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by Christine Rains

  Layers of Lace

  Christine Rains

  Book two of the Dice and Debauchery series.

  Amateur cosplayer Emily Solis is determined to win the costume contest and the heart of her biggest competition.

  It isn’t the first time Emily has shed her costume with the gorgeous Russell Morrison. Not even her best friend knows she’s been having wild convention sex with him for over a year. It was supposed to remain just physical, but Emily couldn’t help falling for him and his kinky ways. In a moment of passion, she rolls the dice and tells Russell she loves him. He doesn’t say it back. She’ll have to try to convince him they’re perfect together without rolling another critical failure.

  Reader Advisory: This story has graphic sexual language and scenes—no closed bedroom doors (or other rooms) here!

  A Romantica® contemporary erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave


  Christine Rains

  Chapter One

  Geek girl problem #19: When the many layers of lace you carefully hand-sewed for your cosplay costume come between you and hot sex.

  It was easy to pretend I had never met Russell before even though I just wanted to drag him up to my hotel room and jump his bones. I hitched a ride on the energy in the air. Everyone in our Steampunk Quest group was meeting for the first time, and it was the night before the start of the gaming convention. Tons of excitement to make my act sparkle.

  Inside the hotel pub, our group sat laughing and talking about our plans for the convention. Though my gaze kept drifting to Russell, I noticed the way Morgan looked at Dean. Or rather the way she pretended not to. I’ve never seen my best friend so focused on a guy she just met. It was about time she got a little of Captain Kirk’s horniness flowing through her veins. How she went months without a lover was beyond me.

  Dean was cute but too understated for me. I liked my men with more flair. That meant more than half the time I found myself hitting on gay guys. Oh well. At least they were always sweet about it.

  The other guys in the group weren’t my type either. Andrew was my height, which I told everyone was perfect for pixies. Josh was nerd-hot and didn’t know it, and while that was alluring in a way, he drank light beer. Blech.

  Patrick, the last guy, was married. His wife Sydney had an amazing costume, but there was no suitably fitting any piece of clothing to her enormous chest.

  Dressed as his character Governor Attwell Slator, Russell’s every movement was smooth and cool. His jacket fitted so well, accentuating his narrow hips and long legs. Plus the little details. The silver embroidery, the sharp cut to the fabric and the antique cane. I loved that he was a man who paid attention to the smaller things.

  Russell also did an excellent job of pretending just to have met me. I admired his skill and hated him for it at the same time. I wanted him to ravish me in his excitement to see me again, but instead he sat two seats away, and I couldn’t even tease him with the points of my shoes under the table.

  When we returned to our hotel room at just after eleven, I was not in the mood to hear that Morgan had made out with Dean.

  “I can’t believe I did that. I just…can’t.” Morgan rid herself of her costume and pulled on her Doctor Who nightshirt.

  “Of course you can. You kissed a hot guy in the back of the pub. Strike a victory pose.” Whether I sounded snappy or supportive, I didn’t care. Morgan had got some action before I did. Sure I was happy for her, but I needed an itch scratched, and the fact that Russell hadn’t even texted me made me feel a bit bitchy.

  “But he probably doesn’t even really like me, just my character.” Morgan sighed and heaved herself backward on her bed. The fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra made the Doctor’s face jumbled.

  I stood up from the end of my bed and adjusted my skirt as I took in a deep breath. Serenity. Think calm thoughts. And about the ship too. Captain Mal always brought a smile to my lips. Yup, there’s my happy place.

  Leaning on Morgan’s bed, I took her hand and gave it a squeeze. “He likes you, hon. Anyone can see it. You’re still hyped up about it. Go to sleep, and in the morning you’ll have a better perspective.”

  “You’re right. I know.” She squeezed back and relaxed. “Aren’t you going to sleep too? It’s a long day tomorrow.”

  What I wanted was a long night. Or rather something long and hard. Damn Russell.

  “I’m just going out to cruise a little. See the downtown lights and the other hotels.”

