Book Read Free

Lost Energy

Page 8

by Lynn Vroman


  I slammed the door. So stinking frustrating to be stuck while… I didn’t even want to think about it. I plopped on the bed and grabbed the pillow. At least it was something to cling to as I waited, doing nothing as Exemplians were potentially killing my family.

  Nope. Not good enough.

  I threw the thing back on the bed, ready to face whatever wanted to take a swipe at me outside. The damn things weren’t fast; I could outrun them. I just had to make sure to dodge a few tentacles. Wilma would know if I were in trouble, and so I was gonna get myself in trouble. She’d have to come get me. Well, hopefully she’d come.

  As soon as the door swung open, my anxiety dissolved.

  There he was, stalking through squid lined on either side of him. His face, that same beautiful face, but glowing with vivid color.


  I forgot about the squid and ran. They squealed, but didn’t move, understanding who was in charge. As Tarek opened his arms, I jumped, crushing my lips on his.

  In a move I remembered well, he bent to lift my legs and wrapped them around his waist. He kept moving toward the cabin, never taking his mouth off mine. When the door shut, he set me down, his dimples almost enough to make me cry. “Miss me, did you?”

  “Not at all.”

  He gave a low growl and kissed me again. When he pulled away this time, neither of us could breathe without heaving. “Liar.”


  The five months separating us disappeared with one glimpse of his smile. My heart slammed against my ribcage.


  Wilma was right. Tarek caused everything else that should’ve mattered to take a back seat. Using the small reserve of willpower I had, I left his arms and concentrated on what had me opening the door in the first place. “I have to get home. My family…”

  His smile stayed in place. “She didn’t tell you? As soon as Farren heard the first portal open, he brought everyone here. They’re at the castle.” He chuckled. “Your friend is a little upset, but otherwise they’re fine.”

  Relieved tears blinded my vision. “Thank God! And, no, Wilma’s pretty pissed right now. Guess she wanted to punish me a little.”

  He gathered me into his arms again and kissed the tip of my nose. “She can hold a grudge.”

  “Yeah, especially when she’s right.”

  “What happened?”

  I gave him another kiss, wishing I could block out everything wrong. “Let’s say I missed you. A lot.”

  “And I you.” Another kiss. “As much as I’d like to show you, we need to get to the castle and figure out what to do with everyone. This place isn’t exactly set up for human guests.”

  “You live here,” I glided a hand down his muscular arm, “and don’t seem to be suffering.”

  “All right, one, you have to stop that, and two, it’s a benefit of being Warden. I’m immune to…dying from the elements.”

  No, I didn’t stop touching him. Couldn’t, really. My hand traveled up to his neck and curled into his soft hair. “I’m glad you’re immune.”

  After one more kiss, I went to open the door. The squid were still standing guard, but they didn’t make a sound. Tarek came up behind me and pressed a hand at the small of my back. Even that innocent touch had my nerve endings sparking and tingling.

  As we walked through the symmetrical forest, every single squid climbed from the tops of their perches. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say they bowed as Tarek walked passed. “Now what the hell are they doing?” I pointed to the nearest bowing cephalopod, half tempted to pet its head.

  “They know trouble is coming.”


  His face tightened, but those dimples came out to reassure me. “They’d be stupid to try to get at me again.”

  “Again? They’ve already tried.” Can’t believe I forgot how calm my giant could be when death lingered at the edges.

  “A couple times. They lost.”

  I looked into his eyes, surprised to see the coldness in his voice matched the icy set of his jaw.

  If he weren’t the man I loved, I would’ve run as far away as possible. “How strong are you?”

  He glanced down at me. “Wilma isn’t the toughest kid on the playground anymore.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Frigid temperatures hit me first. Memories followed soon after. The last time I skidded across the icy path to the castle, Mateusz had me by the neck.

  Funny how time didn’t help ease all fears.

  As soon as the pointed black towers came into view, I faltered. Tarek didn’t urge me forward; he stopped with me, pulling me closer to him. Trying to control the terror threatening my rational thought process wasn’t easy. Almost impossible.

