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Highlander's Sword: Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance (Clan Matheson Book 3)

Page 5

by Joanne Wadsworth

  * * * *

  Alec slammed one fist into the curtain wall, his knuckles bleeding as he scraped skin off. Annella’s leaving tore at him, made his bear roar and thrash for her return. He kicked off his boots, unstrapped his weapons and shucked his shirt and pants against the wall then in a myriad of bright lights, made the Change.

  His bear ripped from him and he heaved up onto his hind legs and howled.

  It was best this way, that she leave, that she understood he didn’t want her.

  Into the depths of the forest, he loped, sought refuge from both himself and the one woman he’d fervently denied belonged to him this past month, even though deep down inside he’d known she held the other half of his soul. Hell, his need for her had grown with each nightly visit she’d paid, his desire for her eating away at him and now that he’d had a taste of her and bitten her as their shifter kind did, that need would only continue to grow and gnaw at him. He’d have to work hard to set those emotions aside, of which he would. He’d make damn sure he did. Her safety depended on it.

  He lumbered on, until he reached a fast flowing river and his beast finally calmed a little. He reared up against a towering tree, dug his paws into the trunk then slashed down to the base. Again and again, he released his frustration and pain on the only thing that could handle his fierce temper. The tree would survive his fury whereas his mate would perish should he ever unleash his anger on her.

  Long minutes passed until shards of bark dangled from the trunk or lay piled on the ground. Exhausted, he dropped back onto all fours and plodded through a patch of grass as the sun rose higher in the sky and sunbeams streamed through the thick canopy overhead. It was time to return, to move on with his duty of protecting and guarding his clan, and to ensure he never gave into the woman who’d come to him in his dreams once more.

  Lumbering back along the trail, he tried to leave the storm of his emotions behind, although more simply roared to glaring life. He’d never forget Annella, but so too, he’d never willingly accept her or their bond.

  Certainly from this moment forth, whenever he laid his head down to rest at night, he’d make certain she never found her way back to him again. Plodding along, he broke free of the trail and ambled toward his belongings. He shifted, dressed, strapped his weapons on then with his resolve set firmly in place, strode through the main gate then veered across the bailey to the side entrance. He’d speak to his chief, ensure he informed him of all that had happened, of his decision and choice to move forward alone.

  Outside his chief’s solar door on the lower floor, he rapped and called out, “It’s Alec.”

  “Come in.” Michael Matheson, Kirk’s father, was a loyal, honorable, and strong chief.

  He opened the door and stepped inside, his chief’s wise counsel over the years always invaluable. When Michael heard of his bond with Annella taking form, even he would agree he’d made the right decision in sending her away and ensuring he never exposed her to his beast again. Her protection came first, even from himself.

  “Kirk’s here, Alec, with some interesting news.” In tan trousers and a navy button-down shirt, Michael rose from behind his chunky oak desk and dropped his pen on top of the papers he’d been perusing. He walked around and perched on the front edge of his desk, crossed his arms and eyed him. “And with interesting news you need to listen to. He’s informed me of your bond taking form with Annella. You have my heartfelt congratulations.”

  “Then you need to take those heartfelt congratulations right back.” He needed his chief to stand behind his decision, not go against it.

  “You have my heartfelt congratulations too.” Kirk stood before the window in his belted plaid and tunic, the sun glinting off the sword belted at his side and the daggers sheathed at his wrists. “Annella’s a fierce warrior, yet also holds a heart of gold and a deep love for her clan, much the same as you do.”

  “How long have you known about our bond taking form?” Not much ever got past Cherub and Kirk, but he’d ensure they both understood his position.

  “Cherub informed me the night Annella’s father and brother were taken that you two were soul bound and that things were about to get difficult.”

  “I’m not accepting the bond, for the obvious reasons.”

  “She’s a spirit-walker.” Kirk crossed to him. “And you’re the only one who can ensure she remains on this Earth now her skill has fully evolved. Those spirit-walkers who remain unmated always ascend when there is no one close enough to them to hold them to the here and now. She needs you, just as much as you need her.”

