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Cherry (A Taboo Short)

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by Jenika Snow


  Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow


  Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

  Published by Crescent Snow Publishing

  Copyright © February 2016 by Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

  Digital Edition

  First E-book Publication: February 2016

  Editing by Rebecca

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Cherry (A Taboo Short)

  Other titles by Crescent Snow Publishing



  Chapter One | Sasha



  Chapter Two | Felix


  Chapter Three | Sasha

  Chapter Four | Felix

  Chapter Five | Felix


  Chapter Six | Felix


  Chapter Seven | Felix

  Chapter Eight | Sasha


  Coming Soon | I knew it was wrong for me to want her, but I didn’t give a fuck. She’d be mine.

  Crescent Snow Publishing | More information on Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow’s CSP titles can be found below: |

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  Other titles by Crescent Snow Publishing

  Beautiful Torment

  Book 1: Zeke’s Rule

  Club Corruption



  Taboo Shorts

  Teacher’s Pet



  The Soldiers of Wrath MC

  Book 1: Owned by the Bastard

  Book 2: Bent, Not Broken

  Book 3: Hard As Steel

  The Soldiers Bonus Story (free story available on CSP website)

  Book 4: Dead Bastard

  Boxed set (books 1-3+ bonus story)

  Book 4.5: Ruin and Rise

  Book 5: The Way I Like It

  The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Grit Chapter

  Book 1: Beast

  Coming soon

  Owned (Club Corruption, 3)

  His Darkest Secret: 2015

  Book 6: The Soldiers of Wrath MC

  Book 2: King (Grit Chapter)

  Taboo (Taboo Shorts)


  I needed money. I have debts I didn’t even know I had until it was too late. I’ve got nothing, no way out, but I do possess something of value ... my virginity. Can I sell my virginity to the highest bidder?

  But it’s too late to back out. I’ve been bought and am on my way to his hotel room. I’ll be his in any way sees fit, because tonight, my body belongs to him.


  I’ve never had a virgin before. But seeing Sasha on that stage will all those seedy bastards looking at her, I know what I want, the lengths I’ll go to have her. I want her beneath me. I want inside her. Her cherry will be mine

  But once I have her, will once ever be enough?

  Chapter One


  The lights were so bright, and right in my face, that I couldn’t see anyone below the stage. And I had a pretty good feeling they’d made it like that so the women couldn’t see all the men appraising them. But I felt their gazes on me, scanning over my naked body, taking in every single part of me. I should have felt more nevous than I actually was, but the truth was I felt a little high from it all.

  I’d gotten the information for this auction by chance, overhearing some people talking about it at a club. They’d been drunken men boasting and bragging about sleeping with gorgeous women, taking their virginities, or on some occasions, dominating them until they screamed for more, begged to come. I admit I shouldn’t have listened, but I was transfixed by the very idea something like that actually took place. It seemed like something out of a movie, or even a book. It was barbaric in a sense: men bidding on women, paying for one night to have them in any way they saw fit.

  I was intrigued, curious, but most of all, I was desperate.

  After losing my job because of company cutbacks, and going through my savings to keep a roof over my head and food in my belly, I had gone to that bar to drink some of my stress and worries away. That wasn’t the answer, I knew that, but it helped at the moment. I was tired of staying at home crying, trying to find a job, but coming up empty- handed. I was tired of wondering when I’d be evicted.

  And so, it was then, for the first time in my life, I found the strength to actually go after what I wanted. I’d asked those men about the auction, gotten the information I needed to “audition”, and here I was, selling myself like I meant nothing at all.

  No, you mean something. You’re important, or they wouldn’t have chosen you. You have something of value, and they know that.

  I brought myself back to the present, and pushed my thoughts out of my head.

  Standing on a stage, naked and waiting to get bid upon like some kind of art piece, was pretty degrading, but I needed the money, and I was desperate enough to do anything to get it.

  I followed the announcer’s commands: Turn. Lift your arms up. Bend at the waist. Touch your breasts.

  The commands went on for what seemed like forever, but in truth, they had to be only a few moments. This little bit of time was like I’d been sucked into a vortex, like I’d been transported into some parallel place where a woman could sell her virginity—her cherry—to someone who was the highest bidder.

  But this isn’t a fantasy. This is reality.

  The room seemed so silent, far more silent than was comfortable. Aside from the announcer, the only thing I heard was the occasional shuffle hidden by the lights, and that seemed far from funny.

  When my time was finished, I was led off the stage, taken to a back room where other women waited for their turn, or had already presented every intimate part of themselves to strangers. There I waited until the final hour, until a man came in and started taking us girls to the bidders who had won. I was nervous, my hands shaking, my body tense. Every part of me was on alert, and the feeling of being pulled in different directions waged war inside of me.

