Mogul (Price of Fame Book 3)

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Mogul (Price of Fame Book 3) Page 7

by Elizabeth Lynx

  Jon broke my heart when he walked away, but I didn’t wish for his career to suffer.

  “Took the last several days off. Personal time.”

  “Oh, Jon.” I took a step closer and was about to touch him when I caught an intense whiff and it wasn’t good. “Why don’t you come inside and take a shower.”

  “I couldn’t impose.”

  “It wasn’t a question.” I opened the door and moved back as he stepped inside.

  My sister came out from between the two curved staircases that lined the walls of the entry. At first, I didn’t see her behind the large, round inlay table with a dark blue pot overflowing with yellow and red flowers.

  It was her voice that gave her away.

  “Did something die?” Issa said and then made a gagging sound.

  “Yes, my pride,” Jon mumbled.

  “Jon, I didn’t see you there. What happened to you?”

  Jon grabbed my hand and gazed into my eyes. “I made a mistake. That’s what happened. I let Emmie go when I should have stayed and fought for you.”

  “Obviously,” my sister said with a snort. “I told you I was right, Emmie.” Then she turned back and left the way she came.

  I shook my head. Everything she told me was wrong but at least she was here to support me.

  “Fight for me?”

  “Yes.” Jon took a step forward with my hand in his and I held my breath for obvious reasons. “I miss you. You’re everything I never realized I wanted in life. I thought I’d go through life as a bachelor, but then you came along and challenged me. You saw through my lonely life and gave me exactly what I asked. And that was when I realized how much I didn’t want that. I wanted you.”

  Jon leaned in and was about to kiss me when I held my hand up to his mouth. “Perhaps we should speak after you shower.”



  I stood with a damp towel wrapped around my waist, my hair still dripping from the shower, and watched Emmie nervously nibble on her bottom lip. It was because of me that she sat on the edge of her bed with worry etched across her features and I hated that I did that to her.

  “No sex? Nothing at all?” she asked again.

  I had no plan when I came here this morning. For the first time in my life, I hadn’t prepared or considered all possible outcomes. I closed my eyes and rubbed my brow remembering how I looked and more importantly, how I smelled when I knocked on her door.

  The past several days had been brutal. I realized in that time that I was spoiled. My life, though not easy fighting for what I wanted, usually went my way. And when it didn’t go as planned, I changed tactics and made sure I was more than prepared the next time I came across a challenge.

  But I didn’t want to try with someone else. I didn’t want to be with anyone else. Emmie was the only woman who stole my dreams and conquered my heart by doing everything I ever wanted. And it broke me.

  I opened my eyes and saw she was still gazing at me with unsure eyes.

  “Yes, I think we should focus on dating. Just dating.”

  “Okay, but you told me you don’t date. You’re too busy with your career. And, I think with us working together on our film—”

  “Film?” My eyes widened, and I stepped closer but made sure to keep a healthy distance.

  She smiled, and it was both breathtaking and calming at the same time. “Yes, my script editor loved your script and I read it, too. Having a scrappy young heroine in film is big right now, so your script is perfect for one of Delarosa Films first projects.”

  I felt relief that the script I slaved over for six months to make sure it was perfect was good enough to be made into a movie.

  Screw waiting to hash out the details of our relationship, I walked over to Emmie and scooped her up in my arms. She gasped as I lifted her off the bed.

  “Jon, what are you doing?”

  “Showing you my gratitude.”

  “By carrying me around my bedroom?”

  I threw my head back with laughter. I loved Emmie’s sense of humor. She always knew exactly what to say. If a moment needed laughter, she could find the humor, but if someone required the cold hard truth, she knew exactly what to tell them. And I needed to hear that four days ago at the restaurant. She woke me up to the selfish and lonely life I led, and even if she didn’t end up with me, at least I could thank her for helping me see my life for what it was—lonely.

  “Embracing you. Thank you, Emmie, for making my dream come true.” I leaned over and kissed her cheek.

