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Fire (A Special Agent Novel Book 4)

Page 12

by C. P. Mandara

  “I think everything is in order. Shall we get on with things?” The sooner this was over, the better. My stomach currently felt like lead and I had a headache to rival a marching band who were competing against at least fifty other like-minded marching bands, in order to win the marching band 2019 trophy. Honestly, it couldn’t pound any harder if it tried.

  “I love that you’re so keen. I think you and I might work very well together,” Alain said excitedly. Rising up to open the door, he beckoned me towards him. I had a feeling I wouldn’t like what came next, and sure enough, I wasn’t disappointed.

  Gripping my neck, Alain pulled me close to him until his lips were mere millimeters away from mine. “Make sure you deliver your promise, Lois. I reward people who play nicely around these parts. Those that fail me, however, are punished.” His hand reached inside my robe and gently caressed my breast. The sensation was something akin to spiders crawling all over my body. I pulled away from him as gently as I could.

  “I always under-promise and over-deliver. We’ll work well together, Alain. You’ll see.” Waltzing out of the door, before his hand explored further, I contained my shudder of horror as he then spanked my ass.

  Back in the hotel room, everything was eerily silent. For a moment, I wondered whether James had been moved, but a quick glance at the bed revealed he was still in the same place I’d left him, fast asleep. Normally James would wake up at the smallest sound, but he wasn’t running on full power at the moment. I was about to take advantage of that fact. My confidence left me for a second, and I faltered in the doorway, racking my brains to think of another way to deal with my problem. My mind was blank. This was the only course of action available to me at this moment in time, and I would have to run with it, no matter how much I loathed it. The price of betrayal was steep, but if it kept Adie and James alive, it would be worth it.

  Tiptoeing over to the bed, I let my eyes drown in James’s glorious body. Both James and Adie were attractive men in their own right, but James had a more rugged and masculine appeal. They were equally dangerous in their own ways, but I wouldn’t want to try to get one over on James when he was on top form. The man was lethal.

  Holding my breath as I approached his sleeping form, I gently reached into my robe pocket, letting my fingers close around a steel cuff. Pulling it out soundlessly, I then immediately shot it over James’s wrist and attached the other end to the iron headboard behind us. That woke him up all right, but I didn’t want to give him a chance to figure out what I was doing before I’d got him restrained. Even with one hand out of action, James would be a force to be reckoned with. Launching myself on the bed, I then straddled his body and grabbed his other wrist, but unfortunately James was now fully awake and unamused.

  “What the fuck?” It didn’t take him long to figure out that one of his hands was out of action, and the other was going wild in my grip. Clinging on to it for dear life, I finally got a manacle around it, but there was no way I was attaching it to the headboard just yet.

  “Lois, get the hell off me this instant, or I’ll give you a black eye.” James sounded pissed, as well he might. Things were going to get a lot worse before they got better, too.

  “Alain took…” I slurred heavily, letting my eyes move in different directions, “took me away and shot me up again.” Letting my head roll around my shoulders, I tried to get his focus back on my head. “He said you’re next.” If James thought they’d drugged me, he was unlikely to whack the crap out of me, and I didn’t need that on top of everything else that was going on at the moment. My head already felt like a water balloon that was close to bursting point, and a smack around the ear wasn’t going to help matters. Leaning back for a minute, I then lurched forward, using the momentum to whack the other side of the cuff around the headboard. It connected first time. I let out a huge sigh of relief.

  So, victory is mine, if you can call it that. All I feel is dirty, and not the kind you can wash off. Oh God, can I really go through with this? If I do, I have to go the whole hog. Anything less won’t be fair to James. Hardening my resolve, I prepare to do battle. I already know this will be hell on wheels, but at least I have my man tied up, and there’s the promise of sex in the near future. Life isn’t all bad.

  “Good morning James,” I chirp sweetly. This time there is no slurring. I am bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, and I bat my eyelashes playfully at him.

