
Home > Paranormal > LayersofLace > Page 3
LayersofLace Page 3

by Christine Rains

  The toy oscillated in that spot for another fifteen seconds before Russell removed it. His weight on the bed shifted, and his bare legs pushed against mine as he maneuvered between them. At some point he must’ve removed his pants, and I smiled knowing he was a master of the quick change…or removal, as the case was here.

  The lab coat settled on either side of my legs. Oh God. This was too perfect.

  I flung out my hands to locate his arms and grab them, pulling him down onto me. Russell still had on his shirt and tie, but when I felt the tip of his erection graze my lower abdomen, I didn’t care. “Now, now, now!”

  Arching up to kiss him, my lips hit the tip of his chin. My world was on fire and only he could bring me relief.

  His mouth claimed mine. Our teeth clinked with the force of the kiss.

  Russell placed the still-humming vibrator on my chest, pointing the tip against my left nipple. He hooked his arms under my legs and plunged into me. We cried out together.

  Fast and hard. It was exactly what I needed.

  I clawed at his arms and rocked with his fervent thrusts. More. Always more. I couldn’t get enough of him.

  The vibrator slipped and settled against my side on the bed. Its hum echoed the vibrant energy between Russell and me. We were so good together, so hot. I’ve always enjoyed sex, but with him it was levels beyond any other experience. It was as if I’d skipped the whole middle of the game and found myself the highest-ranked hero to fuck.

  And to fall for. But who wouldn’t love a sex god like Russell Morrison?

  Bucking up, I screamed as my orgasm overtook me. He held me firmly in place even as my legs flailed. I barely heard his grunting cry as he came too and buried himself as deep as possible within me, staying there until I finished shuddering.

  Russell released my limbs as I went limp, and kissed me lightly. He nudged up my blindfold, and I smiled as I stared into those gorgeous eyes.

  “That was incredible.” He kissed me again.

  “You’re incredible.” I caressed his face with both hands and smoothed back his hair. God, he was exquisite. Good-looking, like a young Errol Flynn. Classic and dapper and dripping with sex appeal.

  “Yes, I know.” Russell smirked and winked as he turned off the vibrator.

  Ah, yes. And immensely egotistical.

  “And so are you,” he added, kissing me softly. I melted under him like Iceman standing on the sun.

  I could live with the ego just for that.

  Chapter Three

  Geek girl problem #51: The fact that you can’t sling fireballs in a real fight.

  Rancor! It chased me. I couldn’t get away. The sound of its roar so loud—

  My eyes snapped open from the dream, but I could still hear the monster. Oh, wait. It was just Russell snoring.

  I smiled, the fluttery warm and fuzzies easing me into further wakefulness. The whole night I’d slept by his side. It had happened only once before, and that time had been because we were so exhausted from a sexual marathon that involved several tasty shots, we’d passed out.

  I snuggled against his side. He looked so serene asleep. His mustache had flipped out of style, but the wax still held most of it down. A hint of mocha coffee scent to it. Even his snoring was elegant.

  This was what I wanted to wake up to every day. My gorgeous man, who was also the most amazing lover. I could make him so happy. I knew I could. There was never a couple more meant to be together than us. Even Buffy and Angel.

  I skated a hand across his chest, giggling quietly at finding he was still wearing his tie. The lab coat was off, but only after I had ridden him to a Krieger-worthy orgasm.

  His snoring eased off as I caressed him and kissed his shoulder. I reached down under the sheets to fondle his scrotum. His morning wood brushed against my forearm. I wondered what he was dreaming about and wished on all the stars that it was me.

  I played with his balls, cupping them in my hand and stroking them with my fingers. A rumbling sound like the Cheshire Cat’s purr rumbled in his chest. Knowing he was waking, I slipped under the blankets with a grin bigger than the feline’s.

  My hair stuck out all over, and I moved it out of my face as I licked his hard penis. Up one side of the shaft and down the other. Over and over as I toyed with his testes.

  Even though we had cleaned up before going to sleep and he smelled faintly of soap, I could still taste our juices on him. Probably because he was pure sex. So succulent. I was fast growing wet and reconsidering giving him a morning blowjob so I could ride him again.

