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The Witch's Vampire (New Adult Paranormal Romance) (Mystery Springs Series)

Page 20

by Jami Brumfield

  That simple act had her heart soaring. He really was interested in more than a fling with her. He didn’t use lines like ‘true-mate’ or ‘past life lovers’ to win her over. They both put on their shirts, and Sophie asked, “So what does a true-mate have to do?”

  Gio was putting on his shoes and her question made him stop. “Well, I’m not sure of the whole process, I’ll need to do a little research on it. There is a ritual that needs to be done similar to the kind of ritual humans do when promising themselves to each other. But there are also downfalls to mating which we need to discuss.”

  “Like what?”

  Gio shook his head. “I want to have all the facts before we sit down to discuss them. True-mates are so few and far between that I’m not even sure how it works. And then there is the issue of Gregor.”

  Sophie’s heart quickened. Was he going to dump her before they even began?

  “But I’d give up my title and my family if that was the sacrifice I’d have to make to keep you in my life. There is nothing in the heavens or on earth that will keep me from making you mine.” He pulled her up into his arms and held her close. “I only hope you feel the same.” He whispered against her ear.

  His words made her shudder and he pulled her tighter. When she looked in his grey eyes she saw hope, sadness, and fear of losing her? “I’m in this thing for the long haul, sexy man. You better buckle up because I’m sure it’s going to be a bumpy ride.” She giggled nervously at her metaphor and the emotions that were welling up inside her. When the silence continued, she added, “There is nothing that will keep me from being at your side.”

  He crushed his lips to hers and they sealed their promises with a kiss that left them both breathless. “Good, then let’s get to work. We need to save your mother’s soul and our town.” He released her after giving her tush a playful swat, and they finished getting ready in silence.

  Chapter Twenty

  Thanatos was waiting for Sophie and Giovanni in his friend’s office. He looked up with a knowing grin on his face when they entered holding hands. “I see you had a little chat?”

  Giovanni nodded. “She knows everything I know.” Thanatos was sitting in Gio’s chair so he remained standing, arms crossed over his chest while Sophie sat in one of the comfortable leather seats on the other side of the cherry wood desk. She was impressed with Giovanni’s rich taste in furnishings. She also took note of the full book case that covered two walls of the office. She was definitely going to have to spend some time reading in here.

  “I think there was another attack last night.” Thanatos said with a more serious tone.

  “What makes you think that?” Sophie asked. She really didn’t see what made the man a god. He was like anyone else she met in the supernatural world. Beautiful, strong, but with a dangerous undertone. There was no denying he could hurt someone, but so could any other human or supernatural she’d ever met. It made her wonder how many other aliens were walking around the streets next to them with no one the wiser.

  “Because Giovanni’s phone has been ringing off the hook since nightfall, and Marissa has been frantically looking for you which makes me believe it has something to do with the Fae.”

  “It does. Oh, Gio!” Marissa ran into the room wringing her hands. She didn’t notice any one else. She ran straight into Gio’s arms and Sophie fought back the urge to rip her blonde hair from her head.

  Giovanni hugged her, and patted her on the back. “It’s okay, Marissa.” He used kind tones with her as he maneuvered her to the leather seat beside Sophie. “Tell me what happened.”

  “The Fae queen has been killed.” Marissa wiped tears from her blue eyes. “Brick has taken the lead and is calling all Fae, exiled or not, back to the fold. He doesn’t know who killed Bella and he already doesn’t trust the supernatural treaties. I think he is on the verge of waging war.” She flung her arms around Gio’s neck. “I won’t go.” She sobbed.

  Now Sophie had to push down the urge to scratch Marissa’s eyes out, what was happening to her? She knew they were close, like brother and sister, and Marissa was being torn from her brother. So why was she acting like a jealous fool? Especially now that she knew the bond they shared?

  “Maybe you should go.” Giovanni spoke words no one expected to hear.

  “What?” Sophie and Marissa asked in unison, surprise thick in their voices.

  “You want to send me away?” Marissa asked and started to cry.

  “No, no not at all, sweet sister.” Giovanni patted her hand. He suddenly felt uncomfortable touching Marissa in front of Sophie. He knew she was watching him with a careful eye and he didn’t blame her. He didn’t know if it was the connection they shared or if he was simply being overly cautious. Sophie was unpredictable, and so was Marissa.

  “Then why are you telling me to go?” Marissa glared towards Sophie, assuming it was her influence that was making him send her away. “I’m sure Sophie doesn’t mind us being siblings, does she?”

  The accusation in her voice and words made Sophie’s blood boil. “Are you serious?” Sophie asked doing all she could to control her anger. How dare she make insinuations about her character? Sure, she’d like nothing better than to see Marissa disappear, but she never said anything like that out loud.

  “No, Sophie had nothing to do with my decision. I was thinking you should go covertly. You know you always have a home with us. But perhaps you can discover details about any impending war actions on the behalf of the Fae.” Giovanni patted Marissa’s shoulder lightly as he tried to explain his motivations.