  “What the hell is going on here, Lois?” Now fully awake, James looks up at his hands and gives me a fearsome stare. He is not happy. I already know that I will pay dearly for what I am about to do next, but it won’t be as bad as losing someone I love, so it’s worth it. Telling myself that one more time, I set my jaw and prepare to take on my other persona - the evil one.

  “I’m tying you down so I can fuck you, Sweetheart. What does it look like?” Rubbing my finger down his ripped chest, I sigh inwardly and wish things could be different. I could get lost in this man for a lifetime. All I’m actually going to get is a measly couple of hours where he will look at me with eyes seething with hatred. From now on in, I will be his adversary, and I’ll be lucky if he doesn’t kill me himself within a week. I’m making a powerful enemy, but it’s a price I’m willing to pay. If anyone has to die around here, it should be me.

  “Lois!” James rattles his chains and gives me a horrified look. “Get these cuffs off me now.” At the moment he’s assuming Alain has got to me, but I want to throw him off that track. It would be easier for us both if he hated me after this. Then there would be less chance of me ending up in an early grave.

  “Nothing doing, darling. You’re going to stay just where I want you to, until the deed is done.” Pulling a thin reel of nylon rope out of my pocket, and forming a loop with it, I lunge for his left leg. His mouth opens in an ‘O’ as he tries to kick the rope off, but I’m far too quick for him. I tie it around the bottom post of the leg before he has time to blink. I’ve no idea what Alain had given him last night, but he’d had way more than me. His reaction times are still slow and sluggish. Mind you, it might also be due to the fact they’d not fed him all week, poor fucker.

  Reaching for his right leg, this time he was ready for me. Kicking out, he threw me halfway across the side of the room. It wasn’t a surprise. Picking myself up from the floor, I dusted myself off and rubbed the side of my face, which had just taken a direct hit with the floor.

  “Shit. I didn’t mean to hurt you, Lois. Tell me what’s happening? What has Alain threatened you with? Why are you doing this?” James’s face is now creased with lines of concern and it’s nearly my undoing.

  Taking off my robe, and letting it slowly drop to the floor, I climb over the side of the bed and straddle James’s hips. He sucks in a tight breath and gives me a look that spells danger, which is laughable when you consider that I’m the one on top for a change. While I still have one limb to restrain, I’ll worry about his stray leg in a minute. For now, I need to get him preoccupied with something else - me.

  “A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do,” I purr. Lowering my body down on top of his, I gently rub the tips of my breasts up his body, while my fingertips slowly explore his beautiful abs, ridge by delightful ridge.

  “You can’t do this, Lois,” James warns. “This is your life we’re talking about. Whatever Alain has threatened you with can’t be worth risking your life for. We’ll be his pets after this, Lois, and he doesn’t treat his playthings nicely.”

  “It’s too late for that, James. I’ve made my promises and I intend to keep them. We’re doing this.” My fingers move lower, grazing themselves down his semi-hard length. “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve imagined you fucking me? I’m so wet thinking about it, I can barely breathe.”

  “I won’t let you do this, Lois. I won’t be responsible for your death. There has to be another way.” There isn’t, unless I want to watch James and Adie die instead, and I don’t.

  “Just relax and enjoy yourself, darling. You may even have
fun.” My hand gently sheaths the length of his cock and the silky-smooth skin jumps up in my hand. While James might not want to do this, there are parts of him that aren’t averse to the idea.

  “Get off me now.” James gives me a steely look, but I’m not really concentrating on his face. There isn’t a word he can say to me that will make me change my mind, so he’s wasting his time.

  “I kind of enjoy having you tied up, Leveritt,” I say cheekily. “I can do whatever I like to you, and there’s not a thing you can do about it.” There’s a big smile across my face as I say the words. I have never been in a position of power around James. That is all about to change, and the thought makes me salivate.

  “There is no way you’re fucking me against my will.” James’s voice is harder now. His free leg kicks underneath me, but I just raise my hips until he’s settled back down again. He won’t dislodge me that easily.

