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The Palomino Pony Comes Home

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by Olivia Tuffin

  For Pip, Clive and Mossy,

  my favourite dog, person and pony!


  “Just move, Lily. Go forward!” The rider’s steely-blue eyes flashed angrily as she sat astride the golden palomino pony. She turned back to her mobile, but not before she had given the little mare a hefty kick.

  The pony’s nostrils flared and she snorted, but still she refused to walk on. Tentatively, she eyed the bushes ahead of her, her ears twitching back and forth.

  “ENOUGH!” the girl cried. “Just do as I say!” With a loud thwack, she brought her riding crop down hard on the pony’s hindquarters.


  The mare wheeled round with a cry of pain that seemed to echo through the depths of the surrounding countryside. Then, just at that moment, a pheasant exploded out in front of them, squawking and flapping. Catching her footing on the hard, frozen tarmac the startled pony slipped, her hooves scrabbling and sparking.

  “I said, go on!” the girl cried out. She struck the pony hard on her flanks again, frightening her even more. The mare reared in a moment of blind panic, tossing her head and showing the whites of her eyes.

  The girl was thrown off clear into the road, rolling out of the way as the pony slipped on to her side, scrambling and struggling on the muddy ground.

  “Jemma … Jemma … are you all right?” A voice crackled through the mobile lying on the road.

  As the girl lay winded and bruised, the pony scrabbled to her feet, her saddle slipping to one side and her reins broken.

  Desperate to get away from the girl, the pony wheeled round and galloped wildly down the quiet road, veering on to a track that opened out to the moor beyond. With nothing to stop her, the pony raced and raced as if her life depended on it.

  When she had covered at least three miles, the palomino finally slowed. She snorted into the clear crisp air, her breath hanging in a silver plume. She was safe at last.

  “Phew, what a day that was!” Georgia slumped into her seat as the dark-green horse lorry pulled out of the showground. It was the first time she’d had a chance to relax all day, she’d been so busy grooming, plaiting and polishing. She hadn’t actually ridden herself but she wasn’t complaining. She loved being around horses and it was a real treat watching them compete.

  Georgia especially loved Wilson, the big bay thoroughbred cross, and there was no doubt about it – he’d definitely been the star of the show! Georgia smiled as she pulled her tangled golden hair back into a ponytail. Wilson was owned by the Haydens – Sophie and her mother, Melanie – and was just one of the ponies that Georgia helped looked after in their yard.

  “Thanks again for everything you’ve done today, Georgia,” said Melanie as she drove the horse lorry down the bumpy old track and joined a long queue of horseboxes making their way home. “We couldn’t have done it without you, could we, Sophs?” She turned to her daughter.

  “Er, what was that?” Sophie looked up from the text she’d been busily composing.

  “I said we couldn’t have managed without Georgia’s help today, could we?” Melanie frowned at her daughter, who was still engrossed in her phone.

  “Er, no,” Sophie mumbled. She was sitting between her mother and Georgia, a handful of rosettes spread across her lap.

  Sophie sounded uninterested but Georgia knew that she wasn’t being offhand. She just wasn’t passionate about the looking-after part of being around horses, in the way that Georgia was. Sophie was going off to university next year, and at the moment her friends and her social life were probably more important to her than winning at the show.

  Sophie finally pocketed her phone and grinned at Georgia. “I bet you’ll be glad to see your bed tonight, eh, G?”

  “You can say that again!” Georgia laughed. She was tired, but it was the best kind of tired. There was nothing she loved more than being at the Haydens’ yard and watching Sophie ride Wilson. Sophie was seventeen, three years older than Georgia, and she was already an amazing rider. Georgia hoped that one day she’d be as good.

  “Well, I think you both did really well today,” Melanie grinned. “A great team effort!”

  Georgia smiled as she gazed out of the window, passing villages and fields. Today had been magical – the Wadebridge Show: a whole day to totally lose herself in horses. Georgia had wanted it to last for ever – not least because she knew that when she got home, she’d be thrown back into the reality of school and revision. Her end-of-year exams started tomorrow, and she hadn’t done nearly enough work for them. “So how long will it take to get back?” she asked Melanie, biting down thoughtfully on her bottom lip.

