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Charlie: Northern Grizzlies (Book 4)

Page 4

by M. Merin

  “What’s his problem?” Connal asks as he helps me get off before following me to my room.

  “Well, he decided I was a whore the day I got here and he doesn’t seem any more impressed with me now,” I say, opening the door. “Thank you for dinner, and lunch, Connal.”

  “Thanks for joining us.” He pecks my cheek so quickly, I wonder if I imagine it. “Lock your door now.”

  I turn and follow his advice. When I don’t hear his bike start up, I peek through the curtain to see him stalking towards the motel office.


  Slimy motherfucker that runs the motel won’t be saying much to Charlie anymore; I can guarantee that. I notice her curtains swaying and smile to myself as I mount up, eager to get to the clubhouse and talk to Jake. I know we agreed to go real slow with her, but I’m curious to hear what he did when they were together.

  Pretty full house in the bar area; Diamond immediately comes up to me with one of the newer Girlies in tow.

  “Connal!” She squeals. “You and Jake haven’t double teamed Stacy yet! He says he’s not interested but you’ll convince him, won’t you?”

  “Please!” Stacy whines. “It’s not fair; I’ve been here three months now and didn’t even know that was a thing with you two! Even Ana didn’t know about it, but I get a turn first.”

  “Step the fuck back. We aren’t interested.” I growl, moving back to where Jake is sitting off to the side.

  “Did you kiss her?” I ask by way of greeting.

  “No. Sat her on my lap up at the lookout point though. You?”

  “Pecked her cheek.” I fess up, pouring a beer from the pitcher in front of him. “She’s confused about what’s going on, Jake.”

  “I know. Just wait until next week, though. Get her used to us being around?” I nod along, thinking that’s the right tact.

  “God, but that fucking story she told, Jake.” I slam my hand on the table.

  “I almost lost my shit, Brother.” Jake’s hand tightens around his mug. “Do you know how she got the scars?”

  “She has more than one?” I raise an eyebrow at him.

  “When she was getting off my lap; I saw another on her shoulder, the same side, going down her back.” He smirks at me.

  “Let’s ask tomorrow? Can’t be much worse than tonight’s tale.” I answer, hoping I’m right.

  We both turn as a cheer goes up across the room, Diamond has pulled another Girlie up to the small stage and they’re dancing while playing with each other’s titties.

  “A year ago, I’d of hit that,” Jake says, tilting his head towards the stage with a sour expression on his face. “Lately man, I don’t even care enough to give any of these girls a glance.”

  “I worry though, we just meet her and we’re pretty fucking invested…”

  “That’s the best thing, Boys.” Flint slides into the chair beside me. “When you wake up one morning and there’s only one woman on the whole fucking planet that matters.”

  Putting down a fresh pitcher, he sizes up both of us. “You two were looking pretty serious over here.”

  “I remember that day you first saw Bree,” I smirk at him. “We look that way now?”

  “Wedding’s coming up fast. Got your dates picked out, Boys?” He answers back.

  “One.” Jake firmly answers. “One date for us.”

  “Don’t suppose this is that new mechanic; Royce swears’ll be the death of him?” Flint quirks an eyebrow at us.

  “Oh, Jake, I forgot to tell you! She took him out again today, it was hysterical.” I tell them both about Royce and the oil slick then continue to tell Flint about her charming Miller while wrecking her own special brand of havoc on his son. Both of them are in tears laughing and we’re starting to draw attention from others.

  Shortly, we’re finishing off the last of our beers and Flint’s checking the time. “Bree’ll be getting off soon, gotta run. You two take it easy on this girl of yours? Might be a lot for her to process?”

  “We will, Boss,” Jake speaks up. “I think Bree would like her.” He adds, knowing the weight Bree’s opinion holds with Flint.

  Flint stares at Jake for a moment before nodding; knowing how careful Jake is when he speaks. Clasping my shoulder, he heads out.

  We turn, heading up to our rooms on the second floor. Ignoring the sounds of my Brothers’ partying and fucking in other rooms; I boot up my laptop and start searching for a house. A home that we can make with Charlie.


