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Gifts of Fate [Kindred of Arkadia 7] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 7

by Alanea Alder

  “They’re your family too. But why do you say that?”

  “You go out of your way to make this feel like a home. That means a lot.”

  “Blame Rebecca.” He grinned and she rubbed noses with him.

  “I don’t want to be pregnant anymore!” Rebecca yelled.

  “Oh honey, your baby will come when he is ready,” Doc explained, rubbing her back.

  “Are you sure he’s not all curled up comfy for the winter?” Rebecca asked.

  Connor watched his brother-in-law fight to keep a straight face.

  “I’m sure that poor little guy is out of room.”

  “I don’t think I can do this six more times,” Rebecca complained.

  “Well you have at least six more to get through.” Aleks smiled down at his mate. She scowled up at him.

  “No way. This one is it.” She shook her head, sending her dark curls flying.

  “No form of birth control works. Trust me, I know.” Ma laughed. Rebecca just smiled.

  “I know one surefire way not to get pregnant.” She picked up a French fry and dipped it in her ketchup.

  Connor could see Aleks’s brows snap together. He could tell his older brother was mentally going through all known forms of birth control. Connor couldn’t help grinning. He knew what she meant. Suddenly Aleks’s mouth dropped.

  “You don’t mean that, do you, Becca?” he asked, sounding worried.

  “Little Aloisius is okay with being an only child.” She rubbed her belly.

  Connor couldn’t help it. He burst out laughing at his brother’s face. Liam looked over and winked at Connor. They had been teaming up to torture Aleks for years.

  Connor was about to chime in when his cell phone started to vibrate. He froze. He stood quickly and headed to Baby Central, using his fob to get in. He waited until the door shut behind him before he answered his phone.


  “We’re heading to the town square now.”

  “I’ll let them know.”

  “Thanks, and I’m sorry again,” Baron said.

  “Not your fault. See you in a bit.” Connor closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  When he walked out the diner was quiet and all eyes were on him. He met Gabriel’s haunted eyes and nodded. He watched as Gabriel leaned in, and so quietly he couldn’t hear what was being said, began speaking to his mate.

  Connor watched the joy drain out of Ashby’s face. The small man stood suddenly, clutching Arthur.

  “No!” he yelled. Connor looked over to his Ma and Pa and nodded. When he had arrived at the diner earlier that afternoon he had explained what was planned. He watched as his Pa stood and silently walked outside to begin herding the children who were caroling inside for hot chocolate.

  Ma walked over to where Kate, Nic, Sebastian, and Rebecca were trying to get answers out of a sobbing Ashby. Gabriel was talking quietly to David and Daniel. It was seconds later that they too dissolved into tears. Word spread quickly around the diner. Most of the patrons were shaking their heads.

  Connor looked up and held his hand out to Madison, and she quickly walked over and took it.

  “What do you mean that oily bastard is coming here!” Rebecca demanded, getting the story from Ashby between sobs.

  Kate turned to Rian.

  “RiRi, can you take my boys to Baby Central and watch over them? I’ll be standing with Gabriel and Ashby and I don’t want them anywhere near that son of a bitch.” Kate growled.

  “Can you take Lucian too?” Sebastian asked, handing the baby over to Damian.

  “Please?” Ashby asked, unable to wipe his tears with his son in his arms. Gently, Rex stepped forward and took tiny Arthur. Talon scooped up Landon and Lucas and Kaden helped Rian with Merrick and Matthew.

  “Don’t worry about these little guys. Nothing is going to come near them.” Rian growled and nuzzled Merrick’s cheek. Beau joined the lions in Baby Central to guard the door.

  Quietly, the group made their way outside into the cold, winter’s night. Inside, Ma and Pa kept things lively as the children headed in. Once the door to the diner was closed and they saw Pa’s silhouette through the frosted glass, they walked to the town square.

  Baron, Salsiby and three wolf shifters waited for them in the middle of town. Baron’s mouth was drawn in a tight line.


  “Baron.” Connor nodded.

  Baron turned to Gabriel and bowed.

