Unforgettable, My Love Has Come Along
Page 6
“Huh?” He rubbed his eyes and groaned. “Tired.”
“It’s late.”
He stretched murmuring, “Yes, it’s late.”
“Let me show you to your room.”
As we passed the kitchen, the microwave clock indicated after midnight. Orane grabbed his vest from the bar stool then picked up his carry-on and climbed the stairs behind me.
“Make yourself at home,” I said, entering the guest room. I pointed to the blanket on the bed. “You will need the blanket, nights and mornings tend to be a little cool. The bathroom is on your right. You can use the stack of towels on the shelf.”
Orane’s eyes pierced mine. “Thanks Babes.”
“Anytime. Have a wonderful night.”
“Good night,” he whispered as we hugged. “I will see you in the morning.”
I could feel his breath on the side of my face, breaking my body out in chills so I quickly disengaged from our embrace and headed for the door. “Yes, tomorrow,” I murmured.
“What about my chains? I don’t know if I can stay here by myself. I may have nightmares.”
“No chains or nightmares.” I chuckled softly. “Sleep tight.”
“Have a wonderful night too. Thanks again for everything.”
“You are welcome.” I beat a hasty retreat.
Downstairs, I quickly stacked the dishwasher and turned off the lights. I could hardly wait to get to my bedroom. Once there, I jumped on my bed and buried my head in my pillows to stifle my screams of joy. Thank you Lord. I finally met the man behind the voice. I have always wondered what it would be like to set eyes on him. Now that I have, I was not disappointed. His personality was even more attractive than I had imagined.
Surprisingly, I felt a little off in the beginning. My mental adjustment to the new parameters of our friendship did not go according to plan. The visual cues were overwhelming. I found it slightly difficult to communicate with him in the flesh. Nevertheless, we had successfully passed the first hurdle. Going forward, my plan was to read his non-verbal cues and discover his true personality. I prayed that I was not harboring any unrealistic perceptions of him.
I communed with the Lord in hushed tones, praying for wisdom. Sleep came much later as the evening’s events replayed over and over again in my head.
I jumped, startled out of my slumber by the buzzing of my cell phone on the nightstand. I rolled over in my bed, reached for my cell phone, and squinted at it before turning off the alarm. It was 7:00 AM. Without warning, a swell of excitement swept through me and my heart skipped. I bolted upright with a wide grin across my face. I could hardly wait to lay eyes on Orane again. There was no denying it.
I showered and slipped into a pair of gray cropped pants piped with pink and the matching sleeveless blouse. There was no sign of him when I entered the living room. I tiptoed up the stairs and pressed my ears against the guest room door. He was steadily breathing.
I sighed happily. Sleeper! I have a sleeper on my hands.
I ate breakfast—egg omelet with cheese, tea, toast and orange juice. Half an hour later, I propped myself up on two pillows on my bed, communed with the Lord then began to read one of the many books that I had started.
I must have dozed off, because the next thing I heard was Orane calling my name. I awoke with a start then struggled to full consciousness and saw him standing outside my bedroom door.
“I fell asleep,” I murmured self-consciously.
“That’s okay,” he said, averting his eyes and moving from the door. “I’ll be in the living room.”
“Okay,” I responded, rolling out of bed. I checked myself in the bathroom mirror then entered the living room. Orane was seated on the sofa. “Happy Friday!” I greeted him. “Did you sleep well?”
His dimples deepened as he smiled at me. “Happy Friday to you too! I slept well. Did you?” His athletic frame was dressed in forest green cargo shorts, white t-shirt and black Nike sandals.
“Yes, I did,” I replied pleasantly, trying not to look self-conscious as I joined him on the sofa.
Smiling, he held my hand lightly, his thumb stroking the back of my hand. “It did get a little cold last night,” he said. “Thanks for the blanket.”
Having him touch me that way, made me feel just a little too excited for my own comfort. “You’re welcome!” I said coyly as he released my hand. “How about breakfast? I can do egg omelet with cheese, tea, toast and orange juice.”
“That sounds great but no orange juice please.”
“Got ya.”
“This is for you.” He handed me a pink and green gift bag that was sitting on the end table.
“Thank you. Should I look now?”
“Please do.”
I pulled out an emerald green and yellow cotton and spandex workout t-shirt with cap sleeves and matching knee length pants.
“Thank you. I like it.” I smiled and hugged him.
“You are welcome.”
I eyed him playfully. “How did you know my size?”
“I have skills and connections,” he said mysteriously.
“Good job!” I was very impressed with his gift because during a prior conversation, I told him that I had purchased a set of DVDs for a 6-week home-based aerobic and resistance exercise program. I placed the items back into the gift bag and rested it on the barstool. Orane took up position on the next bar stool. I flipped on the kitchen pipe, squirted a little of the dishwashing liquid and washed my hands. “I know that you like eggs,” I remarked as I dried my hands.
“I love eggs. Can I have two egg omelets please, with franks?”
“You sure can.”
“I’ll make my cocoa.”
“I’ll reheat the water. Check the cupboard to my left for a packet of cocoa. The cups are one cupboard down.”
