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Moon's Sweet Poison

Page 5

by Unknown

  He could practically hear his mother tell him, “Close your eyes, baby! Don’t look.” But he did look, and the day was forever branded in his mind as the day when his brother had eaten his mother alive.

  The nightmarish images disappeared in the wake of a small sensation of warmth. Kai tried to cling to it, but as much as he wanted to be free of the horror, it seemed that his efforts met with failure and laughter from the ghosts in his past.

  Kai refused to be thwarted. He ignored the bouts of laughter and kept grabbing to the thread that seemed to connect him to reality. He needed to live, for himself, for Viktor, for his mother who had died wanting him to be free. The thought empowered Kai, and he fought with all his might to reach the life-giving warmth, until he finally managed to touch it.

  * * * *

  Viktor’s efforts weren't in vain. Little by little, life seemed to return to the cold body in his arms. Finally, the reptilian form blurred entirely, shifting to reveal a very naked Kai. When his mate dazedly opened his eyes and gave Viktor a sleepy smile, the fist clenching Viktor’s heart finally loosened, and he beamed back, drinking in the sight of Kai’s smile.

  Viktor pressed his lips to Kai’s, feeling the need to reassure himself that Kai was indeed there, alive and with him. Moaning, Kai wrapped his arms around Viktor’s neck, his mouth clinging to Viktor’s almost desperately. It was heaven. Kai tasted incredible, intoxicating, like the finest French Merlot, as addictive as cocaine. Viktor wanted this moment to last forever. Alas, he couldn’t prolong it for as long as he would have wanted, since they did need to breathe. Reluctantly, Viktor separated their mouths, suppressing the desire to rub his erection against his mate. If one kiss made him so hot, he couldn’t even imagine the incredible ecstasy they’d feel when they finally made love. For it would be making love—not sex—so it needed to be in the best conditions. Yes, when they finally made love, Viktor would worship every inch of that sweet body before finally taking Kai in their bed. Their bed…that sounded so beautiful.

  Viktor was startled from his dreamy contemplations when Kai finally took in his environment and tensed. Pulling away from Viktor’s embrace, he slowly asked, “What? Where am I? Why did you bring me here?”

  Viktor’s heart fell at the coldness and suspicion in Kai’s voice, his dreams suddenly distant illusions. “We’re at my house,” he answered cautiously. “Don’t you remember what happened?”

  Kai’s eyes met his, and those onyx and golden orbs seemed to try to delve deep into his soul. For one single moment, their souls seemed to connect, and then Kai looked away. Breaking away from Viktor’s arms, he whispered brokenly. “I remember. Oh, I remember far too well. The way I seduced, betrayed, and poisoned you. I remember everything.”

  Gently, Viktor took his mate in his arms again and tilted Kai’s chin upward. Kai’s tears mixed with the shower water, and his sorrowful expression made Viktor want to protect this beautiful creature forever. “Hush now,” he whispered softly. “You saved my life, beautiful. Twice. Stop berating yourself needlessly.”

  Kai pushed Viktor away and shook his head violently. “No, no. You’re wrong. You’re wrong.”

  “I can’t be wrong about you, pretty. You’re my mate.” The words slipped out before Viktor could stop them, and he cursed himself for just blurting out something as important as that.

  Kai’s eyes widened, and he shook his head again in denial. “I can’t. I can’t be your mate. I’m a murderer.”

  “You’re not,” Viktor said decisively. “If you’d been a cold-blooded assassin, you would have killed me in the alley.”

  Kai let out a bitter laugh, looking down again in shame. “In cassse you didn’t notice, I am a cold blooded asssasssin. First of all, because I’m a ssssnake, ssssecond of all, because I killed Jamari. I killed my own brother. And I don’t regret it in the leassst.”

  Upon hearing the shock apparent in Kai’s tone, Viktor’s heart hurt for his mate. Kai sacrificed so much for him. He’d risked his life, gone against his brother, and almost died in the process. How could Kai not see everything he’d done to save Viktor?

  “Look at me. Look at me! Anyone else would have killed me. I would be dead without you. You can’t deny this. Nor can you deny that there is a connection between us. You can feel it, can’t you?” Viktor punctuated the last phrase with kisses, wanting, needing Kai to feel the bond, to accept the fact that he was indeed Viktor’s mate.