  “Well, you’re not about to tackle me off the bed, so how do you plan on fighting me? Does that free leg have ninja powers I’m unaware of?” I figure I might as well sort this out now, so I turn around and lean my weight over to my right side and straddle his thigh. It’s a hulking great thing, filled with muscle, but once my ass sits on it, it’s going nowhere.

  “You even think about doing what I…”

  It’s too late. The nylon rope I left at the bottom of the bed is already in my hands and I’m leaning forward to loop it around his ankle. Meanwhile, James’s body is bucking about like crazy, but he can’t dislodge me. This man is going nowhere fast. Making short work of securing his leg to the other post, I then assume my earlier position on top of him.

  “So, how were you planning to resist me - magic?” I grin at him and waggle my fingers in the air. He gives me a cold look - one that could freeze penguins.

  “No one is fucking me against my will, Lois.” James tries to hold my gaze, but I’m more interested in examining his beautiful body.

  “You don’t have to enjoy yourself, James. That’s up to you. All I need to do is get your cock hard enough to slip inside me. I don’t think you’ll give me too much trouble, but if you prove difficult, I’m sure I can get Alain in here with a shed load of Viagra.” I was fairly sure Alain would be reasonably eager to come to my rescue, should I have need of him.

  “You wouldn’t.” James’s jaw is now locked, and he’s just beginning to realise that he doesn’t have a hope in hell’s chance of resisting me. I know he won’t make things easy for me, but there’s nothing he can do to stop me, either. He can’t block me out forever. He can imagine that I’m Dame Edna Everage for the first ten minutes or so, perhaps, but I will be talking to him the whole time, telling him exactly what I’m about to do to him. His brain will short-circuit, eventually.

  “Shall we go with a hand job or blow job first?” I let my fingers caress his cheek as my tongue licks my lips carefully. I’m not stupid enough to bend down and kiss him. I know for a fact he’ll bite me. I don’t get too close to his face, either. He could still headbutt me if he wanted to, and I wouldn’t put it past him. Now that he’s processed my switch from friend to foe, I need to watch my back.

  “Kiss me, Lois.” Our thoughts are strangely in tune, it seems. Ahh, there’s the James I know and love - the devious one that intends to make sure I don’t get anywhere near him.

  “Oh, I intend to, darling, but I’m going to be kissing you a little lower down. Just relax and remember to breathe.” Sliding myself down his body, I begin by kissing his neck. Nuzzling into the hollows of his throat, I let my tongue caress him as I worship his skin. James stiffens beneath me but remains still. He’s saving his strength for when he’ll need it most - and we’re a long way from that yet. Alain says I’ve got four hours, and while I don’t intend to take that long, I’m not going to rush.

  “I apologise in advance, James, but I’m going to drag this out. I know I can only have you once, so I will make damn sure I enjoy myself. I’m hoping you’ll be able to have some fun, too, but that’s up to you. There’s nothing you can do to stop this, though. I’ve made up my mind.”

  If James were sensible, he’d lie there and try to enjoy himself. There has to be a point where you realise you’re beaten, surely? If someone had tied up my hands and legs, I think I’d probably call it a day. I know James won’t, though. He’d fight me all the way, right up to the second I made him climax.

  Raising his head, James then pushes his knees upward to gain my attention. I refuse to co-operate. My lips and tongue are having far too much fun tormenting him. His arms and legs then rattle in his cuffs, and when that doesn’t work, he uses his voice at top volume. “If you go through with this, Lois, I will never forgive you.” His words are clipped, and they contain a good deal of venom. His reaction is nothing more than I deserve. I’m about to turn the man I love into an enemy in order to save his life. He won’t understand. It’s not like I can ask God for help, either. The man above gave up on me years ago.

