Book Read Free

The Mating Season

Page 1

by M. L. Briers




  Copyright © 2013 by M.L Briers

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.














  Fay blew a stray strand of curly auburn hair from in front of her eyes and concentrated on navigating the driveway. She hated driving anywhere that she hadn’t been at least once before and to her added misery it was also night time, another of her pet hates for being behind the wheel, but it couldn’t be helped- she had promised Faith that she would arrive today and there was still some of today left, barely- so she would keep her word and that was a good thing- having been made to swear to it and everyone knew that Faith could be a little hypersensitive about people breaking their word.

  The large driveway was a twisty creepy affair- with the blackness of the woods on one side and the tree tops reaching down over the roadway it gave off the impression of being moodier than it probably looked in the daylight- on the plus side it had been illuminated for visitors, she guessed- either that or Faith’s filthy rich fiancé just like burning money- she hoped it wasn’t just for her benefit - she would feel more than guilty at having any pomp or trouble spent on her behalf.

  Fay felt the same stray strand of hair that had been dogging her since she left her house almost five hours ago sway against her nose again before she saw it, she was just too intent on the roadway ahead- but the darn thing was tickling her like crazy as the gentle breeze blew from the car’s AC and she took her gaze away from the drive for just an instant to blow against the offending curl one more time when something darted across her path and panic and fear stabbed at her heart as she slammed on the brakes, the tyres protesting on the drive as the large black animal turned it’s steely blue gaze in her direction when she screamed out an expletive.

  Killed a dog! Killed a dog! Killed a dog!

  The car screeched to a halt and she slowly opened her eyes on a grimace, her hands gripping the wheel like a lifeline, white knuckles grabbing her attention before she peered over the steering wheel.

  “No bump-“ She muttered to herself, wincing as she finally managed to unclench one hand from the leather around the wheel to put the car into park, pulling up the handbrake. “No bump- no harm-“ She muttered again absolutely trying to convince herself that she hadn’t in fact made any kind of contact with that damned animal.

  Her eyes went wide as she finally realised that there could still be an animal lying injured on the roadway and the adrenalin shot through her like a good kick up the butt, “Oh god damn it!” She breathed out, compelled to act- forcing open the door and practically throwing herself out of the car. Her eyes scanned the roadway for any sign of an injured animal as she raced around to the front of the car.

  “Come here boy?” She tried to sound as friendly as possible. “I really didn’t mean to kill you- hurt you- scare the bejesus out of you- come on pup-“

  Coming to stand in the shadows of the underbrush the wolf steadied his heartbeat and turned to regard the car that had been his near miss all because he had been damned stupid enough to run in front of it- an anger swept through him- if it hadn’t of been for Abel he would have seen and heard it a mile away- damn that wolf could get a guy in trouble faster than he could run and he could run pretty damn fast, which was the reason Adam hadn’t been paying much attention to his surroundings, trying to catch Abel for some stupid bet.

  The wolf raised his snout and sniffed the air- the fear that carried in the gentle breeze wasn’t his- but that sweet scent in the air was drawing- his eyes fixed on the woman behind the steering wheel, her hands in a death grip- her eyes squeezed shut as she caught ragged breaths- serves her right, he thumbed his snout at her, she should have been paying more attention to the damned road, he told himself as she opened her eyes and his interest peeked as the jade green caught his attention.

  He could hear her muttering and went to turn away, skirting a paw across the earth in annoyance at his own stupidity, just as Abel appeared at his side- mild interest running through him as to what had ended the chase-

  “What happened brother- couldn’t keep up?” The link between them was too strong to just switch off right now- in human form it wouldn’t have been a problem, he could turn it on and off at will, but when they had shifted it was a different matter altogether.

  “Human tried to mount me on the bonnet of her car-“ Abel turned towards the human in question, who was now out of her car and moving around frantically searching for whatever she might have hit.

  “I wouldn’t say no to her mounting me-“ A low growl rumbled through Adam and Abel chuckled to himself.

  “Come here boy-“ She called out and Abel couldn’t help the belly laugh that tore through his mind. His wolf throwing his head back and forth as Adam sighed beside him.

  “She thinks you’re a dog- ha!”Another growl slightly longer, louder and meaner run through Adam as Abel caught himself and shook out his fur as if to shake off his amusement.

  “Come on Puppy.”

  Abel threw his head back and howled in laughter as Adam continued to growl his anger and resentment beside his brother, looks like he would have to take him down a peg or two he told himself- more than eager to assert his leadership but he noticed the howl that Abel had let out had the woman’s head whipping around in their direction as she took a couple of steps towards them, her eyes showing real concern.

  “Wolf- no- oh please don’t say I hurt you.” She mumbled to herself as she took another step towards them, he knew that there was no way they could be seen from the roadway too far into the darkness of the underbrush and yet he felt as though she were staring right at him- a shiver coursed through his form.

