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Page 14

by JoMarie DeGioia

  “Don’t gloat, my girl,” he said in that smooth, slick voice.

  She froze. He’d heard her thoughts. She didn’t know how to shield him but she’d try her best. Not that she’d even been able to keep Kelwin out of her head. Why hadn’t she trained with Lord Malcolm?

  The soldier behind her dismounted and lifted her from the horse’s back. Her legs were numb and she wobbled to stay on her feet. His grip was hard on her arm as he held her upright.

  “Shall we bring her inside, my lord?” he asked.

  Dalton stroked his beard and tilted his head to one side. “No. I have another destination in mind for my prize.”

  The soldier’s brow furrowed and he gave a small shake of his head. “But it’s cold and we’ve traveled—”

  “Don’t argue with me,” Dalton cut in. “It’s enough that the servants fight me. I won’t have my soldiers disregarding my commands.”

  Alyssa spun to face the soldier and watched as that blank expression came into his face again. “Yes, my lord.”

  There was no question now. Dalton was influencing everything here. She thought about what he’d said about the servants. Apparently they fought him somehow. Tears stung her eyes as she remembered how they’d made sure she and Thomas had what they needed and that they got away from him. She said another silent prayer of thanks for their loyalty.

  “Don’t waste your sentiments on them, Alyssa. They’re not important.”

  He was in her head again. Sneakily, though. Not like Kelwin or Lord Malcolm at all.

  “What do you want with me?” she asked.

  Dalton just smiled again. “You’ll see.” He waved the other two soldiers into the keep and faced her captor. “Take her to the cottage on the other side of the lake. I’ve had it readied for her.”

  The cottage? Fear curdled in her stomach. The cottage was not easily accessible and hadn’t been used in years. Now that the winter was firmly here there was no chance she would be able to get away from him. Icy-cold water beneath layers of snow surrounding by drifts that would keep all but the ermines in their hidey holes. Even if Dalton gave her the slightest opportunity, which she doubted. Right now, the idea of running back to Rosemont was exhausting.

  She didn’t fight when her captor took her arm and threw her back on his horse. Wind stung her cheeks and chapped her hands by now and all she wanted to do was sleep. By the time they made it to the cottage, she was silent. The soldier led her to a chair near the cold hearth and built up a fire for her.

  “Why do you listen to him?” she asked.

  The soldier shook his head. “Lord Dalton in master of Merrickwood now.”

  “Because my father’s gone. That’s the only reason.”

  There was a flash of something on his face, something like regret or hurt in his eyes. He shook his head.

  “The king gave him the estate,” he said. “The baron is worthy of our obedience and protection.”

  The man said it like it was a litany recited from memory. His voice was flat and his face impassive again.

  “What did he do to my father?”

  The soldier’s body jerked and he squeezed his eyes shut. His lips moved but no sound came out.

  “Is he in your head right now?” she asked.

  He gave a violent shake then faced her. Fear was clear in his eyes now and he was as pale as the snow outside. “No!”

  She pulled back, holding her hands in front of her. “Okay, I’m sorry.”

  He seemed to calm again, and the color came back into his face. “Lord Dalton is the master of Merrickwood now. He’s worthy of our obedience and protection.”

  She nodded slowly. “Okay.”

  He continued to work at the hearth. Soon the fire was crackling and warmth began to seep into her frozen body. She shivered and leaned closer to the fire. “Thank you.”

  He stood and gave a nod. When he walked to the door she panicked.

  “You’re leaving?”

  “Of course.”

  She didn’t want to be alone. She missed Thomas and she missed Kelwin and the rest of the Rosemonts. The soldier wouldn’t understand and, what’s more, he wouldn’t disobey Dalton’s word.

  “O-okay,” she managed to say again.

  He gave a short bow and left her alone anyway. She’d struck some kind of chord when she’d asked about her father. Dalton had something to do with her father’s death. She was sure of it now. But what?

