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The Apollo Chronicles

Page 39

by Brandon R. Brown

  orbital paths, 43,57

  Osgood, Cathy, 32,33,111

  Outer Space Treaty of 1967, 181–182

  pad test, 192

  Parnell, Tom, 50–51,193–194

  Patched Conic Technique, 70

  Pegasus satellite, 102f,106–107

  Petrone, Rocco, 217

  pitch rotation, 69

  pogo effect, 74,107,145,149,152–153,177. See also combustion instability

  Pohl, Henry

  accumulating NASA responsibility, 27

  on Apollo 13 near tragedy, 200

  on Apollo 1 tragedy, 138

  on Apollo spacecraft interior, 130–131

  childhood of, 6–7

  considers return to Huntsville, 79

  control thrusters and, 99,125–126,200

  on criteria for successful launch, 37

  developing model rockets, 27–28,29f,78

  as director of engineering, 215–216

  early career of, 14–15

  on Faget feedback, 95

  first encounter with von Braun, 50

  in Houston, 77–79

  joining Propulsion and Power group, 79

  joining Test Lab, 15

  as movie producer, 28

  on NASA bureaucracy, 236–237

  on NASA culture, 233

  on NASA leaders, 234

  on one-page work summaries, 86

  overseeing explosives on Apollo, 155–156

  photograph of, 228f

  reacting to Kennedy’s challenge, 48

  on repeating Apollo program, 238

  in retirement, 228–229

  on Saturn test, 26

  on teamwork atmosphere, 235

  on Thibodaux, 79

  on von Braun, 49

  pressurized space flight, 102–103

  probe. See unmanned probe

  programmable computer. See computers

  Project Horizon, 24

  Project Overcast, 1–2

  Project Paperclip, 2

  R-7 rocket, 16–17

  race, mixing of in NASA’s early years, 32–33

  racial equality, 130

  racial segregation, 77,96–97

  radar systems, 91

  radiation. See space radiation

  Ranger 3 probe, 70

  Ranger 4 probe, 70

  Ratcliff, Wesley, 109,193–194,211

  receiving laboratory, 189–190

  Redstone Arsenal’s ballistic missile program, 12,15

  re-entry, heating of, 34–35

  Rees, Eberhard, 217

  rendezvous at the Moon. See also earth orbit rendezvous; lunar orbit rendezvous

  description of, 110–112

  first attempt for, 112–114


  computer development, 219

  Earth-orbiting satellites, 218

  medical technology, 219

  semiconductor chips, 220

  upgraded food safety, 218–219

  Rice University, 51

  Rocketdyne company, 74


  Army vs. Navy, 19–20

  fuel, 40–41,49,74,85,144,152–153,176

  and gravity, 20

  movement of, 55,76

  stages during flight, 20

  worldwide fascination of, 9

  roll rotation, 69

  rovers, 207–208

  Russia. See Soviet Union

  Russian cosmonauts. See also American astronauts; Soviet rocket program

  loss of, 137

  Nikita Khrushchev and, 81

  Salyut I, 211–212

  Saturn rockets

  combustion instability, 79,84–86

  destroying themselves, 27–28

  direct ascent debates about, 42–43

  launch pad design, 113–114

  scale models of, 27–28

  static test phase, 26–27

  Saturn V, first stage

  first launch of, 145

  fuel for, 72–74

  pogo effect, 149

  static test firing, 102f

  testing of, 99–102

  Saturn V, second stage

  combining oxygen with hydrogen, 74–75

  first launch of, 145

  testing of, 102,127

  trimming weight from, 127–128

  Saturn V, third stage

  testing of, 140–141

  weld-line problems, 140–141

  Saturn V rocket

  aerial view of fully stacked, 142f

  “all up” test, 144–145

  combustion instability, 74

  dynamic test stand for, 100

  engine cracks, 86

  engine failures, 153

  first launch of, 141

  instrument unit, 143f

  maiden voyage of, 144–145

  numerics of, 150

  photograph of, 134f

  range safety decision, 149

  second launch of, 149–151

  sense of balance, 141–142

  simulated countdown, 135–136

  testing of, 99

  transporting, 128

  weight of, 127–128

  Schmitt, Harrison, 206–207,211

  Schweickart, Russell “Rusty,” 161

  Scott, David, 124

  See, Elliot, 123–124

  segregation. See racial segregation

  Shea, Joe, 131,135,137

  Shepard, Alan, 47

  simulated countdown, 135–136

  simulations. See space simulations

  six degrees of freedom, 69

  Skylab program, 214

  solar flares, 167,181,225

  solar wind, 205

  sonic effects, 26–27

  sonic measurements, 27

  soviet rocket program. See also Luna series; Russian cosmonauts

  accomplishments of, 30–31

  catastrophes of, 30

  embracing automated systems, 91

  launching first human into space, 45

  launching Vostok craft, 45

  Salyut I space station, 211–212

  successful docking mission, 174–175

  successful unmanned missions around the Moon, 157,159

  Zond spacecraft, 133,157,159

  Soviet Union

  condolences on Apollo 1 tragedy, 137

