Out of My League, Part 3

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Out of My League, Part 3 Page 16

by Sharon Cummin

  Grandma: Maybe she isn't the one for you.

  Me: I didn't say that.

  Grandma: You didn't say she is either. You'd know if she was, Parker.

  Me: I've been through some rough shit.

  I couldn't help but defend myself. Then I realized who I was messaging.

  Me: Sorry!

  Grandma: That's okay. She has too, Parker. That's why she's so afraid.

  Me: I'm a good guy.

  Grandma: I know you are, but she thought Jeff was too. Now look at him. I never liked that asshole, but I never thought he'd be the man he really is, and I'm usually a good judge of character. That slippery sucker even got by me.

  Me: Why would she put me in the same category as him?

  Grandma: Because you're gone often, and she's seen how it can be. She's also heard her own uncle telling her brother how it is for guys like you. How many women are you around? It's a lot more than one, and that was all it took for him to cheat on her. He was nothing special. You are, and she knows lots of ladies will drop their panties for a Pirate.

  Me: I've never had someone not like me because of what I do. It's always been the opposite. Just because women will drop their panties, doesn't mean I'm going to take them up on it.

  Grandma: Doesn't mean you won't. She's afraid she won't be good enough, just like she wasn't for him.

  Shit! Did Cassie really feel that way, I wondered?

  Me: She's very materialistic. From what I've heard, she always has been.

  Grandma: I disagree.

  Me: Why?

  Grandma: I don't think that's the real her. I think that's who she thought she was, but she's changed. Cassie is an amazing woman. She just needs to find her place, where she belongs. I've seen the way she looks at you. I'm no fool. I've known since Christmas night.

  Me: How?

  Grandma: When you text her goodnight. I didn't know it was you, but I knew she liked whoever had sent that message. Then, the next day, you showed up, and she said you were there to see James, which was total bullshit. You called her princess, just like the guy had the night before. That was when I knew who she was in love with.

  Me: She does not love me. She points out that we're friends every chance she gets. I was there to see James.

  Grandma: You say you're friends too. And, yes, you did see James, but that was not why you were originally there. They may all believe that shit, but I do not. You are just as much of a pain in the ass as she is. If you didn't feel the same way about her, you never would have put your career in jeopardy for her.

  Me: What are you talking about?

  Grandma: Come on, Parker. You didn't all leave together, to come back seriously late, just from going to the bar. Not to mention the way your hand looked. That asshole didn't just magically give her everything she'd asked for. He had help with his decision. I'm damn proud of all of you, but of you the most. You weren't her family. You weren't even her boyfriend, but you were there for her, and she doesn't even know it.

  I didn't know how to reply. Did I admit it, or did I deny it? She was no dummy, and she also didn't make me make the decision.

  Grandma: She's different with you.

  Me: How's that?

  Grandma: She doesn't cower to you and do as you say.

  Me: Yeah, she's cocky and says shit she shouldn't. The woman drives me crazy. Sometimes I wonder why I go back for more.

  Grandma: Because you don't want someone that's going to do as you say.

  Me: It would be nice every once in a while.

  Grandma: One of you has to take the chance, Parker. If you both let whatever it is that's between you go, I think it will be a huge mistake.

  Me: What about the guys?

  Grandma: What about them? They'll get over that shit, or I'll knock them out myself. You're a good man. I know you are.

  Me: I'm glad someone does.

  Grandma: Fix it, Parker. Be honest with her.

  Me: I will, but I'm going to do it face to face. I'll do it as soon as I get home.

  Grandma: It'll be fine. I know it will.

  Me: Thank you for being there for me.

  Grandma: Hey, you're one of us.

  Me: Not really.

  Grandma: You are. You'll see.

  Me: You'll be there, right? When she goes to court.

  Grandma: Oh, I wouldn't miss it. That asshole is going to feel my presence. You don't touch one of mine and get away with it.

