The Marriage Sacrifice

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The Marriage Sacrifice Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “Fuck, he’s heavy.”

  “He’s perfect.” At first the little guy didn’t seem happy, but after getting comfortable, he settled down.

  Sage lifted Dom’s hand and placed it on his head. “Stroke him. He won’t bite.”

  “I hope not.”

  “Stop being such a coward.” She laughed.

  “Back to your grandparents.”

  “Well, being independent and not taking any crap from anyone, she saw what was happening to me. I was raised by nannies, and I rarely saw my parents. She knew I wasn’t like them. The money hadn’t affected me. She wanted me to have some freedom, so she purchased the apartment. Told me to never allow myself to be at the mercy of a man. To always be picky and to find the right guy for me. My dad wanted me to sell it as he didn’t think it struck the right note for a Boyle. I wasn’t going to get rid of it.”

  “Why are you letting your dad force you into marrying me?” Dom asked.

  “It’s probably stupid.”

  “Tell me.”

  “He could take it all away. He has the money, the power, the ability to make my life hard. To take my writing away, to close the charities I love and the people who need them. I can’t risk it. I know he’s got a lot of power. With my writing, I don’t mind, but everything else, I couldn’t stand to see a place like this close down because I was being selfish. Besides, you’ve proven to me several times, Dom, you’re not that bad.”

  “Not that bad. I’ll take it. It’s a step up from being an awful kind of guy.”

  “I bet you’re hating your bachelor party. You could have gone and done the whole stripper thing.”

  “Would you believe me if I told you I’m having a lot of fun here with you?”

  “You are?”

  “Yeah, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”

  “Including the pit bull?” she asked.

  “Doesn’t he have a name? We keep calling him the pit bull and I don’t think it suits him.”

  “I try not to name any of the animals that come here.”

  “Why not?” he asked.

  “It makes it so much harder to leave them.”

  “I think we should call him Blue.”


  “Yeah, why not?”

  “I don’t know. I was thinking of a Tiger. He’s so strong and lovely.”

  “Yeah, and saying it that way, you make him sound cute.”

  “What else would you call him?” she asked. “Blue sounds so … depressing. Hi, I’m, Blue. I’m so miserable.” She deepened her voice and spoke slowly.

  “It’s not like that. I’m thinking, ‘Hey, guys, I’m Blue. The best pit bull in all the world.’”

  “You’re falling for him.”

  “I am not.”

  “I can see it now. The love you have for him. He’s a charmer. You’re going to want him forever and ever.”

  “I wouldn’t push it that far. I like him. He’s a pretty decent dog, I’ll give him that.”

  She watched as Dom stroked his head, and there was no way he was just seeing him as a dog. There was so much more to it than that.

  “He’s so cute.”

  “I know.”

  She leaned in close. “You’re falling for him.”

  “Stop it. I can’t take him anyway.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m never home. I can’t take him to the office with me.”

  “Why not?” she asked. “Your office is really big, and you could just warn people. He’d be a good guard dog for you.”

  “I’d have to train him.”

  “You’re considering it?” she asked.

  “You’re really excited about this.”

  “Dom, dogs like him rarely get a second chance. He’s scarred, which is proof he has been in fights. Some people don’t want to take home a dog that has been like this. It’s sad, but it is also true.”

  “You’re doing it again.”


  “Making me care.” He sighed. “Let me think about it, and if I can figure something out, I’ll take him.”

  “You promise?”

  “I promise.”

  She held out her pinky. “Now pinky swear.”

  “We’re adults now.”

  “So, come on, it’ll be fun. Haven’t you ever pinky sworn with anyone?”

  “I can’t say that I have.”

  “Then you can be my first and I’ll be your first.”

  “You’ve never done it before?” he asked.

  “You’d be my first. We can break our pinky swear virginity together.”

  “Fine. Pinky swear I’ll take him.”


  “I trust you with the peppers,” Sage said.

  Dom popped the bottle of champagne pouring them both out a tall glass of the bubbly. He’d picked it up at the supermarket while Sage finished grabbing groceries. He took a quick taste and found it to be rather pleasant.

  Sage had paid for everything, and part of him was grateful for that. His card was declined at the animal shelter. He paid a small donation, and after his wedding on Friday, before they went on their honeymoon, he was picking up Blue. He had settled on the name he picked for his dog. Of course, Sage was trying to dissuade him. Once his card was declined though, Sage hadn’t even asked any questions. She pulled out her bank card and made the payment without hesitation.

  The harsh reality for him was, he needed to get married tomorrow. They had agreed to spend the night before the wedding together as their combined bachelor and bachelorette party.

  He downed some of his drink as he thought about what the fuck he was going to do. If Johnson didn’t pull through, come Saturday, he was personally responsible for the downfall of his father’s company. He didn’t know what the fuck to do.

  He relied solely on her father keeping his word.

  “Are you okay? You seem a little distracted,” Sage said, moving toward him. She placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “I’m fine. Work stuff, you know.”

