Book Read Free


Page 23

by Kenya Wright

  The music business is not.

  ~Claudio Monteverdi

  The next morning, I rolled over, reaching for Gio, finding his arm and then broad chest with my hands. A little bit of sunlight streamed through the edges of the curtains, but darkness spread over most of the room. The blankets covered our bodies as we smoothed against the other.

  My stomach hurt. Nervousness bounced inside of it. I didn’t like what had happened yesterday between Gio and me. I didn’t enjoy hearing about the disgusting behavior Ru had begun displaying. Even worse, I wasn’t looking forward to the events of today.

  What am I going to do? Are Gio and I still good?

  Although we hadn’t yelled or insulted the other, that moment in the hallway wasn’t our best. I understood where he was coming from and loved that he fiercely protected me, but he had to let me handle my life. I’d been on my own for so long. I was used to dealing with things my way.

  Did love mean compromising my way of doing things?

  Part of me said yes. The most stubborn part said hell no.

  Gio made a soft noise, reaching for my hand. He massaged my palm and I pushed my worries aside. No matter what, I had an intense feeling that Gio and I could get over anything. Ru had really made a mess of this situation. I didn’t know what he had going on in his head. I figured he might’ve been attracted to me, but not in a narcissistic way. It seemed to me that men are attracted to most women. Put a pair of realistic tits and an ass on a tree and I guarantee the tree would be crowded with ogling men, circling and staring, having their lunches there during their break and taking pictures.

  But it’s bigger with Ru. There’s more going on. Maybe even as bad as Gio is saying it is.

  I trusted Gio’s opinion, but I trusted Ru and had known him for a long time on a closer level than Gio did. Additionally, Gio appeared not to be the type of man that shared. But how intense was it? We were still getting to know each other. Could his opinion on Ru all be based on a severely jealous personality, or was he solely looking at a situation that had truly gotten out of control?

  My heart told me it had to be the latter. Ru had been making me uncomfortable since he arrived. Even his text messages had rubbed me the wrong way.

  And now he’s groping women? How disgusting.

  I didn’t want to believe it and hoped he had some rational reason for what had happened. Yet, deep down inside, I knew no rational reason existed.

  And if he’s groping them, then who says he won’t do that to you? And what type of man does that?

  I sighed. All this time, I’d brushed off the things that Ru had done in his personal life, cheating on his wife and mistreating his mistress. To maintain that situation, he had to be someone else. Neither women probably knew the real Ru.

  Why am I just seeing this?

  And now he’d arrived at Gio’s house acting like some love-sick romantic, buying buildings, lying on Gio, and ordering me to talk to him on the phone. Meanwhile, his wife and mistress desperately waited for him back in New York.

  So then, what’s really the problem, Ru?

  It had to be control. I had to admit that he had full control of me in New York. I’d depended on him to take my career to the next level. I didn’t bother him. I worked, remaining in that apartment and closing myself off to everyone...but him.

  When he came to my apartment and brought me flowers and even cleaned...what did that all mean to him?

  He must’ve thought he was prepping me to be one of his women. Or was it something else? Surely, he’d been acting like a jealous lover here. And it seemed so absurd to me that I hadn’t allowed myself to think of it.

  But with this inappropriate behavior, now, I had to dissect it all.

  My mother told me once that negative people will always keep a person back from moving forward. She stressed that the person had to cut the negative people out of their lives immediately. Like it was life or death. It didn’t matter how nice or good they were. It didn’t matter if they were a relative or close friend. Wife or husband. Mother or father. Best friend or co-worker. The negative people had to go because if they remained, they would wrap their negativity around the person’s body like black burning chains. There would be no escape except to cut the bond. Get rid of them. Detoxify. Cleanse. Wash away. Get away. Run away.

  Ru must go.

  This should’ve been a time of celebration. Hadn’t Ru and I been working toward this goal?

  No, because this wasn’t his goal. It was something else. This was my goal, but not his.