  “Prince Gabriel, I am truly sorry for what I have to do.”

  Gabriel’s eyes had shifted to black.

  “It is not your fault. Neither myself nor my coven bear you any ill will.”

  Baron straightened.

  “Where is the feral? Can you hurry it up please? I would like to get back to celebrate this monster’s execution with Alpha Devon. After tonight, shifters everywhere will be safer.” Salsiby’s smile was smug.

  Connor took a step forward only to see that Caleb, Aleks and Liam had done the same thing. Gabriel remained exactly where he was but his black eyes began to smolder, turning to a dark red.

  “Careful, Gabriel, or we may have to put you down as well,” Salsiby jeered.

  David and Daniel stepped in front of their prince, growling low, their claws extended.

  “That is Prince Gabriel to you. As for putting me down, I welcome you to try.” Gabriel’s fangs lengthened.

  Behind them they heard multiple car doors shut. Baptista and most of the coven got out of their vehicles and surrounded Rhys. Slowly, in a stately manner, they walked forward to the center of town. At first Connor thought it was because they were acting as an honor guard but as they got closer he could hear the clanks of the metal chains securing Rhys’s hands and feet. The condemned man shuffled forward in a vacant daze.

  “My Prince, we gave him the last of your blood you had stored for him. He is calm for the moment,” Baptista reported. Gabriel nodded and swallowed hard. He took the chain lead from Baptista’s hand and walked Rhys forward.

  “Papa?” Rhys asked, confused. Connor looked on, fighting back his tears.

  “That’s right, Rhys, I am here. It’s Christmas, we’re out in the snow. You love Christmas, remember,” Gabriel explained gently, walking him in front of Baron.

  “I can’t watch.” Rebecca sobbed uncontrollably.

  Connor watched as Gabriel positioned Rhys to kneel with his back to the large Sentinel.

  “I am so sorry I failed you, my son. Please forgive me.” Gabriel leaned forward and kissed Rhys on the forehead. When he stood and faced the other leaders there were pink tears streaming down his cheeks.

  “No! It’s not fair!” Ashby cried. Rebecca broke away from Aleks and wrapped her arms around Ashby. Sebastian, Kate and Nic walked forward to help ease the small man’s pain.

  “It’s not fair.” He sobbed brokenly.

  “It’s not fair,” Kate repeated.

  “Not fair,” Rebecca said eerily.

  “Not fair,” Nic and Sebastian echoed. All five of them looked on, their eyes slightly unfocused.

  Connor looked at the semicircle the Inner Court had formed facing Rhys. His eyes moved to Gabriel and Aleks, and they, too, looked surprised.

  “It is law! Baron, what are you waiting for?” Salsiby demanded shrilly.

  Baron was staring at Rebecca.





  “Weapon.” Each member of the Inner Court spoke a different word.





  “Shield.” Once again, starting with Rebecca, then Ashby, followed by Nic, Kate and Sebastian, the Inner Court spoke a different word of the sentence.

  “Whatever you’re doing, stop it!” Salsiby demanded.





  “Fate.” Their voices no longer soun
ded like their own.





  “No wrong.” The voice that spoke through the Inner Circle was kind and gentle.





  “To you.” Rebecca shook her head and looked around.

  Gabriel’s eyes immediately went to Rhys, who stared back at them with the same blood-red eyes.

  “Some gift,” Salsiby scoffed. “Kill him,” he ordered. Baron gripped the sword hilt at his waist and hesitated.

  “You are under orders, now kill him!” Gritting his teeth, Baron drew his sword and held it in both hands in front of him.

  Rhys, oblivious to what was going on around him, began to sway back and forth gently.

  “Do it!” Salsiby screamed.

  Behind them, faintly at first and then growing louder, the sound of singing filled the streets. The children were singing “Silent Night” inside the diner. Connor looked around, and the entire scene took a turn to the macabre.

  Salsiby was reaching for Baron’s sword when Rhys opened his mouth. What emerged had everyone rooted in place. He tilted his head back and his throat worked as golden note after golden note lifted effortlessly into the night air.

