Mogul (Price of Fame Book 3)

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Mogul (Price of Fame Book 3) Page 8

by Elizabeth Lynx

  I decided to bring that up to Emmie at the meeting.

  As Tabitha and I emerged from the elevator, I saw Cynthia look up. She held up her finger and hung up the phone.

  “Ms. Delarosa is currently meeting with someone. If you two could wait, I’ll let her know you’re here.”

  We went to sit on the chairs by the window.

  “I still can’t believe Kaitlin dumped us,” Tabitha said.

  That’s why we were here. To let Emmie know we were no longer Kaitlin’s representation. It was the weirdest thing. Kaitlin sent us an email asking to get out of our contract. That she was quitting the business and wanted to start a farm in Missouri.

  I had clients want to break contracts before, but that was when other agents offered them better deals like a potential in on a big-budget movie. Or, the client was on drugs and claimed Tabitha and I were stealing their money.

  They usually found out it was the high cost of constant drug use that was eating up their money, not their agents.

  But to have a client leave show business completely for farm life . . . well, that was a new one.

  “I hope Emmie isn’t too angry that she no longer has a star for her lifestyle show,” I said and felt like I was bad luck for Emmie when it came to her job.

  But she was an adult. She wouldn’t end things just because our business life was a bit rocky.

  The door to her office opened, and I heard Tabitha gasp. My eyes blinked in surprise as I watched the disgusting creep touch Emmie’s hands. Without even thinking, I got up and swiftly moved across the room. When I got there, I shoved him back.

  His dark, beady eyes widened as much as they could.

  “Jon, what are you doing?” Emmie said as her hand pulled at my arm.

  But it was too late. Doug Dinger was touching the woman I loved and that was the last thing I had ever wanted.

  “Keep your hands off her, Dinger,” I snarled as I tightened my grip on his shoulder. He winced because he was weak like that.

  “Ow, what the hell, man?” he asked as he tried to shake himself free.

  “Jon, you need to let go of him,” Tabitha said right behind me.

  “Jon, please,” Emmie said, and I relented.

  Dropping my arm, I took a deep breath. It had Dinger stink all over it, like a raccoon trapped under the greasy hood of a car.

  “What is wrong with you?” He adjusted his suit jacket that was so shiny, I thought I’d have to put on sunglasses.

  “You. That’s what’s wrong.”

  Doug smirked. “Look, I can’t help it if your client likes me better.”

  Both Tabitha and I looked at each other in confusion. He didn’t have one of our clients.

  “Now he’s got a concussion. Great, Jon, he can sue.”

  “I don’t have a concussion. I’m talking about Kaitlin. I signed her yesterday. Just stopped by to tell the beautiful Ms. Delarosa.” He rolled the r on his tongue like an ass as he tried to reach for her hand to kiss it. I stepped forward to cut him off.

  “But she said she wanted to move to a farm and didn’t want to be in the business anymore,” Tabitha said slowly.

  Dinger frowned and tried to pat my sister’s shoulder, but she cut him off. “I suggest you don’t touch me if you plan to have your hand to fondle yourself with tonight.”

  He held up his hands. “I get it. Don’t want to mix business with pleasure.” He winked at her and I knew she’d make sure he’d regret that.

  “Perhaps it’s time to leave, Mr. Dinger. I do have an appointment with the Harringtons.”

  He nodded and a shiny piece of his slicked-back dark hair fell in his face.

  I watched him head to the elevator and made sure he stepped on. When the doors closed, I turned to Emmie. “He’s representing Kaitlin?”

  “That’s what he said. He had paperwork with him. I still need the company lawyers to go over it, but it looks like he’s representing her.”

  “That son of a bitch. He got us,” my sister said, practically foaming at the mouth. “I always stayed on top of him and anytime I felt him get near a potential client, I’d cut him off. I fucked up this time.”

  She didn’t screw up, I did. Being with Emmie has thrown me off. I was acting like a spoiled, demanding producer with my script, I was barely functional when Emmie and I broke up, and now that I wasn’t paying attention, Dinger got Kaitlin.

