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Rocky Mountain Heat-Six 1

Page 4

by Vivian Arend

  “Old enough for what? You weren’t planning to do anything under Ma and Dad’s roof you wouldn’t do in front of them, right?” Daniel demanded.

  Blake kept his lips buttoned tight. The thoughts flying through his brain weren’t suitable for speaking out loud. Jaxi had kissed them all. Except him. He picked up the smooth leg and deposited it with the rest of the wood. He needed a ride to clear his mind.

  “Blake, you ain’t told me yet what you think.”


  “Jaxi and Jesse and me.”

  Blake stopped and stared at his little brother. “Why are you asking me? She’s the one that’s got to decide if she wants you.”

  Joel glanced quickly at Daniel before he spoke. “We like her, and we want to see if she likes us. But if you ask, we’ll wait until you get a chance first.”

  “What? What makes you think…?” This conversation had taken a turn for the worse, and fast. “Just because I’m the only one in the family who hasn’t kissed her—”

  “Blake, I know you care for her. A lot.”

  “She’s too young for me. Be my guest and go for it, I don’t think of her that way.” Sweet mercy, what a bunch of bull. He thought of little but Jaxi. It was no use though. She was too young. She still looked up to him as a big brother, and he wasn’t going to step over that boundary like some hormone-crazed animal. Blake ignored his aching gut and turned to head out the door when Joel called after him.

  “You’re lying through your teeth.”

  Blake paused and shook his head. “Am I now?”

  “Damn right, you are. You remember camping in the back fields during calving season?”


  Joel jostled past him and paced backward for a few steps to stare Blake in the eye. “You talk in your sleep. You haven’t kissed the girl, but don’t lie about how sweet she is to you. Think on it and let me and Jesse know when you’ve made up your mind. Only don’t wait too long or we’ll decide for you. One way or another.”

  Chapter Three

  “Oh God, oh God, yeah.”

  Matt groaned out his agreement as Helen dragged her nails down his back, her body writhing under his. “Come on, baby. It’s good, isn’t it?”

  She whimpered lightly, a sheen of sweat glowing on her skin from their fooling around, and Matt smiled. Yeah, she was close. After nine years together, off and on, there was no mistaking the signs. He knew by the tightening of her neck muscles, the soft moans escaping her lips, along with the increase in pressure where her nails dug into his shoulders.

  He canted his hips to the left on the next thrust, opening up enough room to slip a hand between their bodies. When he touched her clit she jerked, then let loose a cry of approval as her sheath squeezed his cock tight.

  “Matt, ohh…”

  He dropped his head to her shoulder and buried himself deep, welcome relief and intense satisfaction hitting as his release jolted from his body.

  It had been too damn long.

  He was still brain-fuddled when Helen squirmed and pressed him away. “I need to pee.”

  Matt laughed. “You’re so romantic.”

  She wiggled her brows. “I try.”

  The mattress dipped as he rolled and collapsed onto his back, muscles quivering. Helen scrambled upright and off the bed, and he watched her butt flex as she moved away from him toward the bathroom. Every curve of her body so familiar and attractive. He hadn’t had enough of her yet.

  “You want to grab some dinner at Casey’s?” Helen asked, her voice carrying from around the corner.

  No. Heading out was the last thing he wanted right now. “I already ate with the family. I can make you something here if you’re hungry.”

  “I’d love a burger, and there’re none in the freezer. I need to go shopping in the morning. Karen was supposed to stock up before she left.” The toilet flushed and the water in the shower turned on.

  Matt sat up, a rumble of discontent hitting as he dealt with the condom. After two months apart, he wanted a little more time alone with her before he had to start sharing again. He’d been thrilled to see the message she was back in town, rushing over as soon as he could get away from the family. “I don’t mind hitting the store. Want me to run out quick and bring something back?”

  There was no answer. She was probably under the water, the noise interfering with his question. Matt shoved off the bed and strolled to the door of the bathroom. Hmm, there were other ways to get her attention. He tugged the curtain aside, admiring how her muscles flexed as she washed, swirling the sponge over her tanned skin. There were all kinds of things he could do to her wet body. “Want some company?”

