Out of My League, Part 3

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Out of My League, Part 3 Page 17

by Sharon Cummin

  “You can still use it,” he said.

  “I don't need it,” I said.

  “Why? Did your brother buy you one?” he asked, and the innocent tone in his voice that had been there seconds before was gone.

  “No,” I answered, which was a total lie, but the next part was true. “I actually have a job and an apartment.”

  “Yeah right,” he said with a laugh.

  “I do,” I said. “No thanks to you.”

  “Just come home, Cassie,” he said.

  “Home,” I said. “I have a home, but it's not with you.”

  “You could have everything you did before,” he said, with a smirk. “It's more than you're getting.”

  “I don't want a damn thing if it comes from you,” I said.

  “What about the house and the money?” he asked. “That's coming from me.”

  “That was more my lawyers than me,” I answered. “I'm not keeping any of it.”

  “What?” he snapped. “Is it him? Is this all because of him? Is that how you got more than one law firm?”

  “Who?” I asked, totally confused by the words spewing from his mouth.

  “Cassie,” my grandma said, as she walked up behind Jeff. “They've called your case. Leave her alone, Jeff.”

  “But I miss her,” he said, in an innocent tone, as he turned to look at her.

  “I never liked you, Jeff, but you already knew that,” she said. “I was the only one that wasn't afraid to say that shit to your face. But, I've got to give you credit.”

  He looked at her like she was going to compliment him. Guess he should have gotten to know her better. That was not at all what was coming his way.

  “I never thought you were as big of a loser as you really are,” she said, and his mouth fell open. “I thought you at least cared about her. I didn't think you'd cheat on her. I never thought you'd do something as low as reporting her cards stolen, which hurt your kids in the process. I wouldn't have thought that you'd try to take those same kids from their mother either. But, the one thing that shocks me the most, is that you put your hands on her, and that is not okay. You should be happy you're walking right now.”

  He opened his mouth to say something, but she stopped him.

  “She will never come near you again,” she snapped. “Do you hear me? She has us. We are her family. We've put up with a lot over the years because of you, but those days are over. You ever come near her, and we will all be there, in one big line, waiting to kick your scrawny little ass all over the place. You don't touch one of ours. Do you hear me?”

  Before he had a chance to respond, she grabbed my arm and pulled me away from him.

  “Who was he talking about?” I asked. “He asked if it was because of him? Who's him?”

  “I don't know, Cassie,” she answered. “He's just trying to do anything he can to get you back. He should have realized how great you were before he lost you. Come on, we've got a loser to get rid of.”

  “He never even asked about the kids,” I whispered, as we walked back into the courtroom. “Did you see his nose? The damn thing is crooked.”

  Our actual court part wasn't that bad or long at all. Jeff stood, giving me a stern look, the whole time. It was almost as if he thought he could will me to change my mind, but that would never happen, especially not after I'd seen how much better life could be without him.

  I stood, thinking, as the lawyers went back and forth. Sex with Parker that one time was better than I'd ever had with Jeff. I trusted Parker. I told him the truth, never once being afraid not to. He'd made me feel safe. Even when he was beyond pissed and my body reacted, I never feared him. He would never do to me what Jeff was doing, staring at me like I'd better change my mind. Shit! He'd never try to take everything he possibly could away just to hurt me. Parker was cocky and demanding, but I wouldn't have changed him for anything. If that was what loving someone was like, then I'd never loved Jeff. Wait.

  “Shit!” I blurted out, and everyone looked at me. “Sorry! So sorry!”

  No, it couldn't be, I thought. I was standing in a courtroom, in front of a judge, in the very last moment of my marriage. I wasn't in love. I couldn't be, not with Parker, not with anyone.

  The second the judge said we were divorced, I signed on the dotted line. Then I turned and walked out of that courtroom, and my grandma was right behind me.

  “Cassie,” she called out to me. “What was that about? You should have seen the look on your face. Did you finally realize that Jeff was just a giant asshole walking around?”