  Tarek’s soft voice brushed against my ear. “It’s okay, love, breathe.”

  When he spoke, I managed to suck in air, the scent of rotting fish subtle, but aggravating the memories I didn’t care to relive. “Doesn’t exactly give me the warm fuzzies.”

  His chest rumbled, vibrating against my back and having the right effect on my nerves. “We’ll make new memories, erase the old. You’ll be thinking fuzzy in no time.”

  I turned to wrap my arms around his waist, nuzzling his chest. “I did miss you. So much.”

  His arms tightened. “If it’s even a quarter of how much I missed you, I’m a lucky man.”

  What sucked about loving someone who was smack dab in the middle of a possible dimensional war were all the interruptions.


  Mom screamed my name from the pudgy white hut attached to the first sleek tower. As she slid toward us, Jake, Belva, and Farren crowded the doorway. Everyone had different expressions. Jake’s strained face contrasted the awe in Belva’s. Farren’s face shined with excitement. Damn, my Protectors liked a battle.

  When Mom ran into me, Tarek had to stand as a brace against my back to keep us from face planting the ground. Her hysterical laughing/crying jag helped ease my fears. At least everyone was safe.

  “Let’s go inside, Mom. Don’t want to make the wildlife anxious.”

  Her eyes grew wide and her gaze moved around Tarek to find the squid watching the exchange from the tree line. “What is this place?”

  From all the conversations we’d had about Arcus, I knew she understood exactly where we were. Seeing all the color and oddities in person, though, was definitely not the same as a two hour, in-depth conversation detailing everything. “Beautiful, isn’t it? Ah…in a deadly sort of way.”

  Her laugh got higher and her smile wider.

  Sighing, I glanced at Tarek, who had a smirk coloring his lips, and grabbed Mom’s hand.

  After I went through the gauntlet of hugs, we all sat in the very room where Tarek became Warden. He got busy building up the fire while I scavenged some trunks lining the walls where the bookshelves used to be. Finding four thick blankets, I shooed everyone to the couch so we could leech each other’s body heat until the fire did its job. Farren declined the offer, choosing to help Tarek. He was the only one wearing pants. The rest of us were dressed for summer.

  As the two men built the flames, they spoke softly, but their loud voices carried to the couch.

  “We managed to stick it in deep this time, brother.” Farren’s whisper was as inconspicuous as a nose wart.

  Tarek snorted, poking the flames. “Yeah, a few broken jaws aren’t going to solve this one.”

  “Too bad. Always liked a good fight, cleans the stress right off my shoulders. What’s the next move?”

  “We wait for Wilma. Until then, we keep these guys alive until we can find a safer place for them.”

  Okay, I didn’t like where their conversation headed. “Um, excuse me? Fellas? I’m not going anywhere, ah, safe. Got it?” When they both stared, I rolled my eyes. “Look, I get it, we can’t stay here, but with some food and water, we can stay a few weeks at least.” I pointed to Farren. “You can make a quick food run, jump back before getting ca

  Tarek didn’t say no, which was a plus. He’d probably like the company. Farren, on the other hand, had a lot to say. He stole a glimpse at Belva, who didn’t seem as upset as Tarek made her out to be. “No way, Lena. There are other places, safer dimensions to stick you guys until this shit gets worked out.”

  With a pat on Mom’s hand and an encouraging look from Jake, I got in Farren’s face. “From what Avery and Teenesee said, I’m the one who can help get things straightened out.”

  When Farren glanced behind him, obviously looking for some support from Tarek he didn’t get, he waved his beefy hands in the air. “Guaranteed the screens are programmed to watch our every move here. All it’ll take is me leaving one time for them to snatch me up. And then what, huh?”

  I tilted my head. “If what you say is true, taking us somewhere else, somewhere they won’t have a problem invading like they did in Empyrean, would be stupid.”

  Tarek finally stood, brushing the bark off his hands. “She’s right. One bad guess and you all will be dead.” He sighed. “Look, Wilma keeps a stash here, but it’ll only last a couple days. The river’s safe to drink from, and a few animals are eatable–disgusting, but safe to eat.”