  She shut off the water, already reaching past him for her towel. “Nahhh. I’m starving, and I promised the gang we’d meet them in a bit.”

  Frustration made his words harsher than he intended. “Shit, Helen. You’re back in town for a couple hours and we’re already heading out? I hoped we’d get some more time to catch up.”

  She stopped in the middle of rubbing her hair with the towel, her mouth arranged into a delicate pout. “You sex fiend. Haven’t had enough yet?”

  Fuck. He hadn’t come over with the intention of falling into bed. At least not first thing—that had been her idea. “That’s not what this is about.”

  Helen pressed her naked body against his, and his instant response put lie to his words. She stroked a hand over his cock and raised her brows, the smooth arcs perfectly in place. “It’s okay. I’ll be game for more later. I just want to see the gang. I’ve been gone all summer working, and I missed them.”

  His sigh escaped involuntarily. “I missed you.”

  She relaxed against him, all familiar curves and well-known touch as she reached out to capture his waist. “I missed you too.”

  They stood for a moment, and the tension between them faded slightly. Matt breathed in deep, soaking in her scent, the rightness of having her back in his arms. The awkwardness was normal after being apart. And since neither of them was any damn good at emailing or phoning, not with the ranch chores or her remote summer job at the kids’ camp, it had been a long time.

  He had to show more patience, although that’s all he ever seemed to do with Helen. Even making the moves on her the first time—he’d planned it for days before getting up the nerve. It had been worth it. Their first kiss had been magical, stolen by the bleachers at the high school between football practice and chores.

  He smoothed her wet hair away from her face, “You remember our first time?”

  Helen kissed his chest, running her fingers lightly over his ass. “Sweet sixteen and fumbling around in one of the trailers in the back of the ranch. You were so scared we were going to get caught.”

  That wasn’t all of it. “I was scared I was going to blow before I got in you, let alone make sure you enjoyed yourself.”

  She scratched him as she pulled away, mischief in her eyes. “I always enjoy myself with you, Matthew Coleman. First time to now, you are one fine lover.”

  Happiness welled inside, covering some of his earlier frustration. “I love you, you know. Not just love having sex with you.”

  She blinded him with her smile. “You’re kinda my favourite fellow as well.”

  A sharp tug hit his gut. She never said the words. Never said I love you back to him. “Someday you’re going to forget and actually admit you’re crazy in love with me.”

  Helen yanked on her clothes, her mischievous expression teasing him. “Now, Matt, they’re only words. I don’t deny you turn me inside out with lust, and spending time with you is one of my first choices. But I don’t think love—”

  “Is real, or forever? I know.” He dragged a hand through his hair and headed for the shower. Since it seemed they were heading out on the town, he’d better get cleaned up as well. He couldn’t leave this conversation at that, though. She had to get past this issue at some point. “Just because your parents called it quits doesn’t mean love isn’t real. Loo
k at my folks. Look at lots of couples right here in Rocky.”

  He rinsed off quickly while Helen used the mirror, talking over her shoulder. “Yeah, but my folks didn’t call it quits, they blew up world war three around us. Their split was more than nasty, it was mean. If that’s how they could act after nearly twenty-five years together, and always saying ‘I love you’ to each other all the time? Total bullshit.”

  Matt grabbed a towel. Having this discussion again caused extreme frustration because nothing ever seemed to change. “I hear you. I still wish…”

  He trailed off as Helen turned to face him, arms crossed in front of her chest. “Matt, I’m not ready to commit to anything else. Now I’m hungry, and you promised me burgers. We can talk about this in a few days when I’ve got myself back on a regular schedule. Two months of s’mores and campfires every night is more than one woman should have to bear.”

  “Does that mean a discussion about us moving in together will be happening sometime after burgers and seeing the gang?”

