Book Read Free

Hollywood Rush

Page 5

by Rhonda Laurel

  Kate wandered down the hall past the studio rooms until she saw Charlotte, who was rehearsing for Lana’s new video. Charlotte was the kindest, sweetest person she knew, but when she was in teacher mode, she was scary. Dancers were scurrying around as she yelled that she’d seen better coordination from penguins at the San Diego Zoo.

  Charlotte took center stage, repeated the dance routine quickly, then stepped back as her dancers took their places. Kate waved when she looked in the direction of the door. Charlotte asked one of the dancers to take over for her.

  “You’re working those poor kids to death,” Kate asked as she hugged her friend.

  Charlotte rolled her eyes. "Hey, married lady. They’ve been messing around all morning. It’s time to work.”

  Kate set her things down. “Where’s the diva?”

  Charlotte looked at the clock down the hallway. “She’ll be here in an hour.”

  “Any improvement?” Kate giggled.

  Charlotte came closer. “Let’s just say whoever doesn’t laugh at her while we’re in session gets a fifty dollar bonus at the end of the day.”

  Kate giggled. “That should be easy. Money motivates.”

  “There are twenty five dancers in there. Over the course of five days I’ve only given out a hundred dollars.”

  “Maybe Ms. Hot Stuff can dance with her lips. She seems to know how to move those,” Kate murmured.

  “You know about her and John?” Charlotte squeaked.

  “John admitted it. I threatened him with castration. I am not happy with that situation. He says it’s squashed but we both know he thinks with his penis ninety percent of the time.” Kate looked at her friend.

  “Don’t I know it.” Charlotte grimaced.

  “You know, there are times in one’s life when you should be graceful and not say I told you so when a friend screws up. This is not one of those times. I told you not to sleep with John.” Kate raised an eyebrow.

  “In my own defense I thought you didn’t want to share him.” Charlotte shrugged.

  “What?” Kate scowled.

  “You two have this weird relationship.”

  “Well, he’s like a brother to me.”

  Charlotte thought about it for a moment. “Yes! And you’re the bratty little sister who’s always cock-blocking.”

  “What good it does me. He’s a trouble magnet.”

  “I came to the realization that as charming and enigmatic as he is, that man is not interested in love. I think he loves you as much as he’s willing to love a woman. You don’t want him so he doesn’t really have anything to lose.” Charlotte swallowed.

  Kate was shocked at how much thought Charlotte had given to the situation. One look into her friends eyes and she saw what was probably there all along. “Charlotte, are you in love with John?”

  “Some days. But most of the time I hate his guts. Now I’m stuck teaching his lame duck girlfriend, who’s half his age, to dance.” Charlotte closed her eyes and exhaled.

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”

  “I didn’t want you to know.” Charlotte put her hand on Kate’s shoulder. “Let’s change the subject. How’s my favorite movie star doing after the accident?”

  “Getting better every day. Pushing himself too hard.”

  “You better take care of him and keep him happy or I’m going to kick your ass.”

  “Hey! You’re supposed to be my friend!” Kate huffed. Charlotte had fallen in love with Chris the night they met and he’d made them fajitas.

  “I am, but he’s my friend too.” Charlotte pinched her cheek.

  “Just because the man cooks for you once a week, you turn into a traitor.”

  “Pretty much.” Charlotte laughed.

  Kate glanced at her watch. “I have to go. Want to get together soon?”

  “Sure. Call me,” Charlotte said as she headed back into the rehearsal.

  Kate looked at her friend through the glass pane. She was back to being the consummate professional after revealing she was in love with John. How had she missed it? John would ask about Charlotte from time to time but she’d never thought much of it. Could it be John thought about Charlotte too?

