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Page 17

by JoMarie DeGioia

  Even so, Kelwin wasn’t taking any chances. Throughout the day he continued to send his mind outward, on alert for any whispers that might mean Dalton was coming back. He’d sensed nothing so far.

  He was relieved to learn that the soldiers weren’t slacking, either. The castle was fortified and protected, and he was confident that he would sense a raid coming from any neighboring estates too. Alyssa and Merrickwood’s people couldn’t afford a raid right now.

  He didn’t know how long he could stay here at Merrickwood, though. He had to get home. His family was safe for now, with Malcolm there. Plus he’d put fear in the minds of the soldiers that planned the raid. Malcolm was sure that would protect Rosemont through the winter. But he didn’t belong here with Alyssa, either.

  No one really worried about chaperones, not with all the servants and soldiers around. He and Alyssa were never completely alone. Except at night. Then there were only the two of them in the dark. That night she asked him to stay in her room. Again.

  It was an amazing feeling to hold someone in his arms. It was a sensation he didn’t think he’d ever get sick of. He’d been in her dream again, but this wasn’t a nightmare. It was the two of them together, and they were older. Safe and happy. The details weren’t as clear as her nightmare was but he woke up with a bright feeling that he sensed in her too. He knew they’d kissed in their dream. That and maybe a little bit more.

  Not that either of them talked about it in the morning.

  Chapter 22

  Alyssa paced the hall again the next afternoon, hating everything about the place now. She saw Dalton around every corner and in every silly artifact from the king he’d collected and displayed so proudly.

  “When will they come back?” she asked Kelwin for what had to be the hundredth time.

  How he managed to keep from rolling his eyes, she couldn’t guess.

  “I think they should return before dinner.”

  She nodded. “So you said.” She fingered her braid. “I know I’ve been a pain. Pestering you about Thomas all day. And…the other.”

  He must know she meant making him stay in her room again. He smiled though, a small expression but very cute. That warm feeling from the morning washed over her again. “It wasn’t a hardship.”

  She flushed as she remembered how nice last night had been spent in his arms again. They hadn’t kissed again or anything like that, but she’d felt so much better having him with her. He was so comforting and the truth was she just couldn’t bear the thought of trying to fall asleep on her own.

  Her dreams had been so nice, too. Warm and filled with something like love. She knew his lips were soft from when they’d really kissed but when they kissed in her dream she’d felt almost thirsty for more.

  That other dream, the nightmare from the other night, had been horrifying and she was sure it would come screaming back if she didn’t have Kelwin to keep it at bay. She knew from the first that he could keep her safe and he’d proven true to that promise. It didn’t make any sense. She just knew she’d felt drawn to him from the very beginning. From the first time she’d seen him at Rosemont. There really wasn’t any explanation for it but for some reason it reminded her of their dream kisses. Her lips tingled a little and she bit them.

  “You were with your father for a long time today,” he said.

  Kelwin’s arms and his dream kisses left her mind really fast. She covered her face as fresh tears stung her eyes. “I’m sorry.” She wiped her cheeks and sat down on the purple couch near the fireplace. “I didn’t think I could cry anymore.”

  He sat beside her, really close, and she felt a wave of comfort come from him. You can cry in front of me.

  I know. She looked at him and managed a smile. But I shouldn’t.

  “Why not?” he asked out loud.

  She might not have his gift but she knew she hurt him with her thoughts. It was in his tone of voice and the way his blue eyes got all cloudy. She wanted to lean into him again. To let him make everything better. Well, it didn’t matter what she wanted right now.

  The temptation left her feeling weak and needy and she hated it. She had to make him believe what she’d decided in the early hours of the morning. When she’d woken up in his arms again and he still slept next to her, she’d made up her mind.

  “I have to learn to be strong, Kelwin.” She took a breath and went ahead. “On my own.”

  He began to shake his head but she held up one hand.

  “The soldiers are loyal to my father’s memory and to me. Dalton doesn’t control them now.”

