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Rozalyn 4

Page 9

by Shan

  “I ran into a few problems, but I apologize for the inconvenience. It’s all here plus a lil’ extra.” I said, and slid the bag that I’d stuffed the money into across the table. I poured myself another shot and lit up a Newport while I waited for Chalo to finish counting the money.

  “Where is your brother Taron? I heard he was in town; unfortunately, I missed him.” Donald said with a chuckle.

  I forced out a sarcastic chuckle and downed my shot without speaking on Tamar. He was being disrespectful and trying to be funny, knowing he had money on my brother’s head. I looked at Chalo and waited for his approval when out the corner of my eye, I observed a bunch of unusual movement on the security cam.

  After fully averting my attention in that direction, I was confronted with the site of FBI agents maneuvering their way through my club. I broke out into a sudden sweat, grabbed the keys to my truck, and prepared to head out of the office. However, it was too late. The door came crashing in and within seconds my office was swarming with agents.

  I held my hands up in the air to indicate I was surrendering and that I wasn’t armed. Several agents raced in my direction, grabbed me, and turned me around to be cuffed.

  “Taron Andrews?” One of the agents questioned as he patted me down.

  I nodded my head but didn’t open my mouth to answer. I didn’t know what the fuck was going on or why the fuck they were here. I knew the best decision was for me to keep my mouth closed and not say shit.

  “You have the right to remain…”

  He began reading my rights. I shook my head in shame and refused to make eye contact with anyone as they escorted me out of the club.

  16 TAMAR

  I stepped out the car and walked up the sidewalk to the fourth home that the real estate agent had picked out to show me. I hated doing this shit alone but since Roz wanted to trip, it left me with no choice. I hadn't spoken to or heard from her since the day she told me she was done back in Miami.

  Only bringing my baby girl Trina along, I caught a single plane to Dallas. Rozalyn was supposed to be happy that J.B., or any other nigga for that matter, wasn’t the father of our twins. She should be delighted that it was one less issue we had to worry about on the road to fixing this fucked up marriage, but instead, she wanted to trip. She was all into her feelings ‘cause I chose to tell her later rather than sooner that the paternity issue had been resolved. Maybe if she'd been more truthful about her past transgressions, early on, I wouldn't have had to lie.

  As I entered the home, just like the previous three, I immediately knew this wasn't the one. It was something about each one that turned me away. It was either the exterior was unattractive, the interior was too small, or the location was not a good one. In this one, I didn't like the floors and really didn't want to waste money or time on having them redone.

  "Aye, you don't even have to show me the rest. I'm not feeling this one either. And it's not big enough-just get back with me in a few days when you find some more. I'll be here for a while," I said to the real estate agent who had a disappointed look on her face.

  I was beginning to think I needed to hire another agent. Maybe she thought I was kidding when I told her I didn't have a price range and needed something huge. I took out my cell phone and walked out of the house while sending Rozalyn a text. I missed her and wanted to see if she was really serious about calling it quits.

  Sup babe. Miss you and the boys. Love you.

  I hit send on the message and jumped in my ride to head back to the hotel to check on Trina. Dallas appeared to be the spot to be in. These niggas wasn't too stoked about the new face in town but there was plenty of muthafuckin’ money to be made and I was for damn sure ‘bout to get it. I ran my hand through my goatee and turned the music up on the stereo. A few minutes later my phone buzzed with a message from Rozalyn:

  Love you & miss you too. Boys said hey.

  Quickly, I shot her a message back.

  I need you to come find us a house.

  I tossed the phone into my lap and sped out of the quiet neighborhood and onto the busy intersection. Once again my phone started to buzz but this time it was a call from Black. I pressed the Bluetooth option on the stereo to connect the call.

  "What up?" I said answering the call.

  "Aye, I was able to get some info on your boy’s condition. They have stabilized him and if you get over there before six tonight, the guard will let you in," Black said.

  "Already. I'm headed over there right now. ‘Preciate it."

  I hung up the phone and went straight to the hospital.


  “What’s up my nigga? Damn, what the fuck happened to you?” I asked observing the bruises that covered Imran’s face.

  “What you come to finish me off?” He asked groggily, only opening one of his eyes to look at me.

  “Nah, I ain’t come to finish you off but I did come to tell you that your services are no longer needed. I won’t be supplying you anymore-as a matter of fact, I’ll be taking over and handling shit out here myself. Shouldn’t be too hard. You’ve already had my product surfacing all over the damn place, so everybody knows I come with that hard.” I chuckled and took a sip of my soda from the can.

  “You come to take over? These niggas out here don’t know you and they damn sure ain’t about to get money with you. I had a hard enough time taking over territory that wasn’t mine and I’m from here-born and bred.”

  “I’ve only been on the streets a few days and shit seem to be going well. But I’m expecting to encounter a few problems-like those that might come from your uncle. I need you to get a message to that nigga though.”

  Imran, finally opened both of his eyes in anticipation of what I was about to say to him. I smirked knowing the message I was about to give was one that could either start a war, or end it before it even got started.