  “Probably a good couple of hours in this traffic,” Melanie answered.

  Georgia nodded. She’d thought as much. And once they were at the yard she’d have to help Sophie put Wilson to bed, unpack the lorry and do all the general tidying up before she could even think about any revision. Still, it was worth it. Helping out at the Haydens’ was the closest that Georgia would get to ever owning her own pony and she relished every moment of it. Money had been tight in the Black household ever since her dad had left years ago and there was no way that her mum could afford the cost of expensive riding lessons, let alone the upkeep of a horse. If it hadn’t been for all the riding that Melanie let her do in exchange for helping out at the yard, the only contact Georgia would get with ponies would be in her dreams!

  Georgia turned to speak to Sophie, but the older girl’s mobile had beeped and she was deep into her texting again.

  Georgia smiled to herself. Oh, to live in Sophie’s world where no matter what, the ponies would always be there…

  Two hours later, and the horse lorry was turning up the drive to the Haydens’ house. Redgrove Farm was a large modern building with stables attached, and fields and paddocks that stretched for as far as the eye could see. As the lorry drew to a halt in the yard, a tall, dark-haired man opened the front door.

  “So, how did it go?” Simon Hayden asked.

  “It was great, Dad,” said Sophie, jumping down and pushing past him, nudging him affectionately as she went.

  Sophie’s dad rolled his eyes and gave Georgia a long-suffering grin as she got out of the horse lorry.

  “Hey, hon,” Melanie yawned, waving at her husband. Three noisy terriers yapped at her feet. “Get down, boys. Down!”

  Georgia stretched – her arms and legs were stiff and aching. It was a lovely warm evening, the heat from the day still hanging in the air.

  “Come on, Wilson, easy does it.” Melanie soothed the bay gelding as she pulled down the ramp and led him into the yard. “Do you mind taking over, Georgia?” she asked, having glanced around for Sophie.

  “Sure,” said Georgia, taking the lead rope. “Come on, Wilson.”

  Once the thoroughbred cross was settled in his stable, Georgia ran over to a nearby barn to fetch a hay net. After giving him a final brush-down and checking he was fed and watered, she turned him out into the field for the night. She took off his head collar and put her arms around his neck, breathing in the gorgeous scent of horse mixed with citronella shampoo. “Off you go, boy,” she murmured, patting his hindquarters.

  Callie, Sophie’s old pony, trotted eagerly over to join Wilson.

  “Hello, you,” smiled Georgia, giving the mousey dun pony a kiss on her nose.

  Callie had been a champion pony in her time but she’d recently been retired. Georgia adored the little Exmoor pony that she’d learned to ride on.

  Melanie and Georgia’s mum were old friends, and after Lucy Black’s husband left, she thought taking her daughter over to Redgrove would be a good distraction. Georgia had immediately loved the ponies and as soon as her mum thought she was old eno
ugh, Melanie had started to lead her round the paddock on Callie. And the rest was history! Redgrove had quickly become a home-from-home for Georgia.

  “You look very thoughtful.” Melanie came up behind Georgia, breaking the spell.

  “Oh,” Georgia said with a smile. “I was just remembering the first time you put me on Callie.”

  Melanie patted her on the arm affectionately. “That seems like yesterday!” She smiled warmly. “I can drop you home if you like.”

  “Really? That would be great, thanks,” said Georgia. “You’ve remembered that I can’t come up here after school this coming week, haven’t you? Exams.”

  “Yes, I know,” said Melanie. “What will we do without you?”

  “You’ll manage just fine.” Georgia grinned, feeling secretly pleased by Melanie’s words.

  “When the exams are over you’ll have Wilson all to yourself, you know,” Melanie continued.

  “Really?” Georgia was surprised.

  “Yes,” said Melanie. “Just for a few days during the first week of the holidays. Sophie’s got a job at a local summer camp. So you can exercise him every day if you want to.”