  “It was me.” I took a step back and contemplated if this was it. Was this the moment of burnout? I heard it happened to a lot of agents, some even broke down and had to spend time in a “spa” to recuperate. Would that be my fate?

  I looked into my sister’s gray eyes and felt guilty. I let her down. I put the business she had worked hard on for ten years in jeopardy by losing a big client because I was letting my heart cloud my judgment.

  As I glanced over at Emmie, her hypnotic golden eyes filled with concern, I felt shame. I was too much of a coward to admit what I wanted to do to Doug when he touched Emmie. That man was a slime ball, and I had heard stories about how he took advantage of his position to get women to do things they never wanted to do.

  I messed up. I lost a client. I might lose my movie. And I lost the respect of my family and the woman I loved.

  Something was wrong with me, and I needed to get away until I found out what that was.

  “I’m so sorry.” I nodded to both of them. “I thought I knew what I was doing. I thought I had it all together, but I realized I knew nothing.” I turned and went to the elevator.

  “Jon, where are you going?” Emmie called out.

  I didn’t answer. It was best if I wasn’t in her life anymore.



  “No, not like that. As if you’re wiping a newborn’s bottom.” My mother moved the spoon around the pot showing Kaitlin how to make her arroz con camarones.

  “So, shrimp and rice. Why not chicken and rice?” Kaitlin smiled toward the growing crowd that had filtered into the kitchen.

  My mother frowned. “They only had Dashelle Farm’s chicken at the store. I won’t use anything they make.”

  “Okay. I hope they don’t sponsor us.” Kaitlin giggled and got a few laughs from the crowd.

  Live Life Home successfully debuted today on Vidtube and my mother insisted on throwing a celebration at our house.

  My mother took the spoon from Kaitlin and shook her head. “I suppose it’s similar to the shrimp and rice you’re used to, but it’s better.”

  My mother turned to the crowd, and I knew she was in her element—food and entertaining. I watched the star of the show be outshined by a woman thirty years her senior.

  “This is a recipe that my mother taught me when I was eight. And when my daughters turned eight, I taught it to them. Much to my disappointment, neither of them can cook.”

  Kaitlin stepped forward and put her hand on her chest. “Then I’m honored that you chose me to teach it to.”

  My mom’s golden eyes slid to her as she said, “You can’t cook, either. But it’s your party, so I thought I’d be nice.”

  The crowd erupted in laughter.

  “Oh my God, you two are hilarious,” Willa said as she pushed her red hair off her shoulder. “Like a modern Abbot and Costello.”

  I felt someone slide up next to me and realized it was Niki.

  Niki elbowed me in the side. “They really do have chemistry together.”

  She was right. I’m glad I already have her signed up for a few episodes of Live Life Home?

  Willa ran up to us and tugged on my sweater. “Please tell me you’re giving your mom her own show.”

  I smiled at my friends, happy they could join me in celebrating my new show. It seemed I had been celebrating so much for them lately with Willa’s new album and rock star fiancé and Niki’s new-found fame as an actress. It’s nice to share my success with them, too.

  “I don’t know about her own show, but perhaps a few episodes in Kaitlin’s.”

  Willa lowere
d her voice as she leaned toward me. “I heard Kaitlin dropped Jon as her agent. Is that true?”

  I nodded. “Doug Dinger is her agent now.”

  “Dinger? Oh no,” Niki said.

  “What’s wrong with him? He seems a bit sleezy, but he worked hard to negotiate a good deal for Kaitlin.”

  Niki bit her lip and glanced around. “Can I talk to you privately?”

  I nodded and Niki, Willa, and I moved out of the kitchen and toward the stairs. Despite Niki mentioning talking to me privately, we all knew that meant the three of us. That’s how it always had been and always will be.

  I led them into the exercise room.

  Willa glanced around. “Do you actually work out in here?”

  “No, but my mother won’t come in here. She swears it’s haunted.”

  “She’s superstitious, isn’t she?” Niki asked.

