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Gifts of Fate [Kindred of Arkadia 7] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 2

by Alanea Alder

  “We can do that. I bet a tree would be an incentive to leave the bar. I know Mojo has been working with him a lot lately. Poor kid is still terrified to leave the bar. Liam, Kent, are you guys available later to help with the town tree?” Aleks asked. Both men nodded. Aleks leaned in close to his mate.

  “You know I don’t like that texting,” Aleks grumbled in her ear.

  “That’s because your nosy self is used to being able to eavesdrop on all my conversations. Not anymore. Muwahahahaha.” Rebecca held her phone as if she were holding a light saber. “The force is with me.” She grinned.

  “Better watch it or…” Sebastian gasped and his hands went to his belly. Rebecca dropped her phone on the table and clutched her stomach.

  “Okay, I didn’t like that.” She frowned.

  “When was the last one?” Aleks demanded.

  “Three minutes and forty-one seconds ago,” Kent said, looking at his watch.

  “I feel funny.” Sebastian rubbed his lower back.

  “I’m calling Doc,” Liam said. He was reaching for his phone when Rebecca’s phone started to go off. Rebecca answered it.

  “Hey, Kate. Did you feel that?” she asked. Kate laughed.

  “More than you did. I’m in labor,” she said, sounding calm.

  “Kate, did you want to wear your gown?” Caleb asked in the background.

  “Yes, dear,” was Kate’s response.

  “Forget the gown, where in the fuck is Doc! We called him like an hour ago. Riley! Riley, go see if Doc is outside.” They heard Bran’s voice in the background grow louder then get softer as if he were pacing close to the phone and then away.

  “Bran, calm down. We called him about fifteen minutes ago. He should be getting here any minute.” Kate chuckled and then gasped.

  “Just breathe.” They heard Nic say.

  Rebecca felt the same fluttering around her midsection. She turned to Sebastian, who nodded.

  “So we’ve been picking up on you. Aleks and Liam were about to call Doc thinking we were the ones in labor. Oh my gosh, I can’t believe it’s time. How are you doing?” Rebecca asked.

  “I’m fine. It’s been kinda off and on all day. It’s just getting stronger now. Nic has been an angel. Our bond seems to be as strong as the ones you share with Sebastian and Ashby. He came over this morning when I first started to get the small cramps. This is second time around for Caleb so he seems to be doing okay. He’s not freaking out like Bran, but he has been staring at the dresser for the past couple minutes trying to remember which drawer I keep my nightgowns in.” Rebecca could hear the smile in her voice.

  “Hey.” Bran and Caleb protested at the same time.

  “Did you pick out names yet? I know you were on the fence about one of them,” Rebecca asked.

  “I think I’ll know for sure when I see them. I can’t wait to hold them.” Kate stopped and took a deep breath. Rebecca looked over to Kent who met her eyes. He looked down at his watch.

  “She’s under two minutes apart.”

  “Fuck! Fuck! Where is Doc?” Bran yelled.

  “I think I hear his car,” Caleb said.

  “I better let you go. They really aren’t handling this well,” Kate said.

  “Did you want us to come over?” Rebecca asked.

  “No, it’s okay. I have my mates and Nic and the pack. Besides, there’s no telling how long this will actually take. We’ll swing by the diner in a couple days to show them off. Oh! Okay that one hurt. Better run!”

  “We love you, Katie Bell,” Ashby yelled.

  “Bye guys!” Kate ended the call.

  “Wow, I can’t believe it’s time already.” Rebecca shook her head.

  “You know what Doc said. That one of you could set off the other two with false labor pains,” Liam said, eyeing his mate.

  “I feel fine. I’m just picking up on Kate, that’s all.” Sebastian kissed Liam’s hand.

  “Becca? How do you feel?” Aleks asked.

  “I feel like I have butterflies flying around my abdomen. But that’s it. Will it be okay for Kate to bring the babies out in a few days?” She rubbed her belly.

  “Shifter babies are a lot stronger than human newborns. In fact the fresh air will help them, their animals will get the scent of home. It’s very common for shifter newborns to be out and about the next day,” Ma explained.

  “Does that mean I won’t be stuck in the house after the baby is born?” she asked excitedly. Everyone looked at Aleks. Ma shook her head.

