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Black Ops and Lingerie (A Nash Mystery Book 2)

Page 25

by Vella Day

  “I’ll tell you what I’ll do,” the General continued. “I’ll take this to Washington and see what the government wants to do.”

  She smiled. “Thank you for taking me seriously.”

  The General nodded and Kane looked, well disgusted, as if she was being played by his former CO. Hell, maybe she was.

  Her food arrived. While she ate, they polished off a few cups of coffee as the General regaled her with stories of Kane’s heroics in his FAST team. She loved hearing about how selfless Kane was and how much his men respected him.

  Kane cupped her hand. “The General is very fond of telling tales. Don’t believe half of what he says.”

  Stentfield acted affronted, but it was clear the two were very fond of each other.

  Once she finished eating and paid, the General pushed his chair back and turned to Kane. “I need to head back to the airport. You might want to grab your stuff out of my rental.”

  Sky dug into her pocket and handed Kane the keys to his Jeep. “You’ll need these.”

  Once he transferred his gear from the rental to his Jeep, he slipped a hand around her waist. “You look like you could use a nap. I know I sure could use one.” Then he winked.

  “Need a place to stay for a bit?” He’d packed up his things from her place as if he planned to head to Phoenix right away, but perhaps she could convince him to stay now that they no longer had the misunderstanding. She cocked a brow trying to look as sexy and appealing as possible.

  “I wouldn’t mind hanging out a bit.”

  She did a mental fist pump. “Great.”

  Actually, it was more than great, but she didn’t want to act desperate to get him into bed.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Kane held open the Jeep door for her. “Thanks for not wrecking my car.”

  She jabbed him on the shoulder. “I don’t wreck cars. People run into me.”

  “Whatever you say.” He smiled and nodded. She climbed in.

  Once home, Sky unlocked the front door, her mind abuzz with all the things she wanted to do to Kane Cornell—like strip him naked, run her hands down his rippled chest, and kiss him silly, just to name a few things. She dropped her purse on the floor near the entrance, and the next thing she knew, Kane’s lips were on hers, and her back was flat against the wall. Whoa. She swore the man had a hundred hands as he touched and caressed her body, sending her into sensory overload. This ferocious beast was not what she’d expected. Her seducing him had been the plan.

  Sky let out a groan and took hold of his face to return his passionate kisses, drinking him in.

  Kane dragged a hand down her face. “You have no idea how much I’ve been dreaming of this.”

  “Me too.”

  He stepped back, retrieved his wallet, and then plucked out a condom. “You want to do the honors?”

  She’d been dreaming of taking him into her mouth and driving him wild. “Mind if I suck on it first?”

  He groaned and then clenched his jaw. “Be quick. This will push my resolve to the max.”

  She unbuttoned his jeans, pulled open his fly, and lowered his pants over his taut butt. The man was solid muscle. Sky inhaled, grabbed his rigid cock, and dropped to her knees. When she licked his length to test the waters, he hissed, grabbed her hair, and tugged.

  “I’m on edge. Be careful.”

  From the way his voice wavered, he was serious. The need to taste him drove her to engulf his cock and suck hard. The pressure on her scalp increased, almost to the point of pain, but she loved his passion. Twirling her tongue around his cock, she pumped her fist up and down while she sucked on him hard.

  “Enough.” Kane grabbed her wrist and pulled her upright. “I want you.”

  “Oh, yeah? What happened to the man who liked to take his time, who was capable of tormenting me with a flower?”

  “He’s so gone. The moment you told me how you felt, all bets were off.”

  He ripped open the condom and donned it, fire and lust pooling in his eyes, and she’d never been more turned on. Wanting to torture him like he had her, she pressed her chest against him, loving how his pecs flexed as his hands explored her body. He parted his lips. Taking advantage of the invitation, she delved in.

