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The Witch's Vampire (New Adult Paranormal Romance) (Mystery Springs Series)

Page 3

by Jami Brumfield

  When they were outside of the club in the alley the girl managed to yank her arm free. Good for her, Gio thought. He was thankful she wasn't weak in the face of danger.

  "Don’t touch me!” She snapped.

  “Look,” the angel-hybrid ran a hand through his blond waves, “I’m not trying to hurt you. I just want to talk to you.”

  “You sure have a funny way of showing it! If you wanted to talk all you had to do was ask. Instead, you attempted to kidnap me from a crowded nightclub. Who does that?” She spun on her heel and started toward the parking lot shaking her head and mumbling in coherently. Gio focused his enhanced hearing toward the rant she was having under her breath and found himself fighting off the chuckle that was building in his chest from her random frustrated words. She was an interesting woman.

  The blond boy followed her and Gio followed him. Something about this situation still didn’t sit right with him. No one spoke until she reached her car and put the key in the door. “You're Sophie Waters, daughter of Regina Clarke?” the girl froze and Gio held his breath, he finally had a name, maybe. The problem was she was a witch, a powerful witch. Witches were his least favorite supernatural species. They were always so moralistic and idealistic. They had an unrealistic view of the world, believing there is good to be found in all things, no matter how bad they were.

  “Yes, how did you know?" When the blond didn't answer she continued, "Look, the wake will be next week.”

  Now Gio understood the pain that rolled off her. Her mother was well-known and her death was very public in the supernatural circles. It was a compliment, a testament to how great a loss her life was. But that loss paled in comparison to what Sophie must be feeling. She lost her mother. Loss of a loved one is never easy no matter how long you live, but a daughter losing a mother is a tragedy. The overwhelming desire to wrap her in his arms and kiss away some of the pain returned and filled him with so much need he slipped out of the shadows and asked, “Excuse me, is this man bothering you?” He cursed inwardly. What the hell is wrong with me? He could’ve stayed hidden until she got in her car and left but no his body seemed to have a mind of its own, and it wanted to be close to her.

  Sophie jumped back against her blue sedan which proved to him that he’d managed to stay hidden in the darkness well enough for her. The nephilim wasn’t as surprised which was easily explained, they were natural enemies.

  “She doesn’t need your help, vamp. Walk away if you know what's good for you.” The angel boy narrowed his blue eyes as his body went ramrod stiff, ready to attack. Gio was sure the nephilim had his weapon hidden on his person, he had to in order to be so blunt.

  Gio acknowledged the body language clue with a stiff nod and had the good sense to take a step back, feeling foolish that he revealed himself. His desire to protect the strange girl was like nothing he’d ever remembered feeling. He knew her family. Her mother was very powerful and her father was commanding but erratic. More peculiar was that he didn’t know the daughter.

  “Even you can appreciate my concern when I see a strange nephilim in my club pulling an innocent witch out onto the street. It’s my duty as a well-respected business owner to ensure she's safe.” Logic was a safe approach. Although, he would've preferred to see other people on the street. A nephilim was less likely to attack in the presence of possible humans. All the supernaturals had a simple code: blend in. While the strange blond may be his biggest enemy, he was new here and smelled desperate. He needed something from the young witch and he’d have to ask her nicely before Gio let him leave with her.

  “Your club?” Sophie asked in a whisper. Gio may not have heard her if he wasn’t a vampire. “You’re Giovanni?”

  “Giovanni Mancuso,” he bowed elegantly, “at your service, my dear.”

  Sophie’s mouth stayed open longer than she probably intended before she spoke. “Nice to meet you. Everything is fine here, your honor is safe. I was just leaving.” The anger that rolled off her was concerning to Gio. He didn’t know what he had done to offend her.

  “Look, I’m sorry, I’m short on time and I’m not good in social settings. I also risked a lot to come here. I think we got off on the wrong foot.” The blond nephilim extended a hand toward Sophie to shake, “my name is Christopher Knight and I need your help.”