  “Maybe not you.” She smiled. Rebecca sighed.

  “Come on, baby, let’s head home,” Aleks said, standing.

  “Us too, kitten. I want to get you to bed,” Liam said, taking Sebastian’s hand.

  “Good luck, guys,” Rex called out.

  “Goodnight,” Rebecca said as Aleks helped her put her coat on.

  Walking hand in hand, they left the diner and stepped out into the snow. They waved as Liam, Kent and Sebastian walked in the opposite direction toward their car. Rebecca turned her face up and opened her mouth. She loved to catch snowflakes. She looked over to see that Aleks was watching her with a look of love in his eyes that seemed to touch her soul.

  “I love you,” she said simply, and watched his eyes darken.

  “I love you too. You are my entire world, Becca.” He took her in his arms and rubbed his cheek on her head.

  “Aloisius loves you too.” Aleks stepped back and eyed her suspiciously.

  “You’re really not going to name him Aloisius are you?”

  “Hi-mi-tsu,” she said, drawing out each syllable.

  “I told you that you could watch anime as long as you didn’t speak Japanese to me. What did that mean?” Aleks grumbled.


  “Why can’t you tell me?” he asked.

  “No. It means, secret.”

  She smiled and took his hand, heading toward their truck.

  “Becca. Baby? Aloisius? Really?” Aleks asked.

  Smiling, she kept walking, enjoying the sound her boots made in the snow.

  Christmas really was her favorite time of the year.

  Chapter 2


  Dec 20th into Dec 21st

  Kate cuddled Landon and Lucas close and breathed through another contraction.

  “That one was the worst one yet,” Nic panted. Through their bond he was getting echoes of her contractions.

  “I’m so sorry about this, Nic,” Kate said, feeling horrible. She never dreamed that he would be experiencing contractions alongside her. Morning sickness and cravings were one thing, but this was real pain and she wouldn’t wish this on one of her best friends.

  “It’s okay. This is probably the closest I’ll ever come to having kids. Besides, I wouldn’t trade our bond for anything. It’s worth some crazy-ass contractions,” Nic said.

  “You’ll find someone, Nic. Fate seems to be busy in Arkadia matching everyone up. I doubt she’d forget you.” Kate took a deep breath and exhaled.

  “How are things?” Doc asked, walking in with Felix.

  “What took you so long, Doc? I heard your car get here like ten minutes ago,” Kate asked. Doc raised an eyebrow and looked over to where Riley and some of the other wolves stood looking embarrassed.

  “Sorry, Kate, our wolves kinda freaked out. He’s a tiger and you’re our Alpha about to whelp. They didn’t want to let him in,” Riley explained, his cheeks burning.

  “Oh. Thanks, guys. I think. How’d you get in?” Kate asked.

  “I shifted my animal to wolf and brought him to the surface. Since he’s my mate, it helped,” Felix said, going to the long folding table they had set up in the room.

  “Felix, you are, as usual, fabulous.” Kate smiled as Beverly and Gina walked in. Kate kissed the wiggling twins and handed them off.

  “Good-night, boys. When you wake up in the morning hopefully you will have new siblings to play with.” Kate watched as Lucas waved a chunky hand.

Nigh Mama.” They called out.

  “Call me if you need me, Kate,” Beverly offered, and left with Gina.

  “Okay, people, let’s clear the room, non-essentials out,” Felix said. Nic stood as if to leave and Kate panicked.

  “Nic, you can’t leave! I need you. You’re my breathing partner.” Kate grabbed his hand.

  “I didn’t know, I mean Felix said non-essentials,” he said, looking down to where their hands were clasped.

  “You are essential, Nic! I don’t know what kind of screwed-up job Rebecca, Ashby, Sebastian and I have been doing lately, that you don’t know that. But you are. You’re one of my closest friends and I need you for this.” Kate refused to let go of his hand.

  Nic’s face transformed. His eyes brightened and he looked at Kate with a new sense of confidence.

  “Okay, let’s do this thing,” he said, taking his seat.

  “So, what do we do?” Caleb asked.

  “Caleb, you keep scraping Bran off the ceiling and help Doc.” Kate grinned before she felt a sharp pain rip across her stomach.

  “Deep breath in, short breaths out,” Nic said, his voice like a deep well of calm.

