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by test

  “Current state?”

  “You look positively radiant. It’s the fever that is making you look so bloody alluring. If I didn’t have such a good sense of self-control, I’d already be helping you out of your clothes.”

  “Well, why don’t you throw caution to the winds, and try?”

  “Because you are three sheets to the wind.”

  Doorway to the Stars by Marly Mathews 27

  “You have been researching old Earth sayings.”

  “Many of the sayings you Terrans use, we use as well. We are quite alike. Didn’t you know that the ancient Celts and many of your other great civilizations once hailed from our worlds? Yes, they were Gaians.”

  “You are insane. Are you telling me that they came to our planet in space ships only to live without that technology once on Earth?”

  “No. I’m telling you why there’s so many Celtic Ruins around your world. They were once used as doorways to the stars.”

  She stopped in mid-step. “Is that why your Emperor wants Terran females to use as breeding machines?”

  “You would be correct. We are quite similar when it comes to our genetic makeup. The children we would have together would be a benefit to both of our races.”

  She started to unbutton her shirt, while he continued to drone on about the history they both shared. Throwing her blouse on a nearby chair, she reached for the zipper to her pants. She knew what she was doing, and she knew what she risked. But she wasn’t going to let him get the upper hand. If someone were going to be in control, it would be her. She was reaching to the clasp on her bra when he stepped forward.

  “What are you doing?”

  “If you don’t know, then I’m going to have one hell of a fine time tonight.”

  Doorway to the Stars by Marly Mathews 28

  Chapter Five

  She undid her bra, and watched his jaw drop as it fell to the floor.

  “You’re deeply intoxicated, you don’t know what you’re doing.”

  “Oh, I know what I’m doing … I just feel a bit more liberated than I normally do

  … my inhibitions have been let loose. As far as I’m concerned though, I’m in control. I know what I want, and I know how to get it.”

  He took a step backward. She was reaching to shimmy out of her underpants.

  “You should stop now.”

  “Now I have you at a loss. Now you want me to stop … how very nice. I’ve finally managed to turn the tables on the great and mighty Prince Aries. I should give myself a round of applause.”

  “Stop it.”

  “Why? You said yourself that you wanted me … well, here I am, and this way, I’m in the driver’s seat. I won’t be under your thumb. If you won’t let me go, then I’m simply going to have to make the best out of a very bad situation.” He swallowed so hard his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. “Well, you have an Adam’s Apple, so ….” She dropped her eyes to his waistline. “Everything else should work the same way.”

  “Work the same way?”

  “Yeah, you know … are you built the same way as a human male from Earth?”

  “I don’t like this side of you, Freya. You’ve become darker. You should stop now before it’s too late. I won’t have you lay the finger of blame on me.”

  “I’m not going to blame you. I told you, I’m instigating this … I want this. I want you make love to me, tonight. We should have something to eat soon, and take a shower as well. I still feel grimy even if you say I smell okay.”

  She could tell that he was having one hell of a bloody time maintaining his control. “You need to go into the bathroom and take a cold shower. You’re drunk on Gaian Vodka. We have no idea what sort of a negative effect that could have on your system. You could be sick. How do you know that you’re not sweltering from an allergic reaction to our alcohol? I must insist that you go and drench yourself in a nice long cold shower.”

  “Nah. I don’t feel like it. I’m ready for some fun. Most men would be thrilled with my sudden change in demeanor. Most men would love to take me against the wall right now, and show me just how much they’ve been waiting for this moment since we both laid eyes on each other. Why deny the sizzling sexual chemistry between us? Huh? I know you want me by the way you’re looking at my naked body. I’ve tried to stay in shape these last few years, even when I was in my darkest hours.”

  “Your darkest hours?”

  She laughed, a deep sultry laugh that she could tell was affecting him deeply. The way he clenched his jaw, meant she was having quite the delightful effect on him.

  “Don’t you think I was depressed? They killed my whole family, you know. My uncle is wasting away in a shit hole of a prison, and there’s nothing I can do about it, unless I want them to throw me in there with him. The best I can do is work my ass off Doorway to the Stars by Marly Mathews 29

  trying to earn enough money to pay off his debts. Do you know how much he owes the Government?”

  He shook his head. “How much?” He didn’t like the pained look on her face. She was right, he was having a hard time holding back. Her body was so beautiful. She probably didn’t even realize how much she was making him sweat it out right now. He could already feel himself becoming hard with his want. If she took one step closer to her, he would be lost. But he knew what she had in mind. She wanted to have glorious mindless sex with him. He on the other hand wanted to take her when they could love each other rather than just seeking only sexual gratification from each other. He didn’t want her to think she was just a pleasure thing … he wanted a long lasting relationship with her, he wanted her as his wife.

  “If you are intent on this current path, then I must insist that you allow me to say the commitment vows. You don’t need to reply, you only need to say yes. That much will be enough.”

  “You don’t need witnesses? Because if you do, you’ll have to wait until after I get rid of some of this pent up energy. Is it me, or has it turned into a blasted inferno in here?