  Had he forced him into the lake or had his drowning been an accident Dalton hadn’t tried to save him from? Whatever the truth was, she knew in her bones that he would do anything to get what he wanted. And Kelwin and Malcolm were sure he wanted her.

  She worried about Thomas. What was he going through right now? He was safe at Rosemont. The family wouldn’t let anything happen to him. Were they looking for her? Kelwin had let her know he’d find her. She didn’t doubt that. But the condition of the soldiers who took her, the one who just left her, told her Dalton’s gift was quite powerful. What if Kelwin managed to find her and the baron hurt him somehow? She couldn’t live with that.

  She sank back against the dank, dusty couch and closed her eyes. She was alone. She was helpless. Defeated. It would be so easy to give in to Dalton. To let him train her and do whatever he wanted with her. If that would keep Thomas and the Rosemonts safe, she would do anything he asked.

  The door slammed open, letting in a blast of cold air. Dalton stood there, wrapped in furs and grinning at her. She blinked at the sunlight behind him. She must have drifted off to sleep.

  “You’ll do anything I ask?” He smirked now. “I’m glad to know that.”

  She bit her lip but it hadn’t been her words that he’d heard. It had been her thoughts. Anger surged through her fear.

  “What do you want, Lord Dalton?” she asked.

  He raised his brows. “What do I want?” He removed his outer clothing and stepped closer to the fire. In the small cottage there was little room for her to get away from him. “I want what I deserve. A Champion.”

  She stood, thinking it would give her a better position. Dalton didn’t look like he considered her anything but a possession. He certainly didn’t think she was an equal. It didn’t matter if she sat or stood.

  “You want me to be a…Champion? Of what?”

  “The Pageants, dear girl.” He waved her back down on the couch and sat beside her. “You see, you’re very powerful. I want to put you in the Pageants and win us a few patches.”

  His words made no sense. She’d heard about the Pageants, but very little. Again she scolded herself for not pressing Malcolm for more information when she had the chance.

  “Malcolm?” Dalton sat up. “I knew that son-of-a-bitch was involved. He was the one shielding you from me.” His dark eyes blazed with anger. “Did you train with him?”

  “I don’t know what you know about Lord Malcolm, but he—”

  “Don’t deny it! Malcolm has wanted to end the Pageants almost from when they started. He wants to use you to do it!”

  Alyssa shrank back from him. “I didn’t train with him. I promise.”

  After a second, Dalton visibly relaxed. “But he was shielding you. I couldn’t find you when you left. Did you go anywhere but Rosemont?”

  “No.” What was he getting at? “Why?”

  He smiled, that slick expression she’d grown to hate when she lived at Merrickwood. She didn’t like it any less today.

  “I tried to find you. With my mind, which is quite powerful.”

  “You…searched for me?” That nasty feeling came back full force. “You tried to get in my head when I was here, didn’t you?”

  “Yes. You don’t think I wanted you for any other reason, do you?”

  Well, that was something. He didn’t want her in that way. His laughter took her by surprise.

  “What’s funny?” she asked.

  “You think I wanted to…” He laughed again. “Oh, you’re too young for me, Alyssa. For now, anyway.”

  “For now?”

  “Let’s see what happens after you finish with the Pageants. You’ll be twenty by then.” He stroked his beard, running his fingers over the scars on his right cheek. “I bet our children would be incredibly gifted.”

  “Children?” Her stomach churned at what he was suggesting.

  He held up one hand, leaning back once more. “Don’t worry, Alyssa. That won’t be for years yet.”

  He looked so slick and so smug sitting there. She wanted to slap his face. How dare he make so little out of something so big!

  His head jerked back and he let out a shout. He faced her again, that grin back on his face. “You slapped me. With your mind.” He stood and grabbed her off the couch. “You’re stronger than I thought.”

  She began to fight him, first with her body and then with her mind. He tried to secure her, wrapping his arms around her body and pinning hers to her sides.

  I should have brought one of those oafs with me.