  That lovely blush appeared on her face and all I wanted to do was throw her down onto the bed and kiss her body until she unraveled for me.

  But instead, I gently placed her back on her pale green comforter and sat beside her.

  “You’re beautiful. And the past few days have been hard.” I scratched at the scruff on my chin. “I was too stupid to realize how lucky I was to have you in my life.”

  She sighed and her head came to rest on my shoulder. “I only went out with that dentist to get you to date me.”


  She lifted her head and turned to face me. “It was my sister’s idea. I’m sorry. I didn’t want to go out with the guy, but she swore you’d be open to dating me after that.” Emmie rolled her eyes. “Boy, was she wrong.”

  I stared at her for a moment. She was back to gnawing on her bottom lip and the guilt began to eat away at me.

  I shook my head in disbelief. “How fucked up is all this?”

  “I know and I’m so sorry. And I knew you wouldn’t want to date me after finding out, but I had to be honest. It wasn’t fair to you or Jay.”

  A soft tendril fell across her face and I tucked it behind her ear. “No, I didn’t mean you were fucked up. I meant all this.” I waved my hand around.

  She tilted her head and I went on, “You first tried to get me to sleep with you by crawling around on your hands and knees. Then I took your virginity on your desk at your office. Finally, I made all the decisions for us—where we would get together and if we could date. I’m surprised you’re allowing me to sit next to you at all.”

  She was silent for a moment. I was assuming, now that I said it out loud, she realized I was right. I wasn’t good enough for her and Emmie was coming up with a gentle way to ask me to leave.

  I had caused her enough pain; it was time I made this easy for her. “Thank you for the shower.” I stood. “I’ll grab my clothes and be on my way. If you want, I can make up an excuse so I won’t be at the engagement party today.”

  “You can’t.” Emmie’s eyes went wide as she got up.

  “It’s all right. I get it. When we first got together, you were honest about being unfamiliar with sex. Well, it’s time for me to admit I’m not used to relationships with the opposite sex. This dating thing is new for me. It was a learning experience for both of us, but now it’s over.”

  That was surprisingly harder to get out than I had expected. My heart was pounding in my ears and I had the strong desire to punch a wall.

  Her head tilted and that little crease on her brow that I would miss terribly appeared. “You really want to date me? Not just to keep having sex with me?”

  “Yes.” I lifted my hand to her arm with an intense need to touch her. “That’s why I suggested we abstain from sex. Only date. At least, for a while.”

  “What if I don’t want to abstain?” Emmie asked as she stepped forward and traced a finger down my chest. I shivered at the ticklish touch. My cock wasn’t helping things as it twitched beneath the towel.

  Her gaze dipped. “It seems you agree.”

  “I do, but I want to get to know you, too. Not just sex.”

  She fell to her knees and yanked the towel from my waist. My cock bobbed in front of her, fully erect. With the curve of her lips and the smooth touch of her fingers along my base, I wondered if I’d ever be able to let this woman go.

  “Besides, I threw your clothes in the laundry while you were in the shower. They�
�re still wet, so you can’t leave.” Her lips curved into a wicked grin.

  Just as she was about to open for me, I lifted her chin and said, “Are you sure? You don’t have to do this.”

  “I want to. When I first met you a few months ago at one of Hunter and Willa’s parties, I remember thinking you looked just like the man I used to imagine I’d end up with when I was little. So, when I made the decision to lose my virginity, I grabbed you at the New Year’s party. You turned me down and it was a shock but it woke me up, too. I realized I had been viewing sex with naïve eyes. It was time for me to take what I wanted both in and out of the bedroom. And right now, I want your cock in my mouth.”

  Her lips wrapped around the tip and my eyes rolled back in my head. I’d never stand in the way of anything Emmie wanted ever again.



  My legs were spread wide with my heels up on the desk. I was naked from the waist down and Jon stood in front of me with a frown.

  “I made reservations at Francesca’s for noon. We’re going to be late.”

