The Marriage Sacrifice

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The Marriage Sacrifice Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  His lips on hers sealed their fate together. They were finally as one.

  He pulled away and smiled at her. “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “My head’s a little sore, but other than that, I’m perfect, you?”

  “I was worried.”

  “You were?”


  Her mother cleared her throat.

  “We better get to the cameras before we cause too much of a fuss,” she said.

  Sage wanted to keep on talking, but her mother had other plans and she had to stick to them.

  Dom took the lead and walked them out of the church. The press was waiting, and she didn’t know how much time had passed before the pictures were taken. She was at the mercy of her mother, and with it, there was no way she was getting out of doing everything her mother wanted.

  Most of her pictures were taken with Dom, and of course only the best, most reputable magazines were allowed to have an interview. Only when Dom let go of her did she start to panic. He didn’t ever let her go far, and he was always pulling her back against him, which she loved.

  As she rested her head against his chest, they were escorted to the limousine that would take them to their wedding party.

  More champagne, cake, music, and their guests surrounded them.

  “Is it bad I just want to go and get Blue and we go home?” she asked.

  “You know, where is home? Is it at your place or mine?”

  “I don’t know. Where would you like it to be?” She tilted her head back to look into his eyes.

  “Wherever you are.”

  She giggled. “We’re turning into those lovesick couples. We’re going to have people vomiting in bowls as we pass.”

  “Are we?”


  “Lovesick?” He stroked her arm, and she couldn’t look away.

  “I am,” she said.

  “You are?”

  “I think I’m in love with you, Dom.”

  He didn’t say anything.

  “I wasn’t going to say anything or tell you. This is all so new and—”

  “I love you too.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes. I’ve been wanting to tell you for a while now, but I didn’t know when the perfect time would be. I fell in love with you, and I know it has only been a short time, but I want this. I want to be a good husband to you and one day, a father.” He placed a hand across her stomach. “We haven’t used any protection.”

  She wiped away the tears, thankful the makeup artist had used a non-run mascara. Getting out at her reception with black tears down her face would only cause a stir that she didn’t want.

  “I’m on the pill,” she said. “I have bad cycles, and I’ve been on it since I was eighteen. We’re safe.”


  “Yes. I mean, when we’re ready to have children, I can just stop taking it. You want to start now?”

  “No, no, we can wait. I have you. I’ve got my ring on your finger. It’s more than enough for now.”

  “One day soon?” she asked.

  “Yes, one day.” He touched his lips to hers, and she melted against him, loving him. It felt good to finally tell him the truth, and now she no longer had to hide, and for Sage, it was the best feeling in the world.


  Dom finished his second glass of champagne and made a note not to have any more. This wasn’t just his wedding day. He stared across the room at his wife, who had been taken from him by her mother. He couldn’t deny her a few minutes even if she did look ready to run.

  “You did good today, son,” his father said.

  Dom ignored the man at his side. He wasn’t in the mood to talk or to say anything of any importance to the man who was his father.

  “You’re still angry? You couldn’t be a playboy forever, you know. Settling down is a good thing.”

  “Don’t even for a second try to claim this is about me taking responsibility. You and I both know where the problem is, and it’s not with me. Your bad investments killed the company.”

  “With Boyle’s help, you’ll get it back on its feet, and I will declare Johnson the winner.”

  “The winner?”

  “Yes. It has always been a competition between Johnson and me. Who could sleep with the most women in one night. The best company. All of it. We had a million-dollar bet, and well, his company will now be first in line for the title.”

  Dom looked at his father. He’d not seen him ever since he got the news of the company being in the red.

  “You’re kidding me right now?”

  “Dom, this is your wedding. Lower your voice. Remember who you are.”

  “I know who I am. We have nothing. All of this is being paid for by Johnson. My wife is worth more than I am. You put the company and all of our employees’ livelihood at stake, for what?”

  “I made a few bad decisions. It happens in business. You’ll make them yourself. The thing about employees, there are always a lot of people to employ. You cut your losses.”

  “I’ve got to get out of here.” He wasn’t willing to cause a scene, not at his wedding. Sage deserved more than that, and he wasn’t going to screw this up.

  Leaving the main reception, he went out into the small yard out back. There were lights hung up, and it looked like a fairy tale wonderland, beautiful, sparkling, a real delight and one he knew Sage would love.

  He placed his hand on the half brick wall, staring out at the garden.

  This wasn’t supposed to be like this. His father didn’t give a shit. No wonder Alice had more faith in him.

  It was his responsibility to make sure his employees had a job, and yet his father treated them as if they were nothing. He couldn’t do that.

  His love for Sage had blossomed over the past couple of weeks, but he was lucky. He wouldn’t have been able to have a choice in what he could do to keep his company alive. Now all he had to do was wait for the funds, pay off some bad debts, and work his way out of the red. That was his plan.

  One he intended to stick to.

  “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the man of the hour,” Johnson said, coming out to him.

  He wasn’t in the mood to deal with his new father-in-law.