  “You mean show off your costume and see if you can check out your competition for the costume contest on Saturday.” Morgan raised a brow and chuckled.

  The girl knew me better than anyone. I straightened and grinned. “Hey, cosplay is serious business. You sure you’re okay? I’ll stay if you want.”

  “I’m fine. Go on.” She waved at me, and as she started to pull the covers off her bed, I hurried to the door and blew her a kiss.

  “Good night!” I heard her say at the same time as I opened the door and escaped into the hall.

  Okay, maybe Morgan didn’t know me that well. She was like a sister to me, but she was so Sheldon-like in some ways. Always focused on school, her games and her favorite spot on the couch.

  Maybe that would make me Penny on The Big Bang Theory, except I could act. And I loved random sex. Conventions weren’t just for gaming and cosplay. They were my outlet for the unusual sides of my libido. Where else could you do it with a stormtrooper and Darth Vader? Everyone loves a woman dressed in a steel bikini.

  I sashayed down the hall toward the elevator and smiled at a couple who walked by. They glanced over their shoulders at me as they continued.

  Been there. I wasn’t interested in that sort of adventure tonight.

  Why wasn’t he answering his phone? I was going to strangle him with his own mustache.

  I pressed the call button for the elevator and tapped a foot as I waited. As much as I hated that he wasn’t replying to my texts, I seethed with frustration that I cared about it. Cared that I had to have him before any other lover. Not just have him, but only him and never share him again.

  If only there were a way to remove my emotion chip—then I could fuck without a worry.

  The elevator dinged and the doors swished open. My foot stilled and my breath caught in my throat.

  “Well, well, Lady Cora. Fancy meeting you here.” Russell’s grin grew under that perfect handlebar mustache. If he had a nickel for every time I’d taken a ride, he’d be filthy rich. “You look very lovely this evening.”

  As he stepped out, I raised my chin and crossed my arms. “A good evening to you as well, Governor.” What was he doing on this floor? Was the bastard meeting someone else? “I haven’t seen you in these parts before. Shouldn’t you be in your mansion plying your wealthy constituents with wine made from the blood of the poor?”

  “You paint a wretched picture of my life, my lady. I am more than just a politician.” Russell’s faux accent sent shivers through my body. His voice was dark, drizzly fudge, and “addiction” would be an understatement of how I felt about it. “Just as you are more than a secretary to Lady Geneve. So much more.”

  His gaze raked over me, and I could have sworn I could feel fingers instead. My inner thighs clenched as wetness soaked my lace panties. He hadn’t even touched me and my body thrummed with pleasure. I nipped the side of my tongue to keep my focus. “I’m a secretary whose messages have been ignored. So if you’ll excuse me, Governor, I must go and find someone who wants to hear my secret missives.”

  Russell held up his cane to block my way into the elevator. The doors shut at the same time. “Messages? I apologize, my lady. I haven’t seen a single one from you today, but then again, my trusty delivery boy met with an unfort
unate accident when he tumbled onto the marble floors of my suite.”

  I let out a breath I hadn’t known I was holding. Russell had dropped his phone. He hadn’t been ignoring me! I licked my lips and smiled. Now the game could begin in earnest.

  “It seems as if many folk have unfortunate accidents in your company. Be forewarned, sir, I’m a woman who can take care of herself.” I lifted my skirt a little to reveal the plastic pistol strapped to my thigh. More so to flash him more leg. He couldn’t hide the bulge growing in his trousers. And nor, no doubt, did he want to.

  “I am certain that you can,” he purred, and offered an arm. “But right now, I’m much more interested in hearing your messages. Come somewhere a little more private. Is your employer in this evening?”

  I looped my arm through his, my dress rustling against him. It was all I could do not to yank him down and kiss those luscious lips of his. “I’ll not be the one to lead you to our headquarters, no matter what fine manners you use. There’s a spot over that way where we’re unlikely to be interrupted.”

  Hotels were full of fun nooks and dark corners. Having stayed in this one before, I knew exactly where to take us. Neither of our steps were slow.

