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Page 8

by JoMarie DeGioia

  “What?” His eyes rounded. “No! He would never do that.”

  She held her hand to her chest, relieved by Donnic’s promise. “Well, I’ve felt…something lately.”

  Donnic looked worried for her now. “What do you mean? What do you feel?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s like someone’s knocking on a door in my head. Sort of.”

  “Kelwin would never do that,” he said again. “Do you think it’s that Dalton guy?”

  That name sent a chill through her. “I don’t want to, but maybe. I used to get these headaches around him, but I thought it was just the wine.”

  “Wine?” Donnic did that tilted head smile thing. “Used to get drunk, did you?”

  She smiled back at him and shook her head. “No. Dalton always made me try the wine he had brought up from Lotherin.”

  Donnic ran his fingers through his dark hair again. “Does your head hurt now, Alyssa? Like before when you were at Merrickwood, I mean?”

  “No. But I still feel like I’m being chased, you know?”

  “I don’t, I’m sorry.” He stepped closer. “Maybe you should talk to Kelwin about it. He said he felt something the night of the harvest festival.” He grew quiet, and she guessed he was deciding whether or not to tell her something more.

  “Tell me, Donnic. What does Kelwin think?”

  “He thinks it had something to with Dalton.”

  “When was that?” Her heart pounded. “When did he feel that, Donnic?”

  “The festival was about a week before you showed up here.”

  Her stomach churned and she had to sit down on the low wall. “That had to be the night we left. Dalton was…” She looked up at Donnic. “What did Kelwin tell you about that night at Merrickwood?”

  “Nothing. How would he know anything about it?”

  “I told Chelsey and Lady Jayne a little bit, but Kelwin just…saw it. That time in the garden, and then…”

  “Later. So you said.” Donnic sat beside her. “I don’t want him to get hurt, Alyssa.” He touched her hand, and the gesture was surprisingly gentle for a guy his size. “I don’t want you to get hurt, either.”

  She looked into his Kelwin-blue eyes, seeing something more than just concern. “Why?”

  “You’re important to Kelwin,” he said.

  Her heart flipped. “Why do you say that?”

  “Kelwin is connected to you somehow. I think if you get hurt, he will too.”

  Donnic stood, then left her to think about everything he’d said. That he’d come to her to apologize was shocking enough. That he’d made sense was amazing. But to think that she was tied to Kelwin? Just because she’d heard his thoughts? No. He’d felt something the night Dalton tried to attack her, though. And that was way before she’d even met him.

  “What’s going on?” she asked softly.

  Again she heard that knocking inside her head. Could it be Dalton? Was he gifted like Kelwin? Nausea struck her as she realized that could be true. Dalton always knew where she was at Merrickwood, even if she was hiding from him. He had the soldiers in his control, and so quickly after Papa died. They seemed afraid of him. She thought of her father again, and of his sudden friendship with Dalton.

  She knew that Kelwin could read thoughts, but could he influence them? She covered her mouth with one hand. Was that what Dalton had done to her father?

  She had to find out. She didn’t want to think she was gifted. That was too much to consider right now. But if Dalton used his gift to hurt her father before he died… Cold settled over her. Had he caused her father’s death, too?

  She couldn’t ignore Kelwin any longer. She had to talk to him about his gift, and if he knew about how other people’s talents worked. His father had been gifted. Lady Jayne had said so. Maybe he’d shared some secrets with Kelwin that even Lady Jayne doesn’t know.

  She bit her lip as she thought about the closeness she’d felt with him that night in her room. When he’d seen everything that happened at Merrickwood that horrible night, and what Dalton had wanted. Then she thought about that kiss, her first kiss, and how it made her feel.

  It had been soft and sweet. It made her warm and a little hungry. More than that, it made her feel like she could have a place to belong again, like she had before Papa died.

  She didn’t want to face Kelwin again. She didn’t want to talk to him, other than more of the few polite words they’d had over the table for the past two weeks. She had to know, though. If Dalton was using some power over her, over Thomas, she had to know. She would just hide her feelings for him and hope he couldn’t sense them. She most definitely wouldn’t let him touch her again.