  “I know.” Kelwin looked around, his brows drawn over his eyes. “But what about the raids, Alyssa? Winter’s only just getting started. Do you think Merrickwood is immune?”

  “No.” She leaned back, crossing her arms. “We’ve always managed through the winter, though. Our soldiers are very strong. A few are gifted, too.”

  “Maybe, but you’re vulnerable here.”

  She stood, faking a strength she didn’t believe she’d ever really have. “Look, you’ve been wonderful to me. From the beginning, you’ve been my protector. But I have to be strong for Thomas now. I have to find a way to run this estate and keep it safe for my little brother.”

  “What are you saying?”

  It was a ridiculous question, really. He could push into her mind if he wanted to and find out just what she meant. He wouldn’t, though. She trusted that he wouldn’t do that to her without her permission. He was a promise-keeper, that was sure. That was another reason she selfishly wanted him to stay.

  She met his gaze, trying to ignore for once the beautiful blue color that had struck her the very first time she’d looked into his eyes. “I want you to go back to Rosemont with Donnic.” That was easier to say than she’d thought. “Tomorrow.”

  He opened his mouth, but didn’t say anything. He nodded his agreement and somehow that was much worse. Then he stood and left her staring into the flames. She wasn’t cold but she shivered anyway. Kelwin was gone. Not yet and not really, but he might as well be.


  She heard her little brother’s voice and her heart skipped. Thomas ran into the hall. He was covered in furs and his cheeks were red from the cold. His eyes were bright though, and so was his smile. Again she thought about her father, so still and vacant upstairs. She couldn’t let Thomas know. He wouldn’t understand. Heck, she certainly didn’t. Not really.

  “Thomas!” She crouched down and he barreled into her. “I’m so glad you’re home.”

  He hugged her neck, his face chilly against her. For just a minute she held him, holding him so close he began to squirm. She relaxed her hold and leaned back on her heels. Donnic stood behind him, apparently having caught up to Thomas.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  Donnic gave a sharp nod. His blue eyes were cold. So he was mad at her too. That was just great. She thanked the two big soldiers who had been her captors just a few days ago. They bowed their heads and left her.

  “Alyssa, Donnic and the soldiers kept close,” Thomas said. “I rode with Donnic but they didn’t ride fast enough. I bet we could fly on the big horses but Donnic said we had to be careful.”

  Alyssa just nodded as the words tumbled out of her little brother’s mouth. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Donnic step away and head over to where Kelwin sat with the man-at-arms and a few of the other soldiers.

  “Lady Jayne and Chelsey were sad I was leaving,” Thomas said as he stripped off his furs and jacket. “I bet we can visit them again sometime. Can we?”

  She nodded but he was soon on to another topic. Something about the dried strips of boar meat he ate with Donnic and the soldiers and how it was salty but really good. She led him over to the fire and sat with him on the couch.

  “When’s dinner?” he asked after finally taking a breath.


  She glanced over at where Kelwin and Donnic sat on the soldiers’ benches. They were probably talking about lea
ving tomorrow, now that she’d let Kelwin know that was what she wanted. She couldn’t face Donnic’s inevitable argument either, any more than she could deal with Kelwin’s quiet agreement.

  That night, after dinner and after saying good eve to both Rosemonts, she cuddled next to Thomas in her bed. Her brother hadn’t asked why she wanted him to sleep with her and she didn’t offer any explanation. He seemed so happy to be home, and she wouldn’t borrow trouble. She knew the servants wouldn’t talk about her father or his condition, not in front of Thomas. The truth was, she didn’t think he’d live much longer. She might have to face losing him again but she couldn’t do that to her brother.

  Her dreams weren’t about Dalton or her father, though. No. To her surprise she dreamed about Kelwin.


  Dalton paced in the training room, furious and frustrated. That damn Rosemont kid had come riding to Alyssa’s rescue! Why hadn’t he ever sensed him before? Back when he was first searching for his children he’d felt something from that estate. He knew the boy’s father was gifted, though. He’d been a favored baron at the time until he and King Jerrus had some sort of falling out.