  Me: I feel like shit. I want to be there so damn bad, but I can't be. Guess I wasn't honest when I said I'd always be there.

  Grandma: You don't worry about a thing. I've got our girl. I'll be right there by her side. You just worry about getting home and putting it all out there.

  Me: Thank you for being there for her. I know it's going to hurt when she signs away the life she had. She'll need all the love she can get.

  When I finally set my phone down on the nightstand in my room, I picked it right back up again. I knew there was a huge chance Cassie wasn't going to answer me back, but I needed to try.

  Me: When are you leaving tomorrow?

  I was so shocked when I heard the buzz only seconds later.

  Princess: Around noon.

  Before I could reply, there was another message.

  Princess: James and Sammie are keeping the kids for me. I don't want them anywhere near the situation. They haven't slept over there with Jillian in a very long time, so they're super excited.

  I looked at her name and thought about her grandma's words. Was it worth the risk to put it all out there? Would I regret it if I didn't do it? There was only one answer, and that was yes. As worried as I was about getting hurt and screwed again, I did believe deep down that Cassie wasn't the same person that had first moved to Pennsylvania.

  I went into her contact and changed it from Princess to Cassie. Then I replied.

  Me: Text me as soon as you get there.

  Cassie: You'll be at the game.

  At least she knew I was playing. That was a positive sign.

  Me: Doesn't matter. I'll get it as soon as it's over.

  Cassie: I'm sure you have more important things to do than to look at your phone right after a game. I'll be fine.


  Cassie: OKAY!!!

  Me: Thank you!

  Cassie: You're welcome, wannabe!

  Me: I got a new name, remember?

  Cassie: Nope, not at all.

  Me: You're such a pain in the ass.

  Cassie: Then quit texting me.

  Me: Not a chance.

  Cassie: We're watching a cartoon, and popcorn is currently being spilled all over my bed. I'm going to clean it up so I don't get any surprises in the crack of my ass tonight. Goodnight, Parker.

  Me: That was so unfair. Goodnight, Cassie.

  I sat back picturing them all, on her bed, watching a show and couldn't help but see myself there with the twins too. That would be one crowded bed, but I'd love it.

  “Shit!” I whispered. “Go to bed, Parker. That is the last thing you need to be thinking about right now.”

  I got in bed and closed my eyes, but I couldn't get her out of my mind. She was about to go through some serious shit. It wasn't easy, I knew that myself. It would mark the end of one chapter in her life, but it would also mark the beginning of another, one that I knew I wanted to be a part of. I just had to figure out how to make that happen.

  Chapter 25


  I let all three of the kids sleep with me. It was crowded, but I didn't care. I was going to be away from them for three days, and I was already missing them. Funny how that works. Just a year before, I was barely doing anything for my own kids. How I had ever let that happen, I didn't know, but I did know one thing, and that was that it would never happen again.

  I watched them each fall asleep. Then I closed my eyes to try and get some sleep of my own, but a million thoughts were going through my mind. They were mostly about Jeff. I was wo
ndering if everything would work out or if he'd pull a fast one at the last second. I was going to have a lawyer with me, and my parents and grandma too, but I was still so damn scared. He could honestly have kept it all if that was what it would have taken for me to keep the kids with me. Part of me couldn't help but wonder why he hadn't pushed for more. Another part of me was sure he had a plan, something to hurt me with at the last minute.

  I stared up at the dark ceiling, and Parker came into my mind. I missed him so much. If he was there, he would have made me feel so much better. Everything always seemed okay when I was with him. He would have taken my worry away. The man could be a demanding pain in the ass, but I missed him. The more I thought about him, the more my body relaxed, until I was finally able to fall asleep.

  The next morning, I had the kids and myself packed and ready to go. When I took them over James and Sammie's house, they both seemed nervous, and I couldn't help but laugh. I was feeling the same way. Even Lauren was there. We'd said a quick hello, but that was it. Sammie had breakfast made, so I ate with the kids before getting ready to leave. On my way out, Lauren shocked me. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight.