  Chapter Three

  Sophie’s green eyes darted back and forth between Giovanni and Christopher like a ball on a ping pong table. The tension between the two was thick like molasses. Things were happening so fast. Her life was rapidly changing, turning upside down like a turbo charged rollercoaster, only this ride had no end in sight. It was only a couple of hours ago that she was a normal woman getting ready to go back to college, and now she was at a nightclub where a handsome blond man accosted her, pulled out of the relative safety of the club to the street where he called a tall, dark, handsome man a vamp, as in vampire she assumed, and then asked for her help. It was quite obvious the two didn't like each other and if she went along with all the fiction she'd read about the supernaturals she should run far away from the vampire and cling to the angel, but she felt the opposite reaction. She wanted to run to the vampire and tune out the angel's request for help. Unfortunately, she was a caregiver and had a hard time turning away from people in need, even those that gave her negative vibes.

  They both stood in silence staring at her while she tried to come to terms with what was going on. Like that was going to happen anytime soon. But she had to admit she was taking things a lot easier than she ever imagined she would. She couldn't help imagining a scenario like this happening when she was younger and going through her paranormal addiction stage, but that was for kids, right?

  First things first, “what can I do to help?” her mother was right, she hated being labeled a caregiver, but she couldn't avoid her desire to take care of people in need, it was a curse and a blessing all rolled up in one tasty little tablet. A pill she had a hard time swallowing, but did anyway. Always putting the needs of others before her own, before her own safety.

  “Your mother, Regina, was a healer and I’m hoping you inherited her abilities.” Christopher started.

  “Her father is also a guardian, a witch of the dead.” Giovanni offered. “Perhaps she takes after him?” He was insanely handsome, and the dark stare he was giving her was intoxicating. She pushed down her instinct to move closer to him. His vibe screamed protection. She had always heeded vibes and now she was beginning to understand they may be more than simple intuition.

  Giovanni’s voice was elegant with a touch of Old English lilt. It was like smooth silk caressing her skin when he spoke. She shivered. If his voice could have that effect on her what would his touch or kiss do? Get it together, Sophie, someone needs your help!

  “My mother was a doctor, true. But I haven’t even started school. Maybe you need a hospital.” She offered this as a way of holding onto the thin thread of sanity that held her reality together.

  Giovanni chuckled, which irked Sophie because it pulled her into his hypnotic spell while she tried to keep her distance. There was something terribly familiar about him. It was like he was her fantasy come to life. It upset her idea of reality, and now her fantasy was laughing at her? “What about needing a doctor do you find so funny?”

  “I’m thinking he’s looking for a more supernatural form of healer.” Giovanni stated simply as his chuckle died on his lips, but the smile stayed in place, reaching his stormy grey eyes and causing a tidal wave of conflicting emotions in Sophie. His straight forwardness was refreshing, but snapped that thin thread of reality with little resistance. He wasn’t helping her stay sane, he was driving her toward insanity. He was the living embodiment of her fantasy supernatural lover. Maybe all of this was a dream?

  “Right, because that makes logical sense in a world where magic exists.” She worried the keys in her hand. Maybe if she played along with the dream she'd find a way to wake up and join the living. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, Christopher, but I don’t h
ave any powers.”

  “But you’re a Clarke.” The hope seemed to leave his face and was replaced by desperation. “Your family is renowned for their abilities, have been for centuries. I was sure you’d be able to help.”

  Well now, that was an interesting piece of family history. She had no idea her family was such a powerful player in this reality. On some strange level it made sense. If this was a dream she would be the strongest player. “No, as Mr. Mancuso pointed out…”

  “Please, my friends call me Gio.” Giovanni interjected and took a step closer toward her.