  The next morning, Jake is knocking on the bathroom door that connects our rooms. Most of the upstairs rooms in the clubhouse have jack and jill bathroom configurations and it made sense for us to get adjoining rooms.

  “I think I found it,” He says walking in. “Check this out.”

  Handing me his laptop, the page is open to a three bedroom, two bath ranch. It’s on a few acres and right up the road from Jasper.

  “Look – the best part?” He clicks through the pictures. “There’s a second living space, with a fireplace and double doors that head out to the backyard.”

  He looks expectedly at me; but seriously, I haven’t had coffee yet.

  “We can make that the master. The bed will fit and we can build in a closet and a bathroom to make it an ensuite.” He gets frustrated as I continue to stare at him. “What’s wrong?”

  “Jake, I’ve known you for twelve years. You’ve spoken more since meeting Charlie than you spoke in the first year or two I knew you.”

  He shrugs.

  “I mean, downright fucking chatty, Jake.” I try to reemphasize my point.

  “I’m excited.”

  “I get that, Brother. I really do.” I run my hand through my hair and get up, grabbing and lighting a cigarette from my dresser. “But if she doesn’t go for us, then what?”

  I hate the thought of Jake being this worked up and everything going to shit.

  “If she only wants you. Then, I walk away.” Jake says, surprising the shit out of me. “She’s amazing Connal. She’s had a lot of shit go down, then she comes here and almost gets turned away, but she’s good, and sweet, and funny. She doesn’t give up. She doesn’t snort powder up her nose, like so many of the women around here.

  “She is hungry, but she doesn’t take the easy way. You see what she looks like, it never occurred to her to trade on that. If she’ll only take one, I’ll go; but Brother or not. I will. Fucking. Kill. You. Slowly, if you ever hurt her.” Jake’s face backs up his last sentence.

  “Ok, Jake. Make that more words than the first five years I knew you.” I say, dodging the empty beer can he picks up and throws towards my head.

  At that moment, I know what Plan B is.

  If she won’t accept us both. I will be the one to cash out. Jake once took a bullet for me and saved my ass more than a dozen times; both overseas and on runs for the MC. We have been to hell and back, but he’s never been animated about anything or anyone; not like he is about Charlie. If the last act I can perform to him as a friend is to ghost out; that’s what I’ll do.

  Though I hope it doesn’t come to that. I hope, for the first time in years. I hope that this woman can find it in herself to do the unthinkable.

  To love and tie herself to two men.


  Getting to work early, I get started on the steam room that was slated for today. By the time Vice rolls in, I’ve got the plumbing sealed up and ready for inspection.

  “Need to leave a bit early, Vice.” I start as he looks around.

  “Fuck Jake.” He laughs. “You work this fast and we’ll lose money.”

  I move towards the next area slotted for a steam room.

  “Hey,” He calls. “You and Royce’ll be in cages for this trip. Leave tomorrow just after lunch.”

  I raise my eyebrows, surprised they’re moving the run up rather than pushing it back.

  “Trucks’ll be ready by then?”

  “Royce and Connal are handling that,” Vice says, surprising me tha
t they would do the work in the garage, what with the raid that went down the other day.

  “What about Charlie?” I ask, suddenly worried about her getting caught up in this.

  “Who?” Vice pauses. “Ha, I heard there’s a chick down at the garage now, that her name? Connal gonna bring her by the clubhouse to part…”

  His sentence is cut off, along with his oxygen. My hand clenching his throat until his eyes are at the same level as mine; his feet dangling, his hands scratching at my wrists.

  “Don’t,” I growl at him. “Don’t,” I repeat, shaking him; so angry at the picture that formed in my mind that I can’t form any other words.

  I’m ballistic at the thought of Charlie unprotected in the clubhouse, it’s only Hawk barreling into me that loosens my hold on Vice’s larynx.

  Next thing, the three of us are in a pile. Vice is gasping for breath. Hawk is yelling at me, though I can’t make out the words. And all I can do is close my eyes, trying to block out the red I see and picture Charlie’s perfect blue eyes.