  “It won't be long,” she whispered near my ear, “and you'll be free of that dirt bag. We're there in seconds if you need us. I'll kick his ass good myself.”

  We both laughed, as I hugged her back.

  “Thank you!” I said.

  I hugged each of the kids, including both new babies. Then I gave my three an extra hug before walking out the door.

  The drive to my parents' wasn't too bad. I listened to the radio the whole way. It was the first time I was driving back to Michigan, and the drive seemed much longer than when I'd gone in the opposite direction. Part of me couldn't wait to be turning around and going back home. That was when it hit me that Pennsylvania was my home. I was building a great life for the kids and myself there. I knew it bothered my parents, but I also knew they understood why I'd chosen to go there.

  When I got to their house, it felt like I'd always been visiting, even though it had been years. Grandma had made dinner, so we sat down to eat right away. The game was starting, so we ate in the living room. My dad might not have been a Pirate any more, but he never missed a game, not unless he absolutely had too. My mom and grandma were both just as bad as he was.

  As soon as I sat down, I pulled out my phone to send Parker a text.

  Me: I'm here, boss man. I hope you're having a great game. They're making me watch it. Can you believe that?

  “Are you texting James?” my mom asked. “Tell him I said hello.”

  “No,” I answered, and my grandma laughed.

  “Is it Sammie?” my mom asked.

  “No,” I answered, and my grandma laughed again.

  “How do you know everything?” my mom asked my grandma, with irritation in her tone.

  “I'm just good like that,” my grandma said, as she shrugged.

  By the time I finished eating, I was stuffed. It had been a while since I'd had my grandma's cooking, and I missed it just as much as I had before.

  As I watched the game, I noticed that Parker looked more tired than usual. I'd been watching every game, but I hadn't told him that, and I didn't plan to either. I only watched them all because I missed him, and that was not something I wanted him to know. He knew they were making me watch that one, so I was safe there.

  I picked my phone up again.

  Me: Are you okay? You look exhausted out there. Late night? You must have gone out after you messaged me.

  “Okay, who is it?” my mom blurted out.

  “What?” I asked, not sure what she was talking about.

  “Who are you texting?” she asked.

  “Parker,” I answered honestly.

  “What? Why would you be texting Parker?” she asked.

  “I can have friends, Mom,” I said.

  “Of course you can, but,” she began.

  “Leave her alone,” my dad said, cutting her off and shocking me. “She can text whoever she wants.”

  “And you're okay with that?” my mom asked him.

  “I am,” my dad said, as he looked over at me with a smile.

  What the hell was going on, I wondered? My dad would never be okay with me and Parker, would he? I looked over at my grandma, and she shrugged innocently. I knew her too well, that shit was anything but innocent.

  “What are you going to do once everything is final?” my mom asked, as we sat watching the end of the game.

  “I'm not sure,” I answered. “I was thinking about selling the house and staying in Pennsylvania.”

  “In that tiny apartment?” she asked.

  “It's not that small,” I said. “I like it. Plus, James likes my work.”

  “You're going to keep working for your brother,” she said. “You'll have money, so you won't have to anymore.”

  “I'm not using Jeff's money to live,” I said, shocked that she'd even said that to me. “He will not be a part of my new life.”

  “What are you going to do with it?” she asked.

  “I'm not sure yet,” I answered honestly.

  “I'm proud of you,” my grandma said. “You saying that just confirms what I already knew, Cassie. I love you.”

  “You could always use the house when you want some time away,” my mom said.

  “I could,” I said. “I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet. I just need to make sure that whatever decision I make, I make for me.”

  “Very true,” my grandma said. “Someone wise tell you that?”

  When I looked over, she had a huge smile on her face.

  “You know what?” I said. “Mom has a point. How do you know that?”

  “I already told you,” she said, “I'm good like that.”