  * * *

  Kate stared at herself in the mirror. Her curling iron was acting as if it were possessed. Tonight she wanted to look fantastic. Polished. Exquisite. Tonight she needed to look like the woman who owned two major record labels and was about to make history by merging them under one big corporate umbrella. This was the time to show the world what she was made of and why Marvin entrusted her with his life’s work. Only tonight she was somehow starting to look like a cross between Shirley Temple and a cocker spaniel.

  “Shit!” She caught the drooping rod just in time to save herself from a nasty eyelid burn.

  “Why does my beautiful wife have a potty mouth tonight?” Chris asked as he entered the bathroom and wrapped his arms around her.

  “I want to look stunning and so far I’ve only achieved beer goggles beautiful.” Kate bit her lip. “Where’s Merlot?”

  “I asked the Westons to watch him until the morning.”

  “Oh, good. He likes Sheila. He sits next to her when she visits Clara.” Kate grabbed a curl and tried to convince it to turn the other way. It didn’t obey.

  “Relax. You already look beautiful. This party is going to be killer.” Chris took the curling iron out of her hand and turned it off.

  “I have a present for you.” Kate smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Yeah?” Chris nuzzled her neck.

  Kate walked over to her lingerie chest in the bedroom and retrieved the cuff links she’d got him at the jewelers. “What do you think?”

  “Wow. They’re lovely, Kate.” Chris gazed at the cufflinks.

  Kate removed his old cufflinks and put the new ones on. “I thought you’d like them. They were supposed to be ready for the wedding, but there was so much going on I totally forgot to pick them up.”

  “Thank you.” Chris kissed her. “You don’t have to be nervous about tonight. Everything is going to be fine.”

  “Tell that to my curling iron.”

  “What time do we have to be at the party?” Chris moved her toward the bed.

  Kate shook her head. “Oh, no, you don’t. We are not fooling around. I just put those cufflinks on you. I need more time to get ready.”

  Chris tugged at his tie. “I assure you this is just what you need.

  Kate stepped into the shower, feeling Chris’s body right behind hers. He grabbed her waist and positioned her against the shower wall, then spread her legs with his hands and slid into her. Kate grabbed onto his shoulders and tried to get her balance. She couldn’t speak, couldn’t think, and fell into the rhythm of his hips. Chris held her steady and aimed them both toward the water. Kate knew when that first wave of sensation came from deep within that she was at the beginning of her end. An orgasm was looming, and she was starting to lose control.

  “Kate,” Chris groaned, his body shuddering.

  They stood clinging to one another, letting the cool spray play off their heated skin. Chris leaned down and kissed her gently.

  “Do you want to have a baby?” he asked.

  Kate jerked her head up to look at him. “What?”

  “I mean, not today but someday. Let’s face it; right now I have the attention span of a three-year-old.” Chris rubbed his chin against her shoulder.

  Kate sighed. “I would love to have a baby with you, someday when the time is right.”

  Chris let out a sigh of relief. “Really?”

  “Really.” Kate reached up and stroked his jaw. “Now. We have ten minutes before we head out to the party and my hair’s a mess.”

  * * *

  The gala was slated to be a major event in the music business. After weeks of intensive coordinating, Kate, John, and Tru were able to finalize the structure of the new label, Atlantis Blue. Kate relaxed immediately when Chris put his hand on the small of her
back and escorted her into the foyer of Tru’s mansion.

  “Well, well, arriving late to your own party. Couldn’t wait to have sex at the end of the night?” Sabrina greeted them with two glasses of champagne.

  “Sabrina! I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Kate said tightly with a smile plastered to her face.

  “You look exhausted and Chris looks like he could run a marathon. Telltale signs of sexual tomfoolery. Drink your champagne so you can make your rounds.”

  Kate worked the room, happy to see the number of artists who’d come, including Kingston Shane. His album was almost finished and the promotional tour had been scheduled. Kate was thrilled with the sound, even if he still wasn’t so sure about it. They talked for a bit, and he was even sticking to his club soda. He’d given up alcohol and recreational drugs to focus on his album.