  Willa laughed. “Emmie’s superstitious, Maria Delarosa blesses every room she walks into, including the bathroom at McDonald’s.”

  “She did that once, and to be fair, it was a really sketchy McDonald’s,” I said compelled to defend my mom despite Willa’s words being totally accurate.

  “Anyway, what I wanted to tell you, Emmie, was that Doug Dinger isn’t a good man to have around. He’s done some things, particularly to the women he’s worked with.”

  “What kinds of things?” I asked and began to realize I made a mistake tonight.

  “Doing things sexually to women without their consent. And he knows enough big people in Hollywood that he can make these women’s lives difficult if they say anything. So, he’s still out there, doing what he does. And now Kaitlin is his client . . .”

  “Shit,” Willa said with wide green eyes.

  I sat on the bench as a million thoughts went through my mind. The first idea was to call Jon, but I hadn’t seen or heard from him in five days. And when I reached out to Tabitha, she told me she hadn’t heard from him, either.

  I left messages on his voice mail inviting him and Tabitha to the party in hopes that he’d show but he never did. My mother signed with Harrington Talent Agency a few days ago. She was, after all, going to be on my new show. She needed representation, and I knew Tabitha and Jon would look after her.

  “There’s a problem,” I said.

  Niki and Willa gazed up at me as I took a steady breath.

  “I invited Doug Dinger to the party. Since he’s Kaitlin’s new agent, I didn’t think anything of it.”

  “I thought that was him but he was headed into the bathroom, so I didn’t get a good look,” Niki said.

  “Double shit. Is Tucker here? He was in the Marines. He can put the moves on Dinger,” Willa asked Niki.

  “Yeah, he’s here. I’ll go talk to him.”

  I grabbed Niki’s arm before she ran out of the room. “Wait. As far as we know he hasn’t done anything at the party. I’ll just politely ask him to leave. If I have to, I’ll make up some excuse to get him out. He won’t try anything in a house full of people.”

  Niki nibbled on her lip but nodded. “Okay. It’s your home but if you need help Tucker’s in the kitchen with everyone else.”

  Both women left the room with Willa mentioning she’d find Hunter and let him know, too.

  I sat there for a moment as the past few months came swirling into my head. All the mistakes I made with Jon and no matter what I did, my life became even more complicated. This mess with Kaitlin, her new agent, and of course, Jon’s script.

  Normally, I’d be on top of this before it got out of control but that’s when I didn’t have a man in my life. Maybe my mother was right—never let a man get in the way of what you want in life.

  My company was like a second family to me and it was taking a hit. I guess Jon did me a favor by walking away.

  I made my way back downstairs and heard the doorbell as I passed through the entryway. Issa turned the corner and I asked, “Can you answer the door? I have to go speak to someone.”

  “Yes. Ma tried to pull me into her little cooking demonstration. Now I have an excuse as to why I was sneaking away.” She smiled as she walked toward the door.

  As I turned the corner and entered the kitchen, I noticed Doug in the back of the crowd. His hand was hovering near a woman’s ass. I cleared my throat as I approached. His head turned and a wide smile appeared on his face.

  “Emmie, what a great show. And this house. It’s beautiful.” His eyes slid up and down my body. “Kaitlin’s a natural. It’s as if your show was created for her to be in it.”

  I gazed around and found Niki and Willa talking to Tucker and Hunter. “I was hoping we could speak privately.”

  “Of course. I’m all yours.” He opened his arms wide as if he expected me to hug him.

  It was weird and creepy, and I regretted ever mentioning his name to Cynthia when she asked for a list of people to invite to the after-party.

  “Follow me.” I turned and made my way out of the kitchen. My home office was farther down the hallway, far enough away from people that I knew we wouldn’t be bothered.

  Once I ushered him inside the small room, I shut the door. When I turned to face him, I was surprised by what I saw.

  In those few seconds I had my back to him, he had managed to pull down his pants and had his tiny penis in his hand. His eyes were slits, and he was quite aroused.

  While it was shocking and highly inappropriate, it was also amusing. Doug looked pathetic and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  He didn’t seem to like that.