  “Puppy- that’s just too funny-“ Abel chuckled and Adam turned on a growl and a warning snap of his jaws as Abel took a step back, his head bowing down low as he dropped his eyes- immediately becoming submissive- before his Alpha turned his attention back to the woman, he couldn’t be dealing with Abel’s ribbing right now.

  He watched her hesitate in her next step, her head almost tipping to the side as though she had heard him- before she looked back to her car, she seemed in two minds about whether to look for an injured wolf or not and he wondered at her sanity in that instant- didn’t she have a clue what a wolf could do to her? Well he was just going to have to show her, he decided taking a leap forwards out of the shadows, his teeth bared in a show of those impressive sharp fangs that always managed to catch the moonlight as he growled a warning at her- long and hard and watched her eyes widen in fear as she took a step back, her breath catching in her throat.

  “You’re ok-“ Her eyes shone brightly with relief as she stared into his eyes and he felt the moment of connection with her before he shook it away. She was too kind for her own good.

  He snarled at her then, all gleaming fangs and murderous rage in his eyes and she backed away, her eyes dropping to the roadway as she hastened towards her car.

  Adam watched her fear and smelt it on the gentle breeze- hating himself for it, but he was mindful that the fear he was instilling in her might actually save her life one day as he turned and strolled back into the shadows leaving her to get back in
to the safety of her car. Only when he heard her put the car back into gear and drive slowly up the road did he turn back to watch her car disappear. Something in him wanting to give chase.

  “How is it that we allow human’s to be the dominant species again?” Abel asked on a sigh of bewilderment as he shook his fur out before turning back into the forest- Adam not far behind.

  “Compassion.” Adam sighed at the thought of that beautiful- stupid woman trying to find an injured wolf.

  Faith heard the screech of tyres and felt the icy hand squeeze her heart. What the hell kind of trouble could Fay get into driving up a well lit driveway, she wondered waiting for the sound of an impact, when she heard nothing she turned to look at her fiancé- her eyes eagerly questioning as he listened intently to the sounds of the night.

  “Well?” She demanded impatiently, her eyes going wide with anxiety mixed with the need to know what possible problem could have befallen her friend. She crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her fingers against her forearm as she waited for his reply.

  His amber eyes narrowed as he listened, his head tipped to the side as she threw up her hands in annoyance and started to move towards the steps, if he wasn’t going to supply an answer she would just find out for herself.

  In an instant he was in front of her blocking her way as he smiled down in amusement and Faith sighed in annoyance.

  “She nearly hit one of the wolves- she’s looking for it now.” He beamed on a small chuckle of disbelief and Faith felt the wave of annoyance mixed with relief wash through her, only Fay could find trouble where she really shouldn’t- it was the story of her life.

  “What’s so funny?” She demanded as she placed her hands on her hips and glared at the love of her life with the fire that raged in her brown eyes causing little sparks of amber to shoot from the edge of her pupils outwards to the very edge of the Iris. Now wasn’t the time for one of Jakes superior attitudes to take president over her needs.

  “She’s calling him puppy-“ He chuckled again and Faith couldn’t help the smile that started to curl her burgundy full lips up at the corners before she winced, knowing that neither Adam nor Abel would be pleased with being labelled a dog and wondering for a moment if she should still go to intercede just in case- after all the boys did have a short temper as she knew only too well growing up with their pack and being chase down mercilessly by both for no good reason that she would ever admit too.

  Jake was attune to her worries, had been since the moment they had met and he reached out a hand and brushed his fingers down over the bare skin of her arm soothing her worries away.

  “Adam and Abel won’t hurt her- oh wait-“ He was listening again, his head turned towards the drive and if Faith could have- she would have felt that nervous tension rise within her again, but Jake was still using his damn Vampire tricks and half soothing her- although she knew she should be worried she didn’t feel it, just a slight buzz of a feeling she couldn’t quite grasp.

  “What is it?” She whispered and he lifted a crafted brow before frowning.

  “It seems one of the wolves found it necessary to show themselves to her and-“ He held up a finger to indicate that she should wait and Faith would have sighed, she was sure, if she could summon that emotion.

  “Now why would they growl at her?” He listened intently before shrugging his shoulders, “Crisis over she’s back in the car and heading this way.”He released his touch from Faith’s skin and beamed a smile in her direction as the effects of his soothing washed away in her blood and she flashed her annoyance at him as she went to give him a piece of her mind for the whole soothing thing.

  The car coming towards them put paid to that idea as he flashed her a smug smile of victory before motioning towards her friend who was crawling along at about two miles an hour. “Smile sweetheart- she’s here.” His amusement annoyed her so, but that would have to wait until later, for now she had company.

  Fay almost jumped up and down for joy as she saw Faith coming towards her, arms out for a hug as her long black glossy hair trailed along behind her, happiness oozing from every pore as she shrieked her greeting while Jake stood back, a wince twisting his gorgeous features as he practically shrivelled under the loud pitched shriek his fiancée was emitting.

