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Rozalyn 4

Page 15

by Shan

  Times like these reminded me that I knew I wasn't going anywhere. No matter how I might've fussed and complained-I was here to stay.

  "Ohhhhh my God! I'm cumming! I screamed and continued to bounce up and down and work my hips round and round.

  Tamar twirled my nipples with his tongue which only heightened the feeling and caused my orgasm to reach its peak.

  "Oh my damn! Shit! Shitttttt!" I moaned in pleasure as a rain of my juices poured onto Tamar's dick. I rhythmically stopped my love making, but Tamar firmly gripped my ass and bounced me up and down until he erupted inside of me. I crashed down onto his chest and breathed heavily; thinking I might have had enough for now.

  My legs were weak and I was feeling as though I'd smoked a good blunt of Kush and corn combined.

  "Damn, don't look like I'll be getting shit done today messing with your freaky ass," Tamar slurred sounding as if he was full of it too.

  "Nigga, you the one that woke me up with your tongue all in my ass," I laughed.

  "You know damn well I wasn't in your ass. You wish," Tamar said and reached for a cigarette. I frowned and climbed from atop him.

  "You need to slow down on them thangs," I said pointing to the pack of Newports that Tamar had sitting next to the bed. "You doing like a pack-a-day babe."

  "Stressing. It's either I smoke these or I sip on the Henn all day. Which one will kill me the slowest?"

  "Not funny. So what's up with Taron and this little situation he done got himself into?"

  Tamar shrugged as he lit the cigarette.

  "I text him to ask how Journey was doing but didn't get a response. Is he gonna have to do any time ‘cause I would hate for her to have to be alone?"

  "I don't know Roz and I really don't give a fuck. Let’s not speak on Taron or his bitch," Tamar said with so much frustration I had to stop what I was doing to look at him.

  His forehead was all wrinkled up. I could see I had pissed him off but I didn't understand why.

  "Okay, well I guess y'all done got into it. My bad."

  I ran my fingers through my hair, mad that I'd sweated out my bob. I grabbed a few items from my suitcase and was about to head to the shower when my phone rang. I grabbed it up and noticed an Atlanta area code. Quickly, I answered before it went to voicemail. "Hello."

  "Can I please speak to Rozalyn Andrews?" The caller said, but the voice was unrecognizable.

  "This is she," I responded with apprehension.

  "This is Detective Gilliam; I was wondering when you would be in the area again. I need to question you about the murder of…," I placed him on speaker so that Tamar could hear the call. Don't know what they thought, but they wasn't about to get any type of cooperation from me. "Rysheed Hanson. We have reason to believe that you might have witnessed a previous incident that led to his murder."

  "What incident is that?" I asked walking and sitting next to Tamar who cooly puffed on his square.

  "There was supposedly a hold-up in the middle of the street one day. Rysheed and his boys were the ones holding up Tamar. We have reason to believe that incident was the reason Rysheed was killed," Detective Gilliam explained.

  "Well, I honestly don't see what help I could be to you Detective because I know of no such incident." Just then, I remembered exactly what incident he was talking about. It was the day my life changed forever.

  It was the second time I’d laid eyes on Tamar, and the first time I knew he was a big deal. Suddenly, this Rysheed, aka Ray-Ray, was starting to become memorable as well. I remember the rumors that floated around his death and how back then people were saying that Tae was responsible.

  With all the time that had passed with nothing being done about it, I never really gave anymore thought to the rumor.

  "When do you think you’ll be back in Atlanta? Or if it’s more convenient for you, we can send a detective to wherever you are. We really would like to get this case closed as soon as possible," Detective Gilliam stated. I looked at Tamar for an answer; I didn't know what to do. Tamar signaled for me to cut the call by running his hand across his neck.

  "I'm sorry detective but I don't have any information to offer you. If anything comes to mind, I'll be sure to give you a call." I hung up as quickly as possible and stared at the worry lines that appeared on Tamar's face.

  "Muthafuckas are really fishing around. They have nothing but they’re trying their best to find a snitch to go along with the weak one they already have. Be sure you tell them the same thing every time they call because they will call back," Tamar said and climbed out of bed.

  "Don't worry, I have it under control," I said assuredly.

  I gathered my things back up and headed to the shower. After turning the water on, undressing, and getting in, I stuck my head under the stream of water and began to wash my hair. I really hoped that this too would go away just like the last murder charges Tamar faced.

  Although, I was being held captive in Beijing at the time of his trial, I followed closely and prayed every day that Tamar was found innocent. I knew then he was guilty just like I know this time he’s guilty. Just like other things that Tamar did, this was also something I had to turn my head on and act as if I knew nothing about it.

  This was the very reason Tamar shared only the things he wanted me to know. He never wanted to put me in a position to where I would possibly have to snitch to save my own life.

  I cut the water off, grabbed a towel to wrap around my body, and stepped out of the shower. Standing a few feet away was Tamar with an expression that seemed to be frozen in time. He was tossing a black box back and forth between his hands.

  "Damn, I didn't even hear you come in. The boys woke yet?" I asked and dried my body off.