  “I know,” I whisper. “I’m prepared to accept those consequences.” Feeling the pulse in James’s neck hammer as my lips press up against it, I groan. The beat matches my own. I can’t help my excitement. Although this act is wrong in every sense of the word, I’m horribly turned on. If I’m not careful, I’ll come within seconds of his cock being inside me, and that’s the last thing I want. If I’m going down this path, I want a warm, fuzzy memory of ecstasy between us in my head. Preferably one where I’m screaming his name out loud. I could then replay that memory at will within my head with some virtual popcorn whenever things get too bad - and they will. The darkness has already begun to creep through my soul, and the stain it will leave is growing with each passing second.

  I take my time meandering down James’s body. Sometimes the pads of my fingers are as delicate as the flap of a butterfly’s wings as they caress the beautifully sculptured ridges of muscles and flesh. Then I let loose, digging my fingernails in and scraping a path of destruction. The balance between pleasure and pain is a delicate one, and I dished out equal amounts of each. James remains stoically silent through all of this, but I don’t let it deter me. Although I know the man has a lot of experience with women and control, I don’t think he’ll be able to hold back with me. It’s just a hunch I have, but we’ll see. My time at Carte Blanche has taught me a few things, and I am nothing if not determined.

  “James Leveritt, in an hour’s time I will make you lose your shit. No matter how much you try to fight me, there will always be a little piece of you that I will carry around with me. You can hate me all you like, but you will never take this afternoon away from me. It will always be up here,” I tap my forehead, “and I will always treasure it.” There is no response, not that I expect one.

  My fingers are now roaming over his hips and my lips follow, decorating his body with soft little kisses. When I look up and I find James has his eyes closed, I roll my eyes. He is determined to resist me, but then, if the shoe had been on the other foot, I’d have done the same thing. He won’t beat me, though. This isn’t a game he can win.

  When my fingers move between his legs, I gently roll his balls in my hand while I bend down to press a kiss against the tip of his cock. It rises to meet me, in a jerky but friendly greeting. Licking a long path from tip to base with my tongue, I watch as it begins to swell. I am looking forward to having him in my mouth again. Even though he’s come down my throat at least five times in the space of twelve hours, my hunger for him hasn’t abated, and I want more - so much more.

  “You’re going to be rock solid before I put you between my thighs, darling. Rock solid and weeping like a baby. I will make you so hard, you’ll be begging me to let you come.” Pressing my finger against the tip of his cock, I gently swirl it around in circles, watching the poor beast twitch as he fights to control his growing excitement.

  James can’t resist a comment at that remark. “Dream on, darling,” he snarls.

  Glancing slyly upwards, I bite my lip and narrow my eyes. “So, you are lis
tening, then,” I whisper. His lips then clamp themselves firmly shut, and we are back to square one. I don’t think it will be long before he opens them again, though.

  Sucking one of his testicles into my mouth, I hum around it, as my tongue and lips slowly work it over. I can hear James’s fingernails scrape against the mattress as I work, and that is all the incentive I need to continue. Alternating between the two, my hands are now beginning to stroke his cock with leisurely sweeps that are little more than a tease. That will change shortly.

  It feels strange to be in a dominant position, although I don’t dislike it. In bed, I usually do my best to please my partner and follow orders. That has been the status quo pretty much up until now. In fact, James has been the most dominant of all my lovers, including Adie. It gives me pause to wonder if he had ever been submissive to a female before. The thought flutters relentlessly around my mind until I have no choice but to voice it.

  “James, have you ever been with a Domme?” Call me nosy, but I want to know.

  “That’s none of your fucking business,” he snaps. My tough guy is struggling under the pursuits of my tongue and fingers because his voice sounds rather strained. That’s too bad.

  Moving my mouth to the crown of his cock, I let my hot breath fan it for a second, as I debate what to do next. I have a feeling it’s time I have some fun of my own. Touching the tip of my tongue to his cock, repeatedly, with quick, savage flicks, I delight in the growing beast before me. Although I’m desperate to suck it inside me, I figure I’ll make him wait for it. Anticipation is the mother of desire, after all.

  “Want to watch me masturbate, James. Want to know how wet I am for you?” Lifting my hips up, I straddle my legs a little wider around his waist and let my fingers slowly creep up my legs.


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