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The Palomino Pony Comes Home

Page 6

by Olivia Tuffin

  “I know you, don’t I?” she hissed, pulling the chestnut hard in his mouth and bringing him to a standstill. “Where from?”

  “I … I…” Georgia stuttered.

  And then, clearly, it dawned on Jemma. “It’s you! You’re the girl who took Lily! You TOOK my pony!”

  Georgia didn’t know what to say. She stared at Jemma for a very long time before finally she managed to stammer, “Lily was injured – she nearly died. We had to get a vet to look at her, but we saved her and we’ve bought her now.”

  “Bought her?” Jemma laughed, and the sound was cruel and mocking. “Oh, please,” she taunted. “You mean the paltry amount you gave my grandfather? That wasn’t payment – that was practically a gift. As far as I’m concerned, she’s still mine and I want her back. And what I want I usually get…”

  “You can’t take Lily from me. Not ever,” Georgia said firmly.

  But Jemma seemed not to hear her. She pointed at the badge on Georgia’s chest, looking her up and down. “What’s this then?” she sneered. “Groom?”

  Georgia opened her mouth to speak, but just then a steward called for the competitors for the Welsh pony class.

  Wheeling the chestnut around and digging her heels harshly into his ribs, Jemma cantered away in a cloud of dust, but not before she delivered her parting shot. “I’ll get that pony back, just you wait and see!”

  Georgia’s heart felt like it was drumming in her ears. She raced back along the dry ground to the lorry where she ran head first into Melanie, who was rolling up Wilson’s travelling bandages.

  “What is it? Whatever’s the matter, Georgia?” Melanie asked, sounding worried. “Have we missed the class?”

  “No, no it’s not that.” Georgia shook her head.

  Pale and shaking, Georgia told her everything that had just happened. When she’d finished, Melanie’s mouth was set in a thin line. “Well, take no notice. There’s nothing that girl can do,” she said firmly. “Lily belongs to me now; she hasn’t got a leg to stand on. Honestly, Georgia, I’ve had her papers from the Welsh Pony Society and everything. Lily is ours. Try and forget about her. She can’t take Lily back, she just can’t.”

  Sophie emerged from the horse lorry at that moment, looking beautiful in her canary-yellow breeches and tailored jacket, with her long hair tucked into a hair net.

  “What’s this?” she asked.

  “It’s nothing.” Georgia turned away, hiding her tears. She busied herself with Wilson, tacking him up and giving his coat a final polish. Regardless of Melanie’s reassuring words, she couldn’t forget the threat in Jemma’s voice.

  Despite her worries, out of the corner of her eye Georgia noticed Tory slipping out of her horsebox and crossing the lorry park where she started talking to an older-looking boy. Georgia frowned. He seemed vaguely familiar. Curious, she turned to Sophie, who was arranging her tie in the lorry mirror.

  “Who’s that boy?” she asked.

  Sophie followed her gaze and shrugged, her eyes slightly downcast as she swung up on to Wilson. “Don’t ask me. Tory knows everyone at these shows. She’s always going off to see someone or other.”

  Georgia couldn’t help but notice the way Tory threw a filthy look in their direction even though she was still deep in conversation. Was she talking about Georgia? Or perhaps she and Sophie had had a falling-out?

  Still, there wasn’t time to think about that now. Sophie had started to warm Wilson up under Melanie’s meticulous eye and Georgia wanted to watch. Shortly afterwards, the show hunter pony class was called and Sophie headed off on Wilson. Georgia made her way to the ringside with Melanie to watch.

  To Georgia’s horror, as she took her seat she realised that Jemma was in the class as well, this time mounted on a beautiful dark-grey gelding.

  Georgia tried not to look at her, choosing to focus on the other horses instead. Wilson was behaving beautifully, his trot fluid, his tightly plaited mane showing off the perfect curve of his neck and gleaming conker coat.

  But as he trotted round, Jemma kept trying to overtake him. It looked as though she was determined to ruin his show as she brushed past him with just millimetres to spare.

  Wilson spooked sideways, his ears back, his tail swishing.