  Without speaking, Gio rolled toward me, pulling me against his body, his lips finding mine in the dark. The kiss possessed the same longing and intensity it always did. My body relaxed. Gio and I would be fine, and in many ways, that was all that really mattered.

  As much as I wanted to answer his desire with my mouth, surrender to our passion, I gently pushed him away.

  He sighed. “What’s wrong, princess?”

  “I agree with you on Ru.”

  “You do?” He moved his hands to my face and slipped his fingers through my curls.

  I trembled against him and moved his hand away so that I could focus. “Yes, I do.”

  “Then, you’ll let me handle him?”

  I cleared my throat. “That’s what I wanted to talk about.”

  He said nothing.

  “I’m going to handle it, Gio.”

  He slipped his fingertips along my arm.

  “But, I think you’re right about Ru having some sort of fascination with me. One that isn’t healthy. And I think you’re right that I should get a new manager. I don’t feel comfortable working for a man that thinks it’s perfectly okay to fondle hard working women that are only there to clean his room and take care of him while he stays. It’s disgusting and unforgivable. And I’m so sorry for them.”

  “I plan to talk to them today,” Gio said. “If they want to file an action against him, I’ll pay for anything. And of course, I’m hoping I can help solve this for them too. What should I do? Money? Higher salary? Vacation? How do you make someone feel better after some asshole has unjustly made them feel uncomfortable?”

  “I don’t know. You’ll have to ask them.” I kissed him. “But it’s good that you’re going to be there for them. I think others would’ve shrugged it off as part of the job.”

  “Not when they’re working for me.”

  Silence bridged between us.

  He caressed my arm. “Okay.”


  “Not that you asked for my permission, but I support your decision. If you want to handle Ru on your own, then I have your back.”

  “Thank you. I didn’t want this to be a constant argument between us.”

  “I’m used to getting my way.”

  “I can tell.”

  “But the best people in my life are the ones that never give me my way all the time. My parents. Jason. Midnight. And you, my princess.” He took me into his arms and devoured my mouth.

  My phone rang. His body tensed against mine as he pulled back from our kiss. We both knew who it was. Ru had been the only one blowing up my phone each day.

  I’m so tired of him interrupting my happiness with Gio.

  I got out of Gio’s arms, checked my phone, and read Ru’s text.

  RU: We need to talk. Now.

  ME: We do. I’m coming to your room.

  Anger rose inside of me.

  Are you fucking kidding me? It’s six in the morning and you’re bossing me around? Enough is enough.

  Pissed off, I rose from the bed and stuck my feet into my slippers. “I’m sorry, but I’ll be right back. Just hold that sexy thought and I’ll come back and finish what we started.”

  Clearly, that wasn’t enough of an explanation for Gio.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “I’m going to fire Ru.”

  I turned on the lamp, found my robe, and put it on. I only wore a nightgown and panties underneath, but I didn’t even want to
waste the time to dress. I just wanted to rush down there, curse him out, get rid of him, and return to Gio. As far as I was concerned, we could spend the rest of the day naked in bed.

  “Would you like me to come down there with you? I won’t talk—”

  “I’ve got it.”

  He frowned and watched me tie my robe. “This must be love.”

  I gazed at him. “What must be love?”

  “I was just thinking how I must love the shit out of you because...I’m not forcing you to do it my way. Only people that I fiercely love have that effect on me. It makes me nervous.”


  “Because sometimes I believe I can see that it’s a mistake before it happens. And it scares me. This is how it was with Jason, but...”

  I walked over to him and sat on the bed. “But what?”

  “I love you. I trust you. I’ve got you. And you’ve got this.”

  I let out a long breath. “Thank you.”

  And this was what it felt like to be around a positive person. I could breathe. Gio gave me love and support. He didn’t lie or try to tear me down. He didn’t make me feel bad about my decisions whether he agreed or not. And because of that, it made me even more ready to get rid of Ru.