  Sophie took a deep breath and counted to ten. She hated being interrupted and the closer he got to her the more heated her body became with... desire? “As Mr. Mancuso pointed out, I’m also a Waters.” Gio tried to repress a laugh behind a cough and his hand. Bastard! She decided to ignore him, or at least try.

  “Without a healer my sister is sure to die.” Christopher placed his forehead in his hands, he looked so devastated and Sophie felt her heart melt. Even if he was a figment of her imagination, a fantasy she'd concocted in her mind, she needed to find a way to help him. It was what she did. She helped people.

  Besides, she’d seen too much death lately. No more, not if she had anything to say about it. She knew she was going to regret this, sighed heavily and offered, “I might know someone who can help you.”

  The hope was back in his blue eyes and Sophie couldn’t help but smile at the excitement he showed. She motioned a thumb over her shoulder, “get in and I’ll take you to Chelsea. She was my mother’s best friend. If anyone can help it would most likely be her.”

  He rushed over to the passenger seat and hopped into the car after she unlocked the door. Sophie climbed in the driver’s seat just as Giovanni climbed into the back seat, behind Christopher. His actions and nasty glares toward the nephilim deepened her suspicion these two guys didn’t like each other very much. Sophie frowned as his smiling reflection appeared in her rear view mirror. It was more of a smirk. The left corner of his mouth rose in a sexy way creating a dimple in his cheek. She felt herself wonder what it would be like to kiss those rugged lips. “I don’t remember inviting you.” Her tone was harsher than intended. Especially since some part of her was thankful he was creating more reasons to be in her general vicinity. Not that she was in his league, but if this was a dream he'd do as her love interest.

  “Your father happens to be a … friend of mine. I don’t think he’d like you getting into a car with a strange nephilim without some form of protection.” He clicked the seat belt over his waist and sat back, making the decision for all of them. “I’m offering to be your protector.”

  His words brought a shiver to her spine. A protector, it sounded so romantic, in a strange way. What girl doesn’t wish for a handsome knight in shining armor to protect them from danger, deep down? Vampire. Nephilim. She rolled the words over her tongue silently. What happened to my stable reality?

  “I don’t think he’d like the idea of me riding around with a strange vampire either.” Sophie stated this coldly. She couldn’t let him know he was getting to her. She found the ego on this handsome vampire frustrating, but she also found his presence comforting. It was such an odd feeling. It was like she recognized him from some far away dream. Maybe she'd seen him in passing before and his dark handsome looks were so stunning she locked his image somewhere in her mind for future use. Maybe, but she doubted it. She'd never been to Giovanni's nightclub or even had the desire to go before tonight.

  And even tonight she stopped only because the neon sign was beckoning her to come in for a reprieve from her depressing drive. It was like coming in out of a storm only to walk into a violent tornado. The club was far from her usual haunts and she was sure she'd never go back to the place. She'd have to find another way of seeing Giovanni.

  “I could dispose of him for you, but that would probably start a nasty war.” Christopher offered, his gruff voice breaking into her thoughts like the moonlight broke through the clouds on a dark night lighting the way.

  A knight to her right and a dark vampire behind her, it was something from a romantic love story. Her imagination was working overtime creating this fantasy. She’d heard stories of the self-proclaimed Mancuso prince. He acted with authority and family support, his very name struck a chord of fear in people. Mystery was too small to house royalty, but if it did. The Mancuso family was it. Wealthy, charitable, and mysterious. He and his family put fear in his enemies’ hearts and passion in his followers. Which made it odd when Sophie noticed a look of fear slide behind Giovanni’s magnetic eyes for a brief moment. He was supposed to be the terrifying, larger-than-life Mancuso! What made Christopher so intimidating?

  “Well, we wouldn’t want to start a war. He can come.” She turned the keys in the ignition and pulled out of the parking lot. “Can I ask you a question?” curiosity getting the better of her, her father always warned her that her cat-like curiosity would put her in danger someday. She didn’t have nine lives like the furry felines.