  Georgia felt uneasy. Jemma was clever, covering her actions with a big smile whenever the judge was looking her way, so he didn’t see what was going on. Eventually Jemma was pulled in first and Sophie second.

  “I’m going to make an official complaint,” Melanie fumed as Sophie and Wilson came out of the ring.

  “What’s going on? Who was that girl?” Sophie cried, clearly shaken.

  Georgia felt terrible. It was all her fault. She opened her mouth to say something, then closed it again, lost for words.

  For the rest of the day, Georgia tried to forget about Jemma and her threats to take Lily back. After all, Melanie had made it clear that she was the rightful owner now. Even so, Georgia felt a shiver run down her spine whenever she thought about it. She washed Wilson down and tied him up with a hay net before going off to have a quick wander around the showground, leaving Melanie with the horses. Melanie had met a friend and the two of them were chatting in picnic chairs outside the horse lorry.

  She would have to keep her eyes peeled for Jemma. She didn’t want to run into her again.

  “We’ll leave in about half an hour, Georgia,” Melanie called after her. “Go and enjoy yourself.”

  Georgia loved having the chance to look around. Every show was different, and today’s show was no exception. She admired the sheep with their impressive horns and the Dexter cows in the livestock pens, before gazing wistfully at the long-haired rabbits in the pet tent. Georgia would have liked to have had a rabbit of her own but her mum always said it was too risky with a dog around. She bought an ice cream and a can of cola from a stall and was just wandering back through the line of horseboxes when a voice from the other side of a dark-maroon lorry made her stop in her tracks.

  “I’d know that girl anywhere…”

  It was Jemma.

  Quickly tucking herself into the shadows of the horsebox, Georgia held her breath. Jemma was sitting in the doorway to the livestock entrance, flanked by two older boys. She couldn’t see their faces, but she was sure they were the boys Georgia had seen her with on the field trip. Her blood ran cold at the sound of their voices and she shuddered at the thought of the three of them closing in on Lily on the mountainside, ready to beat her if she disobeyed.

  “Nobody makes me look a fool. I want that pony back.” Jemma’s voice was snarling and menacing.

  Georgia shrank further into the shadows of the horsebox, straining to hear the rest of the conversation.

  “That little upstart thinks she can get one over on me,” Jemma continued, her voice growing angrier. “But I’m not going to let her get away with it! That stupid pony was given to me, and I’ll do what I like with her!”

  “But your granddad sold her, didn’t he?” said one of the boys.

  “Oh, for goodness’ sake!” Jemma snapped, sounding as if she was going to explode. “Granddad’s done with the ponies! He’s totally lost the plot! Mum and I are taking over the business now!”

  One of the boys spoke again, sounding worried. “But they’ll be able to find out if you’ve taken the pony. You’ll get done for stealing.”

  Jemma’s voice was quieter now, like a white rage. “Then I’ll just say Granddad’s soft in the head so it doesn’t count … that he didn’t sell the pony at all. I’m sure there’s no contract or anything. Now, are you with me or not? Because you’re both sounding as pathetic as anything right now!”

  The boys mumbled a reply that Georgia could just about make out as a yes before she sprinted back across to the Haydens’ horsebox, her heart pounding and her mouth dry with fear.

  When Georgia told Melanie all about the conversation she had just overheard, Melanie looked a bit exasperated. “Look, Georgia, she’s definitely a nasty piece of work,” she
said, “but she won’t come to the stables to steal Lily. She’ll have more sense than that.”

  Georgia hung her head. She knew Melanie thought she was silly to worry but she hadn’t heard the steely determination in the girl’s voice.

  Melanie softened. “Listen, don’t worry. We’ll watch out for her at shows from now on, just in case she tries to make trouble. OK?”

  Georgia nodded.

  “I can’t have her upsetting my number-one groom now, can I?” Melanie ruffled Georgia’s hair. “Now, come on. Let’s get this horse lorry on the road.”

  Georgia gave Melanie a small smile, but she couldn’t ignore the knot of anxiety still twisting in her stomach. What if Jemma really did carry out her threat? What if she came and tried to take Lily away? Georgia knew she couldn’t bear that.