  Rhys’s song floated through the street until the song from the children quieted and the door to the diner opened. Ma and Pa stepped out, looking enchanted. From behind them people left the diner to listen to the man kneeling in the snow.

  “Baron!” Salsiby yelled.

  “Wait!” Gabriel exclaimed, stepping forward. Rebecca and Ashby began to laugh and hug one another.

  Baron stepped around Rhys and looked down. His face broke out into a grin.

  Connor looked back to Rhys to see two brilliant green eyes looking out at them. As the song ended, Rhys sat back on his heels.

  “Baron, if you won’t kill him I will.” Salsiby grabbed the hilt of Baron’s sword. With an annoyed look on his face, Baron calmly backhanded the small, rodent-like man.

  “You hit me! You hit me unprovoked in Arkadia! I demand this man be banned from coming back here,” Salsiby screeched from the ground, blood pouring from his nose.

  “Technically I was defending an innocent Arkadian townsperson.” Baron grinned at Connor.

  “That’s right. You were about to kill an innocent man.” Connor stepped forward.

  “He is a monster!”

  “It seems we have a different idea of what is a monster, here in Arkadia,” Rebecca said, stepping forward.

  Salsiby turned to Gabriel.

  “You still can’t feed him. I know you have been checking for a supplier of shifter blood and came up empty. It’s only a matter of time before he kills.” Salsiby was helped to his feet by one of the wolf shifters he had brought.

  Rebecca frowned.

  “He lives in a town full of shifters, why do you think getting shifter blood will be an issue?” she asked sensibly, looking around.

  “I never wanted the townspeople to think we thought of them as food,” Gabriel admitted.

  “You are a damn moron!” Rebecca exploded. If he weren’t so worried about his sister calling the most dangerous vampire on the planet a moron he would have enjoyed the stunned look on Gabriel’s face.

  “I tried to tell him,” Ashby chimed in, standing next to his mate.

  “Of course we would help. Gabriel, whether you like it or not, you are family,” Ma said.

  “The vampires gave us blood when we needed it!” A woman yelled from the sidewalk in front of the diner.

  “They saved my son!”

  “And my wife!”

  Rebecca turned to the crowd.

  “Christmas blood drive! Use the emergency phone tree, let’s get people down here!” Rebecca bounced up and down on the balls of her feet. Immediately, people were reaching for cell phones.

  “I may be feeling better, but it may not be such a good idea to have me around a town of shifters donating blood. I’m just sayin’.” Rhys smiled tiredly from the ground.

  “We’ll get him home.” Roman stepped forward and pulled Rhys up before embracing the man.

  “It wouldn’t have been Christmas without hearing you sing.” Roman smiled at his friend.

  “Felix, let’s head to the clinic and start setting up,” Doc said, grinning from ear to ear.


  “I can help,” Baptista said, stepping forward.

  “This isn’t right! The council ruled that he be executed,” Salsiby contested.

  “Will someone please drag him out of here?” Rebecca asked.

  “Alpha Mother, if you would allow me?” Baron grinned.

  “Are you staying for the party tomorrow?” Rebecca asked. Baron shook his head as he grabbed Salsiby by the back of the collar.

  “No, I’m hosting the boy’s Christmas poker tournament this year. But thanks for the invitation.” He smiled and spoke politely as the small man thrashed around, not even making the large Sentinel budge.

  “Don’t just stand there, help me!” the oily lawyer yelled at the wolves. Baron swung his head around and simply stared at them.

  “Our job is done,” one said and all three hurriedly made their way out of town.

  “You actually brought some smart ones with you this time,” Connor teased.

  “You won’t get away with this. Baron, I’ll be speaking with your Commander!” Salsiby swung his arms in an attempt to strike Baron.

  Holding the man at arm’s length, Baron watched the lawyer in disgust. Without changing his expression he threw the man forcibly on the ground. Connor heard a bone snap.

  “I’m sorry, did you trip? Here, let me help you up.” Baron jerked him back up by the hair. He turned to Connor.