  Taking the tip of his cock into my mouth, I suckled it. A pleased shiver ran through me on hearing him groan.

  I continued to suck for another minute before I circled my fingers around the base of his erection and took him as deep into my throat as possible. I couldn’t fully deep-throat him since he was so long, but it was enough to jolt his hips up.

  Slowly, I drew back and then took him in again. I worked my hand up and down too, drenching him thoroughly in my saliva. Hair fell along the sides of my face and stuck. As wet as I was making him, it still wasn’t as drenched as my pussy.

  Aching for relief, I squeezed my other hand between my legs and slid two fingers inside. I moaned around his erection and fucked myself at the same pace as I bobbed my head.

  His fingers threaded through my hair. The hand didn’t direct my head, but rested there for a moment before taking a tighter hold and tugging, urging me to move up. After giving his cock one more savory suck, I crawled up and straddled him. The blanket fell so that it settled on my lower back.

  Russell mashed his mouth to mine, kissing me hard and deep. Best kisser in the universe. Even better than Sawyer whenever he locked lips with Kate on LOST. And that was a man who knew what he wanted. Russell had a way of laying claim and freeing me at the same time.

  I groaned and ground down against him. Erotic, wet sounds from under the sheets accompanied our thumping hearts and heavy breathing. I was lost to him.

  Releasing my head, he grabbed my ass with both hands and held me in place so that he could sheathe himself within me. I gasped and squeezed, making him suck in a breath in return. He slapped one butt cheek and began to move slowly with long strokes.

  “Mmm, yes.” I kissed along his jaw and then nipped at his ear. Our bodies pressed together, our lovemaking slicked by my juices.

  Lovemaking. Yes. Hot and intense. All of me invested in it.

  Russell kneaded my rear, picking up the pace. His heart pounded as loudly as mine. Did he feel the same way? Surely I couldn’t be the only one. It was too large to be contained in just me alone.

  My orgasm was building like Goku making the biggest spirit bomb ever. I was being rubbed in all the right ways. Every inch of me sizzled, burning for his touch. I never wanted this to end. Wanted to lock this moment of ecstasy in time as our bodies bolted together so perfectly.

  He murmured something in my ear as he thrust up faster. My nethers quivered as I neared the edge. I clutched the pillow on either side of his head, mewling in my helplessness as the tide of extreme pleasure lapped at me.

  His hips rolled against mine, quick and nimble. He grunted as his erection swelled within me. He bit my lower lip, not at the pain, but as my immense climax exploded.

  Rapture. Too bright to stare at. So intense. Not physical, but of the heart. Love.

  I might have cried out his name. I don’t remember.

  My senses slowly came back when I felt him slow to a stop. Our chests heaved and our bodies slipped against each other with the sleek sheen of perspiration.

  Never before had I been so happy. I smiled and laid my head on his chest. His heart beat for me. I knew it did. “I love you.”

  Time froze. Just not in a good way.

  One heartbeat. Two. Three.

  Russell didn’t say it. He didn’t say anything.

  Did he hear me? Do I need to say it again?

  He kissed my cheek and eased out from under me. “I’ve really got to pis

  What? Oh no he didn’t.

  “Did you hear what I said?” I sat, folding my legs to the side. My heart hammered so hard it hurt.

  He stood, as unconcerned about his nakedness as I was. “Hmm? Yeah, sure.”

  Russell wasn’t looking me in the eyes. This wasn’t a man with confidence issues. I moved on the bed to get more into his field of vision. “Really? I said I love you.”

  “No you don’t. You just love the way I fuck you.” He folded his arms and pointed one finger toward to the bathroom. “I’ve really got to go.”

  “You can just hold it,” I snapped, rising onto my knees. He had to listen to me. “You can’t tell me how I feel. Yeah, fucking you is great, but I love you. You, Russell. The whole fucking package.”

  “Emily.” There was the eye contact. No act or mischief. His gaze softened as if he felt sorry for me. Sorry! “You’re just caught up in the moment. I really like that you do that, but don’t let it carry over. Maybe you ought to pick up another guy—”

  “Don’t you dare suggest such a thing!” I would not fuck my feelings away with someone else. There was no one else for me.