  “If you need to talk about it, let me know.”

  “It’s fine. I’ve got a handle on it. So, chopping these peppers.” He took a long drink of his champagne before grabbing a knife.

  Sage told him what to do, to cut the flesh from the seeds and then to put each piece into strips. She had already boiled up the noodles they were going to be eating. Next, he got to work on the onion.

  Once all the vegetables were prepared, which also included some baby sweetcorn and cabbage, he sat down, drinking, and watched her get to work, adding vegetables, soy sauce, and some other seasonings that he didn’t recognize.

  She piled their food into bowls and handed one to him.

  “Let’s take this into my sitting room.”

  Each carrying a bowl and their champagne, they sat down.

  He picked up his chopsticks and took a bite. The noodles were soft, and he slurped them up, and the vegetables were nice and crunchy. He ate with relish. In the past couple of weeks, he’d eaten more good food than an entire lifetime of restaurant food. Sure, the meals had been amazing and prepared for by five-star chefs.

  Sage had this personal touch, and it showed in the way she cooked.

  There was love, and he felt it as he ate.

  You’re turning into a pussy.

  “I don’t usually drink, but this is good champagne.”

  “I did the best with what was available.”

  “I’m sorry if this wasn’t your idea of a good time.”

  He looked toward her. “I’m loving this.”


  “I get to spend time with you. What’s not to love?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. I don’t have a yacht, and I’ve also convinced you to buy a dog. Am I putting way too much pressure on you?”

  “I’m not feeling pressured. Is that what you’re trying to do?” He was teasing her now, and as her eyes widened, he couldn’t help but laugh. “Stop. Stop. I’m loving this. Why
can’t you see that?”

  “I don’t know. I looked up bachelor stuff, and besides drinking and stripping, there wasn’t a whole lot I could find.”

  He put his food down as an idea entered his head.

  “Okay, do not laugh, and I will stop if you complain at all.”

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  He went to take her bowl of food away from her, but she held onto it.

  “First rule you should know. Don’t come between a woman and her food.”

  “Got it, totally got it.” He held his hands up. “You keep the food.”

  He picked up her small coffee table, moving it out of the way. Next, he went to music player and turned on some music.

  It was a pop song, and he didn’t recognize it. He was more of a classic man if he listened to music.

  “At a bachelorette party you’d normally be surrounded by all your female friends. If you wish, imagine they’re all here.”

  She slurped up her noodles.

  He turned the music up. He was totally about to do this for her. It was just the two of them, and this would forever stay private.

  “Oh, my, you’re totally going to, aren’t you?”

  He winked at her, and slowly, thrusting his hips, he began to move to the beat of the music while removing his jacket.

  With it off, he spun it in the air and did some more hip thrusting action. She let out a whoop. She had put her food down on the floor and was now clapping her hands.

  He swung his hips as he worked his shirt open.

  “That’s it, Dom, work it.”

  The shirt was off, and he threw it at her.

  She threw her head back laughing. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

  Next, the belt. He pulled it from his body.


  He dropped it to the floor and released the catch of his pants. Sliding the zipper down, he winked at her.

  Kicking off his pants was not as sexy as he wanted, but he got them down.

  Showing off his ass, he winked at her again, and she was covering her mouth.

  “The only dick you’re ever going to be seeing is mine.” With that, he pulled his pants off and turned to her, swinging his hips and letting her see him in all of his naked glory.

  Sage grabbed his hand pulling him down to the sofa. She straddled his lap and kissed him hard, biting into his lip.

  “Well, two can play at that game.”

  The music was still playing, and his cock hardened as Sage did her own dance. She went slowly, moving her body, rocking her hips as if she was being fucked standing up, but it wasn’t rapid. This was long and slow.

  It reminded him of filling her deeply, making her take every single inch of his cock until there was nothing more for her to take and all she had to do was ride him.

  She worked her shirt off, and he suddenly hated underwear. Not only did she have panties but also a bra, and she wasn’t in an immediate hurry to remove one or the other. She wriggled out of her jeans, swaying her hips and her tits bounced as if they had a mind of their own.

  It was driving him crazy as all he wanted to do was pull her onto his lap and fuck her. To drive his worry out of his mind and to focus only on her. To have his way completely with her and to fuck everyone else who got in his way.

  When she finally kicked her jeans out of the way, he already had his hand wrapped around his dick and was pumping it up and down. Pre-cum leaked out of the tip, and as she removed her bra, those beautiful tits swinging free, he wanted her sitting on his cock as he fucked her harder.

  “Am I distracting you?” she asked.

  He did no more than pull her close to him.

  She fell on him, and he tore her panties away. “You need to stop doing that.” Her complaint ended on a moan as she found his way inside her, thrusting in deep. She gripped his shoulders, and as he held her hips, she began to work her pussy on his cock, taking him within her.

  He couldn’t stop. There was no way he wanted to.

  She was incredible.