  Dalton himself hadn’t reached the status he enjoyed now, and wasn’t privy to the true story. The gossip had said it involved some sort of rebellion a few of the barons had been planning. No one talked about it now, five years later. Dalton didn’t care about it at all, except for the fact that he’d missed a gifted Brain he could have used himself.

  The little blond girl groaned, crumpling to the floor. He’d sent a wave of pain at her, his anger making him less than careful. He knew she was still recovering from her last match, but it took every bit of his control not to crush her into the mat.

  “Get up,” he grumbled, finally reining in his anger.

  She slowly rose to her feet, brushing her tangled hair back off her forehead. “I’m sorry, Baron.”

  He waved a hand. “It’s nothing. I’m just disappointed that you’ve yet to regain your mind strength.”

  She pushed at him, causing a blast of heat to cover his face. He hid his smile as she pulled back from her attack.

  “That’s better,” he said, his tone cool.

  She beamed a smile. It was silly, how little encouragement these children needed to devote themselves to him. Now that he looked at her he could see she was tired. He’d make certain she saw to her training anyway. He pushed into her mind, letting his anger take him over.

  Fight me. His command was final. She would have no choice but to fight or fail. Her thoughts betrayed her uncertainty.

  But, Baron…

  He sent another wave of pain at her, sending her on her butt. She cried out, but he saw she held her hands in little fists at her sides. A blast of heat came from her again, this time as hot as the flames in Alyssa’s room that night she’d escaped. He held on to his control, never yielding an inch as the strength waned from the little girl. He could have let her best him. Those glimmers of success fueled their continued success in the Pageants. Not today, though. She would learn to toughen up or lose everything.

  He entered her mind, ferreting out that kernel of doubt all the children harbored. Why had their parents given them away? Why were they kept below the castle? She was one of his youngest yet she’d been here for nearly a year now. She had a long time ahead of her in the Pageants, provided she didn’t die first. A nimble, gifted mind could also be quite fragile. If he was less certain of his own gift he just might crush her into the mat.

  Despair filled her now. He could feel it, icy cold loneliness that eclipsed her gift. She cried out and he pulled back just a second before she collapsed again.

  You are getting stronger, but you’re a long way from besting those idiotic Brawns.

  She nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. I know. I’ll try harder. I promise!

  He met her gaze, sending a soothing balm of false affection her way. I know you will.

  She smiled now, throwing herself toward him. He endured the embrace, drinking in her thoughts of relief and attachment. Good. Now there was no way she would ever give him less than everything he wanted.

  “Go,” he said, holding her away from him.

  She nodded and left, dragging her feet as she returned to her cell. He went over to the cold box and withdrew a bottle of juice. The children would be fed and cared for. He didn’t have to worry about anything but his own comfort now. He glanced at the clock on the wall. It showed only glowing red numbers, no face or hands. It was a relic from before the wars, and he preferred it for telling time. He expected another of his Brains to join him soon. This one would give him a bit more of a challenge than the little girl had.

  He drank from his juice and fingered the neck of the bottle. His stomach churned. How had he missed Kelwin Rosemont? His gift was very strong. Yes, he’d sensed him coming when he’d trapped Alyssa in the cottage at Merrickwood. But it was surely the boy’s talent that had shielded him from finding her when she first fled, not Malcolm’s interference. Anger bit at him.

  There was a connection between Kelwin and Alyssa. It was stronger than either of their gifts on their own, astounding as that should be. Dalton rubbed his hands together. He wanted to get his hands on the both of them. He might be stuck hiding in Lotherin for now. But he’d get them both. He fingered his Champion pin.

  They would be his crowning achievement.

  Chapter 23

  Kelwin and Donnic rode back to Rosemont the next morning. They didn’t talk much but that familiar closeness slowly returned as they traveled farther from Merrickwood. They each kept up a fast pace, both eager to get out of the cold and back to normalcy.