  This is wrong.

  It’s what I have to do.

  It’s only for the night.

  Telling myself that didn’t help, but it didn’t matter, because I’d been bought for the night, and I’d have to submit in every way, in any way he saw fit.


  As soon as I saw her on that stage, I knew I had to have her. With hair the color of wheat, and eyes the brightest blue I’d ever seen, I couldn’t stop myself from bidding an exorbitant amount on her. It would only be for the one night, but she’d be mine in every way imaginable, in any way I wanted.

  So I’d bought her, spent a fortune on the virgin I’d be fucking tonight, that I’d claim. It didn’t matter who she was or what her name was. Tonight, she would be mine, and that’s all that mattered.

  Now, back at my penthouse, I waited for the driver to bring her up. I could have had her in the limo wi
th me, but I like the anticipation, the excitement of knowing she was coming to me, that I’d be waiting for her to walk through the doors, ready to do what I said.

  The sound of the lock disengaging on the front doors came through. My heart thundered, but not because I was nervous. No, it was beating hard because I was looking forward to seeing how nervous she was.

  And then she stepped in, draped in a long jacket, her body hidden from me; the image of her on that stage in nothing but her peach colored skin slammed hard into my head. When the door shut behind her, sealing her in with me, with the carnal things I wanted to do to her, I felt my dick punch forward painfully. I’d been hard for her since the moment I saw her, for the entire ride back to my place, and while I waited for her. But now, having her in my home, seeing how frightened she looked, I got harder, felt my arousal rise even higher. It would be fun playing with her.

  Oh yes, she’ll be mine tonight in every way.


  I’d sold my virginity, just given it to the highest bidder like it didn’t mean anything. Now here I stood, staring at the man who had paid for me, frightened because I didn’t know if he’d be cruel or gentle, or like his pleasure with pain.

  He was big and imposing, and he looked dangerous, so dangerous that I felt my hands shake at my sides. He wore a three-piece suit, looked powerful, as if he could crush anyone that stood in his way.

  “Why are you here?” he asked in a deep, slightly accented voice.

  The question threw me off. He’d been at the auction, obviously, but did he want to know why I’d sold my virginity? I swallowed. “Because I need the money.” Why lie? What other reason would I have for selling my cherry? I was being honest, telling him exactly why I’d stoop so low as to sell myself for a night, give up my virginity to a wealthy man like him.

  He took a step into the swath of light, his full imposing height and muscular body coming into view. God, that suit did nothing to hide how strong he was.

  “That’s not the right answer,” he said, his face void of emotion, his voice hard, flat.

  I didn’t know what he wanted, and his statement confused the hell out of me. What I did know was that tonight he could do whatever he liked to me. I’d signed the contract, was fully aware I was his in any way he saw fit. I would have to play by his rules. “I’m not sure what I should say or do.” Again, why lie?

  “You’re here for the sole purpose of pleasing me,” he said and started unbuttoning his suit jacket. “You’re here because I paid a fortune for you, for the chance to claim that cherry and make your pussy raw, sore.”

  God, I was shaking now, but my pussy was wet.

  “You’re here, and by the end of the night, you won’t be able to sit comfortably, and every time you walk, you’ll still be able to feel my big fucking cock inside your cunt.”

  My throat was tight, dry, and the closer he came, the more he undressed, the more I started to feel like the very unfortunate prey to a very dangerous predator.

  Chapter Two


  It was always about money from sweet women like her. I couldn’t complain. The pretty little virgin was going to be paid handsomely, and I was going to make sure she got everything her heart desired, at least for tonight. Reaching out, I stroked the back of my fingers down her cheek. Her skin was smooth to the touch just like I knew it would be.

  “You’re virginity is intact, but I want to know if anyone else has touched you.” I circled her, grazing the tips of my fingers against the jacket she wore. I wanted her as naked as she had been on stage, her beautiful body on full display for me to devour.

  My dick pressed against the zipper of my pants, and I wanted to get all formality out of the way.

  This woman was mine tonight. I’d paid a lot for her cherry, but I wasn’t going to ruin it by rushing.

  I’d lost count of the number of times I had dreamed about taking a woman for the first time. The women who moved in my circles were gold-digging whores or were married. None of them were untouched, unsoiled.

  “No one has touched me.”

  “I find that hard to believe. No boyfriend?”

  “No one. I’ve not had time for boyfriends.”

  “What about a kiss?” I asked, running my thumb across her plump bottom lip.

  She shook her head. “No.”

  She was young, but never even a kiss? “An untouched vision.” I moved my hand down to the lapel of the jacket keeping her from me.