  “I don’t know, brother. I–”

  “Farren! Stop. Whatever’s going on, I’m not going anywhere else.” We all turned in shock to see Belva standing with her hands planted on her hips. “If this giant, ah, guy.” She gawked at Tarek. “You’re a guy, right? Not some weird manlike monster?” At Tarek’s subtle nod, a smile curling his lips, she continued, “If he says we’re okay here, and if Lena thinks we’re safe, I’m staying.”

  Farren’s face reddened. “Belva, being here…it’s not ideal.”

  “And where is the ideal place?”

  “Ah…it’s…umm…” Stammering Ginger was a new development.

  “Exactly. Here, it is.” Belva held her chin high, even though trepidation danced in her pretty eyes. “Are you familiar with the place, Lena?”

  I looked to Tarek, who shrugged, that smile still teasing his lips. “I guess a little.”

  “Good,” she said. “Let’s find a place to crash.” She gestured toward Mom and Jake. “You two coming?”

  Jake shook his head as Mom covered a smile. Who would’ve thought we’d all take this crap without being committed? Had to admit, my bubble was pretty awesome.

  “Suit yourselves.” She laced her arm through mine. “Let’s go have some girl talk.” She gave frazzled Farren a wink and Tarek a soft smile.

  “Looks like we both have a lot to confess.”


  “Okay, if you leave any good stuff out, I’ll never talk to you again.” Belva hopped onto the old, mildewing bed with absolutely no concern for her health. I, on the other hand, stayed away from the thing, worried about all the little exotic insects that might be living there.

  The room wasn’t much nicer than the one Casimir locked me in during the first trip to the castle. At least this time, I could keep the door open. “And what good stuff are you referring to?”

  “Oh, come on! I see the way that guy looks at you. Jesus, he looks like a Greek god.” She paused, her eyes shining. “Is he, you know, a god?”

  Leave it to Belva to reduce the danger we were in to a Q&A about men. “No, he’s not a god, but…”

  She flew to her knees, bouncing on that disgusting bed, the smile on her pretty face stretched wide. “But what? Come on, Tulman, spill it.”

  “Okay, okay, jeez.” I sat on the edge of the no doubt infested straw mattress. “Remember how you said I’d understand if I ever found the guy?” At her nod, I continued, “Well, I do understand because mine starred in my dreams since I was eight.”

  Her hand went to her heart as her smile softened and her eyes grew dreamy. “That’s so romantic.” The dreaminess turned demanding. “Do not leave a single detail out.”

  We spent the next hour with me rehashing everything that had happened over the spring. How I dreamed of Tarek, how we met in the woods…how he took me to Empyrean…that night we came back. When I got to the part where he sacrificed everything to keep me safe from Casimir and now spoke in my head every night, my friend was a blubbering mess.

  “That’s so beautiful. He is a god, Lena, because you’re his goddess.”

  I laughed, but when her face stayed serious, the words sunk in. “Yeah, I guess. Too bad the entire universe does just about anything to make sure we’re always apart.”

  “Well you guys are together now. It’s up to you to keep it that way.”

  If it were that simple. “Enough about me. What I’d like to know is how are you taking all this so well? Doesn’t this place scare you?”

  She cocked her head to the side. “Funny thing, I was scared when Wilma took you, but when we got here… This place is so…”

  “Terrifying? Dangerous? Smelly?”


  I grabbed her hand and tugged her off the bed. “Nuh-uh, wrong answer.”

  She struggled to pull her hand from mine as we flew down the stairs. I ignored her and everyone gaping at us when I stormed through the room and through a myriad of doors until we made it outside. As soon as the frigid air hit us, I released her hand and waved for her to follow.

  As we slipped down the ice, I said, “Do you smell that? It’s death.” I pointed at the tree line, not willing to get too close to the squid. “Those are real, Belva. And their screams? I still have nightmares.”

  Her face didn’t shine with fear, but excitement. “They’re beautiful. Look at their color, the color of this whole place. It’s paradise.”