  “Tell Dom I said that if he fuck with my money, I’ll drain the rest of the accounts he got left. If he don’t believe me then try me;” I said knowing that Rico had already wiped out one of Dom’s accounts that he thought he had hidden in the Cayman Islands.

  I don’t know how Rico did it but he was able to successfully take him for a little over eight million dollars. He also had successfully shut down a few of Dom’s businesses that were locally planted around Dallas. There were all kinds of things I could’ve done to that cat Dom for fucking with my moms and my sis.

  One of which was messing with his family but I knew there was nothing that could hurt a man’s soul more than to fuck with his money. If he was smart, then he would leave me the fuck alone before he’s walking around here penniless.

  “I’m saying though-can’t we work together? I know for a fact, I was a great asset to you,” Imran pleaded changing up his entire tone.

  “You were, but I know it’ll come a time where you would have to choose between me and your family; and I know someone such as yourself will choose your family. Anyway, it looks like you’ve gotten yourself in a little bit of trouble.” I held up Imran’s hand that caused the cuffs to cling against the metal. “I don’t know, maybe you can get that prison money for me.” I chuckled again.

  “This fucked up yo! Nigga you won’t make a fucking dime out here like you think!” Imran yelled.

  I nodded my head and walked out of the hospital room. There was nothing left to talk about. Imran was right, he had been a great asset to me but I couldn’t take the chance that he would choose his uncle’s side when it came down to it. That dude was a very trustworthy thoroughbred nigga that I would love to have on my team but the risk was just too great.

  Hopefully, he will take his gains and walk the fuck away while he can before the shit turns into losses fucking around with me. True enough, I was out here pretty much on my own with a team of new niggas that I didn’t really know well. In spite of that, all it would take is for
me to feed and treat them well, with the same loyalty and respect that I would expect from them.

  It also was going to take me using my no-nonsense type of attitude. And after putting my murder game down on that nigga J.B.; I’m ready to put in that work. I still feel that damn high! I laughed to myself.


  I made it back to the hotel around nine that evening. SInce it was late, I decided to pick up some food to eat and just chill out for the rest of the night. I noticed Rozalyn never replied to the message I sent to her about coming out here to find a house; I was wondering if she’s really gon’ act this childish.

  Pulling out the keycard, I swiped it across the pad and waited for the light to turn green before entering. A pair of golden brown eyes hit me the moment I walked in followed by a tired smile. I sat the food down on the bed, pulled mine out, and took a seat on the chaise that was directly in front of the window.

  “I didn’t know what you wanted so I got you the same thing but told them to put everything on the side,” I said before taking a bite of my burger and watching as Passion took her food out of the bag. “’Preciate you for coming through for me. I don’t really know too many people out here like that and Jamir said you’re cool people.”

  “It’s no problem. She was a good baby,” Passion said as she spread mayo on her bread. “Where’s her mother?”

  I stopped eating and eyed the side of Passion’s face wondering if I should answer that question or not. No one has really inquired about the whereabouts of her real mother so I never had to worry about how I would answer that. I could easily act like Kari didn’t exist but the truth of it all was she did exist and one day I’ll have to deal with her again.

  “She’s locked up. Doing a couple of years for attempted murder.”

  “Damn, what she tried to kill a bitch over you?” Passion asked with laughter, but I didn’t see anything funny. Shit Kari did try to kill a bitch over me, and damn near killed my brother. It wasn’t shit funny about that.

  “Yeah. She tried to kill my wife and my brother,” I sighed and continued to eat my food. Now it was time for Passion to get serious. She shot all kinds of daggers toward me as if she was waiting for me to crack a smile, but one never came. I grabbed my drink and took a few sips before I took out my cell phone hoping to see a message from Rozalyn.

  “Your wife? So you’re married?” Passion asked while slowly chewing her food.

  “Yeah, I’m married.”

  “Where’s your wife? Why isn’t she here with you? I thought you were single. I mean you out here alone taking care of this beautiful little girl all by yourself.”

  “She’s back in Miami with our three boys. We’re not seeing eye-to-eye right now but she’ll be out here pretty soon,” I said with confidence.

  “So, Jamir tells me you’re moving out here. Where you moving?”

  “You nosey as fuck. You know that right? Why you asking so many questions?”

  Passion laughed, “I’m just trying to get to know the man with the plan. Jamir brags and boasts about you so much I figured it’s only right that I get to know you for myself.”

  “It ain’t much to know.” I pulled a wad of cash out of my pocket and peeled off five hundred dollar bills. I knew it was more than enough for a day’s worth of babysitting, but I appreciated her taking care of Trina while I ran the streets. Besides, I might need her again and I didn’t want her to think my requirements ran cheap. “I might need you again tomorrow. Do you think you’ll be available?”

  Passion stood up and walked in my direction as I held out the money for her to retrieve. I noticed her thick hips and the extra twist she gave them as she sauntered towards me.

  “Yeah, I can do that. For this kinda cash, hell yeah!” she said.

  She turned around to walk away but stopped in her tracks and came back towards me. She dropped down to her knees and crawled in between my legs. I already knew where this shit was headed. It never failed. I continued to eat my food and watched as Passion reached for my pants to unbuckle them and undo the zipper.