  There was a spot at the end of the hall that housed two vending machines and a loudly humming ice maker. The light sat at the front of the alcove, leaving the machines to shadow the corners in the back. It smelled like an abandoned space station, but it was the sexy man on my arm who provided all the ambience I needed.

  Gripping my arm, he spun me into the darkest shadow of the niche and kissed me hard. My lips parted and our tongues warred. He pressed me against the wall, heedless of my hair and costume. Not that I paid any attention to his as I dragged my nails down his arms.

  I’d been aroused when I’d seen him in the elevator, but my desire exploded like the Death Star as we kissed. I couldn’t get enough of him. I rarely kept lovers for longer than a few months, but it had been over a year and a half since I’d first met Russell at a convention and he’d beaten me to first place in the costume contest. We’d gotten together at eleven cons since then, and sex with him had never failed to blow my mind.

  I moaned as he bit my lower lip and worried it between his teeth. He always wore the same spicy cologne, but it was the mysterious and slightly mocha scent of his mustache wax that filled my nose and added to my sensual bliss. He’d never share the recipe for the wax, but as long as he kept that spectacular mustache and brushed it over the most sensitive parts of my body, I didn’t care.

  As he kissed down my neck, I locked my fingers in his thick, dark hair. “Aren’t you afraid I might shoot you for this, Governor?”

  His tongue dipped down into my cleavage. What little cleavage I had. “I don’t care what you do to me, but after I’m through with you, I think perhaps you’ll change your mind about killing me. In fact,” he said as he grabbed my ass, “I think you’ll be begging me to share your bed.”

  “You have a mighty high opinion of yourself.” I groaned as he ground up against me. That was no pistol in his pants. Popping open the top buttons of his white silk shirt, I slid my fingers underneath. His chest was as hairless as an elf’s, and I did love it when he played one.

  “It’s well earned.” Russell kissed up again to my mouth, plundering it with his skilled tongue. The cool head of his cane eased up between my legs and bumped against my crotch. I gasped, and he rubbed the smooth metal against me again.

  “Prove it.” I squirmed against him as he wiggled the cane with several small and swift motions. My hand darted farther into his shirt and circled a nipple. I pinched and tugged at it. “I do hope you have something more to share than just your cane.”

  “Most assuredly I do.” He sucked at my lips as he used the cane to lift my left leg up to rest over his right thigh. My natural flexibility matched how much taller he was than me. My core’s heat blazed. Already eager to beg for more of him, I dropped my hand from his hair to tear open his pants. His obsession with being historically accurate made it so much easier for me.

  The buttons popped out and the flap flipped down. So handy that he had a fall front, but then I’d have bet he’d picked that style for this particular convenience. His libido raged as hot as mine.

  I quickly had his long erection in hand, and stroked it in greeting. My pussy twitched in anticipation. I needed him to fuck me. I couldn’t think past this moment, this fervent desire. Though I was dressed as a lady, I panted like an animal and rubbed myself against his leg.

  Russell dropped his cane, which clattered to the floor, and slipped his hand up my inner thigh. I jerked him a few more times before I cupped his balls, tickling under his sac. Nibbling at my earlobe, he fiddled with the ruffles of my skirt. Oh so close to the sweet spot. I wanted his cock inside me, but fingers would do for now.

  Fingertips grazed my aching mound, but he only continued to dance about. Hurry, damn it! I nipped at his neck to spur him along.

  “What’s going on down there? Please don’t tell me you’re wearing a chastity belt.” Though he sounded amused, there was equal frustration in his sharp tone.

  “What do you mean?” I lifted my raised leg higher and let go of his erection. Before I even sent my hand to investigate, I figured out what he meant. I growled under my breath. “To get the effect I wanted with this dress, I had to sew the layers of lace higher and thicker, securing them to the tops of my hose and panties.”

  His chuckle rumbled in his throat. “So like a lacy chastity belt.”

  “No!” As if I were chaste in any way. It was fashion, and it would totally ruin the dress to undo my work. I’d spent hours getting it just right.

