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War God for Hire- Adventurer: A Reincarnation, Cultivation Adventure

Page 26

by David Burke

  Kyle looked at Saber and then Meeka. “Thank you both for your help with this. I won’t forget what you did for me when I was unaware. Nor what it cost you. Now though, could I have a moment with Hilde?”

  “Of course, lad. What kind of teacher would I be if I stopped just cause it got a little rough. Besides, I’m still fairly sure that the safest place to be is beside you,” Saber said.

  Meeka pouted a bit as she looked back at Hilde, “Of course, I’m sure you will find a way to make it up to me and I already owe you my life once, likely twice after the attack at the arena. Just don’t forget your promise.” Somehow, even riding away, the woman managed to make her words sound sultry.

  After she was out of earshot, Hilde said, “What promise is that?”

  Kyle laughed. “That almost sounded jealous. I thought you wanted me to be with as many women as possible.”

  “I never said that. I just want you to gather strong followers and bind them to your banner. If they have to be beautiful women that you get busy with then all the better. But I don’t know that I trust Meeka. There is something off about her, but I can’t put my finger on it.”

  “You don’t trust Lash either, so not sure how seriously I can take your character assessment,” Kyle said.

  “I was probably wrong about the shieldmaiden. She seems to have become truly loyal to you, although there are still hurts that she is hiding. I am willing to approve of her,” Hilde pronounced.

  “Oh, you do, do you? That is so reassuring. Anyone else I should know about?” Kyle joked.

  “Well duh, of course you should be reassured. The one that you want to take is Kierra. She is a keeper. She is respectful and full of life. I can just imagine what fun we could have with her.”

  “We?” Kyle asked. He looked back at her over his shoulder with a raised eyebrow.

  “Don’t be a prude. Of course, there needs to be a we at some point. You can’t collect all these pretties and not share with me. Just think of the things that Kierra and I could do to you. Or maybe even the three of us with Lash too. Although she is a bit uptight, so not sure she would be up for it, unless you ordered her to,” Hilde said. Her voice sounded positively wicked at the end.

  “I would never…”

  “Oh, you’re no fun,” Hilde laughed. “I know that though. I was just playing with you.”

  Then she suddenly shuddered, “Kyle seriously though you have changed. I sensed your divine nature starting to peak out more, but it only would pop for a second or two so hopefully no harm has been done. Oh, and I need to explain about burning you.”

  “No, you really don’t. At least not yet. I think there is a lot we need to tell one another, but I don’t want to do so from the back or a horse or even in a tent. Let’s get somewhere safe or as safe as can be and then we can have a long talk,” Kyle replied.

  She didn’t say anything but simply leaned in against him, pressing herself to him. He enjoyed the sensation and so they rode on in silence for a few hours. Finally, Kierra came running up, “There is a good campsite a quarter mile from here. Fresh water, fish to catch, and we haven’t found any scouts for more than a day now. Saber and Lash think it is safe for us to stop for the night.”

  Kyle had never seen the lycan look so tired. She was always energetic. If even she was this worn down, he could only imagine what the past few days had been like for those who had been awake. Even being half asleep the entire time it had taken a toll on him. “Okay, sounds good. We can set up camp there.”

  Chapter 26 - Taking Charge

  The events of the past few days had taken a toll even on Kyle’s endurance. He had a much better understanding of what he was now. The limitations he felt chaffed more now that he had seen the potential. He also worried about what was to come, but realized he needed to focus.

  Since he didn’t need sleep, or hardly any at all, Kyle had snuck out of the bed that he shared with Hilde to bathe in the river once the rest of the camp was asleep. The others had all fallen asleep, except for Kierra who had second watch. Things had seemed tense with the lycan since the dungeon.

  Kyle wanted to think that she was upset about the way he had empowered Gilthan. But deep down he knew that wasn’t it. She had a fixation on him as the alpha of their pack. Now with his senses at a heightened level he noticed her staring at him anytime that she didn’t think he was looking in her direction. Troubles with women were nothing new to him though, so he pushed it off as best he could.

  A cold bath in the river would serve to clear his mind and then perhaps he could spend the night focusing on trying to open another of his essence paths. Sky, Earth, and Death Essence had all proven to be useful even if he hadn’t made as much use of Sky or Death yet. Kyle wanted to learn Sea Essence next, but it seemed logical that he focusses on Deceit next since he had already absorbed some of that essence.

  He stripped off the boots, pants, and shirt that he had worn down to the river. He had a small towel and some soap. It was pleasantly scented and not for the first time Kyle wondered how they had certain comforts here but not others. Shrugging he decided it wasn’t worth worrying about. He just needed to relax.

  Hilde had certainly done her part to help him relax earlier, then as par for the course she had fallen asleep. Maybe it was just that the burden upon his shoulders was so great. Maybe it was the tensions in the camp. He still wasn’t certain what to make of Lash or Meeka. There were tensions with Kierra and Nyda. No, he had to tell himself to stop thinking about that. He was going to relax.

