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Touch of Danger

Page 8

by T. J. Finn

  Once they’d all made certain that she was still alive and breathing, they’d searched and found Corbin missing. Claire’s jeep was still there so he hadn’t driven off and just about everyone there used whatever skill or gift they had, including Theo shifting into a dragon, to search the area. James Corbin was nowhere to be seen.

  Several people continued to search for Corbin while he got Claire to safety. Finn had to literally bite the inside of his cheek when he watched as Claire’s friend, Lacey went up to her jeep and started talking to it. After a few moments, she came back to him, smiling. “Fred will let you drive him. He knows you are with Claire and you don’t mean her harm. Frost and I will take her to her parents and you can follow us.”

  Finn looked at Lacey’s husband, Frost, over her shoulder. He liked the couple. A lot. But he was still speechless that he was looking at a real alien who had crash landed near Magic and had fallen in love with Lacey. Finn found Frost’s glowing iridescent blue eyes a little disturbing but he liked the man. He respected him even more when he and Sheriff Theo headed out again to look for Corbin. Finn didn’t think they’d find him.

  There was something different about James Corbin that Finn couldn’t quite put his finger on but he’d find out. When Claire was feeling better and they’d returned to her cabin, he planned on setting out with his brother Sean to the hunt the bastard down.

  Leaning over, he lightly brushed her forehead with his fingertips willing her to wake up. He would never forget the sight of her standing toe to toe with that monster. When he’d arrived with Lacey and Frost, it looked like she had been choking the man. Corbin’s face was purple by the time he had passed out. Finn had never seen anything like it. His heart had felt like it was going to explode in his chest when he saw her then it had stopped beating when she’d dropped to the ground, nearly curling into a ball because of all the voices.

  Finn thought she had died right then but when he’d reached her side and gathered into his arms he had been elated. Her heart was racing from her exertion and her breathing was ragged but she was breathing and alive.

  “Finn?” The sound of Claire’s raspy voice had him moving to sit on the bed next to her. Finn reached out to caress her cheek and she took his hand in hers. “You’re not dead. Corbin told me you were dead.”

  He shook his head and gave her a soft smile. “They tried but I’m tougher than I look.” His smile wavered then fell away. “I thought you had died when you collapse.”

  A tear slipped out of the corner of her eye and fell to the pillow. “It was the voices. Corbin had done something with my mind. He hurt me so when everyone got there I couldn't stop their voices. It was horrible.”

  Finn leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. “Your mother has put up a temporary barrier around this room so that the only voices you hear are from those that come in and visitors have been limited to your family and your friend Lacey.”

  “Did I hear someone call my name?”

  Finn looked over his shoulder as Lacey walked in the door. The woman was slender but, like Claire, had great curves. She’d pulled her long, dark brown hair into a ponytail and it bounced a little as she walked in and around to the other side of the bed.

  Lacey sat down and scooped Claire up, wrapping her arms around her friend. “Tell me Fred helped you.”

  Claire started laughing as she pulled away and sat up in the bed. “I didn’t think he was going to be but finally he did. Almost killed us both the way he stopped though. I think we need to rework that spell.”

  Lacey waved her hand in the air. “Already done.” Claire smiled and nodded.

  “Thank you for that and well, for everything. So where is Corbin?” Finn and Lacey exchanged looks. “What?”

  Finn took Claire’s hand and squeezed it. “He’s gone. He just disappeared and we can’t find him.”

  “What do you mean he’s gone?” Claire looked at them both in confusion. He was passed out on the ground by Fred.

  Finn shook his head. “He’s just gone but don’t worry. As soon as you’re better and we get back to your cabin, I’m going to help my brother Sean find him.”

  Claire sighed and leaned back against the headboard. “I can’t believe he’s just gone.”

  “We’ll find him baby. I promise.” Lacey looked between the two of them and smiled.

  “So I was speaking to Finn and Sean and Finn said you can’t hear his thoughts.” Claire and Finn both nodded.

  “It's the strangest thing. I can hear everyone. Even when they try to block me I can still pick up some stuff.”

  “Sean was telling me that his mother was a very powerful telepath as well and that Finn was with her when Corbin killed her. I hear Corbin is a very powerful telepath as well.”

  Claire nodded. “He hurt me. It was like white hot pokers stabbing me in my brain. I’ve never come up against that before.”

  Lacey took a deep breath as she nodded. “I think that before she told Finn to run and before she was killed, his mom did something to protect Finn’s mind. A shield if you will, so that Corbin couldn’t hurt him. I think it's stayed with him all these years and that’s why you can’t hear him.”

  Claire looked at Finn then back to Lacey. “I suppose that would explain it. I can’t get so much as a peep from him.”

  Lacey smiled and stood. “Well that’s a good thing since the two of you were meant for each other.” She started to leave then stopped by the door. “We’re having a bbq at our place. If you’re up to it, why don’t you come over. It’ll just be us and your family and it would be great to visit some more before you head back to Colorado.”

  Claire smiled with a nod then turned to Finn when Lacey walked out of the room. Finn squeezed her hand then brought it to his lips and kissed her palm. “So, Lacey says we’re meant for each other. What do you think?”

  He heard her heart rate quicken and saw her beautiful, smooth cheeks pinken. “I love you Finn. I want you to come back to my cabin with me, stay there with me. If you do go out with Sean to hunt Corbin, I want you to come back then too.”

  Finn smiled big as he gently wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to him. He kissed her softly on her lips, his hand moving around to cup her neck and hold her close. When they finally lifted their heads slight he nipped at her bottom lip then laid his forehead against hers.

  “Claire, I love you too. My wolf has been trying to tell me from the moment I saw you in your kitchen that you were my might. I want to make a life with you, at your cabin. It's not that far from my pack lands so if I’m needed I can go. Claire, I want you to marry me.”

  Claire sat back, her eyes wide and blinked rapidly for a moment, His stomach sank as he watched her. She was going to tell him no. He knew it. But then she smiled the most heartwarming smile he had ever seen, tears dancing in her beautiful emerald green eyes. “Yes Finn. I’ll marry you.”

  Finn grinned and pulled her back to him, molding her chest against his. His lips claimed hers again in a hot, wet passionate kiss that stole her breath away. She was trembling and breathless when he finally lifted his head, a wicked smile tugging at his lips.

  “Do you think your friend Lacey would understand if we skip the BBQ tonight? I don’t want to leave this room or you. I want to lock the door and strip you naked and devour every inch of you.”

  Claire grinned and shook her head. “I don’t think she’ll mind at all. Why don’t you go lock that door and we can get started on this devouring right now?”

  Finn stood, chuckling as he locked the door then turned and started undressing. “Baby, yo,u have the best ideas, you know that?”

  Thanks from the author

  I hope you enjoyed reading Claire and Finn's romance.

  I want to thank you for reading my debut novella. I had a lot of fun, and a few tears, and some more laughs writing this story for you.

  If you did, It would mean a lot to me If you would leave a review. Even just a quick note on Amazon to say - Good Job, or Great Read, makes a big
difference to me an my career.

  You know what would make my day?

  If you had such a good time reading this book that you want to know when the next book I write for you come out.

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  The Author

  TJ Finn loves reading, writing, stalking other authors that she can fangirl over on Facebook, and non-hoppy beer.

  She's the author of super sexy paranormal romance and can't wait to get her next book out into the world for her brand spanking new raving fans.

  You can find TJ on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads. She loves to hear from readers and really wants you to find her on the internet so she can procrastinate writing her next one-thousand words.




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