  I was tired, so the second the game was over I went to my room. Only one thing had changed since I'd left, and that was grandma being just down the hall. It was a good change. I loved that she was close by.

  The game had just ended, so I knew Parker would still be busy, so I grabbed my phone and sent him a message.

  Me: Seriously, are you feeling okay? You looked rough out there. Get some rest tonight. Maybe when you get home in two days, you need to give yourself a break and relax. You guys did really good tonight. Great game!

  I was just falling asleep when I heard the ding of my phone and hurried to grab it.

  Parker: I'm fine. I've just got a lot on my mind. I was not out last night. I was already in my room for the night when I text you. I can't wait to be home. Maybe I'll come rest at your place.

  I couldn't help but smile.

  Me: Do you honestly think you'll get any rest at my place? It's a zoo. I'm glad you're okay. What's on your mind? Is everything okay?

  Parker: I feel horrible that I won't be there for you tomorrow. Do not let that asshole near you.

  Me: I'm fine. Everything will be okay. I'll have my parents and grandma there. What's he going to do in the middle of a courtroom anyway?

  I sent that message, and a few seconds later I sent another.

  Me: I'm totally lying. I can't lie to you. I'm scared out of my mind. What if she's there with him? What if he pulls something crazy at the last minute? I just want this over with. I can't stand feeling like he can pull the rug out from under me at any moment. I just need to know that I have my kids, and I want my life back.

  Parker: Thank you for being honest with me. Just one more day. Then you'll be free to live your life without worrying about him. He won't have any hold over you. I bet that feels good. Can I come over when I get home the night after tomorrow? I've got some things I want to talk to you about.

  Me: Is everything okay?

  Parker: Yes.

  Me: The kids will be at James and Sammie's house that night as well. I'll get some pizza, and we can watch a movie.

  Parker: I'll get it on my way over. I'm not exactly sure what time we're flying in, but I'll come straight there.

  Me: Sounds good
. Are you getting the twins while you're here?

  Parker: For one day. I can't wait to see them.

  Me: I bet. Take them someplace fun.

  Parker: No way! I want them to myself for the day.

  Me: A quiet day at home sounds good too. Good luck at the game tomorrow.

  Parker: Good luck to you too. Text me as soon as it's over. It should be before the game even starts. Who knows, maybe they'll make you watch that one too.

  Me: Maybe they will. Goodnight, Parker.

  Parker: Goodnight, Cassie.

  I tried to sleep, but between court looming over me and Parker's comment about wanting to talk, I couldn't. My mind kept bouncing back and forth between the two. By the time I fell asleep, I only had two hours before the alarm would be going off and I would be getting back up.

  I was exhausted, as I walked out to my dad's car the next morning.

  As soon as we walked into the courthouse, we met with my lawyer. He seemed like a nice guy, but I could tell he was no joke. The man oozed control. I was just hoping Jeff and his lawyer felt it too.

  When we walked into the courtroom and sat down, I saw Jeff. He turned, our eyes connected, and I felt nothing. Not hate, sadness, or loss, but nothing at all. Instead, I thought about the kids and how happy they'd been since we left. Then I thought about all of the pictures I'd taken of us together. We were happier than we'd ever been. I'd come a long way in such a short time, and thinking about it made me so proud.

  I wanted to text Parker so badly, but I couldn't. Phones weren't allowed in the building, so I'd had to leave mine in the car.

  Before long, the room was full. There were so many people, so many cases. I was hoping we'd be called early, but we weren't. When I couldn't take sitting and waiting one more second, I got up and headed for the bathroom. When I opened the door to walk back out, I jumped. Jeff was standing right next to the door, waiting for me.

  “Cassie,” he said, and hearing my name leave his lips had my nerves instantly working. “I've missed you. Why haven't you been using your phone?”

  “For you to track me, no thanks,” I answered. “You can shut it off.”

  I stood looking at him for a second, and something seemed off. Had his nose always looked that way, I wondered? It couldn't have. I definitely would have noticed.


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