  “What’s so funny?”

  I shook my head and tried my best to pull back my laughter but the more I tried, the more I couldn’t stop. I started to snort.

  “I’m, oh God, so . . . not meant to . . .”

  My chuckles overtook everything, and I could no longer form words.

  “I guess it’s a little shocking to see such a large dick.” He tried to sound smooth but that made everything even more hysterical.

  Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I heard him yell, “Stop laughing!”

  But I couldn’t. I leaned against the wall, hoping to catch my breath but nothing I did or he did helped.

  My sight was clouded with tears so I couldn’t see him come up next to me. I thought he was going to storm out the door, but he didn’t. Doug grabbed my hair and pulled me across the room.

  That did it. The humor of the moment died with the first yank and I winced in pain.

  “If you don’t shut up, I’ll have to make you,” he snarled.

  He bent me over the table, and I tried my best to push back but he was strong.

  All I could think to do was scream.



  “Where have you been?” Issa asked, standing at the front door with her arms folded.

  “It’s complicated. I know I’m late. Is the party still going?”

  She glanced back for a second and then leaned against the door, sizing me up. “Maybe. Why’d you disappear? My sister was worried.”

  I flexed my hands wishing I had worn gloves. It was the beginning of March but that didn’t mean it wasn’t still cold.

  “It’s not like I’ve been gone for weeks. Five days. I needed time to find out about a few things.”

  “What are you? Some secret agent?”

  In a way, I wished I had a secret government clearance. Then it wouldn’t have been so hard to uncover what I had on Doug Dinger.

  “No, just a talent agent.”

  She stood back and waved a hand for me to come inside. “The party’s not over. Everyone’s in the kitchen. My mother and Kaitlin are wowing them with a cooking demonstration.”

  “Is it good?” I glanced around the elegant foyer and rubbed my hands together to warm them up.

  Issa shut the door. “Of course. My mom should be a star. She’s more entertaining than Kaitlin. I think Kaitlin knows it and isn’t too happy that my mom’s stealing everyone’s heart.”

  Normally, my interest would be pique
d, but I was more concerned about finding Emmie. It had been hard staying away for so long, but I had to. At first, it was my emotions keeping me away. I honestly believed I was the cause of all her problems, but I was also bitter about Kaitlin dumping Harrington Talent Agency.

  I called up Tucker, who wasn’t my favorite person in the world, but I knew he could help. He works in IT and served in the military. I knew he’d know someone who could help me figure out something that had been eating away at me about Kaitlin’s email.

  “Where’s Emmie?”

  Issa threw her thumb behind her and said, “I think she’s in the kitchen with everyone else.”

  I nodded and headed there. As I entered the room, I saw a crowd of people gathered around the island in the middle of the room.

  Standing on my toes, I glanced around for a short woman with silky brown hair and the most perfect ass on the planet.

  I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around.

  “Hunter, hey,” I said and then noticed Tucker, Niki, and Willa behind him.

  “You looking for Emmie?” the rock star asked as he pushed back his long, dirty blond hair.

  “Yeah, have you seen her?”

  “I think I saw her go down the hall.” Niki pointed out of the kitchen.

  I began to move but felt a hand on my arm. It was Tucker. It still surprised me about his leg, but I tried to keep that out of my expression as I gazed at him.

  “Jon, there’s something I found that you need to know.”

  I was hesitant. Tucker had tricked me in the past—he was always like that. He always messed with people but his brother, Hunter, loved him. And since Hunter was my client, I tolerated Tucker.

  And now that he helped me with figuring out Kaitlin’s email, I liked him more. But that still hadn’t changed him. Tucker would always be a trickster.

  “What do I need to know?” I folded my arms, waiting for the punchline.

  “Seriously, this isn’t a joke,” Tucker said as if reading my mind.

  “Okay, I’m listening.”

  “Doug Dinger isn’t even his real name,” Tucker said.

  “It’s true. I was there when Tucker discovered that,” Niki said as she stepped closer to us.


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