  She and Thomas had to get back to their normal life at Merrickwood. How the heck would she do that if Kelwin knew she felt a connection to him too?


  Kelwin stood with his mother and Chelsey at the hearth, knowing that even if Alyssa came into the hall before dinner she wouldn’t join them. Not really, anyway. She’d stand there, a little apart, and stay quiet. He knew she was upset with him. Hell, even without his gift he would know that. But was she mad about what he’d said about her being gifted? Or was she mad about the kiss?

  Donnic walked over, and when Kelwin’s eyes met his he saw a flash of guilt on his cousin’s face. He’d probably come from the gardens, Alyssa’s favorite hide-out. He hadn’t really talked to her in two weeks. What the hell did Donnic say to her today?

  “Where were you?” he asked Donnic.

  Donnic’s brow arched. “Why?”

  Out of the corner of his eye Kelwin saw that his mother and Chelsey watched them. Neither had forgotten about their argument, then. He shrugged, hoping he looked like he was just making conversation. “Just wondering.”

  Donnic snorted. “Yeah.”

  One of the guards approached, and Kelwin shivered as if he was caught in a draft.

  “There’s a visitor, Lady Jayne.” The guard looked at Kelwin, and back at his mother. “Says his name is Lord Malcolm. From Lotherin.”

  His mother gasped. “Malcolm?”

  “Do you know him, Mother?” Kelwin asked.

  “He was a friend of your father’s. I haven’t heard from him in years.”

  “Should I allow him entry, my lady?”

  “Yes, yes. Of course.” She stood and brushed her hands over her hair and her tunic. “I wonder what he’s doing here.”

  Kelwin thought she looked a little flustered for just meeting an old friend of his father’s. They all turned as a tall man entered and approached. Kelwin did a double-take. Lord Malcolm looked a lot like his father, and was about the age he’d be now if he hadn’t died in Lotherin.

  “Lord Malcolm,” his mother said, her voice holding a tone of warmth. “What a surprise.”

  “A good one, I hope,” he said with a smile.

  They all stared at him, Donnic and Chelsey and his mother. As for Kelwin, he watched as Lord Malcolm’s blue eyes scanned the hall. He obviously saw the rustic furniture, the few tapestries and sooty hearth, the simple clothes they wore. He wouldn’t have this guy finding fault with the way they lived.

  “What brings you here, Lord Malcolm?” he asked.

  The man turned, then smiled. “Kelwin?”

  Kelwin nodded.

  “My, you look just like your father except for the hair. You’re what, sixteen now?”


  “Seventeen.” He glanced over at Donnic. “You’re a Rosemont, too.”

  “Donnic.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “My father was Lord Gavin.”

  “Yes. Lord Gavin was a good man.” He smiled. “As was Baron Rosemont.”

  He brought his eyes back to Kelwin and seemed to be searching for something. Kelwin’s skin tingled and he resisted the urge to rub his arms to get rid of the feeling.

  “You’ll join us for dinner, I hope,” his mother said.

  Malcolm looked over at her and that tingly feeling stopped.

sp; “I’d be delighted,” Malcolm said.

  Kelwin heard a shuffle, then running footsteps as Thomas came charging over to the hearth. He’d had a bath as he and Donnic had, and his damp hair was curled around his head. He grinned up at Kelwin, his eyes sparkling.

  “Hi, Kelwin!” he said.

  Kelwin smiled down at the boy.

  “Good eve,” Alyssa said as she came up next to her brother.

  Kelwin studied her for a minute. She looked pretty, of course. But her eyes didn’t sparkle like her brother’s as she looked at him. No, she glanced quickly at him then looked away, just like she’d done for the past two weeks.

  “Good eve, Alyssa,” he said.

  She nodded but kept her eyes from him, her hands in fists. Did she think he would try to read her thoughts? Was she afraid she would hear his? His chest ached, and her withdrawal felt too much like the separation he always felt from his mother and Chelsey.

  “Lady Jayne, would you introduce me to this lovely young lady?” Lord Malcolm asked.

  Kelwin heard Donnic grumble something under his breath but he couldn’t take his eyes off Alyssa. She glanced at Malcolm, her eyes wary now.