  Alyssa had thanked them again, had asked them to thank Kelwin’s mother and Chelsey, before they left. He’d wanted to touch her. He’d wanted to ease into her head and take away the fear he sensed. She’d put on a brave face, though. For them or for her brother, he couldn’t guess. Either way, there was no ignoring her need to feel in control. He wouldn’t press past that, even if he sensed she still needed him.

  Last night, after a very awkward minute in the hall when she said good eve, he’d seen the question in Donnic’s eyes. Did Donnic know he’d slept in her room more than once? Maybe not. He certainly didn’t know what had happened after they all went to sleep last night.

  He’d been with her in his dreams again. They were close and warm and he’d made her smile. He couldn’t remember all the details but he’d felt so damn good when he woke up he’d had a hard time keeping a smile off his face.

  “She’s going to be okay,” Donnic said. “Her and Thomas. They’re safe.”

  “I know.” Kelwin watched their breaths fog the air for a minute. “I’m thinking about asking Lord Malcolm to go stay at Merrickwood, though.”

  “That’s a good idea.”

  Kelwin looked at Donnic in surprise. “Yeah?”

  “She needs somebody there, Kelwin. She has the soldiers back now but with Dalton running around out there? I know I’d feel better if he was there too, you know. Malcolm could feel if Dalton’s coming back, right?”

  “Yeah. That’s what I think, too.” He thought about how he’d wanted to protect her, almost from the start. “I wish I…” He didn’t finish the thought.

  “You wish you could stay,” Donnic said for him. “Hell, you probably should have.” He laughed a little. “Your mother might have a problem with that.”

  Kelwin smiled. “Yeah.”

  They rode on a little while longer.

  “She’ll be okay,” Donnic said again. “Besides, wouldn’t you know if she wasn’t? Aren’t you two linked or something?”

  He blinked. “I guess. I’ll find out after we get home if I can still feel her.”

  “That must be weird, feeling someone else’s thoughts.” Donnic blew out a breath. “Their pain or happiness. I’m just stronger, that’s all. It’s a no-brainer.”

  “You’ve never asked me about my gift before.”

  “I never thought it was a
ny of my business. It was something you and your father shared.” He glanced at Kelwin, his eyes clouded. “You can keep her safe, Kelwin. You can be what she needs.”

  Kelwin didn’t agree or disagree. He knew without question that Donnic would charge in if he could be her hero. He didn’t know when his cousin had grown to care so much about Alyssa but Kelwin didn’t need his gift to sense it. They didn’t talk about her or Merrickwood for the rest of the trip.

  His mother and Chelsey were thrilled to have them back, even though they were obviously surprised they’d returned so soon. He ate with his family, even managing to handle his mother’s touch on his arm for longer than a second. He decided he would talk to Malcolm tomorrow about going to Merrickwood. He had to tell him about her father, too. He didn’t think there was any way to bring him back but maybe he knew something Kelwin didn’t. If there was the smallest chance that he could come back… God, he wished he could be the one to give her and Thomas their father.

  That night he slept alone in his own bed, the sheets and blanket and candlelight very familiar. In his dreams he wasn’t at Rosemont, though. No. In his dreams he was back at Merrickwood and holding Alyssa in his arms.


  Alyssa missed Kelwin. And Donnic, though they hadn’t talked much here. She was just so used to being around the Rosemonts that being on her own with just her little brother for family was so different.

  A week had passed since she’d sent them home. Thomas still slept in her room but each night he argued with her about it. She knew it was only a matter of time before she was alone again. She stifled a shiver.

  “A visitor comes!” she heard one of the guards shout.

  A shiver of fear ran down her spine. Had Dalton returned?

  “Where’s Thomas?” she asked the nearest maid.

  “In the kitchen, Lady Alyssa.”

  Alyssa held her hand over her heart. “Oh, good. Keep him there?”


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