

  “It’s not the same thing as working in an office. I’m just getting my bearings here.”

  “You actually believe those rumors yourself, don’t you?”

  “Which rumors are those?” she asked, her eyes filling again. She couldn’t remember ever crying as much as she had in the past few days. “There are so many I can’t keep track.”

  “The ones where you are only sleeping with Jace to get ahead. Or the ones where he is only sleeping with you for a quick fling.”

  Lauren shrugged. Deep down she knew she could do the job, but did she feel Jace was only giving it to her because of their relationship? “I don’t really believe it.”

  “But part of you does. I see the number of hours you work. So does Jace. Do you know that he never used to work in this office that much? He never used to be here much at all before you were hired.”

  “That’s because he bought those franchises and he wanted to keep a close eye on them.”

  “I’ll buy that, but he could do that from his home office after hours. Instead he’s here when you come in and most nights until you leave.”

  “Everyone is watching our every move, aren’t they?” she asked. It was never going to end.

  “I’m sure. I’m only saying this so you realize that he sees something in you. He was impressed with your work long before you two started seeing each other,” Sue said.

  “Anyone could have found the things I did in the beginning.”

  “But not everyone would have found what you did with Scott.”

  “Just luck and hard work,” Lauren argued.

  “I would have never expected you to be this stubborn. It’s probably giving Jace fits,” Sue said, laughing. “I know this place is full of rumors. You can’t get past it with as many as we employ. But just know one thing. Jace is nothing like his father. Matter of fact, Mr. Stratton is starting to be more like his son. That’s a good thing. Trust me.”

  “Thanks,” Lauren said. “I appreciate everything you said.”

  “Give Jace a chance. Don’t get caught up in everything you hear unless it’s coming from his lips. He seems to be on uncharted territory too.”

  “I doubt it,” Lauren said.

  Sue left and shut the door and Lauren went back to work. She stayed there until close to seven and still hadn’t seen or heard from Jace.

  Sue was wrong about the two of them. If Jace really cared, he would have come in to see her, but he didn’t. He left her alone, letting her believe that maybe their time was coming to an end after witnessing what happened with Scott and Katy today.

  Jace was getting sick of looking out his office door waiting to catch sight of Lauren leaving.

  He knew she was still in the building. He wanted to run after her when Katy shouted out what she did, but figured he’d give Lauren time to calm down. Give her time to compose herself.

  He’d seen Lauren’s red face and glossy eyes and as much as he wanted to follow her, it would only cause more speculation and rumors. The things that were bothering her the most about their relationship.

  It seemed like there was no good way to deal with this.

  He looked up when he saw a movement around the corner and jumped up to race after Lauren. She didn’t even bother to look and see if he was in his office or not.

  “Lauren,” he called out.

  She turned quickly. “Oh, Jace. I thought you were gone.”

  “You didn’t even look to see if my door was open or closed,” he said.

  “Sorry. My mind was on other things.”

  “Come into my office so we can talk,” he said.

  “Can it wait until tomorrow? It’s been a long day.”

  “No, it can’t wait. I’m not giving you any more space. We’re going to talk about it all right now.” She looked like she wanted to argue, but didn’t, rather turning and walking back to his office where he shut the door. “I’m sorry for what Katy said.”

  “Why are you apologizing for her words?”

  “Because you believe it. You believe a lot of what you hear when you shouldn’t.”

  “I don’t know what to believe anymore.”

  “Then let me ask you. What do you want?” He hoped to hell she didn’t say she wanted them to end things.

  “I just want a normal life. One where I can come into work, do my job, go home, and have a relationship with someone where not everyone is looking at me. Not everyone is talking about me. I’m kind of sick of it.”

  “That’s not going to happen as long as you’re with me.”

  “Yeah, I know,” she said quietly.

  He wasn’t going to wait for her to end things. He was getting desperate for someone who never felt a desperation like this before. Not even when he was trying to make a name for himself. He wanted Lauren more than he ever wanted anything in his life before and he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to fight for her.

  “I thought you were stronger than that. Stronger than what has been going on. That you could handle it as long as you knew where I stood.”