  She reached through my boxers and removed my dick and quickly placed it in her mouth like I was going to stop her. I tried to be a good nigga but when my wife was playing games and acting like she was the only bitch in the world with a pussy between her legs, what was I to do? I grabbed Passion by the back of her head and pushed her further down on my shaft making her take in every inch of me.

  Just as she was really getting into it, my phone vibrated against my leg. I grabbed the phone up noticing it was a call from my sister-in-law, Journey. Grunting, I pushed Passion away and answered the call.

  “What up sis? Everything good?” I asked the moment the call connected.

  “I just received a call from a federal agent. Taron has been arrested. They talking about for money laundering or something like that,” Journey said; I could hear the weariness in her voice.

  “Money laundering? What? Shit! Did they say something about bail or anything like that?” I stood up from the chaise and pulled my pants up wondering what the fuck Taron had gotten himself into. The FEDS, money laundering? This was serious.

  “No, they just told me it was best that I call him an attorney. They didn’t tell me anything else. I didn’t know if I should call you or Larry, but I figured you would know what to do next.”

  “Shit, a’ight Journey. I’ll take care of it. Don’t worry I got it,” I hung up the phone and sighed heavily. Damn, I already had the law on me about the murder of this nigga Ray-Ray. Seemingly, my big bro is in more trouble than I am. I grabbed a cigarette from my pack of Newports and headed outside to the patio; quickly lighting the tip and inhaling the smoke. I made a call to my attorney and silently prayed this was all a misunderstanding.


  These past couple of days have been something else. I spent a lot of time with the boys and my brother catching up on everything that has been going on since I’ve been in Houston recovering from the gunshot wound I suffered. A lot of my waking moments were also spent thinking about the relationship with my Husband and wondering whether or not leaving him was a good idea.

  All I wanted was for him to see that he couldn’t control me and to allow me some independence. I also wanted him to be willing to include me in the decisions that were made concerning where we laid our heads. I was sick of moving from place-to-place and from state-to-state.

  At just fifteen years old, I was forced to move from New York to Atlanta. Since then, I’ve gone to Miami, to Beijing unwillingly, to Houston, and now Tamar was trying to force me to move to Dallas. I don’t want to seem like I’m being stubborn or just plain ol’ childish.

  But I feel if we’re going to be together, then things such as this should be discussed and agreed upon. If we can’t at least do that, then no I don’t want to be with Tamar anymore. In order to get what I want, I’m willing to give up the love that I have for him.

  I tapped my hand on the door a few times, stood back, and waited for someone to answer the door. The smell of popcorn and weed traveled through the cracks and a huge smile lit up my face. As soon as the door flew open, I jumped into Brian’s arms and started screaming at the top of my lungs.

  It had been so long since I’d seen him and I truly missed my friend. Tears cascaded down my face as I took in his features and just treasured the fact he was alive, well, and looking good as hell right now.

  “Damn bitch. Can I get you to keep the noise down before the neighbors think the black guy in the building done killed somebody?” Brian laughed and put me down.

  I smiled eagerly and followed him into his studio apartment; nodding my head with approval. He was doing quite well for himself and I won’t lie and say that I wasn’t surprised. All Brian knew how to do was hair so I wondered how many heads it took a daily and weekly to afford some shit like this.

  Just as I was ab
out to speak up and ask just what it was he was doing with himself nowadays, I spotted another familiar face that I hadn’t seen in quite some time.

  “Damn, what’s going on girl? Haven’t seen you in so long; I barely recognized you,” I said walking in her direction.

  “Yeah, it’s been a minute. I heard you were on your death bed but you damn sure don’t look like a dead woman to me,” Starr said smugly.

  I placed my arms around her giving her a hug and was taken aback when she actually hugged me back. I thought I was gonna have to force the love out of her but I guess not. We have had our ups and downs since the death of Keylan. Quite frankly, she just didn’t like me anymore. As good of friends as we used to be, the bitch hated my guts and didn’t hesitate to let me know every time she saw me.

  “Well I wasn’t quite on my death bed, but I did go through hell and back. What’s going on though? How are you? And the baby?” I inquired.

  “I’m good and so is she. She’s back at home with her father. I’m out here visiting; thinking about relocating out here in a year or so. Just as soon as Neek finishes his tour, we’re looking to move back to the states.”

  “His tour?”

  “Yeah, he’s stationed in Germany for the military but his time is almost up. We haven’t decided where we gonna go but I’m thinking Miami just might be the place for us. I really enjoyed it when I stayed out here-You know, until all that shit popped off,” Starr explained.

  “Yeah, Miam? So you and Tae plan on coming up out of Houston?” Brian asked.

  “No, I’m planning on coming up out of Houston. Tae is planning to move to Dallas and I ain’t tryna do that.” I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at Brian seriously.

  “Last time I talked to you, you said y’all were in counseling and things were going good. What the hell happened? Who cheated on who this time?” Brian rolled his eyes before sitting down on his leather sofa and grabbing a blunt from the ashtray.


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