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Rozalyn 4

Page 1

by Shan

  Copyright © 2013 by SBR Publications. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission from the publisher (SBR Publications), except by a reviewer who may quote a brief passage to be printed in a newspaper or magazine. For information please contact the publisher.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page












  11 TARON

  12 TAMAR


  14 JAMIR

  15 TARON

  16 TAMAR


  18 JAMIR

  19 TAMAR


  21 TARON

  22 TAMAR


  24 JAMIR



  27 TARON

  28 JAMIR

  29 TAMAR















  This is for my little ones, for whom I do everything in life for. Mommy loves you all!!


  Thank you Jesus!! Another one completed. Without you, this wouldn't even be possible.

  If you have ever read a Shan book, told someone about a Shan book, shared a Shan book, or just flat out supported a Shan book in anyway--please insert your name here----->___________ I truly thank you for your support!!! And that is from the bottom of my heart. LOVE YOU!!!!!!



  “Bitch, I fuckin’ hate you! This is your fuckin’ fault!” Kari yelled.

  Kari knocked me in the head with the butt of the gun; the blow sent me flying to the marble kitchen floor. Kari stepped over me and stormed into Rozalyn’s direction. She knocked her over and ended up falling on the floor along with her, where she started punching her repeatedly in the face.

  Rozalyn reached up and hit Kari a few times until she rolled off of her onto her back. Rozalyn grabbed at her cane, stood to her feet, and was about to hit Kari with the cane until she noticed her swollen abdomen.

  “Yes, I’m pregnant with his child bitch! I’m not going anywhere! I’m going to remain in the picture!” Kari yelled as she climbed to her feet, retrieving the gun from the floor.

  I shook off the dizziness I was feeling, rolled over onto my stomach, and got up on my feet. I ran over to the two of them just as they began to fight again. They started punching each other back and forth, Kari having the advantage because of the gun. Just as I went to grab the gun out of Kari’s hand, she stepped back and began firing.

  “Roz, watch out!” I yelled.


  I waited for the effects of the bullets to take over but nothing happened. Kari hit the floor with a loud thud and blood leaked from an area around her back. No lie, I immediately felt a twinge of fear and regret. Kari was carrying my baby and regardless of if I wanted to be with her or not, it was my seed that was at risk.

  I looked at my brother, Taron who tightly gripped a .38 special and held onto his side. After seeing that Kari was down, he dropped the pistol and stumbled to the ground.

  "Rozalyn call for an ambulance," I said and ran over to my brother. Thankfully, he wasn't out cold but I could see the wound had him struggling to breathe. "Bruh, you a'ight?"

  "Did I kill…kill that bitch?" Taron asked with a smirk lining his face.

  "I don't know, but Roz calling for an ambulance," I said shaking my head. Kari being dead meant that my shorty was possibly dead as well. I wish I could celebrate getting rid of her crazy ass but the soft spot I had for my shorties wouldn’t allow me to. I wanted to go check on her but knew it was best to stick by Taron's side.

  Kari had threatened to kill me and Rozalyn time-and-time again. She'd damn near offed me not long ago; now here she was close to killing my wife and my brother at the same damn time. I wasn't the type to involve the authorities for nothing in the world, but this time it seemed as if I didn't have a choice.

  Everybody knew I had no problem putting two to Kari's head and calling it a day, but not while she was pregnant with my youngn’. Her crazy ass needed to be locked up some damn where until she gave birth and then would her fate be decided.


  3 months later

  Walking down the dimly lit hall, I took in a deep breath and prepared myself for what was to come. This walk was one that I had blatantly avoided for as long as possible, but the time had come that I man-the-fuck-up. I could sit up all day long and pretend like I'm thinking about wifing another bitch…and Rozalyn can play crazy like another nigga was gonna be raising my kids; but we both know differently.

  My family means everything to me and a few slip-ups on both our parts wasn't going to change that shit. What we had was unbreakable and anybody wishing for that shit to change can fuck off. My wife belonged to me. Other niggas might have tested it, wished to have been me while in it, but that pussy will always remain mine.

  The first one in it, so best believe I'll be the last to hit it. ‘Til death do us part…if I didn't mean any other vow on my wedding day, I very well meant that one.

  "Come in!" I heard a petite voice say after I tapped on the office door. Pushing the door open, I immediately spotted the most beautiful woman alive sitting and waiting very impatiently for me to arrive. Her bottom lip had to be bleeding from the tremendous amount of force she was putting on it.

  "Sup? My bad, I had an emergency," I acknowledged and took a seat next to Rozalyn.

  "No problem, we were just getting acquainted with one another. I'm Doctor Eppinger and I'm going to be with you guys for the next six weeks." Dr. Eppinger rose from her seat and walked around to the front of her desk. She leaned against the edge of it and damn I couldn't help but notice the sexiness of her curves in the skin-tight skirt she wore.