  Helen stared, the naughtiness in her eyes as she looked him over making him regret having agreed to going out. “I have to admit knowing I would get to see more of this view regularly is a positive incentive to that idea. Now get cracking.”

  He snagged his clothes from the floor where he’d tossed them in his hurry to get naked. “Was that a yes?”

  “It’s a maybe. Dammit, Matt. I’ve been tossing and turning on a wooden-slatted bunk for months. Eating wieners and beans and way too many marshmallows. Food before serious conversations, all right?”

  He backed down. Hell, he could see her point. When he came in from finding calves or working the far fields for weeks, all he wanted to do was sit and toss back a couple of cold ones and vegetate in front of the idiot box. There was something to be said for batching it with his brothers at times. They understood completely about having not even one more iota of energy left to be civil, let alone being caring and giving.

  He grabbed his jacket and ushered her forward. “Deal. I’m officially moving that discussion onto the future list. I’ll give you a little time.”

  When she would have danced out the door, he tugged her to a stop. Held her against him tight as he planted a huge kiss on her mouth, tender but firm enough she couldn’t avoid him without really kicking up a fuss. He kissed her until the tension drained away, and she was all soft and warm in his arms.

  Helen smiled sweetly, licking her lips, her gaze darting over his face. “Well. That was a lovely welcome home.”

  “That was the intention. I’m glad you’re back, darling.”

  He held her close for another moment, their hearts synchronizing as they stood together in the gathering darkness.

  Yeah. She was back and maybe this time he’d be able to find a way to convince her that what they had was good enough to take a chance on. To move beyond being good, to being even better.

  Jaxi was grateful Marion didn’t rise at five a.m. like usual to start her day. Maybe it was the painkillers, or sheer exhaustion, but the boys were already fed and watered and headed out for their day before Jaxi had to switch into her nursing role.

  “We need to go to town today and hit the thrift shop, Mrs. C.” Jaxi helped the older woman out of her husband’s robe and into the tub. She set up a few towels to keep Marion’s cast dry, then stepped back to give her privacy. “You can’t wear oversized clothes until you heal, and I don’t think we should cut up all your regular clothing so your arm will fit.”

  Marion sighed. “It’s a little like trying to stick toothpaste back into the tube. You’re right, we can go this afternoon. What else are you up for today?”

  Jaxi paced around the room, making it as one-handed-friendly as possible. “I can do whatever you tell me needs doing. I’m here for you, to make things easier. Cook, clean. There are vegetables in the garden to harvest soon, and the apples you picked before you fell. You want those canned or dried? I didn’t plan on making coffee and sitting around all day. I never have enjoyed lazing.”

  Marion went through a list of harvest items she had planned on doing that week. Jaxi listened even as she stopped to admire the family picture on the dresser, the six boys ranged in a circle surrounding their parents.

  She had missed so much as an only child. Her folks loved her but didn’t understand her need to be around others. They were both quiet, independent people who shied away from social events and thought nothing wrong with their little girl spending evenings and weekends alone with a book. When they moved to Rocky Mountain House and her new neighbours had welcomed Jaxi in, it was like she’d come home. All the time she’d spent at the Colemans’ ranch over the years had opened her eyes and heart to the love of a big family.

  The expressions on Mike’s and Marion’s faces in each picture displayed around the room made her heart skip. She saw it, plain as day. They were a team, loving and supporting each other as they worked the land and raised their family. Jaxi had seen that strength in Blake, and she wanted to show him she could create the same kind of team with him. The physical attraction she had for him was one thing, but his responsible character impressed her even more. The kind of a connection his parents had was what she longed for, ached for.

  What she was willing to work for, body and soul.

  She fell back into the routine of nursemaid easily, guiding Marion from the tub, helping her dress. Marion smiled approvingly. “Tell you what. Let’s have a cup of tea, and we can plan the menus and a bit of a schedule for the next week so I can get those boys of mine to chip in as well.”

  “They don’t need to help.”