“Did you eat? he asked, reaching for a cup.
“Yes. As you know, I am an early riser. I tried to wait on you though.”
“Is that right? he teased, tickling my side.
“Oh stop!” I giggled, escaping his hands. “I did.”
“Jet lag. I will be down early tomorrow,” he said, stirring his hot cocoa.
“No problem! Any time you rise is good.”
“Thank you kind lady.” He hugged my shoulder.
Ohhh! He smelled so good! “Anytime,” I replied coyly, mesmerized by his closeness.
A few minutes later while eating, Orane asked, “What would you like to do today?”
My hand flew to my chest and I eyed him. “Don’t you have that backwards?”
He did not hesitate. “I can find my way around.”
A soft giggle escaped me. “I know what that is, you got too much sleep!”
He poked me in my side. “You’ve got jokes!”
“Yes, I do! Let’s hang out here for a short while then I will give you a tour of the city.”
“Sounds great!”
I turned on the camera that was resting on the table. “Time for your photo shoot.”
“Not again,” he said, avoiding the camera.
“Just relax; it will be over in a moment!” I took several shots. “Very good! More animal, bring out the animal in you! You’re a dangerous beast.”
Orane laughed softly. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with you.”
I smiled at him. “You are enjoying this. I know you are.” I had stopped taking pictures to adjust the zoom setting when I glanced at Orane. For a moment, I saw something in his expression. He was uncomfortable with my picture taking frenzy. “Okay, let me stop harassing you.”
“Let me take some of you,” he said smiling.
He took several shots. “You are enjoying this.”
“Very much so!” I giggled.
He shook his head then handed me the camera. “You are something!”
“The camera loves me.”
“Will I see these pictures before I leave?”r />
“If you are nice all weekend.”
He smiled at me. “You know I’ll be!”
The midday sun was slowly waning and the temperature was falling when we left home for our city tour. Ever the consummate guide, I narrated the tour of some of Tallahassee’s landmarks and attractions such as the New Capitol Building, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Florida State University and Mary Brogan Museum of Art and Science, recounting historical details which were committed to memory.
Orane was quite the gentleman, opening the car door and holding my hand as we toured. We ended up window shopping at the Tallahassee Mall. Soon, we rested our aching feet at the food court in the Mall and ate Chinese food. Our heartfelt laughter rang out as we ate and shared about funny occurrences during our school days.
Orane held my hand as we exited the mall. “Look at you!” He smiled at me with raised eyebrows. “You are having a great time.”
“Absolutely,” I responded happily. His prolonged eye contacts did not go unnoticed during our meal at the food court.
It was early evening when we returned home.
Orane peered at me after he closed the door leading to the garage. “You look beat.”
“I’m a bit tired.”
Reaching out, he pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. “Let’s rest and pick up later.”
I sighed. “Yes. I hear my bed calling me.”
“Are you going to need a wakeup call?” he asked.
“Maybe,” I teased.
“You know you love to sleep. No shame in that.”
I eyeballed him. “Didn’t you wake up at 10 o’clock this morning?”
He winced. “Hey, jet lag remember.”
“Jet lag it is.” I grinned at him. “I will set my alarm.”
“Come here,” he drawled with a slight smile playing on his lips.
I just stood there, shifting my feet and toying with my hair. He closed the gap between us and kissed my cheek. “Thanks for everything,” he whispered as his grip tightened on my waist
I froze. My stomach did a small flip and chill bumps raced down my spine. My word! Help! Raging hormones! Absolutely, must gain the upper hand! “You’re welcome,” I said, bashfully disengaging from our embrace.
“See you in a bit,” he said softly.
“Okay,” I murmured, hoping that my wobbly knees would take me to my bedroom. Phew! I closed the door behind me and leaned on it. I inhaled then exhaled slowly before bursting into soft giggles. Raging hormones!
Within minutes, I showered, put on a robe and slipped under the comforter. This was just what the doctor ordered.
Later, I awoke to soft knocking on my bedroom door. “Annalisa!” Orane called out.
“I’ll…I’ll be out in a minute Orane.” I was still half asleep when I checked the time on my cell phone. Mercy! It was after eight. I checked the alarm button and a soft chuckle escaped me.
Within minutes, I entered the living room. “You look beautiful,” Orane said smiling. I was decked out in a red full-length fitted bodice dress with flowing skirt and halter neckline.
“Thank you,” I said, joining him on the sofa. His muscular legs were on display. “You’re looking great too.” I admired his navy cotton twill shorts with cargo pockets and matching navy and white Polo shirt.
“Thanks, even though you are a sleeper.” He harassed me gently.
“Sleeper!” I grinned at him. “My alarm button was set at the off position.”
“I see that’s how it going to be.”
“Oh stop,” I said, punching him lightly on the shoulder.
He laughed. “I have to take you with the good and the bad, right?”
“Whatever!” I threw my hands in the air in mock disbelief.
“Come on over here woman and let’s get the show on the road.”
I grinned at him. “Before we get too settled, are you hungry?”
“Not very, I could eat something though, nothing too heavy.”
“Ham sandwich?”
“No, remember I don’t digest pork well.”