  The three of us finally take a breath and focus on Vice when he speaks.

  “Head on out, Jake. Come back after your run, but…”

  “Vice. Don’t fucking think about her.” I growl, getting up I reach a hand down to help Vice up before I leave.

  I text Connal as I head out, need to let him know what went down; that I exploded and will have to make it right with Vice. I ride straight there, having him meet me out back because I know once he hears what happened; he’ll let me take Charlie out for a ride. He’ll know that I’ll need her near me to soothe my anger.

  When I pull up, he’s waiting; smoking out behind the garage. I can’t forget that he’s my Brother first, so I lead with my need to be around Charlie right now. Before explaining what I did.

  “Fuck,” He laughs. “Remember Gunner? He knocked Frank’s tooth out that first time Riley came to the clubhouse. This shit happens, Vice’ll let it go.”

  “I lost it, Connal,” I admit, motioning for one of his smokes. “I fucked up,” I say, before inhaling a mess of chemicals that work to calm me down. We stand out there smoking, but the cigarette is almost repulsive to me today. I just want to see and touch her.

  “I need her to finish up another car after the one she’s on.” He shrugs. “She knows her shit well enough to get the requested job done then inspects everything else. She uses every crap job I give her to learn more, Jake. It’s fucking awesome to have someone like that here.”

  “She really loves it, doesn’t she?” I smile at him.

  “Yeah, but more than that. She has the knack for the work and the customers.” He laughs, tossing his butt away. “I mean, shit, we don’t lock her down and Miller’s gonna be coming by with flowers soon.”

  “We won’t take this away from her, Connal; that’s got to be something in our favor, right?” I ask.

  “Why don’t you run her out to that house you want to see? Tell her you want a female perspective?” He grins at me. “Maybe swing by Jasper and Emma’s place afterward, so Emma can meet her?”

  I nod and hang back as he gets back to work. Calling the Real Estate Agent, I arrange to have her meet us. Next, I text Jas and ask about stopping by his house with a friend for Emma to meet.

  I have no fucking idea what all the emoji’s are that he uses in his response, but I’m pretty sure what the eggplant is supposed to be. Jesus Christ.

  Chapter 6


  Before long, I’m heading in to ask Charlie for her help; she looks over to Connal who gives her the thumbs up, so moments later we’re heading out.

  We beat the agent out to the property giving us time to walk around the house. Charlie points out a few things worth consider before letting out an excited scream. Next thing I know I’m running behind her as she takes off towards a tire swing.

  “Jake!” She pants, climbing into it. “I read about these and saw them in movies, but! Oh wow, push me, please?” She looks like a kid at Christmas, and I know I’ll never say no to her.

  Fifteen minutes later, the agent makes herself known and by then Charlie is pushing me on the swing. No matter what I said, she didn’t want me to miss out on the tire swing once she made me admit I had never been on one.

  Walking back to the house, we’re breathless from laughing; but best of all, I’m holding her hand.

  The place needs updating, but the second living space I had scouted online is perfect for a master bedroom for three adults.

  Once the agent leaves us to wander the empty home a little more, Charlie starts to open up about what I could do with different areas. I commit each comment to memory, only discarding her ideas for the second living room.

  Asking Charlie to check for my phone near the tire swing, I tell the agent what my starting cash offer is and ask that an inspector meets me out there early the next morning. Luckily, Charlie finds my phone right where I let it slip and we’re soon off to Emma’s.


  Being whisked away from work was unexpected but after walking through the house Jake wanted to see, I’m suddenly shy as we pull up to his friend’s house.

  Even more so, when a tall, striking redhead emerges; a child held in one arm and her belly slightly rounded with the promise of another one.

  “Jake! Jas said you might stop by!” She calls out to him while smiling at me.

  He simply nods at her, so she introduces herself. “I’m Emma and so happy to meet you! Charlie, right?”

  I laugh but eagerly return her one-armed hug. “Well, Connal won’t stop calling me Charles.” When she raises an eyebrow; I continue, explaining my birth name.