  “No,” I said. “That wasn't it at all.”

  When we stopped, she looked at me, and our eyes connected.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, with concern in her words.

  “I'm not sure,” I answered. “It's been a really long day. I think I need some rest.”

  “If we hurry home, we can catch the second half of the game,” she said.

  I nodded but didn't speak.

  My mom came out and handed me her keys. My dad was finishing up with the lawyer, so she went back in to be with him, while my grandma and I walked out to the car.

  I pulled my phone out, and the second I turned it on, it dinged. I had four messages, and they were all from Parker.

  Parker: Is everything okay?

  Parker: Are you still in court?

  Parker: The game is about to start.

  Parker: Text me as soon as you're done.

  I looked toward the front seat to see my grandma typing away on her phone.

  “What are you doing?” I asked. “Are you texting each of them to tell them? You can send a group text.”

  “It's not them,” she said.

  “Really?” I asked.

  “You're not the only one that can have friends,” she said, not once looking up from her phone.

  I shook my head, as I looked down at my own phone and typed a message.

  Parker: It's over! I'm free.

  The front doors opened, and my parents got in the car.

  “You'll be able to pick up everything you need at the lawyers in a couple of days, but you have this for now,” my dad said, as he handed me back some papers.

  I folded them up and stuck them in my purse without even reading them. I didn't care what they said. I had my kids, and it was over. That was all that mattered to me.

  We headed back to my parents, and my grandma took off for the house the second the car was parked. When we walked in, she already had the game on, so I sat down next to her. My dad sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around me.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “I am,” I said. “I can't believe it, but I am.”

  “He said he had all of yours and the kids stuff in boxes. I told him to ship them to your brothers. He doesn't need to be at or know anything about your apartment,” my dad said. “He also said to just throw out anything of his at the vacation house.”

  “Thank you,” I said.

  I leaned in close to my dad, and we watched the rest of the game together.

  Parker had the same tired look in his eyes, and I couldn't help but want to see him, take care of him, and know that he was okay. He wanted to come over as soon as he got back, but he wanted to talk. What did he want to talk about, I wondered? What did he have to say? He was staying through the season. Had he heard something about the following year? Was it something else? Had he found someone else, someone that wasn't just a friend? Was he going to cut me loose? There was no way. I couldn't let him. He was my friend, but I wanted more, and I was willing to risk it all. I was willing to put my heart on the line. It was stupid of me. It could have put me in the same situation I'd just gotten out of all over again, but I had to do it. The thought of him walking out of my life hurt so damn badly. I couldn't let that happen. I had to try. I had to fight for him.

  I grabbed my phone and sent him another message.

  Me: You look exhausted. Get some rest tonight. Are you still coming over? I have something I need t
o talk to you about too.

  Not long after, the game was over. They'd won. The cameras showed the guys. There were ladies everywhere, and one of them was draping her arm over Parker's shoulder. Just as she leaned in to kiss his cheek, I shot up off of the couch.

  “I'm tired,” I said. “I want an early start tomorrow. I need to get home.”

  I took off for my room, shut the door, changed, and got into bed. My phone dinged from beside me. I thought it was him, but when I picked it up, I saw that it was my grandma.

  Grandma: Not everything seems as it appears, princess. Just so you know, he pulled away before her lips ever got him.

  Me: It doesn't matter to me.

  Grandma: I'm sure it doesn't. You two are friends, and nothing more.

  Me: What is that supposed to mean?

  Grandma: Nothing, Cassie. Don't let a good thing pass you by. Not every man is an asshole. You have four in your life that are pretty awesome. There might just be room for one more.

  Me: Goodnight, Grandma.

  Grandma: Don't give me that shit, Cassie. I'm not to be brushed off. I'll let you go to sleep, but not because of that. Love you.

  Me: Love you too.

  I shut my phone off and went to bed. When I woke up the next morning, I turned my phone back on to find text messages from Parker.