  She was going to be his wife in less than twenty-four hours. He wanted that, not for his company but so he could claim her as his in every single way.

  “You’re going to be all mine,” he said. “No other man is going to know how perfect you are. How tight your pussy gets as you ride me, or even those sounds you make. This body is mind, Sage.”

  “And you’re mine, Dom.” She cupped his face, taking his lips in a hard kiss.

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he held her against him, thrusting up as she drove down. She didn’t break from the kiss, and he felt her pussy tense and pulse as she came on his cock. It wasn’t an orgasm, and before the night was over, he’d make her come so many times there would be no room for doubt tomorrow.

  He loved this woman more than he thought it was possible, and there was no chance he could lose her.

  Not now. Not that he’d finally found her and knew what love could be.

  Chapter Nine

  Sage rubbed at her temples and wished her mother would talk a little more quietly. She didn’t know why she was shouting and barking out orders. They were at the church in the dressing area. The dress was on the mannequin and would be on her in a matter of moments.

  She had drunk only a couple of glasses of champagne, but that was more than enough to have given her a big headache on her big day.

  The press was already outside waiting, and well, there was a huge buzz around this event. She had her picture taken, and at her mother’s insistence her father had taken the not-so-flattering images away.

  Everything always had to be perfect for them.

  For Sage, not so much. Like last night. Her bachelorette party with Dom. It hadn’t been conventional. She’d spent it with the one man she was going to be spending the rest of her life with. She had loved it. Remembering his striptease had been a joy. She really did adore him.

  Dom wasn’t how she thought he would be. There was so much more to him, and it surprised her. Especially as she believed there was a small chance she had fallen in love with him.

  Not just a little bit either, no, that was wrong of her.

  She was completely in love with him.

  “I knew I should have stayed with you last night,” her mother said, standing in front of her.

  “It’s fine, Mom, really.”

  “No, it’s not. This is your big day. The only day you’re going to get, and you have a right to love it.”

  Sage groaned. “Please, don’t. Okay. Don’t make me feel guilty for being me and for not wanting to jump through all of your unnecessary crap. I’m going to marry Dominick today. Can we just leave it at that?”

  “Good. I don’t want to argue with you. Now, up, up, up. It’s time you got ready.”

  She had been given her short reprieve. She hadn’t vomited, and now it was time to fit her into her dress and then deal with her hair.

  For an hour, she had to listen to her mother snap out orders while she was poked, prodded, denied food, and just made miserable all in the name of looking the part as a Boyle.

  By the time they were finished, Sage was relieved. If another person actually touched her, she was going to scream. No doubt about it. She was done with all the touching stuff. The bridesmaids were all waiting outside.

  She didn’t know who they were, and they’d not been with her in getting dressed. Just her mother, the dressmaker, and the makeup artist.

  All had done a job, and now she was ready to become a wife.

  “It’s time,” her father said, knocking on the door.

  Her mother cupped her face. “You are a beautiful bride. I do wish you had dieted, and then you wouldn’t have such a chubby face.”


  “Fine, fine. I’m so proud of you.”

  She was getting married, and this was all it took to make her mother proud? She forced a smile to her lips.

  The door to her room opened and she looked at her father. He stepped into the room.r />
  “Hey, Dad, how do I look?”

  “Beautiful.” He moved toward her, cupping her cheeks. This had to be the first time either of her parents had showed her any kind of affection. She didn’t push them away, just took what they had to offer, no matter how fleeting. “Are you ready?”

  “Would it matter if I said no?”

  “Not to me, but to others it might.”

  She thought about Dom. “Yes, I’m ready.”

  That morning, before he had left, he’d kissed her hard.

  “I’ll be the guy in the tux, waiting for you, hoping you don’t run away.”

  “I won’t run away. You’ll see me coming. All in white.”

  The moment they shared had meant so much to her. He’d kissed her again, and she knew the next time he did touch his lips against hers, it was going to be as husband and wife.

  Taking her father’s arm, she walked with him down to the sanctuary.

  All of the wedding details had been handled by their parents. She’d not seen Dom’s parents in a long time, but as the wedding song came on, she spotted them at the front on his side with all of his family.

  When she turned to Dom, he was standing near the priest, his gaze on hers.

  She smiled at him.

  She’d gone without the veil, not wanting to have it over her face. She needed to see Dom, and staring at him now, she knew. No matter who organized this wedding, no matter why it was happening, she loved him, and wanted to marry him.

  When the time came for her father to hand her over to him, she was more than happy.

  “You take good care of her now,” he said.

  Dom didn’t say anything. His hold on her tightened.

  Sage stared into his brown eyes and knew this was the right thing to be doing.

  He stroked her hand as the priest began to speak.

  Whatever he said, it didn’t matter to her.

  The guests didn’t even bother her either.

  Their vows came and went. She knew they had been written for them, and as it came to the priest pronouncing them man and wife, feeling Dom’s arms holding her, that was the true moment for her.


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