  She laughed, not a funny sound either. “That’s the problem. I don’t know where you stand. It’s hard to feel good about myself or our relationship when I think I feel more than you. When I’m waiting for everything I hear to become the truth.”

  Had he been the stupid one all along? Had it been right in front of his face and he had no clue because he’d never been in love before? That he didn’t even know what to look for?

  “Really? I’m the one that has been wanting to go public with our relationship, not you. If that isn’t making a statement of how I feel, I don’t know what does.” She looked stunned, then opened her mouth and closed it again. “Don’t you dare piss me off and say I’ve got nothing to lose and you do.”

  Her eyes started to fill. “Why can’t you just say the words to me?” she said. “Rather than making me guess by your actions.”

  “Why do I have to be the first one to say them? Maybe I’m afraid I’m all alone in a place by myself.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “Really? Try me,” he said willing to push her more now than ever before.

  “What do you want me to say, Jace? That I love you. That you’re the first guy I’ve ever been in love with and that I’m terrified it isn’t going to work out. That you’re going to wake up one morning and realize you can find someone better. Someone more mature. Someone better looking. Someone that fits in your social circle more.”

  “Wow. I’m not sure if I’m thrilled to hear you love me or insulted you think so little of me.”

  “What does that mean?” she asked, pulling a tissue out of her pocket. It was still damp with tears from earlier.

  “It means I love you too. And I’ve never been in love before either. I don’t know what to look for. I didn’t know how you felt and didn’t want to guess. And all those things you’re worried about are nothing to be worried about. If anything, I might have been more worried you’d want to be with someone younger.”

  She laughed. “Seriously?”

  He walked toward her. “Yes. Seriously. Can we just stop with all the doubts? All the insecurities and questions. Can we just have somewhat of a normal relationship?”

  “I’d like that.” She pulled him into her arms. “I’m only allowing you to hug me here because I know no one else is on this floor.”

  He laughed. “You’re one of a kind. And you’re mine!”


  Six months later Lauren was walking toward her office after running some errands on her lunch.

  The lease on her apartment was up in a month and Jace had convinced her to move in with him. She wanted to fight it but figured there was no reason at this point. Everyone knew they were dating and no one was really talking much about it anymore.

  Rumors and gossip stopped a month after Katy and Scott were fired.

  Her and Jace’s relationship was more out in the open and she was learning a lot of the rumors going on around her and Jace had started from
Katy, then Scott.

  Scott had been trying to discredit her, hoping that she wouldn’t find what had been done prior to Jace buying the franchises.

  She’d come to a standstill outside her office when she saw one of the maintenance men standing there with Jace. “What’s going on?”

  “Crap,” Jace said. “You weren’t supposed to be back for another thirty minutes. I thought you had a bunch of things to do.”

  “I did. I got them done fast though. What is going on?” she asked again, looking at the nameplate in Jace’s hand.

  He sighed and showed it to her. It had a new title on it. The promotion she’d been fighting for months. It seemed he wasn’t going to let her fight it anymore.

  “I was going to do it all at once. You’re ruining my plans.”

  “What plans? What were you going to do?” She didn’t like that there were a few people milling around right now either.

  She realized there was another nameplate under the title one. “I was going to give you this to put up in the future.”

  She reached for it and saw it said Lauren Stratton on it. “What?”

  He took her hand, then looked in her eyes. “Just so there is no gossip or rumors, I’m going to do this where there are witnesses. Lauren, will you marry me?”

  There was more than one gasp with that question. She looked around and saw the number of people coming out of offices mounting. “Jace,” she whispered. “Are you serious?”

  “Do you think I’d do this as a joke?” He leaned down and whispered, “You’re killing me here.”

  The maintenance man laughed. She’d forgotten he was standing right there. “Oh my God, yes. I’m just stunned.”

  There was applause around them now, but she pushed it all aside and hugged Jace. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a diamond ring bigger than she’d ever seen before and tried not to shake when he slipped it on her hand. Then he pulled her in and planted a kiss on her right in front of everyone.

  “Now I can do this as much as I want and you won’t get mad at me.”

  She laughed. She had to. “I guess you can.”

  The End!

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