  “Fay!” She wrapped her arms around Fay and squeezed tightly- Fay was squashed against her friends more than ample breasts, which she was sure would suffocate the average person very nicely if misplaced in a bear hug- much like the one she was receiving right now. In fact she pitied her fiancé should he ever be caught beneath her unawares with no way for escape.

  “Faith- you look gorgeous- Ouch-“ She protested the squeeze but Faith persisted until she suddenly let her go and all she could see was her friends eyes, bright and happier than she had ever recalled them being.

  “You made it and with five minutes to spare.” She grinned down at her from at least a half a foot advantage and with a flash of something in her eyes that didn’t go unnoticed especially twinned with the sarcasm in her comment- Fay huffed an apology before putting an addendum.

  “Don’t even start with me, I got here- did you know you have wolves?” Faith opened her mouth to speak but Jake cleared his throat behind her.

  “They keep the rabbits in check- been neutered I believe-“ His voice was deep and smooth- like a good rich velvet as Faith stepped aside and Fay got to see the fiancé that her friend had been raving about for the past six months.

  He was impossibly tall with shoulders that wouldn’t have needed that tacky nineteen eighties fashion trend of padding in his jackets- he was build like a God should be, would be in cartoon form- with a thick broad chest that she imagined would be all wash board abs, if he cared to strip off- not that she wanted to either imagine his chest or see him stripped off- Faith would claw her eyes out for sure- but if she just happened to be at a pool party with him sometime and he happened to strip off- she might take a peek from under her lashes, she told herself swallowing down her instant embarrassment at the thought and deciding not to carry on her perusal.

  Fay felt the hairs on her spine tingle all the way up to the nape of her neck as she stared into his amused amber eyes- eyes that held her attention for a little longer than they should have.

  Fay was sure she heard another growl from somewhere behind Faith and pulled her gaze from Jakes to scour the immediate area. A soft chuckle came from Jake and she frowned back towards him- his eyes meeting hers and her spine started to tingle again as though warning her of something, she just didn’t know what.

  “Fay!-“Faith startled her with her loud outburst and dragged her attention back towards her friend as she suddenly grinned again- almost bewildered with herself as she giggled, she’d sensed her friends unease and needed to waylay it.

  “This is Jake- Jake this is obviously Fay.” She finished with an embarrassed chuckle as she turned her face away and grimaced at her lame attempt to divert Fay’s attention from what she was feeling.

  Jake took a step forwards and offered his hand as Fay went to take it- but Faith batted it down, stepping between them as she quickly put her arm around Fay’s shoulders and steered her friend past Jake towards the house.

  “Could you get Fay’s bags darling?” She shot over her shoulder as she turned and Jake questioned her with his eyes and she plastered a smile on her lips- she shook her head telling him not to ask as she practically dragged Fay into the house with her.

  “Wow- really?” Fay gasped as they entered the large marble hallway- her eyes darting this way and that- quickly trying to take in the sheer opulence of her surroundings- last time she had visited a stately home, it hadn’t been as nice as this one and from what she knew of Jake, he was old money but he wasn’t gentry.

  Faith waved a hand of dismissal in front of them, “It’s a bit much right?” She chortled and Fay gave her a look of bewilderment. Her Faith ending up in a place like this- she would never have thought it, but hey who was she to judge if Faith was ha
ppy and she appeared to be, then good luck to her.

  “It’s homely-“ Fay commented dryly as she stared up at Faith and the two women burst out laughing together. Faith wrapped an arm tightly around her shoulders and dragged her into the first room off the vast hallway.

  “Let’s have a beer.” Faith whispered into her ear as Fay let the amusement run through her.

  “If you have tennis courts, a landing strip and an Olympic sized swimming pool out back I’m out of here future rich chic.” Fay almost whispered in the sudden silence of the house.

  “No landing strip.” Faith whispered back in a conspiratorial way, finally letting go of Fay’s shoulders by the overly large, overly stuffed and probably overly priced sofa and Fay nudged it with her hip.

  “I don’t want to sit in case I crease a cushion.” She kept up the pretence of whispering even though Faith was way across the room now- dipping gracefully and opening a unit to reveal a mini fridge stashed behind the mahogany panelling- reaching in she snatched up a couple of beers before nudging everything closed with her hip- turning back and walking towards Fay, a bottle of beer in her outstretched hand.

  “Trust me- there’s been more than sitting going on right there-“ Faith flashed a suggestive grin at her friend, her eyes wide with mischief mixed with amusement as Fay eyeballed the cushion.

  “Eww, you expect me to sit there now knowing that?” She groaned out and Faith handed her the bottle and nudged her backwards into the seat- Fay’s eyes went wide as she fell backwards into the softness of the cushions and practically sunk a foot as they enveloped her.

  “Seriously- how the hell did you do it here- I think I’m going to need to be hoisted out.” She let the softness seep into her aching bones, it had been a long drive and right now the only thing keeping her eyelids open was the still present buzz of the adrenaline rush from her wolf encounter and seeing Faith again.


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