  I’m so hot, I’m going to burst into flames.”

  “You’re right, you are hot.”

  She waited for him to move toward her. Now, he looked like the caged tiger, and she reveled in it. He moved toward her, reaching for her hand. His touch sent a jolt of electricity rippling through her. She gasped. “I ....” Her breathing became ragged. “How did you do that?”

  “I only touched you … I did nothing else. You, on the other hand just filled me with fire, a fire that will consume me shortly.”

  She took another ragged breath. He’d surprised her with how deeply his touch affected her. She could feel the bond between them being forged. This wasn’t going to just be a mindless bit of sex, she knew that now. He was getting under her skin just like Talia had told her he would. He was getting under her skin so deeply that soon he’d be touching her heart. Drawing in a deep lungful of air, she spoke, “Then say the bloody words, before I shut you up for a few seconds.” She eyed his lips. She wanted to kiss him so much, she could almost taste him. She listened as the melodic sounding words flowed out of his mouth. He paused and looked at her.

  “Is this when I should say, yes?”

  He nodded his head. His eyes were filled with a serious glow, and yet, she felt like dancing around the room. If she ever reached for a bottle of Gaian vodka again, she’d have to kick herself. The stuff was poison, and ecstasy mixed into one. She knew what she was doing … she knew what the consequences of her actions would be, and she didn’t care. Talia had been right. She was a woman set on a path of misery. She was stuck in a rut, and if he hadn’t taken her away from her life of living hell, then she would have eventually gone mad. She would have flipped her lid ... and now, he was giving her a chance to save herself. He offered her a new future, a future with children--his children, but children nonetheless.

  “Yes, oh, yes.” She stood on her tiptoes, and cupped his face tenderly with her hands. Looking deeply into his eyes, she kissed his nose. “You smell good too. Amazing, isn
’t it?” Then, she put her finger over his lips. “Are we done talking, or would you like to say something else?” She’d dropped her voice to a whisper. He looked as if he was as Doorway to the Stars by Marly Mathews 30

  lost as she was. They were both swept away by the intensity of their ardor.

  “We’re done talking, for now. I want you to know that I do care deeply for you. I don’t think of you as ....”

  “Shush. I don’t know what to think of you, so please don’t expect me to whisper any sweet words to you. I can’t bring myself to say them right now, but like you said, the only thing that will sate this burning hunger growing inside of me, is you. I trust the next room is the bedroom?”

  “Yes.” His voice had grown so husky it made her tingle.

  “You have the most beautiful voice.”

  “I thought you said we were done talking.”

  “I did?” She smiled and kissed him. The kiss was long and hard. She took her one hand and moved it down to his pants. He caught her hand before she could reach the tie on his pants.

  “Not so fast. I am going to make sure that this isn’t just a one way street.”

  “One way is fine with me, and if you don’t allow me to run the show so to speak, I won’t have anything to do with you once this over. I am a woman of my word, you may depend upon that. If I say we’re over ....”

  “We’ll never be over. Do you understand?”

  “Never say never.” His lavender eyes flared with a dark purple fire. “I need you, Aries … do you want me to need you?”

  He smiled and gently took her face into his hands. He kissed her back, hard … so hard the kiss rocked her to her very core. She couldn’t let him think he affected her. She couldn’t let him know how much he’d affected her. They had only known each other for a mere few hours, and yet here she was stripped naked before him … here she was getting ready to do exactly what he wanted her to do. She slowly undid his shirt and gradually slipped it off of him. His rippling chest muscles made her draw her breath in sharply. She traced her fingers tenderly over each muscle. “Good lord, you’re built like a bloody tank. I don’t want to know how many men you could send flying if you were in a heated rage. Why ever did your people allow Earth to gain such a foothold in your region of space? You could take down most men from Earth without even breaking a sweat. I just don’t understand it.”

  “I’ve been known to send many men flying with just a strike of my hand.”

  She tensed. “Then I’m certainly seeing the softer side of you … and I must say, it does become you.” She rested her hand over his heart, feeling the rhythmic beating of it.

  “I could never hurt you, Freya. But I wouldn’t say that about anyone that might try to get between us. I like it just as we are now, with nothing between us. I want you to know that I am always going to feel this way.”

  “Well, I must say. I do like the way you feel right now.” She rubbed her hand against his taunt chest again, reveling in the way he drew in a sharp breath at her soft caress.

  He couldn’t believe the daring hellcat that was in his arms. Freya continued to surprise and astound him. She continued to take his breath away, just as he’d taken her breath away. He could see that she was intent on getting him just as naked as she was …

  and he had to say that he really didn’t have a problem with it. He could still see, however, that she might be pissing mad once the intoxicating effects of the Gaian vodka wore off.

  “Are you quite certain? In a few moments, there will be no going back.”

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  “I’m sure. So sure.” She finally managed to unlatch his belt. She relieved him of his trousers. He was erect with his desire, and he could see that she was very happy.