  His thoughts were clear in her head. It wasn’t like when Kelwin was there, though. She felt no warmth or caring with Dalton rattling around in her mind. No, his intrusion felt like rusty metal in a can.

  “Let me go!” She bit his hand and he released her. Try that again and I’ll do more than that.

  She knew he heard her thoughts but her threat didn’t seem to bother him. He wore that look of calm assuredness again. Don’t think you’re stronger than I am, dear girl. You don’t know what I’m capable of.

  She backed against the wall as he advanced slowly on her. “Leave me alone.”

  He shook his head. You’re mine. His words curled through her mind, cold and harsh. Mine to bring to the king and mine to make into a Champion.

  I don’t know about the Pageants!

  You will, believe me. I bet in four years we can earn a couple of dozen patches.

  He tried to grab her again but she ducked away from him. Her muscles were cramped from the long hard ride on the horse but the heat from the fire and her own adrenaline kept her going now. She ran to the other side of the room, looking for anything she could use as a weapon. He was lucky she didn’t have candle wax right now.

  The footrest near the hearth lifted off the floor and hurtled toward Dalton. It struck him in the chest and he let out a curse.

  “Bitch!” He kicked the footrest out of the way. You think you can hurt me?

  She began to throw anything she could see at him with her mind. There wasn’t much in the cottage and the plates from the small cupboard didn’t hurt him much. The couch’s legs screeched against the floor as she moved it between him and her. She was panting now, and running out of both ammunition and the will to fight.

  “I won’t go with you!” she shouted.

  Pain stabbed into her head, radiating from the back to the front. She fell to her knees, clutching at her skull. Dalton was doing this. It was like his long fingers were wrapped around her brain and squeezing.

  She curled on the floor, pain spreading from her head down to her belly. Gagging, she wrapped her arms around her waist. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to focus her mind on anything but the pain Dalton was causing.

  Will you do what I say now? His words echoed through her mind, each syllable causing another jolt of pain.

  “Yes,” she gasped. Yes!

  In a flash the pain eased and she struggled to sit up. He smiled indulgently down at her. “There’s my girl.”

  Past his legs she saw the poker the soldier had used on the logs in the fireplace and before she could fully think the idea it sailed through the air. Dalton deflected it with his mind, stopping it in midair and letting it clatter to the floor. He turned his eyes on her, obviously furious now. The pain in her head returned and she couldn’t fight it anymore. Everything around her faded and turned fuzzy until there was nothing left but his dark eyes.

  Kelwin! She wished and prayed for him to find her. To come and rescue her from Dalton. Help me, Kelwin! “He’s coming,” she whispered.

  Kelwin? Dalton was in her mind, muttering something as he continued to pound her with pain. Who’s coming?

  She felt a shiver of his fear inside her. But the pain was too much and everything went black.

  Chapter 19

  Kelwin jerked as Alyssa’s thoughts reached him. Kelwin! Help me, Kelwin!

  He felt her terror and knew Dalton had her. He and Donnic had ridden onto Merrickwood lands over an hour earlier and the estate loomed in front of them. Donnic kicked his mount and turned toward the castle.

  “She’s not in there!” Kelwin shouted. “She’s somewhere past it.”

  “What?” Donnic pulled his horse to a stop. “Where is she?”

  Kelwin focused his mind outward, searching for her. Her mind was silent, which terrified him. He caught a glimmer of her, though. He saw the cottage and knew she was there.

  “On the other side of the lake,” Kelwin said. “Come on!”

  He urged his horse faster and they made their way through the snow around the frozen lake. The small cottage was almost hidden by the snow and the tall trees surrounding it, but he could almost feel her breathing.

  They rode up to the cottage and dismounted. Kelwin drew his father’s sword and walked carefully around the place. It looked deserted. Several footprints led to and from the cottage but the place was shut tight. If it wasn’t for the smoke coming from the chimney he’d think there was no one inside.

  “You sure about this?” Donnic asked. His breath clouded in the air.