  “So you want her to spy? Gio, that could be very dangerous.” Sophie advised, not that she cared about Marissa, but Giovanni would be heartbroken if he lost her, too.

  “Danger is my middle name, sweet sister.” Marissa saved the sarcasm for the last two words. Sophie bit her tongue from saying anything more damaging, but her imagination allowed her to play out all the ways she could mar the beautiful girl’s looks.

  Gio smiled. “That it is, Marissa. Is this something you can see yourself doing?”

  “Of course! It might be fun.” Marissa’s eyes narrowed on him. “As long as this isn’t some sneaky way of getting rid of me?”

  “Not in the least.” Giovanni knew it was going to be difficult getting these two girls to like each other, but he knew he had to try. He loved both of them in very different ways. “Good, then it’s settled. But to be safe, I’ll give you some elixir to take with you.”

  “Elixir?” Sophie asked curiously.

  “It’s what keeps me young.” Marissa smiled wickedly. “I’m surprised he hasn’t given you any yet.”

  Gio closed his eyes and counted to ten. Marissa could really irritate his girlfriends. She was often the reason why they left. They tired of her nonsense. Giovanni hadn’t minded it before, but he was going to have to make it clear to Marissa that Sophie was here to stay. “Sophie won’t need elixir. She is my true-mate. She won’t be going anywhere, Marissa.”

  Marissa’s eyes got huge. “Really?”

  Giovanni nodded.

  “Oh, my gosh! You’ve been searching for her for so long!” Marissa turned to Sophie. “I’m so sorry. Had I known how important to him you really were I would’ve never been so nasty.” She ran over and hugged Sophie tightly and it felt real.

  So real that Sophie hugged her back and the jealousy monster that was rearing her ugly head in Sophie’s mind went back to her dark corner.

  Giovanni smiled, happy that things would go more smoothly between the two girls in his life. Now he just needed to win over his vampire family. Gio picked up the phone and played back the voicemails.

  When he was finished using the phone he turned to T. “Looks like you’ll be getting your emergency council meeting tonight. Bella’s death has taken first priority.” Giovanni looked at Sophie, “and your mother will be next.” He promised.

  Sophie nodded and smiled her thanks. “It also helps that Christopher was taken into custody today and is bei
ng cooperative.” She added. It was one of the reasons why she went to wake him when the sun left the sky. She never expected for things to play out the way they had, and she felt heat rise in her cheeks and back of her neck at the memory of the moments they shared in Gio’s room.

  “Does anyone know the details about her death?” Thanatos asked.

  Gio shook his head. “Not really. The only thing that was clear was that her death was made into a spectacle.”

  “The killers hung her body in pieces in the town square. Brick is sure that it was a message.” Marissa added what she knew.

  Sophie shivered. “Sounds barbaric.” She narrowed her eyes on Thanatos. “Can’t you find out what happened? I mean, being death and all?”

  Thanatos shook his head. “I’m the deliverer of souls, not an investigator into suspicious deaths. But if the town takes me as their champion perhaps I can convince Tisiphone and the rest of the furies to look into the death.”

  Giovanni worried his lower lip. It was going to be difficult to have death roaming the streets of Mystery Springs but adding the furies might be too much too soon. “In the meantime, we’ll have our best supernatural detectives working on the case, including my little sister.”

  “From my understanding, Carter found her body at dusk so no one is above suspicion at the moment. He kept it from the news while he contacted the fairy community. The rest of the drama happened after Brick took the crown and made his political stance clear.” Marissa continued. “I’ll join them after the meeting. We’ll need to set up a meeting place and time for me to deliver any intelligence I gather.”

  Giovanni nodded, and they started to work out the details. Sophie tried to pay attention to the conversation, but her mind was on her mother. If their enemies could cut apart beautiful Bella’s body and hang her from the street lamps in the town square she was sure they’d done far worse to her mother. They needed to rescue her, and the only way she could see that happening was to go back into the dream world.

  “Do you need to feed?” Marissa asked, her question breaking into Sophie’s thoughts.

  Gio shook his head. “No, Sophie already took care of that.”

  Sophie’s hand flew to her neck, the bite marks were practically gone, but the memory was strong in her mind. She fed him. She didn’t even think twice about it. She’d fed him and enjoyed it. She wondered if it felt that way for everyone who fed a vampire.

  “It’s about time to head out to the meeting.” Gio offered his hand to Sophie and she took it. When his fingers laced with hers she felt the cold turn to warmth and found herself wondering if that was normal, but she didn’t ask. They had more important things to deal with at the moment. She had all of eternity to ask the burning questions on her mind.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Giovanni didn’t release Sophie’s hand when they entered the meeting room. It felt like every eye in the large auditorium-style room was on them. Sophie was sure it had a lot to do with the belief that races shouldn’t mix, but she didn’t care. She was his and he was hers, and the world, or at least the town of Mystery Springs, knew their commitment by their body language now. She wouldn’t back away from the man she was falling in love with over some archaic belief that supernaturals shouldn’t mix, and she felt confident Gio wouldn’t either.

