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Alpha Farm, Facing Your Demons (Prepper Chicks Series Book 2)

Page 22

by Annie Berdel

  “Mike!” she screamed

  “Is that who you really want right now?” he whispered in her ear.

  Every nerve within her body was now at attention. How could she have been so stupid?

  “What do you want?” she said slowly, yielding to the pull he had on her hair as her body fell back against him.

  “You” he breathed out, the air tickling the small invisible hairs on Chloe’s ear

  Her stomach wanted to heave but dealing with John’s for so long helped her keep her cool.

  “Me? Why do you want me? What is it that you want from me?” She spoke so softly that she barely heard her own words over the beating of her heart.

  The man’s other hand wrapped around and covered her breast, looking for her stiff nipple. His knees buckled slightly as he found his intended target. He had wanted to touch, to taste her for so long now. Chloe’s mind was racing a mile a minute as she tried to wrap her head around what was going on. She needed to stay calm and not panic, no matter what the man was doing to her body. In another life she had learned to turn off her emotions and use her assets to get what she wanted. Why was this any different? Could she play this out and not get hurt? Could she suppress all the emotions that she has been freeing recently with Mike like a girded bird finally finding freedom? Why was this happening?

  “You like this?” the man whispered as he squeezed

  God Chloe, think! She screamed silently.

  Chloe pressed back against the man even more. Closing her eyes, she turned the imaginary lock that closed the door to the outside world. “Hmmmm” she moaned

  She felt his lips against her neck. Reaching down, she twisted her hand around behind her and grabbed his crotch. Putting slight pressure on his groin area she waited for the intended response.

  “You like that?” she moaned

  Murmuring something intelligible against her neck, the man was becoming more and more engrossed in his own lust. Gripping again, she slid her foot back between his legs at the same time. Making one more intense massage, she immediately reached up with both hands, securing his hand on her head. With a tip of her hip, she sent the man crashing around and against the nesting boxes in front of her. Trying to catch himself, the man let go of her hair long enough for her to step back away from him.

  “Tom!” she screamed, her eyes wide in horror.

  Tomas Montalvo gathered himself together and stood up facing his prey. Bending down slightly, he brushed off the bits of straw that had stuck to his jeans when he had fallen.

  “Chloe” he said nonchalantly without looking at her

  “What the fuck are you doing?” the murderous look on her face fielding the emotions spewing from her mouth as any sense of escaping evaded her now.

  “Giving you what you’ve been asking for.” He replied as if he was doing her a service. His eyebrow raised slightly as the grin crept across his face.

  “Like hell I’ve been asking for it! You’re fucking insane!”

  “You played too but another time then. I will leave you to your chores.” He said as he walked to the door. Turning to leave, he looked at Chloe with an intensity in his eyes that Chloe could not break the hold. Raising his index finger before his lips, he simply and quite effectively sent her world into a tailspin before he let the door slam behind him.

  She waited until she thought he was far away, trying to compose herself, her mind still trying to wrap itself around what had happened.


  The thought made her sick as she remembered what had happened. She thought it was Mike coming back in. She thought he had forgotten something, forgotten to tell her something maybe. Never in a million years did she think it was anyone else but Mike.

  He was a part of their group, their pack. Damn it, he was a part of her new family! Now what was she going to do? How was she going to face Emma? Her fight or flight instincts were in overdrive as her mind spun around in all different directions. Good god she didn’t know what to do!

  Placing her left hand on the edge of the door, she reached down and grabbed the doorknob with her right. Bowing her head and closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. She had to get out of this room before she suffocated. Gripping the handle with a fear of what was on the other side, she transferred her energy into running away as fast and as far as she could.

  Opening the door, she didn’t wait to see if anyone was out there, she just took off at a pace that would surprise any professional sprinter. Up over the small knoll and down the lane to the house, she was not going to stop until she felt she was in a safe place. As fast as her legs could go, she ran past the house and took off along the tree line to the back field. Following the path that she and Emma had walked, she found the entrance into the deep, dark woods. Slowing a bit, she ran to close to the raspberry patch that Emma had planted years ago and spun around as the thorns dug in and held on to her clothes. Ripping her arm away from the prickly captors, she felt the skin beneath her clothing sting from the deep scratches the bushes left.