  Parker: That's awesome. I'm so damn happy for you. Of course I'll be there. There's nowhere else I'd rather be. You're going to have to wait to talk until I'm done though. I'll be over after we land.

  As pissed as I was the night before, I couldn't help the excitement and fear that was moving through me. I wanted so damn badly to see him, but I was also worried about what he had to say to me. The excited part was winning over though. I really couldn't wait to see him.

  I got up, ate, got ready, and got my ass on the road, heading home so I could make sure I was there before he was.

  There was one thing in Parker's message that he was wrong about. I would talk first if I wanted to, and there was nothing he was going to do to stop me.

  Chapter 26


  I was so damn worried about her. The game was starting, and I hadn't heard from her yet. When I text her, I got nothing back. When I text her grandma, still nothing. My mind was working overtime, and it was driving me crazy. Had that asshole done something to delay things? Were her parents and grandma there with her? They better have been watching his ass.

  The game was rough. She was all I could think about. If that fucker had gone anywhere near her, I'd take his damn head off. I couldn't settle my nerves no matter what I told myself or what I did.

  As soon as the game was over, I wanted nothing more than to get to my phone, but I couldn't do it. The cameras were around. The women were around. One of them was trying to crawl up my damn body. I pushed her away before her nasty lips could land on me. Then I got to my bag as fast as I could and was so relieved to see messages from her and her grandma. It was over, she was free, and I was happy for her, more than she'd ever know. She said I looked exhausted. Of course I was. I couldn't freaking sleep worrying about her and that asshole. Would I be there? Hell yeah I would be. I was so excited to get home to see her. She wanted to talk. About what, I wondered? Was she planning to push me away? If she was, I wasn't about to let her. I was going to talk first. She could act all big and bad, which I knew she would, but that shit wasn't going to happen. She was going to wait for me. I was going to put it all out there the second I walked through her door, and she was going to hear me out.

  I answered her back, but she didn't reply, so I figured she was probably in bed, which was exactly where I was heading myself the second I walked through the hotel room door. The quicker my eyes closed, the quicker I'd see her again. The only thing standing between us was a game, and as soon as the team won that, we'd be on our way.

  The kids were staying with James and Sammie, and since I'd be alone with Cassie, I planned to show her exactly how I felt about her. I'd been thinking about being inside of her again for months, and I wasn't about to wait a moment longer.

  I had one stop to make before seeing her, and that shit was going to be fast. I wanted to see my woman. Wait! What? She wasn't my woman, but she was going to be, and there wasn't a damn thing she could do about it either.

  Chapter 27


  I'd gotten home, cleaned, and had no idea what to do with myself. I couldn't deal with the quiet, and I missed the kids so much. I was pretty sure Parker's plane wouldn't land for a long while, so I decided to do a little shopping. If I was pouring my heart out, I wanted a sexy outfit to go with it, and not one thing I owned said sexy. I hadn't spent money on anything that wasn't a necessity in so many months, and with everything I'd gone through, I figured one outfit to make me feel sexy was well deserved.

  I drove to the mall and hurried to find the store I was looking for. It felt like I was in there forever before I finally found the perfect outfit, paid, and walked toward the exit, feeling like I was on top of the world. I was free of Jeff. My kids were in a good place, and we were all happy. On top of that, I was about to take a chance on something I never thought I'd want again.

  In just a short time, Parker would be at my apartment, and I had no idea how things were going to go, but I also couldn't wait. Sure, I'd waited for Jeff to get home many times, but not once had it ever felt the way it was feeling waiting for Parker.

  I stepped out of the store, with my phone in my hand, looking to see if he'd sent a message that he was home yet. I was hurrying through the mall to get back outside when I turned the corner and stopped frozen. Standing in front of me, walking into a coffee shop, was Parker, but he wasn't alone. He was wearing a suit, and the woman he was holding the door for was a very beautiful, tall, slim blonde, and she was definitely dressed for a night on the town. Before I could stop myself, I snapped a picture of the two of them. Then they were gone.