  Giovanni kissed Sophie’s cheek and took his spot at the table with the rest of the council members. Sophie offered him a smile of support as she sat down next to Thanatos. She had never imagined she would become friends with death, but difficult times call for tough decisions, and Death was as good as a friend she could get now. Besides, after spending the entire day talking, so he could keep her from falling asleep, she learned far more about the process of death than she ever wanted to understand.

  According to Thanatos he and his reapers were simply messengers. They ushered souls to the starting point of their new journey - their soul’s continuing path. They also eased the passing. A soul leaves the body about two seconds before the actual death, which leaves them discombobulated and confused. The reaper or Thanatos, sometimes even Hermes if it is a high death toll day, are there to help reacclimatize the soul to their new reality.

  Sophie didn’t understand all the ins and outs, but it occurred to her somewhere in the middle of their conversation that if more humans knew the truth about death they may not be as afraid of the idea of it as they are now. But Sophie couldn’t be certain that T was telling the whole truth so yet again the mystery of death remains just that, a mystery, one that only becomes known when you experience the moment. Sophie believed it was faith that kept people sane around the idea of death, and faith was the only thing that would make it bearable.

  Another new comer joined the table. He was built like a linebacker. He wore ripped jeans, motorcycle boots, and a black t-shirt with a white skull and crossbones on the front. There was a silver chain that connected his wallet to his belt which had a colorful eagle on his buckle. He also wore a bandana over his long, sandy-brown hair which was tied loosely into a ponytail at the nape of his neck. His face had a golden brown goatee and his eyes were brown. Sophie recognized him as the wolf in the nightclub that tried to pick her up although she didn’t know at the time he was a wolf. She figured that out when he introduced himself.

  “Tucker Grady here to fill in for Luke.” He spoke with a gruff voice.

  Random council members nodded as if they expected him to join the table today. “Now that everyone is represented I call this meeting to order.” Mariah spoke, and the council and the audience quieted down. The room was tense and everyone seemed concerned.

  There was one face at the table Sophie hadn’t seen before, she assumed that was Brick, the new fairy king. He was a mass of muscles, dark hair cut flat on top with neon blue tips. He wore large tribal tattoos on his corded arms. If Sophie was being honest he fit the profile of council members more so than Bella ever did. The number one criteria; look deadly. His appearance and dagger-like glare he shot anyone who looked in his direction gave Sophie pause about letting Marissa go to his side as a covert spy. She began to worry for the girl, and hoped they knew what they were doing.

  “If I may begin?” Giovanni jumped in and Mariah nodded. “Brick, we are all sorry for yours, and the Fae community’s, loss. Bella was an amazing leader.”

  “And yet, I have no doubt one of the supernatural groups in this town had a hand in killing her.” Brick glared coldly at the other council members who were all bristling at the accusation.

  “You may be correct, a supernatural group in this town may have had something to do with this terrible tragedy, but I highly doubt it was anyone represented on this council. In fact, I have witnesses to support the rumor that dream weavers and nephilim hunters may be the perpetrators. They are being controlled by a group of angry gods who want access to the nexus and gateway.”

  “Call forth your witnesses.” Brick snarled, clearly unimpressed with his case.

  “I call Sophie Waters.” Giovanni smiled a supportive smile her way as she stood up.

  “Everyone here knows you are claiming her as your mate. Why should we believe anything she has to say?” Brick snapped coldly.

  “Why don’t you hear me, and the other witnesses, out and then make your judgment?” Sophie asked pointedly with far more courage than she really had.

  He didn’t say another word, only nodded reluctantly.

  “This is the second time I have addressed the council regarding this matter. The first time it was questioned whether or not I was fantasizing or speaking the truth. I hope now my words will be taken a little more seriously since I have effectively revived Tiffany.” No one answered her so she continued on. “I have seen the dream weavers twice, and the angry gods twice as well.”

  “As talking heads?” Mariah asked coolly.

  “Yes, and also in human form.” Sophie smiled. “I know the story seems absurd, but sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction.” She continued. “The alien gods; Hypnos, Nike, Deimos, Eros
, and Nyx are after the gateway. They want passageway to return home, and they are doing everything they can to cause conflict among the supernatural groups in this town to distract them long enough to get access to the springs.”

  “And they told you this?” Anastacia asked doubtfully.


  “Why?” She countered.

  “Because they weren’t planning on letting me go. If it weren’t for my mother I’d still be in the dream realm under their control.”

  “Your mother is dead. She has crossed over.” Mariah reminded her.

  “No, she is trapped, being held captive by the gods and weavers. I’m actually very worried for her soul at this point.” Sophie tossed a glance over to her father and Chelsea to make sure they were both paying close attention.

  “So you have evidence that the weavers and the gods were responsible for the vampire and wolf house attacks as well as the death of Bella?” Brick asked.


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