  Running deep into the open arms the forest offered, she slowed long enough to jump over a couple fallen logs and take a quick turn off the path.

  Her mind screamed as she stood and circled around looking for a place to hide.

  Where would she go?

  Around and around she turned, trying to find the magic door to get her out of here and back to her life in Los Angeles.

  She saw the cabin almost hidden behind the thicket of evergreens and underwood. Taking off, she ran into the building, slamming the door behind her. Pressing her back against the door, she slid to the floor as she tried to catch her breath.

  Damn it to hell and back!

  She had no idea what to do. Tell Emma? That would destroy her. She loved that man beyond reason which was apparent since Emma used such love and grace to deal with her husband’s odd behavior since the accident. Ignore what happened? Then what? What if he had attempted to pull the same shit on one of the other girls? She almost laughed out loud as she thought of Tiffany and Johnisse, but Megan. Innocent Megan. Was that why she was acting so weird lately?

  Oh please, no! Not Megan. Megan wasn’t eating lately and even though no one had caught on, Chloe had. She had watched her move her food around on her plate, acting like she was eating and then hurriedly cleaning up all the plates, hers mostly still full of rearranged sustenance.

  Chloe wrapped her arms around herself as she thought back to Tom’s hand on her breast. Shuddering, she tried to shake off the feeling of his fingers manipulating her body. She wanted to forget that she used her prior experiences to outwit the man who had just changed so many lives if she talked. She had to say something, she just wasn’t sure who she should talk to. Definitely not Emma.

  Oh God, she felt the pain that would Emma would be wrapped in if she found out her husband had betrayed their marriage. Emma was a good woman and did nothing to deserve this!

  It was just too much for Chloe to keep bottled up inside. The tears started to flow down her cheeks and her body was rattled by the sobbing that overwhelmed her small frame.

  “Damn it!” She screamed. “I was supposed to be able to trust you! How could you do this to us?” Over and over she felt his hands on her, his breath on her neck… “Fuck you Tomas Montalvo” she screamed into the void the forest provided her. Laying over onto the hard-wooden floor, Chloe wrapped her arms around her knees trying to comfort herself as the tears continued to slide down her face. Time slipped by as her mind numbly replayed the past hour over and over and left her empty trying to find answers. The sun continued to fade as Chloe’s breathing started to level out and picked up a familiar rhythm as exhaustion finally overcame her.

  “Hey, have any of you seen Chloe?” Mike asked of the group as he walked into the kitchen. Emma was sitting at the table sipping a cup of tea as her husband sat across from her eating a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich. Tiffany was busy cooking another batch of bacon for the rest of the group while Jay was looking through the side dra
wer below the counter trying to find a pencil.

  “No, hun. She hasn’t been in here since I’ve been here.” Tiffany replied

  “I just got here myself” Jay shrugged

  “I think Tiffany has some bacon ready if you want a sammich there, Mikey Boy” Tom said as he chomped down on his own BLT.

  “No thanks. Listen, if anyone sees her, tell her that I’m looking for her” he said as he started to walk out of the room.

  “Mike? Everything okay?” Emma asked

  “I hope so.” Was his quick reply before he disappeared.

  The shivers from the chill that had settled on her skin woke her up. Wrapping her arms around herself as she sat up, she blinked her eyes in confusion as to where she was at.


  She had forgotten about their picnic with all the crap that had just happened. An all too familiar uneasiness returned to her stomach. She had to go back to the house and face what had happened. Drawing her knees up to her chest, she rested her head on her knees. What was she going to say to the only woman who had ever watched out for her? “Hey, your husband’s a slime ball?” “Hey, can’t trust him so let’s string him up in the nearest tree. Isn’t that what you end of the world people do to the creeps who betray your group?” Picking her head up, Chloe ran her hands up the sides of her head to fluff her assumedly flat hair. She needed to get this mess cut. If she had it shorter, Tom would not have been able to control her so easily. She had learned that lesson early on in her chosen profession. Never give a John the advantage. Slamming her head back against the door, she realized she could never escape her past. What was the use? It haunted her around every corner she took, sticking its tongue out and making her feel like a thrown away ragdoll that no one wanted anymore.