  She thought she saw Andre when she arrived, but she turned for a moment and he was gone. John looked bored talking to Tru Davies over by the musical note ice sculptures. She wondered if he’d come alone or if he’d brought one of his rotating honeys. He’d kept his word and had been staying away from Lana, who took his rejection as an invitation to pursue him even further. Kate had seen her stalking the hall outside John’s office the other day under the pretense of looking for her sound engineer.

  John’s eyes were fixed on something across the room and it was obvious that he wasn’t listening to a word Tru was saying. It was time for a rescue.

  “Tru, thank you for hosting this awesome party,” Kate said as she approached the pair. “You have a lovely home.”

  “My pleasure, Kate. You look breathtaking.” Tru kissed her on the cheek.

  “Thanks. What did I miss?” She looked at the men.

  “John was just singing your praises. If his faith in you is any indication of why Atlantis is so successful, I’d be delighted to see what you have in store for the new label.”

  Kate smiled. “I hope that Blue Vinyl and Atlantis can flourish together.”

  “What does it matter that our styles are totally different? The important thing is we are a cohesive record label with exemplary talent across the board,” Tru said.

  “I agree one hundred percent.” Kate waited until Tru was out of earshot then turned to John. “I know. It still pisses me off too.”

  John knocked back his drink. “I hate being civilized.”

  “We have to practice what we preach. No date tonight? I think Charlotte came by herself too.”

  “Did she?” John shook his head, like he regretted it as soon as he said it. “Not a word.”

  Kate snickered. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  “Have you seen Lana?” He said casually.

  “No, I have not.”

  A familiar, sparkly laughter erupted near them. Both Kate and John turned in the direction of Charlotte’s distinctive laugh. She was talking with some guy who hadn’t bothered dressing formally for the occasion. He seemed taken with her and moved a lock of her hair away from her face.

  “Who’s that grungy loser talking to Charlotte?” John barked.

  “That is the grungy and underdressed Lewis Winslow, a guitarist for the rock band Fizz,” Kate mused.

  “How’s he gonna play the guitar with broken hands?” John said in a tight voice.

  “Careful, Mr. Gray. Someone might think you care.” Kate batted her eyes at him.

  “Charlotte and I are…” John’s voice trailed off.

  “Yes, you are.” Kate gave him a gentle nudge in Charlotte’s direction.

  * * *

  Chris was ordering a drink when he saw a familiar face approach the bar. It was Mark Gianetti, an actor he’d lived with briefly when he first came to LA. They’d lost touch when Mark went up to Canada to film a popular crime series, but they’d run into each other periodically during casting calls. But recently Mark had landed a sweet role in a fantasy movie and had spent a big chunk of time filming the trilogy.

  “Cavanaugh! How are you?” Mark said as he approached the bar.

  “Mark! Long time no see.” Chris extended a hand.

  “I heard about the dive you took off that Malibu cliff. You OK?”

  “It takes a lot to kill me.” Chris winked. “I thought you were in the Netherlands shooting that fantasy movie.”

  “I wrapped that up a few weeks ago.” Mark ordered a drink.

  “Nice deal, a trilogy. How long did it take to shoot?”

  “About a year in a half.”

  “So what’s next on your agenda?”

  Mark shrugged. “I think I may take some time off and do some touring with my band.”

  “Wow. Must be nice to take time off like that. Some of us still have reputations to build.” Chris laughed.

  “Like you have to worry about that anymore.” Mark winked.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Come on Chris, we’ve known each other too long for bullshit. Since you married Kate Garrison, you have your pick of scripts.”

  “That’s not true. Kate is not pulling strings to advance my career.”

  “Isn’t she? I was up for Malediction. I was told I got the part. Then my agent gets a call and they tell him they’re going in another direction.” Mark shot Chris a look.

  Chris swallowed hard. “That’s nothing more than a coincidence. Besides, if you knew her, you’d know ridiculous you sound.”