  “If I want to!” cried Georgia, rushing over to give Melanie a massive hug. “I can’t wait!”

  Melanie smiled. “Simon,” she called over her shoulder to her husband. “I’m just going to drop Georgia back.” She pulled out the car keys from her pocket and walked over to a shiny new four-by-four that was parked in the yard.

  Georgia sighed. Oh, to live like the Haydens. Not only did they have the most amazing stables for their horses, but their grounds had a swimming pool and a tennis court too. Still, they worked hard for their lifestyle and were very down-to-earth and friendly.

  As the four-by-four splattered down the lane, Georgia thought about home. What would her mum be up to at that moment? Probably still painting, as she was busy with an important commission. Georgia’s mum was an artist and worked every possible hour to make ends meet. When Georgia had left early that morning for the show, she was up and already absorbed in her latest picture.

  The four-by-four turned the corner at the end of the bumpy lane and on to the main road, its headlights lighting up the twilight. After about a mile, they pulled up outside a cottage.

  “Thanks, Melanie,” said Georgia as she jumped out of the car. She gave her mum’s friend a wave before turning to walk up the path.

  The house was quiet when Georgia opened the front door. As she entered the kitchen she could just about hear the faint sound of the radio coming from the shed at the end of the garden where her mother worked.

  Dumping her stuff on the kitchen table, Georgia ran over the small lawn. Pip, her faithful black and white spaniel who had been dozing in the last of the evening sunshine, sprang up to greet her, her tail thumping.

  “Hi, Mum,” she called, poking her head round the door of the shed.

  “Oh, hello, sweetheart.” Georgia’s mother looked up. “I must have lost track of the time.” She pushed back a stray piece of hair that had fallen across her face and smoothed her paint-splattered apron. “Have you had a good day?”

  “Yes, great, thanks.” Georgia bent down to give her mum a kiss. “Have you eaten?”

  “Just a sandwich,” her mother answered. “I grabbed one earlier. What about you?”

  “I had something at the show,” said Georgia.

  “So? How did they do?” her mum asked.

  “Two firsts and three seconds.” Georgia grinned.

  “Fantastic!” her mum enthused. “But you look shattered, love. It’s bed for you now. You need an early night for school tomorrow.”

  School. Georgia groaned but she knew her mum was right. “OK, Mum,” she said.

  “Did you get some revision done in the horse lorry like you promised?” her mum asked.

  “Yes,” Georgia said, crossing her fingers behind her back.

  “That’s good.” Lucy Black nodded as Georgia hurried back to the cottage and up the stairs.

  Once Georgia was in her tiny room, where every surface was decorated with photos and posters of horses or her mum’s paintings, exhaustion swept over her. It was no good – she couldn’t revise now. She’d have to get up early and do a bit of work in the morning. Trying not to look at the pile of school books stacked precariously on her desk, Georgia put on her pyjamas and sank gratefully into bed.

  She fell asleep instantly and was soon dreaming about her favourite thing in the world – ponies! Beautiful bay hunters with smooth paces, little hacks with flowing manes, and flashy showjumpers flying over fences…

  “Georgia!” came her mum’s voice the next morning. “Are you ready for school?”

  Groaning, Georgia opened one eye and reached out to grab her alarm clock. What time was it? Eight o’clock! There wasn’t going to be any time for revision. At this rate, she was going to be late for school!

  Gently, Pip licked her cheek as Georgia rolled over, trying to focus on the day ahead. She only had five minutes to get dressed and grab some breakfast.

  Georgia pulled on her navy school uniform, brushed her teeth and tied her hair back before rushing down the stairs.

  A smell of sizzling bacon filled the air. Her mum was in the kitchen when Georgia pushed open the door. She looked tired and drawn, and there were dark circles under her eyes.

  “You didn’t work through the night, did you, Mum?”

  “Morning, sweetheart.” Georgia’s mother grinned, not answering the question, which definitely meant that she had. “All set?”