  “Of course,” his mother said. “This is Alyssa Merrick. She and her brother Thomas are staying with us.”

  Staying with us? Well, Kelwin supposed she couldn’t tell a visitor that Alyssa and her brother were on the run from some guy who took over her home and terrified her.

  “Merrick?” Malcolm tilted his head. “From Merrickwood?”

  Kelwin felt a flash of fear from Alyssa.

  She faced him, though. She lifted her chin and faced him. “Yes.”

  Malcolm studied her, then smiled. “Alyssa,” he finally said with a bow. “A pleasure.”

  She nodded and Kelwin noticed her hands relaxed at her sides. The rest of them were less sure of their visitor, except for Kelwin’s mother. She looked thrilled to have a guest.

  “Let’s go to the table,” his mother said.

  Chelsey nodded and took Thomas’s hand. “Come, Thomas.”

  Alyssa followed behind, glancing over her shoulder at Lord Malcolm as she walked.

  “Pretty girl,” Malcolm said. “Does she know?”

  “Know what?” Donnic asked. He hadn’t lost his suspicious expression.

  Malcolm smiled again. “Never mind.”

  Kelwin wanted to grab his arm, to find out what was going on behind those eyes that looked so much like his father’s. Like his own and Donnic’s. Instead, he waved him ahead and fell in step with Donnic.

  “Did you get anything?” Donnic asked.

  Kelwin snorted. “It doesn’t work that way.”

  Donnic shook his head. “He’s up to something.”

  Kelwin just nodded. Lord Malcolm was up to something. He didn’t know what, but he knew it had something to do with Alyssa. He couldn’t ignore the speculation in Malcolm’s eyes as he studied him even more closely.

  Maybe Malcolm wanted something from him, too.

  Chapter 11

  Dinner was weird. Lord Malcolm was friendly but even Chelsey looked confused as to why he was here. Out of nowhere. When none of them but their mother had ever met him. Kelwin caught Alyssa’s gaze, but she hadn’t said anything. Malcolm had been polite to her, but his gaze had shifted to something different as he watched her. It wasn’t exactly creepy, but Kelwin didn’t like it.

  He watched Lord Malcolm as he talked to his mother, too. Warmth and friendliness came from him, but there was a hint of something serious. Again and again he looked at Kelwin as he ate. If he knew his father as well as his mother seemed to think, then he knew that Kelwin was gifted. Was he, too?

  “I hope we can convince you to stay at Rosemont for a few days, Lord Malcolm,” his mother said.

  Kelwin’s head jerked as he looked at her. Her cheeks were pink and her eyes were brighter than he’d seen in years. Was she flirting with him?

  “I’d love to stay, Lady Jayne.” He glanced at Kelwin and Donnic. “I’d hoped to stay longer than a few days, actually.”

  “Why?” Donnic narrowed his eyes. Apparently he thought the guy was up to something too.

  His mother frowned. “Donnic.” Then she smiled at Lord Malcolm. “You’re more than welcome, of course.”

  He bowed his head. “Thank you.”

  He faced Kelwin and once more he felt like he was looking at his father. It was weird.

  “Kelwin, I’d like a word with you after dinner,” he said.

  “Why?” Donnic asked again.

  Kelwin wondered that too, but knew in his gut there was no way Malcolm would answer that question here. He saw that the rest of them at the table were all watching, so he just nodded to their visitor. Malcolm flashed a smile and turned back to talk with his mother.

  Alyssa escaped from the table the instant the meal was finished. Kelwin saw that Malcolm watched her go, his brows drawn together. His mother and Chelsey joined her at the hearth but Thomas lingered at the table for a few minutes.

  He stared hard at Malcolm. “Do you know Baron Dalton?”

  Kelwin’s mouth dropped open. The kid might be on to something.

  “I do,” Malcolm said with a frown. “We’re not friends.”

  Thomas nodded, looking very serious. “Good.”

  He got up from the table and ran over to his sister. Malcolm tilted his head as he watched the little boy go, then he turned to Kelwin.

  “Can we talk now?” he asked.

  “I guess.” Kelwin looked at Donnic. “I’ll see you later, Donnic.”

  Donnic put his hands on the table and stood. “Good eve.”