  Kate did as instructed and soon the pain subsided.

  She felt Doc lift her gown and spread her legs. Bran growled. Caleb smacked his shoulder.

  “Thanks, man.” Bran shook his head as if clearing it.

  “Trust me, Bran, even if I were straight, sights like this would have me looking at men,” Doc said, starting her pelvic exam.

  “Hey!” she yelled.

  He looked up and her and winked.

  “Oh. My. God!” Kate yelled. The pain radiated from her stomach to her back.

  “Focus on me, Kate. Breathe,” Nic said, smiling down at her.

  Kate looked up into his chocolate-brown eyes and did as he instructed. He didn’t know it, but she was using his eyes to focus and breathe. Over the past year she had noticed that her quiet friend felt things so deeply, but he never wanted to burden anyone with his problems. His eyes were always kind, always gentle. It was his eyes that made her feel like everything would be okay.

  She loved both her mates with every cell in her body, but they couldn’t do this for her. Both were too worried and anxious. Their feelings always showed in their eyes. She needed Nic’s calm presence and unwavering, patient gaze.

  “You’re doing wonderfully, Kate. I expect the first one to be coming any time now. How are you with the pain?” Doc asked.

  “Hurts like hell, but what are my options. Epidurals don’t exactly work on shifters.” Kate breathed through her next contraction, keeping her eyes locked with Nic’s.

  “Which is why your breathing partner is so important. Nic, I have to say you’re doing a wonderful job,” Felix complimented.

  “I was jealous, but not anymore. I can see why she needs him. Hell, he’s calming me down from across the room,” Bran admitted.

  “Well this party is just starting. Take a seat, gentlemen, it may be a while,” Doc said.

  Kate looked over to her mates.

  “I love you both.” She put her heart behind her words.

  “We love you too, Katie Bell,” Caleb said, taking her hand. She took a deep breath and braced for the next contraction.

  * * * *

  “Okay, one more push, Kate.” Doc ordered. Caleb stood on one side holding one leg, while Bran stood on the other holding the other.

  “I can see the head, Kate!” Bran exclaimed.

  “You can do it,” Nic whispered.

  “This is what you’ve been dreaming of for so long. One more push, Kate.” Nic squeezed her hand. Crying out and bearing down with every ounce of strength, Kate pushed. She felt a second of intense pressure and then relief. And then there was the sound she had been waiting her whole life to hear. Her baby’s cry.

  “It’s a boy, Katie, we have another boy!” Caleb shouted, tears streaming down his face.

  Felix took the baby to the side table and began to clean him up.

  “We’re not quite done, Katie, you got one more. How are you holding up?” he asked.

  “I’m tired. But I can’t wait to hold them,” she whispered through dry lips. Nic reached over and brushed her lips with a moist cloth. She smiled her thanks. Another contraction started.

  “Okay Kate, one huge push,” Doc yelled. Gritting her teeth she looked up at Nic, scared. She didn’t know if she had one more push left. His warm eyes filled with tears and he leaned in.

  “Hurry, Kate, this baby wants to meet its Momma,” he said. His words were exactly what she needed to hear. Taking a deep breath she pushed and pushed.

  “Another boy! Oh God, Kate, he’s perfect,” Bran cried. Nic collapsed in the chair next to the bed.

  Doc carried the baby over to the table for Felix to clean and collect information before turning back to Kate. He carefully massaged her lower stomach.

  “One more push, Kate, and then you’re done.” Kate nodded as she began to push to deliver the afterbirth. Heaving a sigh of relief as it left her body, she collapsed back onto the bed.

  Felix turned and handed a tiny wrapped bundle to Kate. With trembling hands she brought the baby to her chest. She looked down and couldn’t help the tears that streamed down her cheeks.

  “Hello, Merrick Bran McGregor,” she whispered, and kissed the baby softly on his head.

  Nic moved so that Caleb and Bran could lean in from either side of the bed. Felix, smiling, handed her the second baby.

  “Hello, Matthew Caleb McGregor.” She stared at the tiny souls in her arms. When she looked up she saw Nic watching them, tears dripping off his chin. He was feeling her bond with her sons. She looked down.

  “Welcome to the world, my boys. You have a large family that loves you very much. Including an Uncle Nic.” She smiled up at Nic.