“Ah, I forgot.”
“Let’s order pizza.”
“I am not much of a pizza fan but I’ll eat a slice.”
“Let’s eat something else,” he suggested.
“We can order pizza. The truth is I don’t usually eat this late.”
“I can tell.” He chuckled, using his hands to outline my slender figure in the air. “Please order. I will pay for the pizza and all the good treatment you’re giving me.”
I gleefully clapped my hands. “It’s about time I get paid for all I do around here.”
He smiled at my antics. “You will be paid and amply too.”
“I like the sound of that!”
“How far is the pizza place?” he inquired.
“Very near, less than ten minutes.”
“Let’s pick up. What toppings do you like?”
“Pineapple and pepperoni,” I responded.
“I don’t like pineapple.”
“No problem, we can have another topping.”
“No go with pineapple and thin crust.”
“Thin crust it is.”
I sat on the barstool and located the phone number for Zixla Pizza Place in the telephone directory that was sitting on the counter.
“What size?” I asked.
“12-inch please.”
I placed the order for the pizza.
“Ready to roll!” Orane said, turning off the TV.
“Let me get my purse and jacket. You should put on pants. It’s a bit chilly.”
“Okay. Give me a moment.”
A few minutes later, I parked and we held hands and walked towards Zixla Pizza Place. The cool evening breeze whipped around us and I smelled his cologne as it floated in the air. Um! Very nice. He smelled as inviting as he looked.
“Let’s sit while we wait on the pizza,” Orane said, pulling me towards two empty chairs. “I have a joke to tell you.”
I perked up. “A joke?”
“Yes. Pastor John Hagee recounted it in one of his sermons. It goes something like this—A man called 911 to report that his wife was in labor. Of course, he was frantic, very frantic because he did not know what to do. The 911 operator asked him—Is this her first child? The man bellowed—No, no, this is her husband.”
I exploded with laughter. “That’s funny,” I told him breathlessly, tears streamed down my face at the absurdity of it all.
Later at home, we cleared the coffee table for the pizza and drinks.
“Politics!” Orane exhaled as we listened to history in the making on CNN. “What a phenomenon? President-Elect Barack Obama.”
“Change has come to America,” I said dramatically, drawn in by the tide of history.
“He has energized the whole country,” Orane remarked, biting into his pizza.
“Yes. I am energized. He is a world changer, shattering more than 200 years of history.”
“Are you going to the inauguration?”
I swallowed a bite of the pizza. “I would love to. I might jump on the bandwagon with those at work.”
“Washington D.C. will be very cold at that time.”
I grinned, watching as President-Elect Barack Obama’s voice rang out on CNN. “Hey, I would take frost bites to be a part of history.”
Orane chuckled. “I know you will be taking lots of pictures.”
“Oh yes.” I smiled at him. “I remember your political aspirations.”
“Yes. I believe that I have something to offer.”
“You should do it. It’s on your heart.” I took another bite of my pizza. With his charisma and heart for humanity, he would go far.
His eyes seared into mine. “I will. My father was involved in politics in Jamaica.”
“I’ll put that on my prayer list,” I encouraged.
He gazed at me tenderly. “A praying woman. I love it.”
I smiled in acknowledgement as his dark brown eyes penetr
ated my being. Help! Diversion Needed! Raging hormones!
“Let’s watch a movie,” I grinned coyly.
We channel surfed and found an action packed movie. Orane reclined in the center of the sofa and I nestled comfortably in his arms as we watched.
Well, that was the plan.
A few hours later, I woke up. I was curled up at his side and he was snoring softly. Oh Lord, this feels good. I relished the steady beating of his heart and the warmth of his flesh. A heavy sigh escaped my lips and his arms automatically tightened around me. Involuntarily, I leaned closer. Oh no, not good! I cautioned myself.
“Orane, Orane.” I shook his shoulders gently.
He groaned instantly and pulled me closer, burying his head in my neck.
“Orane, Orane,” I called out desperately.
Abruptly, he moved out of our embrace and stared at me. “I fell asleep,” he murmured, stretching then pulling himself to full height.
“It’s bed time!” I said gently.
He opened his arms and I fell in them. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he whispered, squeezing me tightly.
“Have a good night,” I murmured, hoping that someone would yank me out of our warm embrace.
Orane gently released me from his arms. “Have a wonderful night.”
“Thank you!” I choked out before we parted from each other.
Holding it together was difficult after he left. My natural instinct was to chase upstairs, two steps at a time and sleep in his arms.
Thankfully, sanity prevailed! Great thought but wrong season!
“Stop taking my picture,” Orane begged, looking like a caged animal. We had just finished breakfast at home.
“I’m the paparazzi.” I giggled at him as I packed up my camera. A very small price to pay for love, I thought.
He gazed at me as I sat at the dining table. “You were quiet at breakfast.”
“Really, I didn’t realize.”
“I understand.”
“Okay.” I knitted my brows.
“I live alone too,” he said chuckling.
“What am I missing?”
“You are not accustomed to seeing anyone in the morning.”
“Is that so?” I laughed coyly. “What say you, no morning faces?”