  Kai licked his lips as if savoring Viktor’s taste in his mouth. “Yessss, I can. Like a thread woven from gold,” he murmured almost dreamily. “It’sss warm and sssso very real…”

  Viktor smiled at his mate, finding the peculiar hiss of Kai’s speech endearing. “You see? Why deny something so genuine and beautiful?”

  “But I—”

  Viktor placed a finger on Kai’s lips, interrupting his protest. He reached down to turn off the still-pouring water. “Stop, just stop. You think too much.” He scooped his mate up, causing Kai to yelp in surprise. “You need to get some rest now.”

  “Hey!” Kai squirmed in Viktor’s arms, trying to escape his hold. “Let go! Ssstop! It's embarrasssing. I can walk by myssself.”

  “I never said you couldn’t, beautiful,” Viktor said as he exited the shower and crossed the house towards the bedroom. “But since you’re my mate, I want to carry you. You wouldn’t deny me this pleasure, would you?”

  A smile flitted across Kai’s lips, a second before his body tensed again. “There’s sssomeone in the houssse,” he hissed, his eyes scanning the hallway in anxiousness.

  Viktor just smiled reassuringly at his mate. He’d felt Flame’s presence as well. “Don’t worry. It's a friend of mine.”


  Viktor entered the bedroom and gently put his mate in his bed, covering him with the blankets. “Later, pretty. Sleep now. You’ve been through a lot today. I’ll take care of everything.”

  Kai actually pouted, but was obviously tired, so he obeyed and relaxed under the covers. Seconds later, his eyelids fluttered closed, and he fell into a deep sleep. Stealing another brief kiss from his mate’s lips, Viktor rummaged through his closet and took out a pair of worn jeans. He needed to talk to Flame. His friend saved Kai’s life. The least Viktor could do was give him an explanation. With a final longing look towards the slumbering form in his bed, Viktor exited the bedroom, closing the door with a soft click.

  Flame waited in the living room. He scrutinized the décor at random, apparently as terribly uncomfortable with the whole situation as Viktor. In fact, Viktor felt confused as to why Flame had even helped him. True, they’d been close friends, but that changed after Flame’s mating.

  Viktor distantly realized the alarm had at some point stopped screeching and supposed his friend must have silenced it one way or another. He decided to use the topic as a way to break the strained silence. “You stopped the alarm.”

  Flame shrugged. “I broke it actually.” He paused as his gaze wandered towards the bedroom. “Is everything all right?” Flame finally inquired. .

  “He’s my mate,” Viktor blurted out, fully expecting Flame to be repulsed. After all, Kai was not only a snake, but also male. Even so, Viktor could never, would never, deny the bond between them, no matter what.

  Surprisingly, Flame showed no trace of shock or revulsion. “I figured as much. I was wondering, though, what exactly happened.”

  Torn between excitement, relief, and suspicion, Viktor decided to tell Flame the whole story. In as few words as possible, Viktor summed up the events of the night, telling him everything that happened at the club after his argument with the pack. As he spoke, Viktor watched Flame’s expression change in a display of unrestrained emotion. When Viktor finally finished his narration, Flame let out a heartfelt sigh. “I was afraid this might happen. It’s the way they always deal with things.”

  The tone of Flame’s voice hinted at a secret sorrow, a pain beyond that of compassion towards a friend. “Flame, what do you mean?”

nbsp; Another sigh escaped Flame’s chest before he answered Viktor’s question. “I couldn’t tell you this before, Vik, but the whole thing, my supposed mating with Jessica, was all arranged. I fought them all the way, but in the end, they forced me into it by threatening my younger siblings.” Flame paused, looking away again, as if in shame. Taking a deep breath, he continued, in a more matter-of-fact tone. “Anyway, the point is that they’ll do anything to get what they want. Look, Viktor, you’re lucky. You found the person you’re meant to be with, the other half of your soul, but you need to get out of here, man. Once the pack finds out about all this…” He left the rest unsaid, the meaning clear.