  Welcomed into her home, she darts off to put her son down for his overdue nap; explaining that his twin sister is already asleep. Jake comfortably makes coffee for himself in the kitchen, getting me a glass of water; then we sit in the living room quietly awaiting her return.

  Emma heads straight towards the coffee when she does make it back. Inhaling the scent, I can see how much she enjoys her caffeine. Before we start to chat, she swears Jake and me to secrecy over having coffee while pregnant. Jake just sits back; holding my hand and occasionally refilling their mugs.

  After realizing my connection to Mack, Emma absolutely lights up.

  “Jasper was hospitalized in Boise a while back, Mack was wonderful! He whipped the nursing staff into action, calmed me down, and sat with me until Flint, Connal, Jake, and Russian could get there.” She gushes. “I had Jasper send him a fancy bottle of whiskey as a thank you, but…he really helped me keep it together that day.”

  I cannot remember the last time I had a girlfriend to talk to and the time with Emma goes so fast; I’m truly saddened when one of her children start fussing, ending our visit.

  “Charlie, give me your number – Jake, I’m calling Riley. I want her at Monday’s dinner!” She demands of both of us.

  “I might still be out of town, but Connal can take her.” He replies, looking at me with a flash of his dimples. I don’t miss the startled expression that briefly crosses Emma’s face.

  As I’m fastening my helmet, I ask him about the dinner and he explains the new ‘tradition’ and concisely tells me about their group of friends. Riding back towards the garage, I can’t help but be flattered that she wants me there; but nervous about why they are so readily accepting me.

  “Let me get your phone, Charlie.” He says as we pull up behind the garage and I’m sliding off his bike. I unlock it and hand it over; watching as he quickly programs both his and Connal’s cell numbers. “I’m leaving town for a few days, I won’t be able to reach out but call Connal if you need anything.”

  “Royce is going with you?” I ask, cocking my head to the side.

  “Yeah, Connal and I usually go together, but Royce has uh, something he wants to do,” He shrugs, looking off to the side. His meaning clicks pretty quickly.

  “You mean, he has someone he wants to do? Wherever you’re going?” I clarify, getting a sheepish g
rin and a nod from Jake. My voice drops and I look away while asking my next question. “Is there someone there for you, Jake?”

  He quickly cups my face with both his hands, lifting my head up so I’m looking into his eyes; taking in the earnest expression I see reflected there. “No, Charlie. No one there for me.”

  I’m slowly leaning up to him when the back door swings open and Connal sticks his head out. “Getting backed up in here, Charles!”

  My face flames red and I quickly run in past Connal as he holds the door. Getting back into my overalls, I race to make my way up to my usual lane. Coming around the side of a van, I trip and fly into Royce’s stomach.

  My hand shoots out and I grab the van to keep from falling. Royce however, falls back onto a tire that is on the ground behind his feet.

  “Goddamn, Son of a BITCH!!!” He howls, and I can’t help but get annoyed at how dramatic he can be. I mean he fell onto a tire, not the cement. “FUCK. FUCK. FUCK.”

  I stick my hand out to help him up but getting a glare from him, I turn to get the ice pack out of the fridge in Connal’s office. Jake and Connal are wedged in the doorway, both having run at the commotion.

  “Is he alright?” Connal asks, only able to see Royce’s feet from where the two of them are standing.

  “Yeah, there was a tire…” I start before I see the expression on their faces, right before they burst out laughing. “It was an accident!” Is all I can think to say, pushing past them to get that ice pack.

  Walking back a moment later, Jake is leaning face first into a wall, his shoulders shaking; while Royce spews obscenities about me to Connal. I don’t think the big grin on Connal’s face is helping the situation, but I maneuver past him to offer up the ice pack.

  “She’s like a hundred pounds soaking wet, Royce; I doubt she tackled you on purpose.” Connal tries to reason with him.

  “I tripped.” Trying to explain, but that just gets another glare from Royce and a chuckle from Connal. Royce finally takes the ice pack from me though.

  “See? She tripped. She didn’t intentionally tackle you, Royce.” Connal actually gets this out without laughing but Jake starts howling again.


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