  Her mocha complexion was smooth with a touch of make-up and she wore her hair in a neat bun. Her preppy look almost reminded me of Kari. I couldn't help but wonder if it was all a front just like it had been for Kari. Her stilettos put true definition behind her calves and made her slender frame a work of art.

  "Oh I ain't miss nothing?" I questioned while looking at Rozalyn. "Stop biting your lip. Damn…I'm here."

  "No, Rozalyn was just giving us a little background on your relationship. She explained there are issues of physical and mental abuse as well as infidelity from the both of you. Do you have something you would like to add?"

  I gritted my teeth and once again took a look at Rozalyn. This time, I wasn't so fucking nice with the eye contact I made. Although, I agreed to it in the beginning, this was
exactly why I didn't wanna come to no shit like this. I didn't wanna go talking about none of that irrelevant shit. Haven't put my hands on Rozalyn in a minute.

  A couple of times, I yanked her by her hair or shoved her but that was only when she forgot who the fuck she was talking to. Bringing that up to a therapist wasn't going to fix why she had to go and have an affair with my best friend and a client.

  "My biggest issue is the cheating. Rozalyn is a sneaky cheat, I wanna know why she’s doing it, and if there’s some other shit I don't know about."

  "What do you mean why I'm doing it?" Rozalyn asked as she sat forward in her seat. The jet black bob cut she wore brought on a look of sophistication and sexiness that I’d never seen in her before.

  "Tamar wants to know why you're cheating. Can you help both him and me to understand it?" Dr. Eppinger asked, tilting her head to the side as we both stared in anticipation of her answer.

  "I only cheated because he cheated. He hurt me so, I wanted him to hurt back. It wasn't only the cheating that had me stepping out. It was the unnecessary beatings and verbal attacks that I took whenever he was in the wrong-- Everything he could possibly do to….---" Rozalyn froze up as a path of tears cascaded down her face. "I'm sorry."

  "It's fine. Take your time." Dr. Eppinger handed Rozalyn a Kleenex, and I just sat back and folded my arms. Here she goes playing this blame game shit. If everything was so fucking bad like she claimed it was, why not just leave? She waited in the cut until Shalea was out the picture, birthed my seed, and stayed the fuck around. If she had planned on giving the pussy up to my best friend on some revenge type shit, she should've told me that from the jump. Guaranteed we would've never been where we are today.

  "Basically, Tamar doesn't like to take responsibility for his actions. When he gets frustrated or called out on…he used me as a punching bag or slept with other women."

  "What the fuck? You gonna--"

  "Tamar let her finish." Dr. Eppinger cut me off and I cut my eyes so coldly at her that she looked away rather quickly. She pretended to check the tape recorder on her desk and then slyly gaze at me before looking back at Rozalyn.

  "I slept with Brandon because I wanted revenge for the way Tamar had been treating me; and because Brandon loved me in a way that Tamar never has and maybe never will." Rozalyn continued and the anger I felt shot through every vein in my body. I bolted out of my seat and proceeded to walk out of the office.

  She promised she would put everything on the table and keep it all the way one hundred, but damn. Fuck she mean, Brandon loved her in a way that I may never love her? Why the hell she just didn’t marry that nigga?

  I stormed down the hallway and completely out of the building to take a few deep breaths. Desperately, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a pack of Newport’s and a lighter. Stressing to the max had me back on cancer sticks like I needed them to keep breathing. I pulled the keys to my ride out and walked toward where I had parked.

  "Tamar!" I heard Rozalyn call after me but I chose to ignore her ass. Wanted to turn around and tell her to kick rocks all the way to Brandon's grave, but didn't want her to see how fucked up I felt about her statement. "Tamar!"

  I glanced over my shoulder and shook my head knowing I would feel bad if I made her chase me all the way to the car. Rozalyn hadn't completely healed from being shot in her back. Even so, after countless hours of therapy, she was pretty much walking and using all of her limbs as normal.

  She no longer needed a cane and only had a slight limp, but the therapists predicted within a few more months, she would be back to rocking heels and running marathons if she wanted.

  "What?" I asked, blowing a cloud of smoke in her face.

  "So much for me being honest with you and putting it all on the table. Why did you walk out like that? You were already twenty minutes late." Rozalyn crossed her arms over her chest and stared deeply into my eyes.

  Fuck. I thought. How is it possible that no matter how much or how bad a person fucks up, you love them more than you did the day before?

  "I'm not going back up in there. Fuck it! You putting everything on me any damn way! Pretty much saying, I beat you into submitting to sucking that nigga's dick right?"