  “Why don’t you just admit you married her to fast track your movie career? Not a bad trade off either. She looks like she’s worth sacrificing some self-respect for.”

  Chris’s fists clenched unconsciously and he had to work at unclenching his jaw. He knocked back the tequila shot he’d ordered. “Listen, I don’t know why you got removed from Malediction, but I know it had nothing to do with my wife.”

  “Whatever, man,” Mark said and walked away.

  * * *

  After searching for fifteen minutes, Kate finally caught up with Chris on the terrace. She could tell his mood had changed since she saw him chatting with his old acting buddy Mark Gianetti. When Mark walked away from the bar, neither of them looked happy.

  “Hey.” Kate slid her arms around his waist.

  “Hey, yourself.” Chris kissed her.

  “What are you doing out here?”

  “Just needed some fresh air.”

  “Was that your friend Mark Gianetti?”

  “Former friend,” Chris huffed.

  Kate put her hand on his arm. “What happened?”

  “He said he got Malediction, but at the last minute they booted him out and gave the part to me. He said you engineered it.”

  “Sounds like sour grapes to me. He’s just mad they went in another direction. That’s happened to you too.”

  “It’s like no one wants to focus on my improved acting ability. I worked my ass off on The Knock Around Boys and no one wants to give me credit for trying harder to perfect my craft.”

  “The recognition will come. You have to know that. We’re still in this crazy fish bowl where our private lives are overtaking the professional.”

  “Don’t you think it’s a big coincidence I got that part right after you got Pinnacle?”

  Her eyes widened. “You think I did it? I told you I would never undermine you like that.”

  “Of course not,” he mumbled.

  “One chat with Mark and you’re second guessing yourself, me, and the entire situation.” Kate turned to walk away but Chris jumped in front of her.

  “Mark is a great actor, better than me. We are the same type. He could have easily done that role justice.”

  “I think you were a good fit for the part and someone wanted to capitalize on your surging popularity. Nothing more,” she said tightly.

  He took a breath. “Forget I said anything. It was silly of me to think for a moment I didn’t get that part on my own merit.”

  “How about you start believing that?”

  “You’re right. Mark teasing me about sleeping with you to get ahead
just pissed me off.”

  “You keep forgetting we met before all that.”

  “I think the lies and the truth are so meshed together, I can’t tell the difference anymore.”

  “Before we met, you were getting steady work and were working on that rising star all on your own. You didn’t need me then and you don’t need me now.”

  He kissed her on the nose. “I’ll always need you, Kate.”

  “Don’t forget it.” She played with his tie and gave it a tug. “I’m going to make my toast, then we can make a casual exit. Sound good?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Kate made her way onto the stage and gave a quick speech about how hopeful she was about the future and ended it with a toast. “A toast to the future of Atlantis Blue.”

  The crowd went wild. Kate looked around the room, overwhelmed by the support she’d received tonight. Talking to some of the artists that truly believed in the vision she had for the company was uplifting, the opposite of Tru’s negative thinking.

  Lana sauntered past the stage with a glass of champagne in her hand, stopping dead in her tracks when she saw John talking to Charlotte. She didn’t look too happy, and as far as Kate was concerned: mission accomplished. Lana had a thin skin when it came to her ego, and John chatting up someone else when she’d been in full view all evening was an embarrassment she couldn’t afford to play out in the social media arenas.

  Kate left the stage to find Tru waiting for her.

  “Kate, Henry Weismann is here. When he was denied entry to the party he became belligerent, so I had security escort him to my study.”

  “Thank you, Tru. I’ll have a chat with him.” Kate nodded and headed to Tru’s study. Normally a rowdy partygoer would be tossed from an event, but Tru decided to let Henry stew in his office. Kate opened the door to find Henry sitting in a chair with a drink in one hand and a cigar in another.

  “You know this was my father’s favorite brand?” Henry released a ring of smoke in the shape of an O into the air.


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