  “Paradise? Jesus, I think you’ve cracked.”

  Her laugh tinkled through the thin air, causing the squid to perk up. The crazy part? They didn’t squeal.

  “I’m fine, Lena. Amazing, actually.” She laced her fingers with mine and ran for the pink monsters. “I want to see the woods!”

  She might be the pretty one, but she definitely wasn’t the smart one–or the strong one.

  With a hard yank, I pulled her back into the castle. “We’re not going anywhere near there without Tarek. It might look like a fairyland, but the place will kill you.”

  “So dramatic, but fine, you win…for now.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  When we joined everyone else, the fire managed to make the room cozy–too cozy. Mom had all the blankets folded in a stack on the trunks.

  I’ll bet Farren wished he’d put on shorts now.

  He and Tarek both had sweat soaking their shirts.

  “Sauna isn’t what we should be going for.” I pulled my hair into a short ponytail with the band I always had around my wrist. “I can barely breathe.”

  Tarek’s dimples appeared, making me forget to be irritated and uncomfortable. “Sorry. Not used to guests.”

  I went straight to his arms and tried to avoid the bigger sweat marks on his shirt as I leaned my head against his chest.

  He pulled me close, rubbing my lower back. “Jake? Open the door? We can at least get some air in that way.”

  “Yeah, okay. And after we make sure everyone is comfy, maybe we can all actually talk about what the hell we’re doing?” His eyes shined with what I’d classify as glossy, straightjacket crazy, his smile wide, showing off his crooked eyetooth.

  Maybe my bubble wasn’t taking it so well, after all.

  Mom got up to open the door, and then guided Jake back to the couch. She turned to us, not nearly as freaked out as her man. “He’s right. We need to know what to do. Sitting around isn’t accomplishing anything.”

  “Well, Teenesee said we need to close the lines, and so that has to be the objective,” I said.

  “And how do we do that? Ask the Synod nicely to stop being thieving assholes?”

  “Funny, Ginger. If that’s what you wanna do, have at it. But I was thinking more along the lines of seeking out True Wardens, trying to get them on our team.”

  Tarek’s arms tightened aroun
d my waist. “They had a connection with you in your last cycle. They may not want to deal with you…now that you know next to nothing.”

  He was scared. I’d be lucky if he let me do anything but stand right beside him. I tilted my face up for a kiss and he obliged. After a pat on his cheek, I went to stand by the couch, needing the space to think clearly. “I may not remember, but I am the person they trusted. If I explain, tell all the facts, I don’t think it’ll be hard to convince them that I want the same thing they want.”

  “These people, the Wardens, they’re strong, suspicious. They likely won’t give you a chance to explain.” Tarek wasn’t gonna give me an inch.

  “Well, Teenesee didn’t kill me when we went to Empyrean the first time. Give them some credit.”

  “That was different. You and she–”

  “We have to take the chance, Tarek.”

  “Not with you, we don’t.”

  Mom got up, shrugging off Jake’s grip. She stood next to me, her chin raised as she looked at Tarek. “Do you have a better plan? How do we stop this…this place from coming after Lena?”

  I almost interrupted to let her know there was a ton more at stake than me dying, but she shot me her I’m-talking look. I shook my head, held up my hands, and took a step back.

  Tarek’s eyes hardened and he adjusted his big body to stand straighter. “My plan is to keep her alive. I don’t much care about what happens outside of that.”

  Even Farren threw an incredulous look his way. “You serious? Fucking Exemplians just attacked their strongest ally, brother.”

  “This whole thing stems from Cassondra being pissed. We take care of her, the threat is over,” Tarek said. “Isn’t that what Avery warned? Cassondra seeking revenge? We’ll deal with that. Only that.”

  “There’s more than a grudge going on. They came to me, too, guns blazing. You know as well as anyone they’re usually more covert about that shit!”

  “It’s not Lena’s job to save the fucking universe.”

  I stood between Farren and Tarek when Ginger’s face got all blotchy and the stammering began again. “I get it,” I said. “We handle the imminent threat, but we’ve got a chance to do something. Really change something.”


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