  “I’ll be right back.” I rose and headed to the door. “I feel good about this.”

  “Me too.” Gio sat up in bed. The blanket fell from him, revealing hard muscle. The urge to jump back in bed with him almost ended my plan.

  “Damn, you’re so sexy.”

  He licked his lips. “Hurry back.”

  “I will.” I shut the door, rushed down the stairs, and headed to the first level that easily connected the east and west wings.

  I got to his room with no problem and knocked on his door. After a minute, he opened it with a bottle in his hands. He reeked of alcohol as he widened the door and gestured for me to come in. “Thanks for coming.”

  The door shut behind me. I stepped inside and faced him.

  He pointed to a glass of brown liquid. “Have a sip. I poured you a glass.”

  “I don’t feel like drinking so early in the morning.”

  “You can’t have a drink with a friend?”

  “It’s early, Ru.”

  He frowned. “You smell like him.”

  “Ru, stop it.”

  “Stop what?”

  “Acting like you’re some enraged and jealous lover. You’re my manager. This is beyond that relationship.”

  “Yet, you admit that we had a relationship.”

  “What? A business—”

  “Is that all it was?”

  “Of course—”

  “So, you answer your door for everyone in your pajamas? You always let men buy you gifts and—”

  “Ru, don’t even try it. We had nothing more than business between us.” I backed up and he moved forward.

  He spat his next words at me. “So, that’s how it’s going to be?”

  “Ru, I can’t do this anymore.”

  “There it goes.” He wildly swung his arms around him and yelled, “Now, she doesn’t need me!”

  “Be quiet and calm down.”

  “You’re just like the rest of them. None of you ever appreciate me the way I deserve.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? You ruined this.”

  “I ruined nothing!” He stormed toward me.

  My body seized. I felt as if someone had thrown cold water on my face. He was a monster. All this time, he’d been a monster, hiding around within this fake identity, pretending to be my friend, but the whole time lying to himself about what we were.

  I backed away, and he followed.

  “Give me some space, Ru.”

  “Why, because you’re scared of me now? Or are you scared of the truth?”

  “The truth?” I hurried over to the table next to me and placed a chair between us.

  “Oh, she’s so scared. Look at you.” He tapped his head. “Gio is in there now, huh? He’s got you thinking I’m the bad guy.”

  “I don’t want to talk to you about this anymore. You’re drunk and acting out of control.” I tried to step around the chair. He rushed my way and knocked it down. I screamed and kicked at him. He dodged it, raised his hands in the air, and backed away. “Would you calm down, Simone? You’re acting erratic.”

  “No, you are.”

  “I’m just trying to talk to you.”

  “I don’t like the way you’re doing it.”

  “I’m your friend.”

  “Then, let me go.”

  “I’m not really keeping you here. The truth is keeping you here. You’re trying to pretend like you don’t know what’s going on.”

  “Fuck this, Ru.” I headed toward the door, he blocked my way. I shoved at him. “Move.”

  “Just give me a minute.” He grabbed my arms hard and pinned me to him.

  “Get off me.” I hit his hand and he wrestled with me, dragging me to his bed.

  “Just calm down.” He held me down. “You’re acting crazy, Simone. He’s got you thinking I’m dangerous.”

  “You are! Stop it! Ru, get off me!”

  “Shh. Calm down.” Ru pinned me down with one arm and reached his fingers out beneath my chin, roughly tilting my face to him. “Tell me that you haven’t been thinking about me as much as I think about you. Tell me you didn’t always want to fuck me like I want to fuck you. You can’t.”

  “Get off me.”

  He slapped me hard. A sting bit the side of my face. “Listen. For once in your fucking life, listen.”

  I fought to get him off.

  “Stop it, before I hit you again.”

  I froze. Tears fell down my eyes. Fear fogged my head. I didn’t know what to do. All I could think of was to get him calm enough so I could get away from him, open the door, and race away. All I could think about was maybe screaming as loud as I could, and hoping someone heard me before he tried to knock me out.