  “We can pretend you’re a virgin. I’ll work you in slow.” Russell nuzzled my neck as he plucked one of my breasts from the padded cup of the corset. He fondled it and flicked the pierced nipple.

  Oh God. No way. Now. I wanted him now.

  “Break the damn stitches and fuck me.” I grabbed his shirt and yanked his head to mine. My mouth mashed to his before I uttered my command again. “Fuck me.”

  He didn’t waste any time. He tugged, and the first of the stitches snapped. Two, three, six more. Pushing my panties aside, he shoved a pair of fingers into me. My cry was muffled against his mouth. He pumped his digits in and out a few times before adding a third.

  “Good God, you’re so wet.” And that was an understatement. I could hear the juicy suction over the noise of the ice machine as he fingered me.

  Using his shoulders, I lifted myself and draped my other leg over his. Spreading myself wide, I thrust against his hand. My inner muscles squeezed his fingers as I directed my pelvis toward his. The fragile fabric of my panties ripped and stayed joined by one thin piece of elastic at the left side.

  Russell withdrew his fingers and brought them to his mouth. He suckled them and then swiped them over my lips. “Delicious as always.”

  I tasted thick and sweet, likely from the drinks I’d had earlier. The scent of sex won out against the staleness of the alcove. My heart hammered as Russell pushed up my dress and the head of his hard member traipsed along my slick slit.

  My head fell back as he licked up my throat to nip the tip of my chin. With his hands now cupping my ass, he positioned me so that his erection was nestled between my labia.

  I wiggled, trying to take him into me, and whimpered. “Now.”

  Russell hissed as he thrust into me. I attempted to speed things up, but he held me in place crushed against the wall. Like the Governor, he had to be in control, but I was no mewling submissive. I clutched him tighter within me and led a trail of kisses to his ear. I bit and tugged the lobe, murmuring how fucking good he felt pounding into me.

  His body rocked against mine. Clothes rustling, breathy groans and the meaty slap of his genitals meeting the wetness of mine filled my ears.

  I dug my nails into his shoulders and squeezed my eyes shut. No one filled me like he did. A sexual fire consumed me. He was the sexiest man in the univers
e, as I’m sure even Nathan Fillion would understand if he met Russell.

  Like a centaur’s kick, my orgasm slammed into me. My back arched as I cried out. His mouth was quick to cover mine to devour my screams.

  Not for a second did he let up. He fucked me harder, as if he could drill through me into the wall. His pace became short and fast.

  I only knew he was coming when he held himself still inside me. Releasing one of my butt cheeks, he forced a hand between us to find my swollen clit and rub it vigorously with his thumb. Even as he emptied himself, I fell over the edge with another powerful climax. I wrapped all my limbs around him to hold on as I shuddered with it.

  My world spun. I was a sparkling planet caught in the gravity of a great star. The immensity of the universe filled me and we became one.

  I didn’t even realize that Russell was lowering me until his softening penis flopped out of me. I found my feet back on Earth and pressed against my favorite lover.

  He kissed the top of my head and stroked my cheek as I opened my eyes. With swollen lips, his smile was even sexier than before. “I’m glad to have had this chance to receive your message personally, my lady. I did love what you had to say.”

  “It was a pleasure, Governor.” I could barely get the words out, and it made me giggle. My skirt fell back into place but without the full ruffles it had had before. I helped him to close the flap of his trousers, thinking only of how I could get him out of them completely.

  We lingered a little longer until some guy in a Jedi robe shuffled in to get some ice. He nodded at us and left us on our own again without a second look.

  “I think it’s time I got my beauty sleep.” I kissed him again. I could walk back to my room without toppling over now. I hoped.

  “No amount of sleep could improve on what is now before my eyes.” Russell raised one of my hands and kissed it. My knees weakened. Okay, maybe I couldn’t walk yet.

  “But my presence will be missed, and so I must return. Until next we meet, my lady.” He backed away and made a sweeping bow. Graceful and gentlemanly, yet with that mischievous glint in his dark eyes. I liked what it promised.


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