  It seemed Jon loved our dates. Any chance he got over the past two weeks, he took me to a restaurant, the movies, and any typical date event he thought up. He was like a kid experiencing a way of living he never had before. And to witness him enjoying life caused a big problem in mine.

  I was falling in love with the man.

  “It will be quick. Come on, it’s been a while.”

  He shook his head and chuckled. “It’s been two days.”


  I noticed Jon had started to undo his belt buckle and lower his pants.

  “Okay, but only because you have the sweetest voice, the most seductive mouth, and the tightest pussy.”

  I groaned as my head fell back. He always knew how to sweet-talk me. My hand slid between my legs and I rubbed my fingers over my wet folds. He stared for a moment before picking up his pace.

  After he rolled on the condom, he pressed his tip to where I was wet and wanting.

  “If I do this, will you let me tell people about us?”

  That devil. He did that on purpose. Dangling his thick, juicy carrot right in front of me so I’d say yes.

  “You know we can’t. I’m trying to start a respected movie studio. If it gets out that I’m sleeping with the scriptwriter—”

  “And producer,” he added.

  I groaned. “Yes, and producer. Then no one’s going to take my company or your movie seriously.”

  His jaw flexed, but in the end, he relented. It was his cock or perhaps, my pussy, either way, he’d always succumb to sex.

  He slid inside with a rough thrust and my head fell back onto the desk. A blinding shock of pleasure curled my toes. Jon felt incredible inside, but he always did. Like his cock was made to fit inside me and work me into a frenzy.

  His thumb made its way to my clit because my man knew what I liked.

  “That’s it, Jon. Make me come,” I panted.

  My hips shifted, wanting more, but he held me down. His one hand gripped my hip while the other grabbed my shoulder. He stood over my body, sweat rolling down his neck and into his white shirt collar as he pumped into me.

  “Fuck, you’re so tight. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.”

  I knew it wouldn’t be long. He knew what I liked, and I knew what he liked.

  I reached back, gripping the edge of my desk as my red blouse slid up.

  My desk phone buzzed. It had to be Cynthia calling to tell me she’s back from her lunch break.

  Jon’s eye’s widened and he looked up toward the door. Had we locked it? Who knew?

  “Did you?” he asked breathlessly.

  “No, did you?”

  He shook his head. For a moment, he stopped. I whimpered as his thumb left my clit. Jon glanced at the phone as it continued to ring, then at the door, and finally, where his cock sat in between my legs.

  “Don’t you stop.” I narrowed my eyes and reached up to grab hold of his tie. Pulling him toward me, I said, “I know you, Jon. You don’t give up. You’re a doer. If anyone can come and make me come in under thirty seconds, it’s you.”

  His lips thinned but he nodded. “Grab the back of your knees, Emmie. And hold on.”

  I did as he said. His thumb resumed its rightful place on my clit and as he picked up his pace and flared his nostrils, my heart tripped over his dedication to give me exactly what I wanted.

  Jon was sweet, giving, and always loyal. But when it came to sex, the man was a dog. He fucked me at the drop of a hat wherever I wanted.

  I never thought I’d be lucky enough to get a guy like him.

  “I can’t hold on much longer,” he said with a grunt.

  I felt his balls slap my ass as my pussy tightened. It was time to let go as Jon worked hard for my climax. As I tripped over the edge and moaned out his name, I wondered, was this love?


  There was a knock at my office door. I pushed Jon off me as there was no time to glow in the aftershocks of our mutual climax. Heck, I didn’t even know if he had come. If he hadn’t, I’d make sure he had an after-lunch treat.

  I hopped off the desk onto wobbly legs and managed to pull down my dress. I had no idea where my panties were as I scurried into my office chair. Jon tripped over his pants but managed to hop back up and pull them up in time for when the door opened.

  “Emmie? Oh, there you are,” Cynthia said with an uncomfortable and surprised smile plastered on her face.