  “She’ll ascend a damn sight faster if we ever joined together. Her death at my hands would occur within only a matter of time.”

  “When we are mated to another, the one who holds the other half of our soul becomes ours to protect and care for. We can never harm them. It’s impossible.” Kirk grasped his shoulder. “You likely don’t wish to hear what else I have to say, but you need to listen all the same. Cherub’s duty is to ensure each mated pair find each other, no matter what time they live within, and since the day Cherub and I completed our bond, her duty too became mine. Sending Annella away from you right now isn’t the right move, and I can’t stress that enough.”

  “She’s safer where she is rather than with me. Where’s Cherub?” He wished to speak to the Fae Angel of Love and ensure she understood his position well, that he needed her to keep a close eye on Annella since he no longer could. Keeping his chosen one safe, even though he had no intention of tying her to his side, still flared strongly within him.

  “Cherub is with your mate as we speak.”

  “Good. Make sure she understands my decision. I’ve no intention of completing the bond and one day harming my chosen one.” As appreciative as he was of Kirk’s advice, he’d never change his mind. “Her life means more to me than I can ever express, and her safety can only be guaranteed when she’s away from me.”

  “I knew you’d take this stance on the issue, but there is no one who can protect her better than you ever could. You need to trust me on that.”

  “I stabbed her last night, shoved her own dagger right through her forearm and impaled her to my chamber wall. Should I ever allow my bear his full release, I could shred her to pieces. My bear hungers for her, would maul and mark her and not think twice about it.” He gripped Michael’s shoulder. “Surely you see I speak the truth, Chief. Tell me you agree with my decision.”

  “I understand your fears, Alec, but those who are soul bound truly can’t harm the other as Kirk has said. You need to have more faith in the bond, and in the woman who has been given to you to cherish and adore. Don’t turn her away. Give yourself some time if you must, but she will always feel lost and alone without you.”

  “My sentiments exactly.” Kirk dug his cell phone from his pocket, turned it on. “Even if Annella were in her true form and not her spiritual one as she was last night, you still wouldn’t be able to harm her.”

  “I can’t take the risk.” Annella deserved to live a life filled with joy and happiness, not in constant fear of what he might or mightn’t ever do to her. He dropped down into the blue padded wingback chair next to the unlit fireplace, braced his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands together. “I won’t tangle with her again like I did last night.”

  “She needs your aid in finding her kin, only she hasn’t asked you for it yet. Let me show you something.” Kirk tapped his cell phone’s screen. “I recorded this piece earlier in the week. Occasionally I take a picture or video footage, for memorabilia’s sake and such, and this video is of Niall, Ronan, and Annella training at the warrior encampment on the shores of Loch Alsh.”

  “I don’t want to see it.” He’d let her go, needed to forget about her and ensure things stayed that way.

  “Look, and that’s an order.” Kirk turned his cell phone toward him.

  “Stand still, you menace.” Annella’s teasing voice swept out from the device and he couldn’t help but lift his gaze, he
r words spoken as if to him even though she faced another. The bright midday sunshine blazed across her beautiful face, her expression awash with vigor and vitality as she swung her sword in the same manner as she’d done with him during their sparring session last night. Her gorgeous golden tresses, contained within a long plait and tied with a red silk ribbon at the end, swayed about her tiny waist, and those plump, pink lips of hers remained open a touch as she swept her tongue out. He wanted to seize her mouth with his, slip his own tongue between her lips and taste the heated treasure of her kisses, to have her clinging to him and completely breathless as he ravaged her all over again.

  “You’re the menace, little sister.” A warrior in his mid to late twenties heaved his blade and Annella met his fierce strike, swords clanging and making his woman jolt back a step under the jarring impact. “Dinnae fall over or else I’ve won this battle.”