  As his friend spoke, Viktor’s hands tightened into fists, anger and shame swirling inside of him. It was all Jessica’s fault. He just knew it. Not only did she arrange his assassination, but she practically forced Flame into mating with her. As the Alpha female, the manipulative bitch always held too much sway in the pack. With his father supporting her, she could do even more damage to the pack. She already managed to break Flame. His friend looked lost, having seemingly abandoned all hope of finding his true mate. And for once, Viktor had no idea what to say or do to make it better.

  * * * *

  As soon as Viktor left the room, Kai threw the covers off his body and climbed out of the bed. True, the chill of the icy rain still lingered a bit, but he would be fine. He needed to find out more about what was going on. He needed to get a clear picture of his situation.

  Kai slipped into the corridor, taking in his environment. Tasteful furniture adorned Viktor’s house, and the walls were painted in rich colors and boasted expensive art. Kai sneaked through the hallway, reveling in the feel of the soft carpet under his bare feet. The Guild house had no carpets, nor did it hold paintings or sculptures of any kind. Viktor’s house seemed warm, if slightly empty.

  Shaking his head at his own musings, Kai felt for Viktor’s scent with his tongue. He easily detected Viktor’s presence and slowly crept through the corridor until he finally heard the sound of voices.

  From his hiding place, Kai listened to Viktor’s conversation with his friend. The situation was even worse that he had suspected. And Kai knew that now that he’d killed Jamari, the Guild would come for him.

  A bond did indeed exist between him and Viktor. He could feel it. Viktor’s touch made him feel complete, warm for the first time in his life. Nevertheless, Viktor remained a werewolf. If what Kai heard was true, Viktor had a duty to his pack. Kai couldn’t stay with him, not if he wanted to keep Viktor safe. Kai’s presence would only draw the Guild’s attention to the pack, and Kai couldn’t allow that. Viktor deserved a safe life, away from the filth and death that Kai’s existence represented.

  Besides, in spite of their natural connection, they were practically strangers. Kai needed to leave now, before too much of an attachment could be formed. Viktor wouldn’t have too much trouble finding someone else, someone who didn’t belong to this accursed breed, maybe even a female to give him children. He ignored the pang of hurt he felt when he thought of Viktor being with anyone else but him. Kai had to let Viktor live his life. It would be the right thing to do.

  With a heavy heart, Kai slipped back into the bedroom, unseen and unheard and rummaged through Viktor’s closet in search of some clothing. If he hurried, he could probably make it before Viktor finished his conversation and returned. He didn’t have much time left. Soon, the Guild would come, and by then, Kai needed to be as far away from Viktor as possible.

  * * * *

  Viktor wanted to say something, anything that could comfort Flame, but he couldn’t find the right words. In the end, he settled for asking Flame for another favor. “Can you get rid of that snake’s corpse and take care of my bike, please?”

  Flame solemnly nodded and got up from the living room couch, obviously taking the request as a hint that he’d worn out his welcome. Heading towards the door, he emphasized his earlier warning, “Remember what I said. You have to hurry.”

  Viktor gave his friend one last look. “They won’t get away with this. I swear it.”

  Flame didn’t acknowledge his promise. Viktor sighed as he heard the door open and close. He was in Flame’s debt, not only because Flame saved Kai, but also because of his own unjust accusation. Soon, he’d release his friend from the bonds of the unwanted mating. His father and Jessica got away with too much, and Viktor would no longer allow it.

  Still musing over his problem, Viktor quietly entered the bedroom, hoping to allow Kai a bit of sleep before they had to face their enemies. To his surprise, the covers had been thrown off the bed and his mate no longer slumbered. Instead, Kai busied himself with going through Viktor’s wardrobe, buck naked, nude…completely undressed.

  Knowing that he couldn’t afford to lose his head right now, Viktor struggled to achieve some degree of composure. It wasn’t easy. The sight of Kai’s naked body made his blood boil in his veins and the sultry sound of his voice didn’t help Viktor’s intentions at all.

  “Hey! I couldn’t help but overhear the conversation,” Kai said, no trace of repentance in his voice.

  Clearing his throat, Viktor managed a breathless answer. “You eavesdropped, you mean.”

  An elegant shrug accompanied Kai’s shrug. “Whatever. As your friend said, we should leave at once, right? So I wanted to pack some stuff for us.” A small smile twisted Kai’s perfect lips. He stopped messing up the things in the closet to look at Viktor instead.