  “Yup, I’m here. We hadn’t had a chance to go to lunch. Working hard on this script.” I pointed to my laptop, which was currently closed. I glanced at Jon, who was leaning against my desk to appear casual as he gulped air. His back was to Cynthia, and I noticed he hadn’t completely zipped up his pants.

  I grabbed a pad of paper and a pen and waved them in the air as if that explained everything.

  “Okay. Well, I wanted to let you know that Edith left you a message.” Cynthia came over to my desk and placed the paper in front of me.

  The awkwardness in the room was so thick I wondered if Cynthia would have to take up swimming to leave the room. As she turned, she glanced at something on the edge of my desk.

  I looked over and my eyes went wide.

  My red lace panties.

  There was nothing I could do but stare. She stared, as did Jon. We all stood in the room of awkward gawking at my red panties.

  “Lingerie,” I blurted out.

  Both heads turned to me.

  I stood and snatched the undies from my desk.

  “A lingerie line. I was considering that for Delarosa’s next endeavor.”

  “Oh, uh, I don’t remember setting up a meeting with any clothing line.”

  I frowned and shook my head a little too furiously. “You wouldn’t have. I like to do things in secret first before I tell anyone. Like our popular baking show on our Vidtube channel. I never told anyone that I went and secretly filmed someone baking.”

  That didn’t sound good at all. Cynthia’s eyes went wide and Jon looked as if he smelled a fart.

  “What I meant to say was I got permission, of course, to film the baker, but told her I was using the footage for personal use.” I winked.

  Wow. That sounded even creepier.

  “What else have you filmed?” Cynthia asked as she slowly backed away from my desk.

  “Nothing. I hadn’t. Oh, never mind. Just forget everything I just said.”

  “Okay, I’ll be back at my desk.” Cynthia turned and ran out of the room.

  “I think that went well,” Jon said just before bursting into laughter.

  “Hardy har har,” I deadpanned as I stood and slipped my panties back on.

  Jon came over and slipped his arms around me. “It’s my fault. I’ve corrupted you.”

  Wiggling my eyebrows, I said, “The best kind of corruption.”

  We kissed, and at that moment, everything felt perfect. I knew once this movie was made,
I could eagerly let everyone know we were a couple.

  “Ready for lunch?” he asked as he pulled away and finally noticed his zipper and pulled it up.

  “Yeah, let me see what Edith called about and then we can go.”

  I furrowed my brow as I picked up the paper.

  “Jon . . . please tell me this isn’t true?”



  “I just thought New York would be pretty in the spring. That’s all,” I said as I rode the elevator with Tabitha.

  “I’m proud you wrote a script, Jon, and it’s getting made, but you know more than anyone that indie budgets for films are tight. Filming any time of year in New York is expensive. Is it supposed to take place there?”

  “No. But I guess it went a little to my head. I was excited.”

  Emmie was pissed when Edith, her location scout and production manager, left her a note that said I was being unreasonable about locations. Which, I hadn’t thought I was at the time and defended myself to Emmie. But now that it was all sinking in, I was being a brat.

  I shook my head. I used to laugh at directors and scriptwriters who had grandiose plans for their movies but when they learned the costs, their ideas changed radically and green screens were used.

  “It’s been almost a week . . . I’m sure she’s cooled off.” Tabitha patted me on the back as the elevator door to Emmie’s office floor opened.

  Lunch last week was uncomfortable. I wouldn’t budge on script changes because I wrote it, not the person Emmie had overseeing the production. And as the producer, I had a say on film location. Then my suggestion of, not only New York City, but inside the Statue of Liberty, didn’t make her happy.

  That I was lenient about. It didn’t have to be New York. We could film in Boston.

  We had a tiff—a lover’s quarrel was the way I looked at it. Every time I asked her to dinner this past week, she explained she was busy. If problems when working together were going to cause us problems with seeing each other outside of work, perhaps I should take my script to another studio. A bigger studio who could offer more of a budget.


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