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The Way of Ancient Power

Page 37

by Ben Wolf

  There before them stood Lumen, the General of Light.


  Inside his throne room, the King turned his head to the west. The words of the nobleman addressing him faded to nothing as a new awareness engaged his mind.

  “Summon Matthios.”

  The nobleman silenced, and he stared at the King with wide eyes. “Your Majesty?”

  The King fixed his eyes on the nobleman. “Summon Matthios now.”

  With a low bow, the nobleman retreated to do the King’s bidding.

  Not two minutes later, a muscular man in bronze armor, stood before the King. He, too, bowed low. “What is your bidding, Majesty?”

  “Muster your army. Head to the Golden Plains outside of Kanarah City.”

  Matthios raised his head and stared at the King with eyes like molten bronze. “Has the time come, my King?”

  “Yes, Matthios. Lumen has been released.” The King stood from his throne and handed Matthios the bronze staff he’d used to banish Lumen a thousand years earlier. “You once forged this weapon that I might use it to battle our enemy. It is yours to wield from now on. May it keep you safe as you face our enemies.”

  Matthios accepted the weapon and bowed. Then he turned back and headed for the throne room door.


  Lilly handed The Ghost Mine back to Magnus. “You weren’t kidding. That was a wild ride. Especially that scene in the gravity lift shaft with the androids…”

  “As I said, Ben Wolf is truly a legendary author,” Magnus agreed. “His work ought to be celebrated in every culture and translated into every language.”

  “Have you finished the second one yet?” Lilly asked. “I’m kind of dying to get my hands on it.”

  “Yes, I finished it the other night.” Magnus dug The Ghost Pact out of his pack and handed it to her. He also held up The Ghost Plague. “After the way the second book ended, I started reading the third one the next morning. I could not wait.”

  “Riley and I have really been enjoying the Blood Mercenaries series as well.” Calum gave Riley a nudge. “Helps that you’ve got opposable thumbs now. You can read on your own.”

  “Trust me when I say that nobody is happier about that than me,” Riley muttered, and he shot a glare at Condor.

  “Don’t look at me.” Condor held up his hands. “I’ve already read all of those books. I’ve written reviews and posted them. Even shared them with my friends.”

  Axel scoffed. “You don’t have any friends.”

  “Your words strike like a fiery arrow plunging into my very soul, Farm Boy,” Condor fake-lamented. “I shall never recover from such a grievous wound.”

  Axel rolled his eyes. “This is why you don’t have any friends.”

  “Nonsense,” Condor said. “You are my friend, Farm Boy. My truest, noblest, most long-suffering friend. I am honored to have such a staunch and valued confidant at my side.”

  “I’m not ‘at your side.’ If anything you’re at my side.”

  “Aha! See? I knew we were friends,” Condor exclaimed. “Come over here and give me a gigantic hug of friendship, Farm Boy!”

  “Don’t you—hey! Stop!” Axel recoiled as Condor flew toward him. “Get away from me, you flying freak!”

  As the two of them scrambled and sparred with each other, Riley melted into some nearby shadows.

  “Hey, you,” he whispered, motioning with his paws—now hands with opposable thumbs. “Come here. Yes, you—the person reading this book. I have a secret to tell you. Come closer.”

  Even in the darkness, Riley’s blue eyes remained visible.

  “I need your help with something. You liked this book, right? Liked reading about our adventures and exploits? Good. I need you to do me a favor. I need you to write a review of the book on Amazon.

  “It’s easy—just find the book’s product page and write a review. Doesn’t have to be long. Just give others an idea of what you liked about it (or didn’t). Come on. I’m asking nicely. Please? After all, I almost died like eighteen times in this book.

  “And don’t forget to read the next book to find out how our story ends. I don’t even know what’s gonna happen, but I know it’ll be good. Alright… I gotta go.”

  With that, Riley evaporated into the shadows and disappeared entirely.

  the adventure continues in The Rise of Ancient Fury

  Book Three of The Call of Ancient Light Series

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  I first started this series twelve years ago (in Feb. of 2009) because of a map I saw in a dream, much like Calum did in this story. At the time, I was working in Brooks Brothers as a sales guy, and jotting this story helped me pass the time in an otherwise mindless and miserable job.

  Like Calum, I felt I was meant for something more, but I didn’t know how to get out of my day-to-day rut. It wasn’t until seven months later that I would attend the first writers conference of my life—one that changed my life forever.

  Now this book has not only been published, but someone—you—chose to pick it up and read it. So thank YOU for reading.

  Thank you to Jesus Christ for changing my life (and the world) forever.

  Second, thanks to my parents for believing in me from an early age and for helping to support my dreams and my growth. I love you both.

  Thanks to my all-star beta readers, Daniel Kuhnley, Luke Messa, and Paige Guido, for your excellent feedback, encouragement, and for having my back.

  Thanks also to my mastermind group. It’s a secret group, but you all know who you are. (insert evil laugh)

  Hannah Sternjakob, you are a genius. The cover is exactly what I had envisioned (only better). Thank you for your long-suffering patience with me.

  Dirty Mike Hueser and the BJJ boys, thanks for keeping me frosty.

  And thank you to all of my readers! Without you, I wouldn’t be doing this.

  Last of all, thank you especially to my intelligent, beautiful, thoughtful, and ultra-supportive wife, Charis Crowe. Your flexibility with my weird writing schedule for this book made all the difference in me getting it done in time.

  I love you.

  About Ben Wolf

  In 7th grade, I saw the movie Congo. It was so bad, I wrote a parody of it set in Australia that featured killer kangaroos. So began my writing career.

  I’ve spoken at 50+ writers conferences and multiple comic cons nationwide. When not writing, I occasionally choke people in Brazilian jiujitsu. I live in the midwest with my gorgeous wife, our kids, and our cats Marco and Ivy.

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