  Kai’s almost awed expression pushed Viktor over the edge and dissolved his practical intentions. His glum thoughts slipped from his mind, gone as if they never existed. Growling, Viktor pounced, effectively forcing Kai’s body to the floor, trapping it with his own before Kai could even try to wiggle away.

  Kai wrapped his arms around Viktor’s neck, moaning happily as Viktor plundered his mouth. The wolf reveled in Kai’s surrender, and his arousal skyrocketed as he took in the scent and the taste of his mate’s need. Kai’s skin exuded male desire through every pore, a desire that clouded Viktor’s mind to the point where nothing else mattered, just the two of them. The fire of mutual need turned into an all-encompassing flame that threatened to devour both of them.

  Viktor’s mind simply stopped functioning, overwhelmed by the surge of feelings and sensations Kai awoke in his heart and body. When his mate surrendered to him, wrapping his legs around his waist, he knew he’d found heaven. Without separating their lips, he got up, Kai’s pale limbs still wrapped around him. The carpeting was soft, but he didn’t want to chance hurting his mate by taking him on the floor. Holding Kai tightly, he somehow made his way to the bed and collapsed on top of the sheets, careful not to crush Kai’s body in the process.

  When the kiss finally broke, Viktor pulled away from Kai’s embrace, suddenly needing to see his mate’s body in its entire magnificence. The view made his mouth water. Kai’s rusty hair spread out, creating random patterns upon the pillows. The mist of desire clouded his eyes, the gold and onyx seeming to swirl magically. Kai’s pretty lips looked swollen from Viktor’s kisses, and his face flushed in a telling sign of his arousal. He seemed a wanton and debauched angel. Viktor’s angel.

  When Viktor’s gaze washed over Kai’s lower body, he noticed a certain peculiarity on his mate’s skin that he hadn’t seen before. Around his collarbone and ribs, Kai boasted beautiful golden scales, a reminder of his reptilian nature. They shone in the artificial light of the lamp, and Viktor suddenly felt the overwhelming urge to touch them.

  “You don’t like them?” Kai whispered shyly. The whisper drew Viktor’s attention to Kai’s face again, and he felt shocked and angry when he could see a touch of fear and shame shading the arousal from before. Could his mate really not know how beautiful he was? Viktor would not allow that.

  “They’re beautiful. Like you,” he said softly.

  To prove his point, Viktor lowered his head, licking across Kai’s collarbone until he reached his target. The golden scales were smooth like
silk and tasted exquisitely like the essence of Kai. His mate let out a surprised sound, arching his back. Oh, would you look at that, a sensitive spot.

  Viktor tortured the soft scales over and over, licking and nipping. He realized with awe that more scales sprouted down Kai’s chest and over those long, smooth legs. The evidence of his mate’s passion and surrender made Viktor want to howl in triumph. He wanted to worship Kai’s body, teach his mate how beautiful love-making could be. He wanted to prove to Kai that mate bonds could cross any abyss and that Viktor’s feelings would never change, no matter what. More than anything, he needed to make Kai see himself through Viktor’s eyes and realize how special and amazing he was.

  Smiling to himself, Viktor ignored his own painful hard-on and proceeded to torture each and every beautiful scale. The artificial light coming from the lamp made them shine in a myriad of colors that shifted in swirling patterns. Kai begged and pleaded, but Viktor took his time, reveling in the taste of his mate on his tongue.

  Down and down he went, lingering over beautiful pink nipples and teasing the naughty belly-button. He licked across Kai’s abdomen, following the treasure trail of scales to his prize. Viktor swiped his tongue over his mate’s hard cock, drinking in the nectar of Kai’s pre-cum with greed.

  Viktor didn’t give blow jobs often, preferring to be on the receiving end, but with Kai, it felt more amazing than anything he’d ever experienced. He couldn’t take all of Kai’s dick, as Kai was more than generously endowed. He massaged the rest of his mate’s cock with his hand, reaching down to fondle Kai’s balls.

  As he played with his mate’s testicles, he noticed with a gasp that tiny scales the size of small gems now dotted Kai’s sack. Mouth watering, he dragged his tongue across the scales surrounding the base of Kai’s cock. Kai almost arched off the bed with a choked cry. “Viktor, ssstop! I'm going to come!”


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