  Both men answered at the same time, “sure” was Christopher’s response and “anything, my darling” was Giovanni’s. By all that was holy this unholy creature was sexy! She kept that thought to herself and got back on track with her curious nature as she drove down the quiet streets of downtown. It was late but not early enough to have all the partiers crowd the streets on their way home for the night.

  “We learned about nephilim in our comparative religion class. Aren’t you supposed to be a giant?” While Christopher was tall, at least six feet, he was far from the giants she was told they were.

  It was Christopher’s turn to chuckle and Sophie noted he was handsome when his face wasn't marred with sadness, “It would be hard to blend in with the humans if we were giants. This is my human form. I do battle in my angel form which is more like the giant you imagine.”

  “So you’re the offspring of angels and humans?”

  “Yes, first generation nephilim. Which means my father was an actual angel.”

  “Can’t your mother or father do something to help your sister?” It was a logical question. Surely an angel could heal just about anyone.

  “My mother was human, she died in childbirth and my father is - unreachable.” He tied his blond waves back in a ponytail. “My older sister, Tiffany, is human. She’s all I have left.”

  “What happened to her?”

  Christopher cast an angry glance back toward Giovanni. “She was attacked by a vampire. Injured, infected, and in the process, mortally wounded.”

  “So if she dies she’ll become a vampire.” Giovanni supplied an answer to the confused look on Sophie’s face. “What troubles me is vampires don’t attack humans or supernaturals anymore in Mystery Springs. We get most of our nourishment from blood banks and willing feeders. Such an attack is a violation of our treaties and if it was unprovoked is punishable by death.”

  Sophie cringed at the idea of vampire's drinking blood from human veins. Live humans! It seemed almost barbaric, but the idea of using blood donated for the injured and sick was not much better. She buttoned her mouth deciding it wasn't the time or place for the ethical debate of vampire feeding.

  Christopher laughed coldly, “You expect me to believe vampires are no longer killers?”

  Giovanni looked offended, but conceded. “Accidents happen and every death that has a certain supernatural air about it is investigated thoroughly. If it was more than an accident the punishment is severe and irreversible.” Christopher snorted in disbelief which caused Gio to respond defensively. “You’re a hunter. Does that not make you a killer?”

  “For a cause, to protect the humans and other supernatural beings from your kind.” Christopher defended himself, narrowing his eyes at the beast in the backseat. Sophie tried to occupy herself with navigating the darkened streets, but couldn't help but get distracted by the argument between the two men. She imagined it was an age-old dispute.

  “Death is death. It’s permane
nt and carries a high cost to those left behind. Think of the supernaturals in Mystery Springs as enlightened. We don’t take the death of any species lightly.” Giovanni flicked something, probably lint off his black leather jacket and narrowed his eyes at Christopher. “Humans don’t need protection in Mystery Springs, not from the supernatural that is.”

  Sophie saw the look of concern slide behind those intense eyes in the mirror. “You have a reflection in the mirror.” She spoke her thought out loud. She didn’t mean to sound naïve, but it wasn’t everyday she had an angel and demon in her car.

  “That’s because vampires are the worst kind of predators, wolves in sheep’s clothing.” Christopher responded for the sexy man in her back seat. “They’ve learned to adapt and blend into the world of the creatures they hunt.”

  “No, that would be werewolves, literally.” Giovanni growled back and Sophie couldn’t hide the laugh that escaped her lips. It was a nervous laugh, but if werewolves were real they would definitely fit that description.

  Both men stared at her with dumbfounded looks. “I’m sorry, you’ve got to understand. I only found out I was a witch tonight, before that I had no idea that you people existed in any other place aside from books, television shows, and movies.” She glanced over her shoulder as she merged into the exit lane on the highway. “And now, I have two super sexy men in my car who claim to be the same supernatural creatures that I often create in my own fantasies. It’s a lot to take in.”


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