  Love, heat, passion, and pure joy filled her. Each thrust stole her breath and made her wetter. She tried to push away from the wall, but Kane managed to keep contact with her as he removed her jacket, all the while kissing her lips, her eyes, and her throat. He only stepped back when he lifted off his shirt and helped her out of her top. The touching increased, and throughout it all, she wasn’t aware when he’d kicked off his shoes and managed to rid himself of his jeans, but she wasn’t complaining.

  “You’re way ahead of me.” She giggled, so happy that she could be with the man she loved.

  Sky unhooked her bra and stripped off her panties, waiting to see what he wanted to do next.

  Kane sucked in a breath. “I have to have you. Now.”

  His eyes were mostly closed, and his lips were soft and open. God, what he did to her. He cupped her butt and lifted her up against his big, hard cock. Sky wrapped her legs around his waist then drew his head to hers and kissed him again. The moment their tongues tangled, he slipped his hard dick into her wet folds, and drove upward, her inner walls screaming from the friction.

  Kane was raw power, in control, and oh, so heavenly to look at. He slowly withdrew, as if he wanted to give her a moment to accommodate his size. She didn’t want to wait and tried to lower her hips, but he held on.

  “Hurry,” she begged.

  He grinned. “You don’t really want that.” His Adam’s apple bobbed.

  Instead of returning to the kiss, he lowered his head and swirled his tongue around her nipple, never actually touching the tip. She was convinced he truly wanted to drive her wild—and he succeeded. His cock remained still, and her desperation grew. To let him know she needed him, she clamped down on his hard shaft.

  He stopped stroking her nipple to let out something akin to a growl. “Don’t do that.” His gaze lowered as if she’d committed a crime.

  She might have responded had he not captured her mouth again. This time, his tongue darted in and out furiously, while he slowly eased his cock inside her. He pressed her harder against the wall, his hands holding her up by her ass. Using his teeth, he tugged on each nipple, creating a welcoming pain. Rapid bliss shot down to her belly as he pistoned into her again. He twirled his tongue around the tips repeatedly until the heat built inside her to a point where she was ready to come.

  Kane hung on tight and thrust into her hard. He grunted and moaned, saying her name over and over again as if he were possessed. The harder and faster he went, the higher he took her, until she could no longer stop the overwhelming climax from claiming her.

  “Kane!” Waves of powerful glory slammed into her as the contractions rippled down her body, and her orgasm tore through her at a furious pace.

  She yelled once more as his cock expanded, his climax rippling through her so violently she could only imagine what he must be feeling.

  “Sky. Oh, Sky.” His eyes closed as his hot cum filled the protective barrier.

  With his arms wrapped tightly around her, his breath poured over her shoulder, and she wished she never had to unwrap her legs.

  “Wow.” She’d never had such an amazing experience in her life, though the flower seduction was something she’d never ever forget.

  “A little different from the last time, huh?”

  Sky grinned. “You can say that again.”

  He lifted her off of him. “I wanted to take my time, I really did, but the moment I started kissing you, I just—”

  She held a finger over his lips. “I’m happy.”

  “Yeah. Me too. What do you say we take a shower? Together.”

  “You are full of such good ideas.”

  * * *

  Kane insisted on fixing the coffee and treating her to one of his dinner specials. “I think
I could become accustomed to this pampering,” she said.

  He looked over his shoulder and smiled. They’d been skirting the issue about how long he planned to stay or even why he was staying, though she wasn’t going to broach the subject until necessary. His cell rang, and he took the pan off the burner and answered. “Yes, General.” Kane paced while he listened. “I understand. Thanks for trying.”

  From the slight slump of his shoulders, the news wasn’t good. “What did he say?”

  “The FBI won’t investigate the Base. They said there is no reason for them to interfere in a military operation. To be honest, I’m not surprised.”

  “Neither am I, but where does that leave us in exposing them? I believe they abducted me, the Senator, and possibly Dan Joe. They shouldn’t be able to get away with that.”

  “I know, but I think Savory is stuck with a secret base miles from town.”