  “Keep your eyes on your brother, Annella. Ignore his ribbing.” A more seasoned warrior with a flare of silver on one side of his blond-haired head, stood atop a boulder along the sandy shoreline where the waters glittered as they rolled in and washed up onto the beach. “Utilize your smaller size, sneak in a blow when Ronan’s not paying attention. Aim for his knees. Catch him off balance and disable him. Just however you can, bring him down. Do it, now.”

  “No’ the knees, scamp.” Ronan winked at her. “I need my legs in working order so I can kick your mischievous butt when you get too big for your breeches, which is more often the no’ these days.”

  “The knees it is then.” Annella laughed, ducked low and swung.

  Ronan let out a loud bellow, jumped her underhanded swipe then knocked her blade from her hands with his sword. It went flying and he dropped his weapon and charged, caught her up and tossed her over one shoulder then ran toward the water.

  “Nay, let me down, you big brute.” Annella’s red tunic slid down her back and exposed her creamy skin and the delectable hollow at the base of her spine. Her tan breeches molded every inch of her sweetly curved bottom as she squirmed and thumped her brother. “I’m going to make you pay for this, Ronan Matheson.”

  “Did you say brute?” Chuckling, Ronan bounded into the water then dove with Annella still clinging to him.

  Seconds later, the two burst to the surface and shoved water at each other.

  Niall laughed, kicked off his boots and shucked his dark tunic then raced into the waves. He dove and reemerged behind Ronan then with a loud whoop, tackled his son and took him down. Their love burst across the screen, their devotion to each other so very clear to see.

  He touched one finger to her tiny image flickering back at him, stroked over her wet braid and flushed face as she jumped onto Ronan’s back and tussled with him. “She needs them back.” He lifted his gaze to Kirk’s. “You and Cherub need to make sure that happens, and if you don’t then you’ll have me to contend with.”

  “She needs more than just Niall and Ronan back. She needs you as well, whether you wish to accept that fact or not. In accepting the bond, you won’t be tying an innocent woman to your side who could never handle your aggressive bear, not when she’s so very strong in her own right. Think on all I’ve said, because if you but allow it, she could be your very salvation.”

  He sat back in the chair, Kirk’s impassioned plea ringing in his ears. Even if he allowed their bond to take, the risks for her would always be there, and should he make even one wrong move, then he’d be placing her very life on the line. Aye, he’d made the right decision in sending her away. He wouldn’t back down on his decision now.

  * * * *

  All wispy-white, Annella soared through the dream realm the next night in search of Father and Ronan, the cool night air once again rushing around her and the stars blazing bright, although not the stars of her nearest and dearest whom she searched for. Her heart cried out for them, demanded their return. Why hadn’t they yet sought their rest? And where was Alec? She circled the place where his star usually glowed so close to her kin’s, his essence a bright ray of hope she’d come to crave, only he too remained far from her sight. She huffed, gave up on her search for now and slowly descended, floated back down and returned to her chamber then breathed deep as she settled back inside her physical body.

  Eyes open, she stretched in the dark, the candle flickering on top of her bedside table casting its solitary glow over her golden bed curtains and gold and red patchwork bedcover.

  “Any luck?” Cherub rose from the red velvet padded chair beside her window, the moon glowing golden and bright over her shoulder and making her sparkly skin shimmer, the trait a physical one held only by the eldest child born within the royal line of the fae. Cherub was her princess and the king’s eldest child, born to care for her kind who walked this Earth.

  “None whatsoever. Duncan has no’ yet permitted them any rest.” She wouldn’t consider that their essence didn’t shine because they no longer lived. Her kin awaited her and she wouldn’t contemplate anything else. With her black leather covered knees pulled to her chest, she wrapped her arms around them and rocked on her mattress. “You’ve searched the Chief of MacKenzie’s dungeons on Loch Alsh and they arena there, which means Duncan must have taken them to his own holding, wherever that is.”