  Kyle waded down into the water. It was probably chilly but as he had discovered lately, he didn’t seem to be bothered by simple things anymore. Even things that would have shredded his skin back on Earth didn’t leave as much as a red mark now. He didn’t think he had been this tough when he first arrived. Maybe it had something to do with his increased access to essence.

  Suddenly there was a noise behind him. Kyle cursed himself. He had been so lost in thought that he hadn’t even been paying attention. There might not be much that could harm him, but not much wasn’t the same as nothing. And even if he could heal up, that didn’t mean wounds didn’t still hurt.

  As he spun, he summoned his soul bonded weapon. The hammer was too big for this setting, so he settled on a short sword. It would give him some extra reach but could still be used close in. Even as he prepared a physical response, another part within him was scanning all around him and yet one more part was preparing to send a Rage Burst out in all directions.

  What he saw stopped him cold. His emotions must really be a jumble that he hadn’t sensed Kierra before he saw her. He allowed his weapon to dissolve in his hand and return to the soul bond, while also letting go of the war essence he had been preparing to unleash.

  Of course, his surprise wasn’t just at seeing Kierra. It was seeing her completely naked. The water was fairly clear and even though it covered her up to her navel, he was completely confident in his assessment about her state of dress.

  “Kierra, we discussed this. Hilde was right. I am attracted to you. I wasn’t sure at first, just because you are different, but I’ve come to see how strong and brave you are. You have fought beside me and protected our team as much as any of us has. What I don’t want is for you to throw yourself at me because you think it is expected of you,” Kyle said.

  She reached out and placed her finger against his lips. He was so much taller than her that she had to truly reach up to do it. Her touch was pleasant against his skin and despite knowing that there were deadly claws in those fingers, it was still soft and tantalizing to feel her skin against him.

  Whatever, his confused sense of right and wrong might have told him, little Kyle was not having any part of it. His cock was already standing at full mast. Rather than reply to his argument or explain what she was doing she simply said, “Shhhh.”

  Then she sprung up out of the water. Kyle had seen her superhuman agility and speed. Both had been growing significantly since
he imparted the partial fragment into her. Now this close to him it was difficult to respond but it wasn’t any attack. At least not in any harmful way.

  She had sprung up and wrapped her legs around his waist. Her arms hooked behind his neck and shoulders and she pulled her body up against his. The feeling of her nipples pressed against his chest was delightful. Her breath against his ear made him swallow in anticipation.

  Best of all, even surrounded by water that came up mid-thigh on him, he could still feel a welcome wetness as her body settled over him. His cock was touching her slit and it would only take a simple thrust to close that gap.

  She whispered into his ear, “I want you inside me.”

  Then without waiting for him to respond, she slammed down with her hips. She was strong, nowhere near as strong as he was, but still more than enough to impale herself on him. He felt the tightness stretch around him and an involuntary groan escaped his lips.

  Her eyes were still wide from the feeling of fullness she must be experiencing as his cock expanded her, but she managed somehow to lean in her mouth again and say, “Shhh, we don’t want to wake the others. I don’t want to share you now.”

  There was something so naughty about fucking in the river while fifty feet away the rest of their group was sleeping soundly in tents. He extended his senses to make sure that all was well since the one on watch was now beginning a slow rhythmic grinding on top of him. For a moment he thought he sensed something down by the river, but then it was gone like it was never there. He just assumed it was part of learning to use his senses and reached out to the camp.

  It was reassuring that the entire camp was still asleep while there was nothing alive larger than a field mouse near them. What was unprepared for was the shock that came with the incredible rush of pleasure he felt. Expanding his sense had also increased his body’s sensitivity exponentially. The rush of sensation he felt as he opened up his senses caused him to wobble. He suddenly became ten times more sensitive to what she was doing, and it was more pleasure than a human mind was intended to handle.

  Good thing for him that he was no longer human, strictly speaking. So, he was able to catch himself and shudder with pleasure as her so very wet pussy slid up and down on his cock. There could be no doubting it. This wasn’t a woman performing some cultural duty. This was a woman in need and Kyle as always prided himself on meeting the needs of the women he cared for.

  Her teeth which had bothered him at first didn’t cause him any trouble as he began to passionately kiss her. He thrust his tongue into her mouth with as much desire and abandon as she was using slamming her hips up and down while riding him. Kyle was definitely glad for superhuman strength. Sex standing up was always fun, but never something that could go on as long as the movies made it seem. Now though he could stand here all day.

  What he couldn’t do all day was hold out against the urgency of her body impaled upon him. His hands roamed over her fur and he couldn’t help but feel how soft it was. It was another of those differences that had made him unsure about Kierra as a lover, but now he couldn’t understand why he had ever worried about it. If anything, the fur only added to his experience as it affected his hypersensitive skin in ways that were both similar and different from the smooth skin of her torso.