  “It’s hardly secret anymore. Maybe I should write an article about them.”

  “If you did, you’d have to admit you broke in and trespassed.”

  She finished off her coffee. “True, but losing my freedom might be worth it if no one was abducted again, or killed, like Randall Tyler.” She leaned back in her chair, her mind sorting through her options. “There is something I might be able to do.”

  Kane returned the pan to the burner and stirred. “Is it legal?”

  “Yes, and the best part about it is that the military won’t like it.”

  His hand tightened on the pan. “What is it?”

  “I have a friend in Page who’s a news reporter. What if they go in at night, using lots of lights, a couple of cameras, and a truck on the road doing live feed to investigate? It would make great press if the station showed up and they were stopped by an armed guard.”

  “What do you hope to accomplish?” He sounded more curious than cautious.

  “If the Base knows they’re being watched, maybe they’ll be more careful about taking our residents.”

  Kane shrugged. “I don’t see any harm in letting them try, but this time, let’s tell Lapahe and get his permission. If you want your job back, you’ll need to be on his good side.”

  She didn’t trust her boss after the stunt he’d pulled, but what Kane said made sense. “He’ll need to promise not to call the FBI and turn us in before we take the news crew there.”

  “You’re right about that.”

  “I’ll set it up with the Chief, but first I want to see if my friend in Page, Lauren Sanchez, is interested.”

  Sky was able to reach Lauren on the first ring and explained the situation, making sure to mention there was a possibility the Base housed aliens. Her friend had a strong interest in the topic.

  “Are you shitting me? There’s a secret base miles from my house? Are you sure?”

  “Let’s just say I have first-hand knowledge and leave it at that.”

  “You got it. George, my cameraman is also a big conspiracy theorist. He’ll be up for it, I’m sure. I can have a truck by the road to transmit live, and if I bring in a second cameraman and two guys with lights, there are sure to be fireworks.”

  Excitement raced through her. “I love it. When can you be ready?”

  “Is tonight soon enough?”

  “Perfect. Lauren, let me put you on speaker phone so Kane, my friend, and you can hash out the details.”

  Kane turned off the stove and returned to her side. “Hey, Lauren. Both Sky and I have been inside the Base, so I’d like to be there when you approach them.”

  Yikes, why did he have to tell her that? Sky didn’t need the world to know what they’d done.

  “No problem.”

  “I also think we need some police back up. The Savory PD has no jurisdiction there, so can you ask the Page police to help us out?”

  “I’ll try but…” Lauren hesitated for a moment. “I have another idea. How about if I bring in a group from MUFON?”

  Kane’s brows pinched. “Who are they?”

  “You’ve never heard of them? You must live under a rock.”

  Her friend had stepped over the line. “Lauren.”

  “Sorry. MUFON stands for Mutual UFO Network. They are a group of volunteers who are resolved to study UFO’s and everything related to possible aliens. They’re a very respected and widespread agency. They’ll want to expose this Base if aliens are being held captive.”

  “Yes! The military wouldn’t be able to hide anymore,” Sky said.

  Kane leaned closer to the phone. “How about we convene at the intersection of 98 and 89 to discuss the details? Say 2300 hours?”

  “We’ll be there.”

  Sky was happy Lauren sounded so excited. Five hours wasn’t very long to plan the major coup of her life, but she was up for it. With Kane to guide her, she was sure everything would go well. “I’ll sign out the swipe card again, since I think we might need it.”

  “Assuming Chief Lapahe goes along with your little plan.”

  “How can he not?”

  “You are kind of persona non grata, remember?”

  “I’m still a cop. Maybe I should have Elmer sign it out for me.”

  “Do whatever you need to, but make sure it’s legal and that you have the chief’s permission.” Kane walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out the box sealed in plastic that contained the finger.

  “That thing is just gross.” She winced. Thinking about keeping the nasty appendage next to the food disgusted her, but Kane assured her he’d sealed it tight.