  Tamar shook his head no and came closer to me. He was acting weird.

  "What the hell?" My hands flew to my mouth and the towel fell to the floor. Tamar had dropped down to one knee, opened the black box before me, and was preparing to propose. Again.

  "Will you marry me again?" He asked and a stream of tears fell from my eyes remembering the last time he'd done this. As crazy as it might've been, it was one of the best moments of my life.

  "Tamar, what are you doing?"

  "I told you we were gonna do this in the U.S., just never got around to it. Bigger and better than before this time," Tamar explained. "Now will you marry me? Again?"

  "Yes of course," I laughed through the tears. Tamar took the previous engagement ring off my finger and replaced it with the new one that he'd gotten. It was twice as big and twice as beautiful.

  He stood to his feet and pulled me into his arms.

  No matter what, we are gonna make it through. I thought and passionately kissed Tamar while eyeing the diamonds.



  I smashed on the gas pedal of my car, hopping the curb, and damn near ramming my shit into the side of Taron’s vehicle. Nigga had the nerve to show up at my spot, call me out my name, and put his damn hands on me-mind you in front of our daughter.

  I don’t know what the hell Taron thought this was or who he thought I was, but I wasn’t that bitch. Wasn’t no nigga about to disrespect me in no kind of way and think I was just gonna let it fly ‘cause they had some good dick.

  I jumped out of the car and ran up to Taron before he could get inside of his house. He turned around and pushed me and I slapped him dead across his face.

  “Touch me again, muthafucka’!” I screamed and brought my hands up defensively.

  “Toya, I’m warning you to stay the fuck away from my house. Sad ass bitch! Pitiful ass hoe!” Taron spat and tried to close me out of his home but I barged my way in.

  “Nigga, fuck you and fuck this bitch!” I yelled and pointed at the pitiful looking Journey.

  I rolled my eyes at the sight of her. This time she look
ed a tad bit better than she had been considering she wasn’t full of alcohol. Her ass still looked like a homeless bitch with the fucked up ass hospital gown and sweat pants she was wearing.

  I shook my head, not really giving her ass much attention since she was causing my eyes to hurt. “Don’t you ever in your life show up at my damn house and act like that in front of our damn daughter. The mother of your child doesn’t deserve to be treated like that! What if…”

  “Stop with that mother of my child bullshit! You’ve been playing that poor ass pitiful role for the longest. The mother of my child is a desperate ass bitch that can’t find her a man to save her damn life-so instead she wants to try to make another woman feel incapable and low because she ain’t shit!”

  “I’m not shit?” I questioned in shock, shoving my finger into my chest. He just couldn’t have been talking about me. “Bitch, how you gonna say I’m not shit when you climbed in my damn bed nearly every damn night! Complained about how this bitch was too fucking pitiful to roll over and give your ass some pussy! Nigga don’t play me like I’m just some hoe you picked up off the street ‘cause you and I both know better.”

  Journey looked at me with fire shooting behind both of her eyes. Before I knew it, the hoe charged me and threw me into the wall located near the front door. My head hit the wall and I lost my balance and slipped on the floor. This drunken bitch actually had some strength.

  She held me down with one hand and pounded her fist into my face with the other. I shook off the blows, used my legs as an advantage, and kicked her off of me. Then, I brought my fist back and pounded it into the side of her face. She brought her foot back and kicked me in my stomach.

  Instantly, my guard went up and I went mad. I jumped at her, pulled her by her hair, slammed her shit into the wall, and followed it up with a couple of blows to her face. Blood flew from her mouth and landed on my face. I tried to get another lick in when I was snatched off her and pushed toward the exit of the house.

  The door swung open and Taron pushed me to the outside.

  “You just gonna let her disrespect me like this Ron! The mother of your daughter-and the mother of your unborn child!”

  Taron froze in his tracks and looked at me like he’d just seen a ghost. Yeah, that’s right. I’m eight weeks pregnant with Taron’s child. A pregnancy that wasn’t planned but it wasn’t prevented either.

  “Yeah, that’s right bitch! You can’t have his babies so he came to me to have them for him!” I boasted teasingly.

  “Get the fuck out of here Toya! Don’t ever bring your ass back over here again! And trust you will be hearing from me concerning custody of our daughter!” Taron pushed at me.

  “Yeah whatever nigga bring it on!” I spat and backed away from him. “You better hope they don’t strip all your rights away you dumb muthafucka’! Did you forget you were supposed to be in jail right now?” I teased and opened up the door to my car.

  “Toya, why the fuck you doing this man? Damn, I thought we were better than this,” Taron pleaded with an awful look on his face as he came closer to me.

  “Because, you know damn well you don’t want to be with her. You’re only with her because you feel sorry for her. You can’t just play with my feelings Ron and expect me to act as if I don’t care about you. I love you and…”


  Both Taron and I jumped at the sound of a single gunshot. I looked around Taron and no longer saw Journey standing in the doorway like she’d been minutes ago.

  “Get down!” Taron yelled and pulled me beneath the car windows.