  Suddenly Georgia’s head went up. She just wasn’t going to ignore what she’d heard. If Melanie didn’t believe her, then it was up to Georgia to keep Lily safe. She’d made a promise to the little palomino and she was going to keep it, whatever happened.

  “There you are, my angel,” Georgia called as she got out of the horse lorry and ran across the yard at Redgrove. It had seemed a much longer journey back from the show and it was such a relief to see the little pony again, safe and sound, standing at the gate with Callie.

  Lily gave a shrill whinny as Melanie unboxed Wilson. She was clearly delighted to see the handsome bay pony. Georgia placed both arms around the mare’s neck, breathing in her scent and the warmth of the early evening sunshine on her golden coat.

  “Boy, am I glad to see you!” she murmured. The little pony stood stock still, responding to Georgia’s touch. It was amazing to think that just a few weeks ago no one could go near her.

  Melanie came over and patted Lily softly on her muzzle. “You know, I’ve been thinking. Maybe it’s time you had a go at riding her.”

  “Me? Really?” Georgia cried, delighted. “You think she’s ready? You think she might let me?”

  “I don’t see why not,” said Melanie. “She trusts you. You can see that. And that’s a good starting point.”

  Georgia knew that Melanie was probably bringing this up now to make her feel better about everything that had happened at the show, but she wasn’t about to complain.

  “What do you say? Shall we give it a go tomorrow?” Melanie said. “After that, Sophie and I are away for a few days, visiting universities. So you should definitely try her out before then. What do you think?”

  “I think it sounds great!” Georgia grinned.

  The next morning, Georgia bounded out of bed. Melanie’s promise from the day before was still ringing in her ears. Today was the day she was going to try out Lily! What would she be like? Would she be easy to ride? Would her stride be as fluid from above as it looked from below? Dressing quickly in jodhs and her favourite purple T-shirt, Georgia pulled a comb through her tangle of hair and, grabbing a piece of toast, she quickly headed for the door.

  “Bye, Mum!”

  “Bye, Georgia!” her mum called back as the door swung shut behind her.

  Georgia cycled quickly down the quiet lanes and as she made her way up the drive to Redgrove she was pleased to see all three ponies in the paddock grazing quietly together. They made a beautiful trio – the dark, elegant Wilson; Lily, the pretty palomino; and the small Exmoor, Callie, her dun coat gleaming in the early morning light. Georgia sighed. She was so lucky to be allowed to care for these ponies as if they were her own.

  To her surprise, Sophie was out in the yard cleaning Wilson’s tack, which was hanging over the gate. She looked up when she saw Georgia.

  “Hey,” she called in a friendly voice. “You’re going to ride Lily today, aren’t you?”

  “I think so!” Georgia replied, pleased at Sophie’s sudden interest.

  “I think she’s lovely,” Sophie continued.

  The two girls smiled at one other before Georgia went into the tack room to fetch Lily’s head collar.

  As Georgia let herself into the field, the little pony whickered and slowly approached, flanked by Callie, who was bossily protective of her now. Carefully, Georgia placed a head collar on the palomino and then led her into the yard.

  “She’s looking lovely,” Melanie called, appearing from the house clutching a cup of tea. “So are you ready to give it a go?”

  “Yes, I think so!” Georgia replied, feeling terrified and elated at the same time. She really hoped Lily was going to be OK with being ridden.

  “Great!” Melanie said. “Well, I’ve made up a little bridle for her, and the old show saddle should fit her too – at least for now. So let’s try her at a walk to start with, and see how she goes.”

  Very carefully, not wanting to startle her, Georgia tacked Lily up, admiring the way the brown leather looked against her pale coat. She put on her navy riding hat and fastened the chinstrap, and then, very gently, she untied Lily’s lead rope and led her over to the mounting block.

  Melanie held Lily’s head while Georgia carefully eased herself into the saddle. She sat quietly for a moment, hardly daring to breathe, feeling the pony tremble beneath her. “You’re safe now, girl,” she murmured, reaching down and running her hand through the palomino’s cream mane.

  Melanie watched intently, ready to act if Lily panicked. But she didn’t.