  conscripting German rocket scientists, 15–16

  joint space exploration, 82

  Khrushchev discovering rocket program, 16

  Khrushchev removed from power, 83

  launching first artificial satellite, 16–17

  Soyuz capsule, 137

  “Space, Science, and Urban Life” conference, 64


  air inside of, 102–103

  design of, 33–36

  testing of, 99–102

  Space Exploration Initiative, 224–225

  Space Launch System, 222,224

  Space Policy Directive, 224

  space race, 22,30

  accelerating, 54–55

  challenges of, 25–26

  end of, 133,159–160,168

  engineers wanting to join, 236

  space radiation, 25–26,189,209,225. See also cosmic rays

  Space Shuttle program, 215,217

  space sickness, 160–161,176

  space simulations

  Apollo simulators, 121–123

  astronauts in, 120

  field of, 120–123

  star ball, 122–123

  space station, 49,175,212,220,225

  spacesuits, 91–92,104,126–127,136,208

  Space Task Group, 31–33,52

  space travel, long-duration, 209,225

  space walk, 103–104,126

  speed, absolute versus relative, 177

  Sputnik, 16–18,19

  Sputnik II, 20

  spy satellites, 63,64

  Stafford, Thomas, 127

  star ball, 122f,122–123

  static test firing, 15,102f

  static test st
and, 15,100,101f,222–223

  Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, 96,130

  Stuhlinger, Ernst, 25–26,106–107,186

  Super Guppy, 128,129f

  surveyor program, 70,90–91,119,194f

  survival couch, 35–36,36f

  teletype machine, 56–57,140,154

  temperature extremes in space, 25–26,161–162

  Tereshkova, Valentina, 81

  Thibodaux, Guy, 21,22,74,79,203,232

  Thomson, Jerry, 79

  thruster rockets. See control thrusters

  Time magazine, 168–169

  titanium tanks, testing of, 125–126

  Titan rocket, 98

  trajectories to the Moon, 69–70

  “Trip around the Moon” (television program), 13–14

  Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin, 3–4

  turbopumps, 26

  2001: A Space Odyssey (film), 148

  University of Houston, 71,99,140

  unmanned probe

  entering lunar orbit, 131–132

  landing on lunar surface, 118–119

  unmanned test, 40–41

  Urey, Harold, 81

  U.S. Centers for Disease Control, 219

  USS Guavina, 4–6

  U.S. Space and Rocket Center, 224

  USSR. See Soviet Union

  V-2 weapon, 3f,3–4

  vacuum chamber, 104–105. See also environmental chamber

  Vanguard rocket, 19,21,22

  Vertical Assembly Building, 222,223f

  Vietnam War, 129–130,147,158,195,210–211,212

  Vision for Space Exploration, 224–225

  Von Braun, Werner

  in Alabama, 12–14

  countering negative space narrative, 83–84

  on cover of Life magazine, 20–21

  death of, 217

  dialogue between science and religion, 83–84

  on Dick Cavett show, 216–217

  on electrical workers strike, 76

  engineering skills of, 234

  entering lunar landing model, 91

  Faget and, 172

  family of, 210

  father of, 12

  at Fort Bliss, 1,2

  on the future of space program, 129

  Gilruth on, 53

  on hydrogen fueled rockets, 74

  with John F. Kennedy, 82f

  joining NASA, 25

  Kraft and, 53

  on landing on the Moon, 48

  love-frustration relationship with Alabama home, 77

  on Mercury program, 87

  as national figure, 12,24

  Nazi past of, 1–2,98,216–217

  at Newcastle Army Base, 1

  on non-rocket technology, 50

  on orbital spying, 14

  organization structure, 49–50,234

  Patriot of the Year award, 24

  photograph of, 13f

  Pohl and, 49,50

  pop-in approach to management, 50

  against racism, 77,97

  reassigned to NASA headquarters, 210

  retiring from NASA, 210–211

  on Saturn V maiden voyage, 145

  shuttle program support, 170–171

  speaking on new projects, 172

  supporting one-ship approach, 68

  surrendering to American forces, 1

  tempering media on projected Moon landing, 180

  temper of, 50–51

  on “Trip around the Moon,” 13–14

  unflattering facts on, 83

  on welding process, 128

  Worlund and, 85–86

  writing for general public, 13–14

  during WWII, 3–4

  Voskhod spacecraft, 83

  Voyager project, 171

  Wallace, George, 96–97,151

  Wallops Island, 22

  Webb, James, 44,96–97

  Weber, Joe, 209

  weightlessness in space, 22,25–26

  welding process, clean room environment for, 128

  Wells, Cynthia, 108,201,213

  White, Ed, 104,136

  White Sands Proving Grounds, 3f

  “Why Land on the Moon” (pamphlet), 80

  Wolfe, Tom, 54,66

  World War II

  Faget during, 4–6

  German U-boats in Gulf of Mexico, 10

  kamikaze attacks, 4

  von Braun during, 3–4

  Worlund, Len, 85–86

  Wussler, Robert, 180

  Yaw rotation, 69

  Young, Ken, 72,112

  Zond spacecraft, 133,149,157




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