  “A girl?”

  I wanted him to burst into flames. I imagined the fire consuming him, burning him to a crisp.

  “Fuck you!” I slammed a fist into the mattress and screamed my fury. It did nothing to soothe my breaking heart.

  Someone pounded on the wall and told us to quiet down.

  “Take a deep breath, darling. Be calm.” Russell made a lowering motion with his hands. He was so composed it made me sick. How could he not feel anything for me? “We’ll work through this. You just need to get it out of your system.”

  I snatched up a pillow and threw it at him. For good measure, I chucked a second one. If only they were fireballs or lightning bolts. Red clouded my vision. I’d gone into Hulk mode.

  He caught the pillows and held them in front of him like a shield. “Come on, be reasonable. You’re a con nymph. The most beautiful, sexy—”

  Smash him, smash him!

  “I know what I am, but that’s only one part of who I am.” I jumped off the bed. “I fell in love with you.” I pushed on the pillows. “I want to be with you.” Another shove. “I want only you. I want to get married, buy a house, have kids. With you!”

  I threw up my hands with a wordless shout. Uh-oh. Tears were building. It was one thing for him to see me angry, but I couldn’t cry. Not in front of the man who didn’t love me in return.

  “You knew what this was when we started meeting at cons.” Russell’s voice dropped, low and even. His shields drooped, and it tempted me to take another shot.

  No. I had to get out before I cried. I turned from him and gathered my clothes. Talk. Talking will keep me from bursting into tears.

  “I knew what it was. I was happy with it. We have so much fun.” Sprite costume, right shoe. Where’s the left one? “Then I got to know you. Just like I thought you got to know me. We’re both so much more than this.” I held up my outfit and shook it. “We’re people with lives, with dreams. I thought you had a romantic soul. I thought you felt…”

  I shook my head. Yeah, my fault for assuming anything. I found the other shoe and slipped them on as I pulled my costume over my head. To hell with my panties. I had to get out of there.

  Heading to the door, I stopped and pivoted. My purse, books and dice. Damned if I would leave him my favorite dice. I picked them up from the table where I had collected everything last night after our first romp.

  My chin quivered. Hit the button to eject the escape pod. I needed to be out of sight.

  “Emily.” The naked man beckoned to me. Man, he was so gorgeous. I wanted to run into his arms, have him hold me and tell me everything would be all right. His voice had that tone, but it was an act. Everything was an act with him.

  Hugging my things against my chest, I ran for the door and opened it. I was in the hall before he could move. If he did move. It wasn’t as if I could see what he did after the door shut.

  The first tear fell.

  I took the stairs, not wanting to wait for the elevator. The dimness of the stairwell would hide me crying if anyone else passed by. Which they didn’t. Thus I made it to the conference level, where there was a bathroom for me to lock myself in and bawl.

  I’d lost him. Russell was gone from my life forever. My chest was empty like the Tin Man’s. Except I wasn’t in the Emerald City, and there’d be no heart for me.

  Was I that unlovable? Did everyone just think of me as a con nymph and nothing else?

  I squeezed out the last tears and tidied myself up. Walking to my hotel room, I lifted my head. Morgan would give me that hug I needed. She was an awesome best friend. As long as we were there together, I could get through this. Maybe I’d convince her to dress up again with me. It would be so much fun.

  Okay, not really. Nothing would ever be fun again.

  Chapter Four

  Geek girl problem #58: You refuse to be the helpless maiden, but the villain coming to kidnap you is so damn hot.

  I made it through the day somehow. Several times I felt as though an alien were eating me alive from the inside, but I smiled whenever someone took my photo, and I even managed to flirt a bit with Josh. Sort of. It was heavy-handed. Not my usual style. But damn it, I wasn’t going to cry.

  I would not be dependent on a man for my happiness. No matter how incredibly sexy he looked dressed as Snidely Whiplash. Yeah, my tastes were weird, but Russell could pull off the most extreme cosplays and still make them hot.