  Slowly, sitting as still as a statue, her hands making feather-light contact, Georgia nudged the palomino and she obediently walked forwards. They rode through the gate and then up the path alongside the stables, which was cool and shaded by heavily laden elderflower bushes.

  “Easy, girl,” Georgia soothed. Breathing in the summer scents and enjoying the easy rhythm of the Welsh pony, she started to relax.

  Melanie walked next to them, never taking her eyes off the pair as they walked past the house and into the open meadow. Lily was walking out now, her stride fluid, as if she was floating.

  “You little star!” Melanie praised the pony, whose ears were now pricked forward. “Why don’t you try a lap?” she encouraged Georgia.

  Feeling as if she might burst with happiness, Georgia nudged Lily forward. Then, once they had circled the meadow a couple more times, she steered Lily back to the yard.

  There she dismounted and flung her arms round the little mare, covering her with kisses. “I love you so much!” she said as she buried her face into the pony’s golden neck, almost crying with joy. Jemma’s alarming words forgotten now, Georgia felt as though she and Lily could do anything. Nothing could spoil their happiness!

  From now on, she would ride Lily every day until she had restored the palomino’s natural confidence. After that, there would be the prospect of shows and Pony Club camps, long summer rides and winter hacks. It was going to be amazing!

  Later that afternoon, as Georgia helped Melanie in the garden, she spotted Sophie and Tory sunbathing by the pool. Tory was tapping away at her mobile and ignoring Sophie’s attempts at conversation.

  It was odd, really. Tory seemed to be popping in a lot at the moment but never staying for very long. And she was always glammed up nowadays, as if she was ready for a night out. Today was no exception. She was wearing a short denim miniskirt and a yellow vest, her make-up applied thickly, which made her look much older than seventeen.

  Sophie sighed and turned over on to her stomach just as Tory suddenly leapt up, grabbed her bag and left, as if she had just received an urgent text. Barely bothering to say goodbye, she stalked out of the garden, her phone glued to her ear.

  Melanie watched, a frown on her face. “She’s a strange girl, that Tory,” she said confidentially to Georgia. “When Sophie starts university I’m hoping their friendship might fizzle out.”

  Georgia watched Tory as she left the yard. She’d never liked her but what could she say? It was interesting to know that Melanie felt the same though. Georgia couldn’t help thinking that there was something a bit suspicious about Tory’s behaviour lately and there was always the worry that the older girl was goi
ng to say something mean to her. Still, with Melanie and Sophie away for the next few days, Tory wouldn’t be around at Redgrove. Georgia sighed happily. She wouldn’t have to think about a single thing apart from her beloved ponies.

  “Bye, Georgia! See you in three days!” Melanie got into the driver’s seat of the four-by-four, Sophie by her side. Then, as an afterthought, she rolled down her window. “Are you sure you’ll be all right, looking after the horses by yourself? Simon will only be here in the evenings, remember.”

  “I’ll be just fine,” Georgia assured her. “Now, off you go!”

  “OK.” Melanie nodded. “Well, thank you. Just text me if there are any problems, won’t you?”

  “I will.” Georgia smiled. “Although there won’t be,” she added. “Em and Dan are going to come and visit and help me out.”

  Georgia waved as the four-by-four disappeared down the drive. She couldn’t believe that Melanie trusted her enough to leave her in charge of the ponies. It was brilliant!

  Pip, who had run alongside her bike as she cycled over to Redgrove that morning, was at her heel as she turned back to the yard. “Come on, girl. Let’s go and check on the ponies,” she said happily, rubbing her between the ears.

  The three of them were standing in their shelter, eyes closed, heads hanging as they lazily swatted flies away with their tails. There was a faint hum of bees in the distance, and the sickly-sweet perfume from the nearby oilseed rape fields, now a vibrant yellow, hung heavily in the air.

  Georgia gave each pony a pat and then counted the chickens to ensure they were all present and correct, scratching around in the dusty earth beside the stable yard. Happy that all the animals were content and peaceful, Georgia made her way into the cool of the house. She had a couple of hours to spare until it was time to give the ponies their supper, and with Emma and Dan both busy for the afternoon she thought she’d read for a while.


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