  “Why the sour mood? You got what you wanted. You stuck to our agreement, and I’ve got to say, the way Sage keeps looking at you, you’ve more than held up your end of the bargain.”

  “I do love her.”

  “Of course you do. Why wouldn’t you? She’s an amazing girl, and with her comes all the money you could ever dream about.”

  “I didn’t do this for the money.”

  “No, of course not.” Johnson placed a finger against his lips. “It’s our little secret. Your dad really did a number on the company. Last I heard, you didn’t even have any electricity.”

  He didn’t want to talk about the problems his company was facing at his wedding.

  “When will you allow me access to the funds?” he asked.

  “All in good time.”

  “I need to pay people.”

  “And you will get what you want. Enjoy your wedding day.”

  “This was all a lie?”

  Dom turned toward Sage. She stood in the doorway, looking at him and her father. She’d gone pale, and he couldn’t believe she had just heard this.

  “Sage.” He took a step toward her, and she held up her hand as if to stop him from coming any closer.

  “You made a deal with my dad to make me fall in love with you?”

  She had heard it all.

  “It’s not as bad as it sounds. I promise you.”

  “All this time, the past couple of weeks, is that what this is all about? You getting what you want?”

  “No, no, no, it’s not like that, I swear.” He stepped toward her, but she shook her head.

  “All for what? Your company?”

  “Sage, you don’t understand.”

  “Then explain it to me. Don’t even for a
second leave, Dad. I heard what you said. You agreed to this as well.”

  “Honey, all I did was what I thought was best for you.”

  “By manipulating the man into marrying me.”

  “Marriage was always going to happen. You and Dom had been arranged since you were sixteen years old. His father’s bad decisions just sped up the process.”

  “A takeover,” she said. “This is what this is all is, isn’t it? You wanted to win. The competition is gone because Dom is now the head.”

  “There was no competition, sweetheart. Dom’s company has no money. He has nothing.”

  She turned to look at Dom. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “You hate corporations. You hate your father’s business.” He saw the tears in her eyes, and she shook her head.

  “I may want nothing to do with it, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know how significant it all is. I get it. People have to work. Jobs are important. Livelihoods mean everything. After everything you’ve seen me do, you really didn’t think I’d get it?”

  “Sage, I think we should go somewhere and talk about this,” he said.

  “Why? It doesn’t make it any less horrible talking about it here, or somewhere else. What does it matter?”

  “I love you.”

  “Really? Because I thought someone who loved another person wouldn’t keep a lie this big. Wouldn’t manipulate someone into falling in love all in the name of money.”

  “I didn’t want to do this, and I fell in love with you, Sage. I want to be with you. Forever.”

  “Forever is a really long time.” She turned on her heel, and he watched her leave.

  He knew she was leaving not just him but the reception. Rushing through the throngs of people, he left the building and saw her in a cab, already driving off.

  “Sage, baby, don’t go.” He started to chase after the cab, but he couldn’t reach it in time.

  It was gone, and he stood watching his wife, the love of his life, as she drove away from him without a backward glance.

  The press was there to witness his downfall. They were taking his pictures as he broke down.

  “Mr. Duke, what is going on?”

  “Why did your new wife leave?”

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Sir, can we please have a story?”

  He looked over at the vultures wanting a piece and then at the building where he should be dancing with his wife, preparing to leave.

  He had lost everything, and it wasn’t like he had anyone to blame but himself. The deal Johnson struck, he had agreed to. Only, instead of getting Sage to fall for him, he’d fallen for her.

  Now, he’d lost her.

  Without a word to anyone, he walked away.

  He didn’t stop until he got to the animal shelter where Blue, the pit bull, was waiting for him.

  Sage hadn’t come to take the dog.

  Picking him up in his arms, he held him all the way back to his apartment. He didn’t put him down, and Blue didn’t fight him for it.

  Clearly, the dog knew he needed some comfort, and rather than abandon him, he was allowing him to have this moment. He really did need it. There had to be a way he could make it up to Sage. She needed to know the truth. He would still be in love with her after his company was safe. There was so much he wanted to say to her, but right now, it all seemed so insignificant. He had honestly believed she wouldn’t care about his company or about his people.

  Glancing down at Blue, he wondered why would he even think that. She helped the homeless. Volunteered to have pie thrown in her face. Worked at an animal shelter. She even helped at the retirement home. The truth had been right in front of his eyes, and he’d been too fucking blind to see it. Now he was going to have to pay the price, and that price was the risk of losing the only person he had ever loved, Sage.

  Chapter Ten

  One week later

  Dom had sent flowers and chocolates. He’d even used the money Johnson had provided him to send donations to her various charities.

  Still, nothing.

  She refused to take his gifts and never answered his calls or texts.

  Sage completely ignored him.

  Glancing over in the corner of his office, Dom looked at his dog, their dog. Considering he’d been used in illegal dog fighting, Blue wasn’t vicious or cruel. If anything, his dog just wanted loves and kisses all the time. He’d hired a trainer to help him with Blue, not that he needed any help. He loved taking his dog out for walks and sitting on the sofa with him. He’d even taken the dog shopping with him to get the things he might need.