  When dinner rolled around, I walked to the restaurant, but seeing Russell inside, I couldn’t go in. My feet refused to move. Not even by channeling Starbuck could I find the courage.

  A night alone was what I needed to recharge. Yep, quiet time and mindless television.

  By the time I stripped off my costume and threw on my Avengers T-shirt, I knew I was kidding myself. Since when had time alone helped me? I needed to be surrounded by a herd of nerds to feel alive. But Russell was still out there, and what if I ran into him? Worse yet, what if I saw him with another woman?

  Oh God. I couldn’t think about it. My vision blurred and the alien chewed at my guts. I needed to do something. Anything. Nails. My nails had to be painted for tomorrow.

  Morgan and Dean came in just when I’d calmed myself. Great. The last thing I wanted to see was the happy couple.

  I took a deep breath and waved. “Hey. If you guys don’t mind, I need a quiet night. I have to get my beauty sleep for tomorrow. So if you want to take all that hot sex stuff to Dean’s room, I’d appreciate it.”

  Morgan blushed—go figure. Then she asked Dean if she could hang out in the room for a bit. Maybe a best friend chat was what I needed. I could tell her the truth about everything, eject that alien from my chest, and be back to my normal self to kick ass at the costume contest tomorrow.

  Dean, the lovesick pup that he was, agreed and kissed Morgan before heading to the door. He opened it, and bam!

  Enter the villain of the story.

  Snidely Whiplash pointed a finger at me. “We’re talking right here and now.”

  What nerve! Who did the bastard think he was? Okay, he was the one love of my life, but I wasn’t going to let him see it. I fixed my gaze on my toes. “Go away. I’m not talking to you.”

  “We need to talk,” Russell growled, then took in a deep breath, releasing it slowly. “Please.”

  Manners? Well, that was interesting. And that growl. Sexy, but more. He was actually angry. Upset? I closed my nail polish bottle and hoped no one could see my hands shaking. “Fine. Whatever.”

  Russell peered over his shoulder at Morgan. “You can go now.”

  When my bestie didn’t move, a surge of love for her gave me strength. She’d have beat Russell down if she really knew what had gone on. Right now, though, it was my turn to stand against the Big Bad.

  I nodded. “It’s okay. I’ll be fine.”

n stood there for, like, five seconds before she turned to the door. “Call if you need me to come back.”

  The door clicked closed behind her and Dean. I switched off the television and an ominous silence filled the room.

  Don’t let him see how much he’s affecting you. Don’t let him have that power. “So?”

  “Give me a minute.” Russell took off his crooked top hat and set it on the table. His jaw hardened and he closed his eyes for a few seconds.

  The man who was always composed now had to work for it. I liked it. I liked it a lot. And if I had a death ray, I’d have shot those feelings that made me want to rush over to comfort him.

  A minute ticked by. Come on! I couldn’t wait any longer.

  “Look, if you’ve come here to try to convince me to have a threesome or fuck some guy to forget what I feel for you, you can just catch the next train out of here.” And there goes my motor mouth. “I realized I fell for you some time ago. Like months. I kept it inside all that time. I don’t do that. I don’t believe in holding stuff in. I need to express myself. And I know what I feel. Don’t you dare tell me that I’m confused about it. I—”

  “I love you.”


  “What?” I squeaked. My heart skipped a beat.

  “I love you too.” Russell clenched and unclenched his hands. “But…”

  No. No buts.

  “But you deserve someone…” He rolled his head from one side to the other. “Someone better.”

  I shook my head. Who the hell was this man? Russell Morrison was nothing if not a cocky and arrogant prick. He oozed confidence. I loved that about him. It was so freakin’ hot.

  How could there be someone better than him? It didn’t compute. Not for me, and certainly it shouldn’t for him. But he’d said it. And said it with such humble sincerity that my mind was ready to explode.

  No way. Even if I never saw him again, I was not going to let him do this.

  “Someone better? What the fuck? There is no one better for me than you. I totally can’t believe you’d think such a thing. And if you do, you can just march your ass out of here, because I want the Russell who knows he’s the best.”


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