  His expanded perception caused the seconds to extend out till they felt like minutes. Each time she moved up he felt the cool evening air against his cock, enhanced by the wetness she had left on his shaft. Then when she bounced back down onto him, he felt in minute detail every inch of the inside of her pussy. She was strong and that only made it into more of a velvety vise.

  Just when Kyle was beginning to wonder if he could last any longer, her back arched and her head tilted back with her mouth releasing a wordless moan, “Ohhhh.” The sound was drug out of her as her body trembled and contracted around him. So much for being quiet.

  Kyle let her stay in control as she bounced upon him. He loved her passion and eagerness. It was an aphrodisiac like no other. Her ragged breathing started to sound more controlled as her orgasm passed and then she shuddered one more time before tilting her head forward again. Kierra stared directed into his eyes and moaned softly, “Give it to me.”

  Holding back had been nearly torture with his heightened sensitivity but now he was in control again. “Is it safe?”

  “I know you’re strong, but you won’t hurt me. I can take it. Give it to me,” she said in almost a purring tone.

  “No, I mean is it safe?” Kyle asked again with an emphasis on the last word.

  Kierra got a puzzled look on her face for a moment. Which was a trick in and of itself considering the moans and grunts still periodically escaping her lips as her body was still trembling. Then understanding dawned in her eyes and she said, “I’m not in my heat.”

  That was all that Kyle needed to hear. He grabbed her ass with his hands, right at the spot where the fur of her legs started to thin out and rise up into a smooth and toned ass. He held her firm as he began to thrust into her, not allowing any give. She gasped with the first thrust but then was just as eager to push her hips back into him.

  Kyle felt her claws extend as she dug into his back. She didn’t break skin though, so it only enhanced the situation. Like he had told one ex, scratches down the back from a woman in the throes of passion were nothing but a badge of honor. She leaned in and was nipping at his ear and neck. Her breasts pressed firm against him as she seemed to want to try to merge their bodies.

  He felt the pressure building back up. This was just too much. He wouldn’t be able to last long now. Yet he also felt the crescendo rising in her again and wanted to bring them both to orgasm at the same time.

  Kyle began to pull out further with each stroke only so that he could push in harder. Her stomach rippled with each thrust as he buried himself inside her. She moaned in his ear, “I wouldn’t eveen carre iff I wwass in my heatt. I waantt your seeed innn meee nowww.”

  The last vestiges of his control started to waiver. He kept his thrusting up and started to see lights at the edge of his vision. The level of pleasure was starting to overwhelm him. Then she lost it. Her body convulsed against him and she barely managed to moan out, “Goddss takee meee. I’mm cumminggg. Cumm inissde mee. Nowww!”

  Happy to oblige her demands, Kyle stopped fighting it and erupted inside her. Her body seemed to soak up all his passion even as he shot blast after blast into her. Yet, he didn’t stop there. She took it all from him and her body seemed to only want more.

  Kyle carried her to the side of the river, and they lay down in the soft, muddy ground. It squished all around her, but she didn’t complain. They could just get clean afterwards.

  With his initial passion sated, Kyle wanted to explore her more. He maintained his enhanced senses and with that was able to perceive how his touch affected her. It was like having a cheat code for pleasuring her as he knew exactly what buttons to push and just how to get a rise out of her.

  He continued a slow rhythmic thrusting in and out of her, but his primary focus was with his hands and mouth. Another part of his mind sent Earth Essence into the mud. He hadn’t thought about this at first but now he seized control not only of her body but of the environment around them.

  He ordered the mud to stop clinging to them while at the same time gathering up to better cushion her. He even made it bubble up more under her so that the mud slowly massaged her back and raised her ass up more to give him an even better angle to sink as deep as he could into her.

  He could tell that she had had sex before, but it was also clear that she wasn’t used to a lover spending time on her nipples. Even she seemed surprised by how sensitive they were. Her throaty moans pushed him to find more erogenous spots on her body.

  Kyle found out she was not only a passionate kisser but that once she realized there was more to sex that being fucked, she started to become a greedy kisser. She moved his head all over as he was kissing her face, mouth, neck, a
nd breasts as though she couldn’t get enough of him. But her real reaction began when he slid two fingers down to start playing with her very swollen clit.

  She just about jumped out of the mud and back into the river or would have based upon the amount of force she moved with if Kyle hadn’t been so much stronger. The stimulation to her already sensitive pussy pushed her over the edge quickly and she went from one orgasm to the next as he plunged his fingers into her. She moaned in what sounded more like a low howl, “Ohhhllll, more pleaseee.”

  Kyle knew he had her in the palm of his hand literally as he teased, “So you like that do you?”

  She grabbed his face in both her hands and stared at him intently as she breathlessly said, “Gods yes, don’tt stopp whatteverr you’re doing.”

  He kept going till her body was wracked by yet one more orgasm then he dropped down next to her. She was breathing heavily. He thought about going again, but honestly, he had been with Hilde earlier in the tent and now with Kierra. He found he actually wanted to cuddle up by her more than anything else. The irony in that being how her fur made her like his personal blanket.


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