  Standing in front of her, I tugged the belt open, and the jacket revealed perfection. Her tits were huge, and they had gotten my attention first. She possessed a tiny, hand span waist, thick hips, and good thick thighs.

  Her pussy was covered in a light dusting of hair, and already, I wanted to spread her out, and stare at what belonged to me. I was going to fill her with my cum and watch as my seed spilled from the lips of her cunt.

  After I’d filled her pussy, I was going to fill that ass so she was dripping in my seed. I wanted to fill every single hole and even watch her mouth fill with my jizz before swallowing it down.

  Pushing the jacket from her shoulders, I spun her around, watching her tits bounce with each movement she made. I couldn’t wait to get her riding my cock.

  Stepping away from her, I removed my shirt.

  “What do you think of your body?” I asked, intrigued. Something told me that this woman wasn’t all that she seemed. I’d watched the other women on stage tonight. Some of them virgins, some of them there to be sold as a submissives, all of them had played the crowd, looking coy, or trying to appear innocent. The only person to get the look right had been this woman in front of me.

  Cherry, which was what I was going to call her, stared down at her body.

  “I don’t understand the question. It’s just a body.”

  I smiled. She had no idea how alluring she was. Like I thought before, she’d been the only woman on stage going through the motions. She’d been there, yet her thoughts had been far away. I’d noticed how hard her nipples were, and I’d even seen the glistening of cream on the inside of her thighs when she shifted. Cherry had been aroused, if not a little scared. I’d wanted her instantly, and staring at her now, I couldn’t wait to be inside her.

  Unbuckling my belt, I stared into her eyes as I eased my pants down my thighs. I was so damn hard, and tonight I wouldn’t have to beat off into my hand as I had her tempting ass and pussy.

  There was only one place my cock wanted to go, and that was in every single hole Cherry possessed.

  “You ever seen a naked man?” I asked.

  “Not in person,” she whispered.

  I wanted to know her, and again, it surprised me. Women have always been an amusement to me, nothing more. They were there to scratch an itch, and I didn’t care for their feelings.

  Seeing all the men voting on her, I’d been overcome with the need to protect her from them. I wasn’t a good man, but I was fucking better than all of those bastards leering after her young body. I also wasn’t that old.

  Of course, I was fucking older than she was, but not as old as some of those bastards who wanted her body.


  I didn’t understand all the questions. Why would he want to know if someone kissed me, or if I’d seen a naked man? It wasn’t like after our moment together, we were ever going to have another one. Did other women have this kind of experience with the men who had paid to fuck them? I didn’t know. I only knew that I needed the money, and to get that money I had to fuck this man in front of me.

  It wouldn’t be hard; at least, I hoped it wouldn’t be hard. He was a handsome man, sexy, hard, and domineering. I liked the way his gaze was on my body. My pussy was slick and covered in my cream. I’d never been this aroused before.

  “I’ve never seen a naked man in person,” she said again. “I’m a virgin, sir. You’re getting what you paid for.” Spreading my arms, I turned in a full circle. Maybe this was a test, a sick test? “This is the body of a virgin in all se
nses of the word, I guess. I’ve seen pictures of naked men; I’ve never seen them in the flesh. I’ve not touched myself as I don’t know how to. No one has been in my pussy or in my ass.” My cheeks were on fire, and my stomach was twisting in knots with each word I said. I wasn’t this confident. I was terrified.

  “Sir, I like it.” He stepped up close to me, and his masculine scent invaded my senses. Unable to stop myself, I licked my lips, and his gaze moved to my mouth. Did I have any control right now?

  I wasn’t sure if I wanted any control over him.

  “Well, I think it’s time you got a good view of a naked man.”

  He stepped away from me and removed his clothing. I had to have been lucky because the man was rock hard in all the right places. There wasn’t a single ounce of fat on his body. His chest was smooth and led down to clearly defined hard abs.

  I’d only seen such perfection on the cover of a magazine.

  He was completely naked. I couldn’t help it. I looked down at his cock, and wow, it was fucking huge. I didn’t think it was possible for a man to be so well endowed.

  “You see this?” he asked.

  I nodded.

  “This is going to be inside your sweet tight pussy, your virgin ass, too. You’re going to scream my name every time I’m inside you.”

  I wanted it.

  He stepped closer, and I moved back. I don’t know why I moved back, only that the size of his cock scared me.

  I am a virgin.

  I’ve never been with a man.

  I’m untried, untested in sex.

  What have I done?

  My first time was going to be with a man who had paid for the pleasure, and he didn’t even have to be nice to me.

  “You’re seeing what kind of shit you got yourself into.”

  My back was pressed against the wall, and he stood in front of me. His hand pressed against my stomach, and I gasped.

  “You’re terrified,” he whispered in a gruff voice.


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