  Rather than sleep on his dog bed or the sofa, he shared the bed with him. The bottom of it, which would be good for when Sage did return to him. He did have hope.

  The newspapers had run his story. The jilted husband, and also the broke playboy as well. It was all over the news. Every sordid little detail, and they had hoped to talk to Sage, but she wouldn’t have anything to do with them.

  He’d tried to find her at her places of work and volunteering, but she’d not been there.

  “Sir, you have a … visitor,” Alice said, coming to the doorway.

  “I don’t have any meetings planned, Alice. Tell them whoever it is, to go the fuck away.”

  “Dominick, I think you want to take this visitor.”

  He looked toward the door as Alice moved out of the way, and Sage stood behind her. She was dressed in a business suit, looking every part the woman ready for business. She held files in her arms, and she smiled at Alice.

  “Come in,” he said, getting to his feet.

  Blue was also wagging his tail, clearly remembering the woman that gave him snuggles.

  “I’ll leave you two alone.” Alice closed the door as Sage stepped inside.

  She looked amazing. Her hair was all around her, coiled, and she looked so beautiful, so refreshed.

  “You still went and picked him up.”

  “Of course. He’s our dog. I wasn’t going to leave him there. I’m not a complete monster.”

  She smiled.

  “Sage, I really want—”

  “I don’t want to do any of this.” She stepped forward, interrupting him. “Before we go any further, I want to apologize.”


  “I realized, after a few glasses of really bad wine, that I didn’t give you even a second or a moment that could make you believe you could tell me the truth. The fact is, I’ve been fighting against my parents my entire life. I’ve never been like them. I think it was probably down to being around nannies my whole life.”

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Because, my dad couldn’t offer you everything he actually was trying to.”


  She held up the documents. “My grandparents were not stupid, selfish people. They saw the future of the company. They saw what bad deals could do, and my granddad realized quite early into my father’s career, he didn’t give a shit about his employees. My dad only saw the money. He saw them as a means to an end, so for the most part, it was a real unstable partnership for him and his company. So my granddad did something that he has never done before. I only found out about this a few hours after our wedding. My grandparents had special requests, and they wanted to make sure I was taken care of.”

  Dom watched as she walked to the desk.

  “Please, read this,” she said.

  He took the piece of paper from her and looked down at it. It wasn’t official lettering, but made on fancy stationery paper.

  To our dearest granddaughter,

  If you’re reading this, then you know we’re no longer with you, and it breaks our heart to think of you all alone. We never wanted you to be alone. When I built this empire of mine, I saw a way of helping others, of bringing joy and laughter to others. To create a stable future for all. In truth, we’ve created a monster. Our son is cruel. All he wants is the money, the power, and to play God with my company. I cannot, will not all
ow anyone or anything to ruin the lives of others.

  When you were first born, sweet Sage, we didn’t know what to expect. Your mother was just as cold and vile as your father, and we didn’t want their influence to rub off on you. Watching you grow, seeing your love of helping others, and to reject the lifestyle your parents wanted, we embraced you, and knew with you in charge, our company, and the people who work for us, would be taken care of.

  Your father doesn’t know the terms we’ve set out. On the day of your marriage, all majority shares will go to you. This has been kept secret as we want you to find a man who will love you for you, or a woman. As we write this we don’t know where your love will fall. We don’t want money to be a factor for you. You’re a beautiful soul, Sage. Don’t let fear push others away. Not everyone is filled with greed and are after what you can give them. This power we’ve given you, please, take care of everyone who will need you, and to always be the strong, capable, intelligent, and kind woman we know you to be.

  We’ve included all the necessary details for you to understand.

  We both love you so much.


  Your grandparents

  Underneath were two signatures. Dom looked at the file in her arms.

  “He gave his share and his wife’s share, to his only living granddaughter. The same granddaughter who didn’t live up to an extravagant lifestyle. I just watched my grandfather sometimes. I never took an official business degree. Everything I learned was from my grandparents. My parents don’t know that I know even that much. No one knows what my grandparents and I did during those long weeks and weekends.” She put the paperwork on the table. “I own over sixty-six percent of all shares in the Boyle company. My dad, he can only offer you so much.”

  “He offered me bullshit without even realizing it.”

  She shrugged. “He didn’t know that by getting me to marry you, he was losing all of his controlling shares. My father gave you what he thought he could.”

  “Your dad’s a real piece of work. I thought they were divorce papers,” he said.

  “Divorce papers?”

  “After everything.”

  She looked at him. “I know in the beginning you wanted me to fall in love with you, but you told me you loved me. You told me it wasn’t a lie. Looking back, I’m shocked. I wasn’t exactly nice to you, or kind. I was a big bitch. I was scared. You loved being a playboy and having all these women at your feet. I didn’t know what to think or to do. I panicked, and in doing so, I made mistakes. I’m sorry. I truly am, and I know that in time, I can make it up to you.”


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