  Standing up, she turned and opened the door to the outside world. Where did she go from here? Back to Emma’s? There was nothing left for her there.

  Mike found his sister alone in her office. Giving a gently knock, he walked in and shut the door behind himself.

  “Sis, I still can’t find Chloe anywhere. Have you heard from her?”

  “No! Why didn’t you say something before now? I figured you had found her since I haven’t seen either one of you since lunch.” She said as she pushed her chair away from her desk and stood up. “Where did you see her last?” Emma said visibly concerned.

  “Out in the chicken coop. She was gathering eggs.”

  “Odd. I don’t remember seeing any new eggs in the kitchen. Have you asked Tom? I know he was out and about before lunch.” She asked

  “No to the Tom part. I poked my head in the coop earlier but didn’t see much since it was kinda dark in there.”

  “Come on. Let’s go have a look around”

  “Wait” he said as she started to walk past him.” The reason I came in here. I…” he started to stammer

  “Spit it” Emma said

  “I may have scared her off and she just doesn’t want to see me.” He explained

  “Why would you say that?”

  “Well, she and I have been spending quite a bit of time together. I kissed her.”

  “You think your kisses have magical powers to make all the girls run away” Emma asked

  “No, damnit”

  “I’m sorry. I know you are worried but I’m not following”

  “I kissed her. Like, I made it known that I like her and want to spend more time with her. Like, maybe have a relationship.” Mike barely choked out the words to his sister

  “A relationship? You?”

  “I know, right?”

  “It’s not that. You deserve someone special. I was just giving you a hard time so relax. Listen, if there is any one thing I know about our Chloe is that she can take care of herself and that she knows what she wants. I wouldn’t worry too much about scaring her off.”

  “Speaking of? What do you know about her? She doesn’t like to talk about herself and I’m getting tired of trying to pry information.”

  “A little. She lived in LA, obviously. Had a day job and stalked my site at night. She has a good heart, Mike if that’s what you’re asking, she’s just a little misunderstood. I trust my Spidey senses, as you like to say”

  “Bro, we are wasting time here. We need to get going if you are done with my Doctor Ruth expertise.

  Following his sister out the door, Mike had an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach.

  Mike hit the door with the tip of his boots, hoping someone was in the kitchen to open the back door. He did not want to put his bundle down for an instant. Kicking the door again, he finally heard shuffling on the other side as the door slowly opened. Pushing it fast with his foot, Mike forced in past Tom who was still trying to figure out what was going on.

  “Go get Emma!” Mike said to the bewildered man who was standing and staring at him and the woman he had in his arms.

  “What’s going on?” Tom stuttered

  “Please! I asked you to go get your wife! Chloe needs help!” now shouting with frustration, Mike walked into the living room still carrying his bundle.

  “Chloe? What’s wrong with her?” Tom asked, following after his brother-in-law.

  Laying Chloe on the sofa, Mike turned as was about ready to punch Tom square in the face and stopped short. It would hurt Emma more than it would Tom, he realized.

  “Can you please go get Emma?” Mike said, now seething through his teeth.

  “Go get her yourself.” Tom replied. Staring at the man in disbelief, Mike wasn’t about to leave the woman but saw no other choice. He could stand there and argue with the imbecile of a man his sister was married to or go get his sister himself. Turning to leave, Mike would deal with Tom later.

  “Don’t let her move if she wakes up.” Mike demanded of Tom. “I’ll be right back. Emma was headed back towards the barn when we split up so I’m guessing she is around there.”

  “Sure.” Tom replied looking at the long form of the helpless female laying on his sofa, his eye wandering to her breasts as he felt his groin harden.