  "What the hell!? What I said pissed you off so bad that you back to disrespecting me again? You always talking about keeping it one hundred and when I do, it's back to this. Well fuck it then, Tamar. No therapy, I walk."

  "That's supposed to be a threat?" I asked with a shrug of my shoulders.

  Rozalyn turned around to leave but I grabbed her by the arm and made her face me. "I don't want our relationship to be like this. Tae you know this is our last hope. All we do is fucking fight and I'm sick of it. You promised you would do this to try and save our marriage; but damn, if you're gonna get mad at everything and storm out, then what's the point of continuing? We might as well end it now and not even push forward."

  I silently took in what she said and slowly nodded my head. Puffing on the last of the cigarette, I let out a deep breath and put my hands atop my head. Staring and thinking was all I did for the next couple of minutes. I stared at my beautiful wife and admired how much she had grown since we'd been together.

  "A'ight, I did ask you to keep it one hundred so I shouldn't have walked out, but it's too late for that. Guess we can come back next week." I sighed and silently wondered what the fuck else she was holding back.

  "Yay!" Rozalyn pressed forward and puckered her lips out for me to kiss. I leaned down and kissed her soft lips and then wrapped my hands around her waist. Just as I was about to speak, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out to see who it was when I saw Taron's name light up the screen.

  "What up bruh?" I asked.

  "I'm at the hospital right now. Somebody attacked Ma and Taylana last night. Lana will be good but Ma is banged up pretty bad," Taron explained and my heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach. Been staying in Houston for a minute just to escape any and every type of drama possible.

  I had done so much business here and in Dallas that I honestly didn't think returning to Miami was going to be an option. Ever since Dmitri died, things hadn't quite been the same there. Even though I provided a video of Marvin/Messiah killing Dmitri, his father, Donald was still adamant that I killed Dmitri and had put a large amount of cash on my head.

  Even with video evidence, he still wanted to hold me responsible for his son's death, and come after me and my people.

  "I'll be out there as soon as I can catch a flight," I said into the phone. I didn't wait for Taron to respond before hanging up and sliding the phone back into my jeans.

  "Is everything okay?" Rozalyn inquired with a look of concern on her face.

  "It's my mama and Lana. I have to go to Miami."

  "Are they okay? Let’s go get the boys and we'll go with you."

  "Hell no, you know I don't want y'all out there right now. That's why I told Mama she needed to stay here. I'ma go check shit out and I'll be back in a couple of days."

  Rozalyn sighed before nodding her head.

  "I was late because I was out getting stuff for the baby. She'll be released from the hospital in a few hours and I need you to take care of her while I'm gone."

  Rozalyn's whole attitude changed from a look of concern to one of pure displeasure. Kari had our daughter, Trina a few months ago and she's just now well enough to come home.

  "What do you mean, you need me to take care of her while you're gone? I'm not--"

  "I thought you said you were riding this out with me. I gotta go take care of this situation with my mama, so I need you to take care of my daughter!" I yelled cutting Rozalyn off before she allowed any more stupidity to fly out of her mouth.

  Kari was admitted to the hospital right after being shot by my brother and held there until our daughter couldn't wait any longer. Soon as she recove
red from the gunshot wound and giving birth, they whisked her ass away to the women's jail in Gatesville, Texas. Now, the time has come for my only daughter, who is now healthy, to leave the hospital.

  I'm the only family she has and there is no way I'm turning my back on my seed. "You changed your mind, Rozalyn?"

  She crossed her arms over her chest and went back to biting her bottom lip. It took several seconds before she finally answered. "Nah, I'm not changing my mind. I'll pick the boys up and see you at the house."


  “Mommy, are you okay?”

  “Huh?” I asked, trying to disguise my voice.

  I dabbed my face with a washcloth and rushed to open the door. My oldest son Tamarion was standing on the other side of the door eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a mean ass mug on his face that made him look just like his father’s twin.

  He wasn’t even that old and already his protective ways had kicked into full gear. It seemed like ever since them damn Africans shot me in my back and damn near paralyzed me, Tamarion was hard up on letting me out of his sight. He hated to see me sick, crying, or just hurting, and I hated for him to see me like that. Oftentimes, I found myself trying to suppress whatever I was feeling, but that boy always knew when something wasn’t right with his mama.

  “You crying Mama?” He asked before taking another bite of his sandwich.

  “I’m fine, Marion. Where are your brothers?” I asked, knowing if I stayed on the subject, it would cause me to breakdown further. I walked out of the confinements of my bedroom and headed down the halls to the kitchen where I found my twin boys sitting at the table eating big bowls of cereal.

  Some days, it was hard as fuck to look at my twin boys ‘cause they were a constant reminder that I wasn’t one hundred percent certain who their father was. After I got pregnant with them, I lived a lie for so long. However, not long ago, I was forced to face the truth of what I had done.


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