  “Well, let me head out. Merry Christmas, everyone.”

  “Bye, Baron, and thanks for taking the trash out.” Connor laughed.

  “Anytime.” Baron waved and dragged the lawyer out of town by the hair.

  “That man is super hot!” Rebecca sighed.

  “What is it about the military types?” Madison watched as Salsiby ‘tripped’ again.

  Aleks and Connor both growled at their mates.

  “Now that the sneaky lawyer is gone, what happened with you guys?” Madison asked, turning to Rebecca.

  She shrugged and looked at the other members of the Inner Court.

  “For me, it was like, the words weren’t mine, but I felt what she did. We just all felt it at the same time,” Ashby tried to explain.

  “She who?” Connor asked. Rebecca pursed her lips and tilted her head.

  “I think it was Fate. I think she has plans for him that didn’t involve being executed,” Kate said.

  “It’s nice to know someone is looking out for us.” Rebecca giggled.

  “On that positive note, I’m going to take the boys home. We’ll have a long day again tomorrow for the Christmas party,” Kate said as Bran and Caleb walked up with their boys. Rian handed Lucian to Sebastian and Rex passed Arthur to Ashby.

  “I’m not sure I’ll be able to sleep tonight,” Sebastian admitted, cuddling Lucian close.

  “Me either,” Nic said, yawning. Everyone laughed.

  Gabriel walked up from coordinating the vampires to assist in the blood drive.

  “You have no idea what this means,” Gabriel said, pulling Rebecca into a hug. Aleks growled and pulled Rebecca into his arms. Rolling her eyes, she winked at Gabriel.

  “You mean that someone else is giving their blood and saving someone I love? Yeah, no idea what that feels like. I want to make sure I’m one of the first to donate,” Connor said, though his words were meant to be light, they carried the weight of emotion with it.

  “As soon as they set up I’m heading over there,” Aleks said, kissing the top of Rebecca’s head. She sighed.

  “I can’t donate,” she said sadly. Connor slapped his forehead in disbelief. />
  “Rebecca, you’re the one who literally just kick-started this whole thing,” Madison reminded the tiny human.

  “Besides, you’re pregnant,” Ashby reminded his friend.

  “It’s just that Gabriel saved my baby, and I wanted to help Rhys, since he is like Gabriel’s child,” Rebecca explained.

  “You and your Inner Court worked a miracle. I believe that Fate was only able to work through you, due to your close bonds. You did save my child.” Gabriel, uncaring that she stood in her mate’s arms, kissed her cheek. She sighed happily and Aleks snarled. Both Gabriel and Rebecca ignored him.

  “Come on, everyone, let’s give up some red blood cells,” Rebecca cheered.

  Connor laughed and followed Madison to the clinic. She also stood in line to donate.

  “I insist on donating too.” Madison looped her arm through his.


  “Because without the vampires, Arkadia would have fallen, and I would never have met you,” she said quietly.

  “Fate knows best, doesn’t she?” Connor smiled.

  “Of course.” Madison rested her head on his shoulder as they waited for their turn to return the gift that had been given to them that summer.

  Chapter 8


  Dec 24th Sunset

  “I love Christmas trees!” Rebecca laughed in pure delight as the men secured the large tree in the center of town.

  “Becca, go inside, it’s cold,” Aleks said, tying off one side.

  “It’s winter.”


  “No.” Aleks sighed.


  “Okay, but only because I want some of Ma’s hot chocolate.” Rebecca blew him a kiss and walked back to the diner. She walked inside and saw that her friends were already setting up tables for their Christmas party. Ma sat in the middle of four Pack ’N Plays surrounded by babies and looking completely in her element.

  Her friends sat at the three tables closest to the Pack ’N Plays. None of the new parents wanted to let their babies out of their sight. The men walked in, bringing in a gust of cold air with them. Rebecca watched as Connor went to the counter to grab a cup of coffee. Out of nowhere a dark-haired, olive-skinned woman sauntered up to him. She leaned in, rubbing her breasts on his arm. Connor began to frown down at the woman.


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