  I shoved my phone in my purse and hurried to get by the coffee shop as quickly as I could, without ever looking their way. There was so much hurt bubbling up inside of me that I didn't even make it to my Escalade before bursting into tears. I looked over my vehicle and shook my head.

  “I'm trading you in,” I whispered, as I tore open the door, threw the bag in, climbed in, and slammed the door behind me.

  I thought Parker was different. Grandma was wrong. There wasn't a fifth one at all. He was exactly who I'd thought he was.

  It didn't take long before my hurt turned to anger. Fuck him, I thought. Fuck them all!

  I needed my kids with me. They were the only ones that mattered in my life. They were my everything. I dug my phone out of my purse. Then I called my brother and let him know I was on my way to get the kids.

  “Are you sure?” he asked. “We can keep them. They're having a blast.”

  “I need them with me,” I said.

  “Are you okay?” he asked. “You sound like you're crying.”

  “I'm fine,” I said. “I just need my kids and some rest. Everything is fine, I promise.”

  When I got to their house, I hurried in to get the kids, and Sammie pulled me off to the side.

  “What's going on?” She asked.

  “Nothing,” I answered. “I'm just a bit overwhelmed.”

  “You don't regret divorcing him, do you?” she asked.

  “What?” I asked, before I realized what she'd said. “No. Not at all. I'll be fine, Sammie.”

  “You're sure?” she asked.

  “Yes,” I answered.

  On the way home, I thought about the kids. I should have let them stay. It wasn't fair to them. I didn't want to be home alone, but that wasn't their problem. It was mine. I told myself that I would never again put my own crazy feelings before theirs.

  I heard the ding of my phone, as we were walking up the walk to our apartment, but I didn't check to see who it was. Maybe it was Parker finally deciding he was ready to see me, or maybe it wasn't. I honestly didn't care. The woman I'd seen him with cou
ld have been the whole reason he'd wanted to talk in the first place. Again, I didn't care. I got the kids ready and tucked them into their beds. I heard my phone ring, but I didn't answered it. Instead, I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a container of ice cream and a spoon, and plopped down onto the couch. My phone rang again. It was definitely him, so I sent him to my message. The tears had just started making their way down my cheeks when I heard my phone ding. I picked it up with my free hand, and sure enough, it was him, and there were three messages.

  Parker: Are you okay?

  Parker: Did you make it home?

  Parker: I'm on my way.

  A few minutes later, I heard a knock at the door, but I didn't get up to get it. He'd sure had plenty of time to meet with her and then come to see me. How could he? Who did he think he was? Did he honestly think he was special enough that he could play me the way he was? The answer was no.

  “Cassie,” I heard him call my name.

  Then I heard the ding of my phone.

  Parker: Open the door. I know you're in there. We need to talk.

  I didn't move, and the tears began coming faster. He's cutting me off, I thought. Then I heard another ding and looked down.

  Parker: Let me in. I'm standing out here with pizza in my arms.

  Why would he bring pizza if he was just going to turn around and leave, I wondered? Wait! Was he with her and not even planning to tell me? We were just friends as far as he was concerned.

  Then I heard his voice booming in from outside, and the next knock was much louder.

  “Open the door, Cassie.”

  I didn't want him to wake the kids up. The last thing I needed was them seeing him, jumping out of bed, and trying to spend time with him. So, I got up off of the couch, walked over to the door, opened it with my free hand, and then turned and walked away. He walked by me, set the pizza down, and then turned toward me. He was still wearing that same suit, the one he'd gone to see her in. Was her smell still on him, I wondered? Just thinking about them together made me sick, and the tears came even faster. The second our eyes connected, his gorgeous smile left his face.

  “Cassie,” he growled out, as he came toward me and that smile was replaced with worry. “Are you okay? What happened?”


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