  “Yes, they do.” Marion waved her good finger in Jaxi’s face. “I’m their mama, and if I tell them to help dry the dishes once in a while, it won’t kill them. I don’t expect them to do a lot, only a few things so you and I can get by. It’s not as if they haven’t been doing it on their own anyway.”

  “True, but—”

  Jaxi rushed to help her as Marion got tangled in the sweater she attempted to lay across her shoulders. The older woman growled her frustration. “I still don’t believe it. The house hasn’t been this full in years, and now is when I had to go and hurt myself?”

  “Oh, right. I’m sure you went and broke your arm just because. Accidents happen.”

  “Not to me.” Jaxi bit her lip to stop from laughing as Marion’s face changed from indignation to an embarrassed flush. “Listen to me, I sound like a baby, complaining because I’m a little inconvenienced. You’re right. I didn’t plan it, and we’ll have to make the best of it. But that doesn’t mean you’re allowed to martyr yourself for me, young lady.”

  Jaxi backed down, or at least pretended to. She’d do what she thought was right when it came to getting work accomplished anyway—what Marion didn’t see wouldn’t hurt her. “No, ma’am. Boys can help out if you insist.”

  “And I won’t have you scrubbing and such. Mike already said he’d get the Wilson woman to come in a couple of extra times to do the floors. She usually comes once a week, so it’s not much of a change for her.”

  “I really can do that. Honest.”

  Marion shook her head firmly. “You’re a hard worker, Jaxi. But cooking and caring for a family this size takes a lot of time and energy. I’m going to need extra help since I can barely comb my hair by myself yet. I don’t want to scare you away.”

  Little chance of that ever happening. “I think we’ll figure things out.”

  “Come on,” Marion said, grabbing Jaxi by the arm. “Let’s go get that cup of tea.”

  Chapter Four

  Blake pulled in next to the barn, his truck coated in dust. The west fields were bone dry, and he’d been driving all morning on bumpy back lanes. He stopped to take a swig of cold coffee from his thermos, distracted by a blonde head bobbing to the right of him as Jaxi walked the path to the chicken coop, her hands full of boards and tools.

  Intrigued, he slipped from the truck and followed her, his eyes mesmerized by the sight of faded
jeans cupping her trim ass as it swayed from side to side. She dropped her armload outside the wire surrounding the coop structure and snuck into the yard with an experienced air, shooing the chickens before her into the enclosure. Once she rounded them up, she closed the door firmly and spun to fetch her tools.

  A flush crept over her skin as she spotted him standing beside the fence watching her. Then she grinned, and he reacted involuntarily to how her smile lit up his heart.

  His whole body ached.

  “What you doing?” He had to get a handle on himself. This is what he’d been trying to avoid, being alone with her. The setting was far from intimate and should be safe, but the edge of uncertainty was there.

  Any situation with Jaxi was potential trouble as far as he was concerned.

  She pointed to a section of the fencing that had worked loose, a hole dug partway under the wire. “Someone’s trying to make a break for it, either in or out, and I don’t want to wander the ranch looking for eggs.” She propped open the gate and reached for the boards at his feet.

  “You don’t need to do that. One of us will fix it. Ma never told us there was a problem or we’d have done it already.”

  She leaned on the gate, her bright eyes sparkling at him. “I know you can fix the hole, but so can I. The sunshine is nice, and getting into the yard for some fresh air feels good.” She waved the hammer at him briefly. “You go ahead and get your work done. I’ve got this under control.”

  Blake shifted back on his heels, a grin sneaking onto his face as he watched her haul the boards beside her and kneel to tackle the stiff chicken wire. She did know what she was doing—pulling the staples while holding the wire in place, twisting the hammer with enough leverage the wire popped into line rather than rolling away from her. The sun shone off her skin, a dusky tan showing on the muscles of her arms as she worked.

  Jaxi glanced over her shoulder as she leaned back on the hammer, loosening an exceptionally tough staple. “You done with work for the day or what, Blake Coleman? Or have you never seen a fence fixed before so you want to learn some tips from me?”


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