  “Taron, that came from inside your house!” I yelled and looked around again.

  His eyes bucked wide open before he stood to his feet and took off inside of his home. I ran behind him, not sure what was going on, but was soon to find out.

  27 TARON

  With all the crazy shit that had been going on in my life lately, I assumed someone was shooting at me. I was supposed to turn myself in to the FBI on yesterday evening but had skipped the whole thing being they decided not to release Journey from the hospital until this morning. I didn’t know if they were planning to come through and arrest me today or if they would be patient and wait for me to surrender.

  I wasn’t running from the charges and was gonna face them head-on, but I just needed more time.

  This morning, after dropping Journey off at the house, I decided to go and spend a few hours with my daughter. It had been a minute since I’d seen her and knew it would be even longer before I saw her again. I tried my best to ignore Toya and just leave but I couldn’t.

  As always, she threw herself on me and I couldn’t refuse. With all the built-up frustration I had in me, I needed a way to relieve it all. Even so, in the end it came with a promise to Toya that I was done. I let her know not to ever come to my house and disrespect my fiancé again.

  That’s when things turned bitter and we began to fight. I didn’t mean to call her out her name or put my hands on her-especially not in front of my daughter, but it just happened that way. Toya was like a nigga when you made her mad and it was hard not to react to her.

  I had no idea she would take shit this far and follow me all the way back to my damn house. The bitch was crazier than I’d thought but this was a consequence of what I had caused. I carried on a love affair with the intentions of never being with Latoya. I had no plans of ever wifing her. No matter how good it might have sounded, it was impossible.

  Never going to happen. I had played on her feelings and knew the end result would not be a good one.

  I ran inside of my home, cautiously looked around, and didn’t see or hear anyone out in the open. I turned around and pushed Toya back, telling her to go back outside with my eyes. I didn’t know what was going on, or what we were facing, but I knew I didn’t want her getting hurt.

  No matter how pissed off she might have made me, she was the mother of my child-and… Briefly, I turned to look at Toya, then for a split second, down at her stomach. Is she really pregnant? I thought and quickly diverted my attention back to the matter at hand.

  I walked down the hall to my bedroom and shook my head to shake off the memories of the last time I made this walk. Last time, I had found Journey butt naked across the floor from a drug overdose and alcohol poisoning. I wasn’t sure what I was gon’ find this time, but I hoped the scene wasn’t as gruesome as the last time.

  With Toya only a few feet behind me, I crept into the bedroom. I looked around but didn’t see anyone. I checked the bathroom, checked the closet, and even checked on the side of the bed that couldn’t be seen from my angle, but nothing.

  “Journey!” I called out.


  The loud knocking at the door caused me to jump, but it didn’t take away from me finding my fiancé. She was around here somewhere and according to Latoya that gunshot from earlier had come from someplace inside of this house.

  I had imagined a thousand different images in my head of what could’ve taken place in here while I had been outside arguing with my baby mama. What could that one shot have meant? What was I going to find?


  “Taron Andrews open up! We know you’re in there! Surrender or we’ll be forced to come inside!”

  “Oh my God, Taron,” Toya said covering her mouth. “What the hell is going on?”

  “Fuckin’ Feds,” I cursed under my breath.

  I shook my head and was about to head towards the front door when I noticed the bedroom door to my right had been cracked open. It was used as my office space as well as a room I just used when I wanted to get away from everything and everybody.


  “You have three minutes and we’re coming in!” The Feds yelled out.

  I pushed the door to the office open. The sight before me caused me to fall back into the wall.<
br />
  “Oh my God! Oh my God!” Toya cried out.

  She tripped over her own feet and hit the floor but quickly jumped up and ran. She kept running until she was out of the house. I rushed inside the room not wanting to give up hope like I had done the last time. I grabbed Journey’s lifeless body from atop the desk and pulled her into my arms.

  I forced her to look at me and was completely in awe. The whole right side of her face had been practically blown off. Just that quickly, that pretty little face of hers was something out of a horror movie. Tears began to pour from my eyes and I let out a sound that I hadn’t recognized at first.

  “Baby why?” I cried. “Why?”

  Her eyes seemed to stare at me with sorrow and sadness. She looked so scared and hopeless, like life had been the worst thing ever for her. Just before being released from the hospital, the psychiatrist had diagnosed her with bipolar disorder and recommended she seek treatment.

  He had even given us a card of a treatment facility that would assist with the alcoholism as well as the mental disorder. I had planned to call up her mom today and make sure they got her the help she needed while I was away. I wasn’t about to let this just slip by us, ignoring it like most people do.

  It was a goal of mine that Journey be happy. Her happiness had always been a goal of mine-but now it was too late.

  “Taron Andrews!” A federal agent yelled out but I ignored him. I continued to cradle my fiancé in my arms and cried out. I let all the pain go. All the pain I was feeling for not only what I had done to her but also my brother. He no longer wanted to speak with me and I couldn’t blame him.

  “Get a bus over here! I repeat, call for a bus!” one of the agents called out after seeing what had taken place before they came busting in.


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