  “I think of your pussy,” he whispered. “All of the time.”

  My bottom lip quivered.

  “I thought you were a good girl. That we were just taking our time, but then you come here and at the first sight of Gio, you act like a little whore.” Rage covered his face. He leaned down to me. Only an inch lay between our noses.

  “Was it worth it?” he hissed.


  “Was all this worth you being a whore?”

  “Ru, I don’t know what you’re saying.”

  Spit fell from his mouth. “He was just warming you up for me, you know that right? Getting the kinks out. Getting you ready for me.”

  “Ru, please let me go. You’re drunk and—”

  In seconds, he wrapped his hands around my neck. It felt like thick sand filled my throat, like I’d been cut off from life. Like this was the end. I wagged my arms and legs, trying to get out of his hold, battling for oxygen. Scared for my life.

  With his other hand, he tore open my bathrobe and then loosened his hold on my neck. “I’m tired of playing with you.”

  I gasped in air, coughing and leaning my head to the side. More tears fell from my eyes as I trembled under him.

  He separated the robe and caressed my thighs. Bile rose in my throat. I knew if he touched me anymore, I would vomit all over him. And I didn’t care. I just wanted to break free. I wanted to get out. Escape. Stop this. Stop him. This was wrong. It wasn’t fair.

  Ru lowered closer to my face and brushed his lips along my neck, making me cringe. I pulled away, turning my head and searching for some way to get out of there—scissors, a pen, anything to grab and stab him with.

  Ru drew in a sharp breath. “I can’t wait to taste you.”

  A sob left me. “Ru, please don’t do this.”

  “You’ll love it. I just have to show you. That was my problem. I hid it.”

  “Okay, but...” I tried to catch my breath and not cry anymore. “This is a lot to take in. Can you give me time to think?”

Maybe we’ve thought about this too much.”

  “But, I just...need a minute...I have to go to the bathroom.”

  Anything to let me go. Say anything. Make him think I won’t go anywhere and then run. Hit him with the lamp or chair. Fight. Get out. It’s going to be okay.

  With a swiftness that caught me off-guard, Ru brought his lips down to mine, hard and painful in not a kiss, not a peck, but more of a brand, some sort of way to think he was making me his. I struggled against him, scared he’d choke me again, but physically unable to feel his mouth on mine. Vomit rose, and I coughed it out.

  At least that stopped him. He scrunched his face in disgust, freed my hands, and wiped some of the spit-up off his lips.

  “I’m just nervous.” I wiped my mouth. “Just let me go to the bathroom and calm myself. This is all a lot for me to take in.”

  He stared at me for a minute, saw the greenish brown spot on the bed next to my face, and nodded. “Okay. Just go wash yourself off in the bathroom. I’ll remove these blankets.”

  Shaking, I whispered, “Thank you.”

  “I love you, Simone.”

  My heart hammered in my chest. I forced myself to say the words. “I love you too.”

  When he broke away and let me up, it was hard not to punch him or spit in his face. I felt violated, degraded, and confused. But I had to focus on getting out of there.

  Ru’s gaze focused on me, burning and intense, but not with hunger or love. It was absolute conquest, an evil predator trapping prey. He watched me as I walked to the bathroom, not even looking in the direction of the bedroom door. In this moment, it was so far away. If I ran for it, he could catch me before I got close enough. And would my screams reach anyone? I’d already yelled, and no one had come.

  I grabbed the bathroom door’s knob and twisted it.

  “This week seems bad, but in the end, it will be good for us. All of it.”

  I opened the door and nodded.

  “Gio ended up bringing us closer together.”

  I swallowed, walked inside, and closed the door behind me.

  I need something. Anything. Razor? Plunger? Is there a window I can climb out or—

  Ru opened the door, holding the same glass in his hands that he’d been trying to give me earlier. “Are you okay?”


  “Drink this.”


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