  He pulled up a chair. “Now, we plan. Here’s how it’s going to go down.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  When they arrived at the designated intersection, the KWLP van was stationed on the road next to the perfume factory drive. “I wonder if the Hummers will run us off again.” Sky zipped up her jacket, ready for the confrontation of her life.

  Kane pulled behind the news truck and cut the engine to his Jeep. “We’ll find out soon enough.”

  She wished she understood how he could remain so calm. It would be easy for the military to grab everyone and shove them in cells for the rest of their lives. Even though Lapahe knew where she’d be, she wondered if he’d bother to save them.

  Two more cars pulled up behind them. From the way they rolled to a stop instead of sliding to a halt, Sky figured they were part of the station’s team. If not, they all were in trouble. Lauren exited the passenger’s side of the van, and Sky jumped out of the Jeep. She met her friend halfway and they hugged.

  “Everything ready?” Sky asked. Despite the dry, cold air, she began perspiring. She used to be so cool under fire, but her abductors must have removed her nerves of steel.

  Lauren nodded to the cars behind the Jeep. “We have Rick and Phil from MUFON, along with Joe, who’s a big UFO fan, in the other car. He’s an off-duty cop from Page. I called his precinct, but they didn’t want anything to do with this.”

  “That works for me. My chief and one of the deputies know where we are, but they won’t be here—not that they have any jurisdiction anyway.”

  Kane handed Sky a bulletproof flak jacket. “Put this on.” From his stern tone, she figured it was better not to argue.

  All the people assembled in a circle. Rick blew into his hands, while Phil rocked back and forth. Besides Kane, only Joe seemed in control.

  Huddling near because voices traveled far in the clear night, Kane addressed the group, giving them the instructions and what to expect. “Let me go first. You’re going live, right?” Kane asked.

  “Yes.” This came from the cameraman.

  “Okay. Let’s do this.”

  Sky was relegated to bringing up the rear. While she didn’t like the end position, she understood why Kane put her there. With a deep breath, she followed the group along the road and up the drive to the factory. To her surprise, no Hummers were parked in the lot. Most likely, they’d stationed themselves around back. Kane motioned with his hand for the group to proceed.

  Sky glanced
around, expecting a guard to walk around the corner at any moment and stop them. Only no one appeared. In fact, no one seemed to be about. Even the light above the shed was off, and her belly tingled. Something was definitely not right.

  Lights from the camera lit up, and Lauren stepped in front. With a microphone in hand, she faced the camera. “We are in the back of the Fleur de Paris perfume factory where it is reported a secret underground military base exists.”

  Using a red filtered flashlight, Kane trotted toward the shed door, swiped the card, and pulled it open. Sky expected a siren or some shouts, but nothing other than the gurgling of the river below reached her, along with a few birds squawking overhead. Kane motioned them inside. As previously agreed, one cameraman would stay outside in case military personnel appeared. The KWLP employees had walkie-talkies to warn those inside should they be spotted.

  The air was still inside the shed, and no noise came from below. Kane motioned they follow him down the ramp. A camera was mounted in the corner where she was sure none had been before. Those in charge had to know they were there, so why was there no resistance? The bad feeling in her stomach worsened, but she followed the group downward, keeping an eye out for anything else suspicious. Kane pressed the dead man’s finger against the door and the familiar click sounded.

  “We’re inside the military base,” Lauren announced with the camera rolling. “So far, we’ve not seen anyone.”

  When they reached the long walkway next to the rails, their footsteps echoed off the walls, but no one said a word. Lauren motioned the cameraman to keep filming. At the doorway to the stairs, Kane halted.

  “From here on out, no talking. Be vigilant. Let’s go.”

  While they didn’t speak, their footsteps sounded like a hundred high school students racing down the steps. When they made it to level 2, the door was propped open. Kane raised his hand and caught Sky’s eye. Something was going on. This was where they did human experiments, like mind control.

  “Stay here.” He whispered the command, but she suspected their stealth wasn’t required.


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