  “The Chief of MacKenzie’s land spreads from here all the way to the shores of Loch Broom far to the north. ’Tis a large parcel of land with countless places where Duncan could be keeping them.” Cherub paced before the fire, her ruby skirts brushing the polished floorboards. “Since neither of us have found them then we need to set out on foot from where they were taken, which means we’ll need the best trackers aiding us on our search. Kirk can certainly track very well with his bear, but in all honestly, Alec is the best within his clan and we need him on our side.”

  “I told you all about Alec and our battle.” She’d admitted all that had happened to Cherub when she’d returned from Alec’s time, although it seemed the Fae Angel of Love had already known, watched some of their battle from within Ivanson’s security control room before giving them their privacy. “Alec insists his bear is too aggressive, would harm me and even though that’s impossible when two are soul bound, he still has no intention of ever choosing me. I fear should I ask him for his aid in our coming mission, he will only turn me down.”

  “Then you’ll need to persuade him otherwise.” Cherub swished to Annella’s ambry, pushed back the golden curtain and foraged amongst her hanging clothes. She whipped a couple of pairs of breeches and two tunics from within down, then set her belongings on the end of her bed. “I’ve never known you to back away from a fight, and we certainly need Alec’s aid.”

  “Aye, I’ll never back away from a fight, but he seems so resolute, that he’ll never allow our bond to take. He also remains awake and in doing so, far from me since I can only visit him once he is at rest.”

  “Then you simply need to confront him again, and this time face to face in your true form. I shall take you directly to Alec through a portal. He needs to learn no one can deny the mated bond.” Cherub arched a brow. “Tell me I’m right.”

  “You’re right.” She also wasn’t yet willing to give up on her chosen one, not as he’d already chosen to give up on her. Determination flared through her and she swung her feet onto the floor, nabbed her traveling sack from the uppermost shelf of her ambry and stuffed the clothes Cherub had placed on the bed, inside.

  “You are a woman of action and I adore that about you.” Cherub patted her hand. “Certainly once you have your mate’s agreement to join us on our search, we’ll ensure our men release their bears so they can track your father and brother’s movements. No more will we sit here and idly wait as precious time ticks by.”

  “That I wholeheartedly agree with.” Action was most definitely needed. She pulled on her favorite black leather knee-high boots, tucked the bottom of her pants inside then added a black leather vest over her cream tunic. “I’ll take a stronger stance with Alec this time.”

“That’s exactly what I wanted to hear.” Cherub hugged her then walked to the door and glanced over her shoulder. “I willnae be long. I’ll return to my chamber and pack, then secure some items of clothing from your father and brother’s chambers, things that hold their scent. Our bears will need whatever we can give them in order to track Niall and Ronan as best as they can. We’ll head out at first light on the morrow when any tracks will be more viewable. Does that sound like a suitable plan?”

  “Absolutely.” Alec was the best tracker within his clan and she needed him and his highly skilled ability. She wouldn’t rest until she’d procured his agreement. Swiftly, she stuffed her plaid in her sack and added an additional pair of woolen socks. The days were warm but the nights could be cold out in the forest.

  In the looking glass propped on her side table, she picked up her comb, brushed her hair and secured her golden locks in a long braid with a blue ribbon tied at the end. With a mint and salt paste, she scrubbed her teeth then splashed water from the basin onto her face. She had a mission ahead of her, both in convincing Alec to aid her in finding her kin, and in accepting her as his chosen one along the way. Aye, she wasn’t done with him yet, would fight for their bond and his acceptance of her. She needed him, particularly if she wished to ensure she never ascended as her mother had done. Only a spirit-walker’s soul bound mate could keep them tied to this Earth, and she had no desire to leave her loved ones behind, not unless they’d already gone on ahead of her.

  “Ready to go?” Cherub walked back inside her chamber, her bag in hand and a white fur cloak draped over her arm, the color a stunning contrast against her velvety, ruby skirts.

  “Almost.” She opened her keepsake box, picked up her pouch of coins, which was all the savings she had, slipped it inside her pocket and slung her traveling sack over one shoulder. Her heart tightened in anticipation of the battle to come, the fight with her mate one she actually looked forward to. “I must find them, and soon.”


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