  “As set as I’ll ever be,” said Georgia, stroking Ralphy, their large tabby cat, and then grabbing a piece of toast. She took a slug of her mum’s tea and kissed her on the cheek. “Bye, Mum.”

  “Take another piece of toast at least!” Lucy Black said. “You need to keep your strength up—”

  But Georgia was out of the door. Quickly she ran down the little lane that led to the main road, not stopping until she reached the end. The school bus was already rattling round the corner, with Georgia’s best friend, Emma, inside.

  “Over here, G.” She grinned as Georgia made her way down the aisle. The two of them had been friends since their first day at primary, although they couldn’t be more different if they tried – Emma was well-dressed with neat brown hair whereas Georgia was scruffy and her long blonde hair hung down her back in a tangle most of the time.

  “I’m so nervous, G,” Emma said once Georgia had sat down, her smooth forehead creasing with worry.

  “You’ll be just fine, Em,” said Georgia, giving her friend a little hug. “You’ve got nothing to worry about.”

  As the bus rattled along its route, Georgia starting madly flicking through pages of notes, desperate to cram in some last-minute facts before they arrived at school.

  When the bus came to a standstill, Georgia and Emma jumped down and walked up the steps of a red-bricked, modern building. Pupils were jostling for space in the corridors and nervous chatter filled the air.

  “See you later, Em,” Georgia called over her shoulder as they filed into the exam hall. Quickly, she found her place and sat down. Twiddling her pen anxiously, she stared at her bitten fingernails and then glanced across at Emma.

  “Good luck,” she whispered before the teacher in charge told them to turn their papers over.

  The exam was a disaster. Georgia knew that the minute she saw the questions. As she came out of the room to excited chatter, Georgia felt sick. How had she thought she would be all right? And the exams were only going to get worse with every day that passed.

  It was true. As Wednesday became Thursday, and Thursday spilled into Friday, the exams all started to blur for Georgia. She was just relieved when finally they were over. On Friday afternoon, as they emerged from the school building into bright sunshine, relief swept over her.

  “Phew! Thank goodness that’s over!” Georgia turned to Emma with one thought and one thought only – she had to see the ponies! She hadn’t been up to the stab
les all week and it had nearly killed her!

  “Come with me to Redgrove, Em,” Georgia begged.

  Emma rolled her eyes. “I don’t know … I want to get home and put together an outfit for the midsummer dance.”

  “The midsummer dance!” cried Georgia. “But that’s ages away. Not till way into the holidays. Can’t you think about anything else?”

  “It’s better than thinking about horses all the time!” Emma teased.

  “I don’t know if it is,” Georgia replied truthfully. “Look, if I come shopping with you on Sunday, will you come up to the yard with me now?”

  Emma pretended to look thoughtful for a moment. Then she gave her friend a massive grin. “Done,” she said.

  The two girls laughed as they ran for the bus.

  “Redgrove – here we come!” cried Georgia.

  The yard was quiet that afternoon so it didn’t take Georgia and Emma long to race through the jobs that hadn’t been done all week. It had been lovely to see the horses, but Georgia was exhausted by the time she got home – and grateful when, finally, she could get into bed. It had been a tiring week.

  When Georgia woke the next day, the first thing that popped into her head was the exams. And then she remembered. They were over! All done! Not only that, but it was Saturday and what with the sun peeking through the curtains, it looked like it would be the perfect day for riding!

  Georgia got out of bed and flung back the curtains before throwing on pink shorts and a stripy T-shirt. Next, she packed her navy jodhpurs, brown jodhpur boots and half chaps, and finally put her riding hat in at the top before zipping up her bulging rucksack.

  Her mum wasn’t awake yet so she tiptoed quietly around downstairs, getting herself breakfast. “Morning, Pip!” she whispered, patting the little spaniel as she stepped out into the sunshine after scribbling her mum a note.

  Quickly, she cycled the short journey down the bumpy lane, along the main road and over to the farm.

  Melanie was already busy watering her hanging baskets when Georgia propped up her bike by the fence. She waved at her.


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