  “Get over here, Nic, and meet our sons,” Bran said, wiping his eyes. Nic stumbled forward as if in a daze.

  “They are so small,” he whispered, his eyes wide.

  “They didn’t feel small,” Kate grunted.

  “Look, he has fingernails. Kinda,” Nic said, entranced.

  “Baby fingernails are the sharpest things on the planet.” Caleb laughed and ran his large hand over the babies’ heads.

  “You all did very well. I’m proud of you,” Felix said, packing up the small medical case.

  “Textbook perfect, Kate. Congratulations on the birth of your sons.” Doc offered his hand to Bran and then Caleb for a handshake.

  “Can we tell the pack now? I can hear them in the hallway. I bet they are dying to hear the official news.” Felix grinned.

  “Good idea. These little guys have an entire pack to meet.” Bran grinned. He walked over to the door and flung it wide.

  Riley, Gina, Beverly, and to Kate’s surprise, Baptista, waited in the hallway.

  “We have two more boys!” Bran yelled excitedly.

  “Hot damn! That is wonderful news, Alpha!” Riley grabbed Bran for a hug.

  Gina and Beverly walked in and went right to the bed to stand next to Nic. They leaned forward.

  “Oh, Alpha, they are perfect,” Beverly gushed. Kate felt a wave of pride wash through her.

  “How are Landon and Lucas?” She could see that the sun was starting to come up. Her other boys would be up soon.

  “Still sleeping soundly when last we checked,” Gina said.

  “Baptista, come meet your godsons,” Caleb called.

  “I wasn’t sure,” the large man said, stepping into the room hesitantly.

  “Well I am. If it weren’t for you, they wouldn’t be here today. Neither would I,” Kate said, tears filling her eyes at the thought of losing the two precious bundles in her arms.

  “I um, brought them toys,” Baptista said, holding up two small, old-fashioned teddy bears. Each was wearing sewn knightly armor which bore a regal crest.

  “Knights?” Kate asked. Baptista nodded.

  “I never had any children, but back before I
was turned, before Prince Gabriel saved me, I was a knight. During those times, we would foster children and raise them to follow in our footsteps as knights of the land. This is the closest I think I’ll come to fostering.” Baptista set the bears down on the dresser.

  “My sons will be truly blessed to have a godfather like you, Baptista.” Kate smiled.

  “We’ll just keep them away from David and Daniel.” Baptista grinned.

  “Where’s the fun in that?” Kate asked.

  “What are their names?”

  “Merrick and Matthew.”

  “They are strong names.”

  Caleb nodded to Bran and they walked over to the bed. They took the boys and passed Matthew to Nic, who instantly brought the baby to his chest. Caleb handed Merrick to Baptista, who looked like he was about to faint at any moment.

  “Kate, we were going to wait, but I think this is the perfect time to give you your Christmas gift, since you just gave us two more precious sons,” Caleb said, sitting on one side of the bed. Bran joined them on the other side of the bed.

  Bran handed Kate a small box. She looked from Caleb’s face to Bran’s before she opened it. When she saw what lay nestled inside she couldn’t hold back the sob that seemed to explode from her heart.

  Cushioned on white satin were two more gem charms for her necklace, each in the December birthstone. The bluish-green charms wavered as her eyes filled with tears.

  “I love you both so much, I don’t deserve you.” She pulled both men’s faces to hers for a three-way kiss. She pulled back to kiss first Bran and then Caleb soundly. They heard a sniffle and to everyone’s surprise, Baptista was the one wiping his eyes. Felix patted the large warrior on the back. Doc smiled at the trio of mates.

  “You have a beautiful family.” Baptista leaned in and gently passed Merrick back to Caleb. Nic returned Matthew to Bran.

  “Here’s your mommy and daddies,” Beverly said as she and Gina came in toting Landon and Lucas.

  “Mamamama Dadadadadada!” the boys babbled.

  Gina and Beverly placed them on the bed and let them crawl up to snuggle in close to Kate.

  “Landon, Lucas, these are your brothers. Merrick and Matthew.” Kate introduced the boys. Bran and Caleb kneeled down so that the newborns were eye level with their older brothers. Lucas leaned in and placed a gentle but sloppy kiss on Merrick’s head. Not to be outdone, Landon did the same for Matthew.


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