  Mike was already out the back door and headed to the barn before he heard Tom’s reply. Walking back out into the kitchen to make sure the man had left, Tom clicked the lock on the door. It might buy him some quality time with the little blonde in by the fireplace and definitely alert him when anyone came back to the house and fumbled around to find a key.

  Walking back to where his victim lie, Tom closed the curtain to the outside. No distractions. His mouth now salivating from excitement as he grabbed his crotch and gave a light squeeze.

  Soon, he said as he walked over to the helpless woman.

  “Chloe?” his voice barely over a whisper as he jabbed the woman in the cheek with his finger. Satisfied that she was unconscious, he ran his hands over her breasts, watching her eyelids for any movement. Satisfied, he slid his hands up under her shirt and slipped this fingers under her bra.

  “Ah, yes” he moaned as he fondled her nipples. Flipping her shirt up, he wanted to see what she kept to herself. Groaning, he hesitantly touched the rosy buds that were exposed. He needed more.

  Kneeling beside her on the floor, his tongue now teasing her nipple, he let his hand travel down her stomach until he felt the silky strands of hair. A gush of warmth flowed over him as he ejaculated in his pants, his eyes rolling backwards as his muscles seized during the episode. Chloe moved.

  Damn it.

  He had been clenching her nipple between his fingers during his climax a little too intensely. Backing up, he was starting to stand as her eyes fluttered open.

  “What the ....” she started to say as she tried to sit up. “What the fuck are you doing?” she screamed at Tom as she ascended more out of the fog she was in. Startled, he looked down at her chest, her breasts still exposed. Chloe clutched at her shirt trying to cover herself.

  “Don’t touch me!” she was now sitting up and trying to swing her legs off the couch. “Don’t you touch me ever again!”

  “You might
want to keep it down.” Tom said as he gained control over himself.

  “Or what? Get the fuck away from me!”

  “Or what? How about I hurt someone you love? How about you won’t know which one of these assholes it is until it’s too late!” Tom now spat through clenched teeth.

  Both of them jumped at the pounding at the back door. Walking to the doorway, Tom turned and once again placed his index finger over his lips. Leaving the room, we strode through the kitchen to the backdoor and unlocked it, letting Mike and Emma in.

  “Sorry.” Mike said “I didn’t think I locked it when I left. Habit, I guess.”

  Mike rushed past Tom and headed into the living room with Emma right behind him. Tom stood and watched them for a minute.

  How would this play out? Would Chloe spill their little secret and if she did, the what? Mike would be angry, that was a given. And Emma? She wouldn’t do anything except gasp and look at him like he ran over her puppy. This was so tiring, living in this house with these people. He wasn’t ready to leave just yet, but maybe it was time. Grabbing his jacket from the coatrack, he needed to get to the cabin and pick up his supplies. But first, he needed to get those tow damn kids of Varga’s.


  Glancing around the room from the corner table he had chosen, Tom felt a sense of belonging that he hadn’t felt in quite some time. Getting out and away from the farm and spending time with the boys had brought a new found confidence and some new hobbies to his life that Tom was finding quite uplifting. It was better than lying around under Emma’s thumb anyways.

  Picking up the empanada, Tom sprinkled some hot sauce on the end and bit into it. Oh god, he could have died and gone to heaven. He hadn’t had food like this in forever. While Emma could cook, it wasn’t with the authenticity he had found in town at the tavern. These women could cook over an open fire like he had never experienced before. Why he had never come into this joint before now was beyond him, but he was finding it fast becoming like a second home to him. So much so that he had found it quite pleasurable to flirt with the owner’s daughter, a homely little twit with thick glasses, but being thirteen and wanting to do nothing but fuck, Tom found it his obligation to help her out. He owed her one more romp before he headed out of town, not just for old time’s sake but for keeping those brats of Varga’s busy so he could enjoy his dinner. It was easy as pie to get the kids away from the farm, so easy that Tom felt edgy. He pickup up on Mike being out with Emma looking for Chloe, but where was everyone else? He felt like he wasn’t invited to the party! Oh well, made life easier for him and now, being in town, there wasn’t a whole lot anyone could do. Besides, Emma would never think to look for him here. No one would.


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