  He gave Kelwin a meaningful look, which he took as both a silent plea to be careful and a promise to have his back, and then left him alone with Malcolm.

  “What do you want?” Kelwin asked.

  Malcolm smiled. “Direct. That’s a trait you inherited from your father.”

  Kelwin leaned closer. “Look, don’t try to charm me. I’m not my mother or Chelsey. Tell me what you want here.”

  “I want to train you.”

  Kelwin blinked. He didn’t know what he’d expected but that answer certainly wasn’t it. “What? I already train with our man-at-arms.”

  “Not physically, Kelwin. I want to help you develop your gift.”

  Kelwin shook his head. “My gift is my business.” He eyed Malcolm closely. He didn’t sense danger coming from him, just an honest concern. “Why do you want to help me?”

  Malcolm glanced over at the hearth and Kelwin followed his gaze. His mother, Chelsey and Alyssa did some sort of needlework but by the way they seemed to be staring holes into the fabric they’d obviously been watching him and Malcolm.

  His eyes settled on his father’s sword, untouched above the hearth. Was this Malcolm really a friend of his father’s?

  “Is there another place we can talk?” Malcolm asked, dragging his attention from the sword.

  Kelwin shrugged. “The garden.”

  They both stood and went out through the kitchen to the garden. Kelwin looked at the low wall where he’d sat with Alyssa that first morning. He’d felt that connection so strongly then, and it’s only gotten stronger. And now she wouldn’t even talk to him, let alone let him touch her again.

  Malcolm chuckled. “You talked to her here.”

  Kelwin stared at him. “How do you know?” It hit him then. “God, you’re gifted.”

  Malcolm nodded. “Yes. Your father and I became friends long ago, Kelwin. In Lotherin. We spoke out against the first Pageant over fifteen years ago.”

  “The Pageant?” Kelwin thought about that girl he’d met at the harvest festival more than a month ago. “I heard about that. What is it?”

  Malcolm’s lip curled. “It’s barbaric and cruel. I’ll tell you all about it, I promise. I have to get your agreement to let me train you first, though.”

  “Why do you want to help me?” Kelwin asked him again.

  “Your gift is substantial, Kelwin.
Maybe even stronger than your father’s.”

  He didn’t buy a word of it. “My father could touch people, Malcolm. I can’t touch anybody. Not my cousin, not my family. Not anybody.”

  Malcolm tilted his head as he had earlier. “That’s not completely true, is it?”

  Anger struck him. “Are you in my head now?”

  “I don’t have to be. You’ve touched the girl, haven’t you? Alyssa?”

  “Yeah,” he admitted on a breath.

  “And it didn’t hurt?”

  “It did, but only the first couple of times.”

  “The first couple of times?” Malcolm held up his hands. “I’m not going to ask and I promise not to get into your mind without your permission again.”

  Kelwin gave his own gift a chance to check Malcolm out. It seemed like he was telling the truth. “Okay.” Kelwin said. “Go on, then.”

  “Your gift can help, and more than Rosemont’s people when the raids come.”

  “I’ve been training,” Kelwin said. “I’ve been trying to be physically strong for when that happens.”

  “That’s admirable.” He paused. “But what if you could prevent them?”

  “Prevent the raids? They’ve been going on for years.”

  “What if you could predict what was about to happen and get into their minds? You could convince the men from the other estates to leave Rosemont alone.”

  Kelwin’s mouth dropped open. “That’s not possible.”

  “It is. With your telepathy, with the strength of your gift, you could influence their thoughts.”

  “That wouldn’t be right, manipulating people like that.”

  “It’s what has to be to save lives, though. You wouldn’t be hurting anyone.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Have you ever hurt anyone with your gift?”

  He thought about the many times his mother or sister had reached out to him, only to watch them pull away like he burned them. “My family can’t touch me.”

  “I know, and that is terrible. But that’s not what I mean. I meant, have you ever hurt someone on purpose or made them hurt themselves?”

  “No. When I train or spar with Donnic I only use my body and keep my mind quiet. We never touch skin-to-skin.”

  Malcolm stroked his chin, his own mind obviously working. Kelwin wished he could get in there right now and find out just what he was up to with this whole training thing.


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