  “Yeah.” He rolled the sword his hand. “She’s inside.”

  Kelwin pushed the door open and found her crumpled on the floor. “Alyssa!” He sheathed his sword and rushed to her. He held her in his arms. She was so still. “Alyssa, wake up!”

  Donnic held himself back but Kelwin saw the anger on his face. “He did this to her? This Dalton guy?”

  “He had to. Malcolm said he wanted her for her gift.”

  “Look at this place,” Donnic said.

  Kelwin glanced around the cottage, seeing the broken plates and scrambled furniture.

  “What the hell happened here?” Donnic asked.

  “I could guess, but I’m thinking Dalton fought with her.” He gazed down at her. “And she fought back.”

  Donnic frowned. “I swear, if she doesn’t wake up…”

  Kelwin eyed his cousin then. Donnic looked really shaken up over Alyssa. He pushed that aside and ran his fingers over her cheek. Her skin was soft and smooth as he brought his hand to her throat. Her pulse was strong against his fingers, thank God.

  “Alyssa, wake up,” he said again.

  Her eyelids fluttered and she gasped for breath. He shifted and rested her head in his lap. “Come on, Alyssa. Come back to us.”

  She moaned but still she didn’t wake up. What the hell did Dalton do to her?

  “Thomas needs you,” he said.

  He’d played the best card he had but at least it seemed to be what she needed to hear. Her eyes finally opened and she stared up at him.

  “Kelwin.” She said his name very softly but it was enough for him. He’d gotten to her in time.

  He saw she was pale and there were dark circles under her eyes. Her eyes were bloodshot, too. “What did Dalton do to you?”

  “He got into my head and…squeezed.” She choked back a sob. “That’s the only way I can describe it.”

  Donnic shoved the couch to face the fireplace and poked at the fire to get it to burn hotter. Kelwin lifted her and placed her on the couch, then sat next to her.

  “Are you in pain now?” he asked.

  She shook her head but she moved like she was afraid the pain would come back. “I guess I passed out.”

  “And he left you here?” Donnic asked. “Why?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Do you think he knew we were coming, Kelwin?”

  Kelwin shrugged. “Maybe he sensed me. I don’t know and I don’t care.”

  “Is Thomas okay?” she asked.
br />   Kelwin smiled. “He is. He told me to rescue you.”

  She smiled, too. He didn’t tell her Thomas had slipped into his head. She didn’t need to worry about her brother being gifted, not when she couldn’t even face her own talent.

  “You fought him, didn’t you?” Donnic asked.

  “I tried.” She touched her face and her hands were shaking a little. “I threw some things at him.”

  “With your mind,” Kelwin said. It wasn’t a question.

  Her brow furrowed. “I think it was just because it was Dalton, Kelwin.”

  “You’re still fighting, Alyssa,” he said. “You’re fighting your gift.”

  Her mouth set in a line. Kelwin looked over at Donnic, who shrugged.

  “We have to see if he’s at the estate,” Donnic said.

  “If he left her here alone, he’s long gone,” Kelwin said.

  “Can you feel him?” she asked.

  Just like that, she took his gift as a real thing. Almost from the beginning she’d believed in his talents. He wished she would seriously consider her own. Instead of having that argument again, Kelwin threw his gift outward like Malcolm taught him. He sensed nothing but confusion coming from the direction of the estate.

  “He was controlling your soldiers, wasn’t he?”

  “Yes. There were three who grabbed me from Rosemont. They were under his control. It was weird.”

  “He has to be very strong,” Donnic said.

  “I couldn’t stop him.” She began to cry and Kelwin held her like he had that night so long ago in her room.

  She shivered. “He grabbed me and when I got away he slid into my mind.”

  Shame struck him. “Like I did.”

  “No!” She sniffed and pulled back to look at him. “Not like you did. It was like he was pushing and pushing and when I tried to get him out he hurt me.”

  “It’s okay,” he said, brushing away a tear on her cheek. “He’s gone.”


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