  “Astounding. This is just astonishing. If I wake up soon, I will be very unhappy

  … this can’t be a nightmare, it has to be the best dream ever.” He stiffened with expectation when she slowly caressed his staff.

  “You are as hard as a rock but as soft as silk. I think I could get used to this.”

  He swallowed. He pulled her against him and heard her gasp of surprise then she let out a giddy laugh. He touched her breasts and rubbed his finger over one nipple until it puckered and pebbled with hardness. When he dropped his hand to touch the soft crown of curls, she shivered again. She was hot and slick with her desire. He didn’t need to worry that she wasn’t ready for him. The fever was working just as it was supposed to be there. There was a faraway glint in her eyes mingled with pleasure. She looked as if she was ready … before he could react, she fulfilled her promise by taking matters into her own hands, figuratively and literally.

  She stroked his cock as gently as she could. She wanted to worship him, but first, she had to get rid of some of her heat that was scorching her skin. “I’m so hot.”

  “So am I, I’m hot for you.”

  “That’s good.” She backed him toward a wall, and then, just when they got to the wall, she switched places with him. “I have a pulsating inferno inside of me … make it dissipate … and since there’s only one way ….” She kissed him again, and right when she kissed him, he thrust into her, filling her sheath full. She gasped again. The intensity of the sensations rocking her body made her want to scream out loud.

  She had given herself to him completely. Now the fever inside of her would be extinguished. He continued to thrust inside of her, she rocked against him. She was breathing heavily and so was he. He’d discovered heaven in her arms, no other Gaian woman had made him feel the way he felt. He actually felt bonded to her. And he just hoped she wouldn’t hate him once this was over. He couldn’t live with that. He wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off of her, now that he’d had one taste of the forbidden fruit.

  She tightened her hold on him. Pulling him to her, she entwined her legs around his muscular back. Their lips locked. Spasms ricocheted through her as she reached her climax. On the wave of her climax, he reached his own release.

  She was drowning in waves of ecstasy. She molded her lips to his as he filled her with his seed. Her heart was beating so loudly she could hear it pulsing in her eyes. Her eyes grew wet as he held her against him. She had fallen victim to his enchantment. And now she’d never be the woman she once was.

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  Chapter Six

  She was in his bed. Stretching languidly, she rubbed her legs against the silk sheets. Memories of the previous night burned through her psyche. She groaned in reaction to the pounding in her head. She felt like a piece of shit. She was naked under the silk sheets as was Aries. She could recall their trail of lovemaking from the common room of his quarters into the bathroom, back to his quarters to eat, and then to bed. She could feel her cheeks flaming. She’d never been so intimate with a man in such a short amount of time knowing him. She could only lay the blame on the fever. It had to have been the thing that caused her to act so damn wantonly.

  She wasn’t this sort of woman. She didn’t take physical relationships with men lightly. Now the question was how would she break ties with him when she was already in so deep with him? He moaned in his sleep and rolled over. Before she could react, he’d pulled her against him. She gasped. She needed to get away from him. She couldn’t let him pull her back into his intoxicating web of desire. Her head burned with her hangover.

  She needed a painkiller and she needed one fast.

  “I don’t suppose you would have anything that would get rid of the man drilling a hole in the side of my head?”

  He kissed the back of her neck. “That might help.”

  She tried to pull away from him, but his hold was firm. “I’m serious. I have a bloody whopper of a headache, Aries. I think I need something to help … I’ve never had such a migraine before.”

  “It’s the vodka.”

  “Well, I know what it is, and thank you so much for reminding me. But the room is spinning, and I think if someone shot me right
now, I’d feel better.”

  He sat up and leaned down to stroke her forehead.

  “I’ll get you something that always cures my hangovers. It’s an old natural remedy.”

  “Hell, I could care less how old or how natural it is at the moment, I just want some form of relief.” His eyes twinkled at her.

  “Of course you do.” She saw that familiar glint in his eyes. As he slipped out of bed, she pulled the bed sheets closer around her and slid over to the farthest side of the bed. He was rummaging in a cabinet that he’d unlocked. He procured what looked to be a real water bottle and some sort of pink powdery substance in a jar. She swallowed. He could poison her and do away with her right now and no one would be the wiser. Of course, he wouldn’t kill her until she’d given him at least one heir. A momentary sense of panic rippled over her.

  They hadn’t used any form of contraception last night, and more than likely he wouldn’t care to hear her concern. She could be at this moment already carrying his child. Closing her eyes, she inwardly berated herself for being so foolish and so impetuous.

  She watched him mix the pink substance into the water.

  “I don’t suppose that will taste like strawberries, huh?”

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  “Strawberries?” He sounded puzzled.

  “A fruit that is indigenous to Earth, obviously.” The social chasm between them was enormous. How could they ever manage to bridge it long enough to have some kind of working relationship? She already had him under her radar. He trusted her. She could be successful at escaping him if she used this new trust to her advantage. Maybe she could figure out a way to get off this clunker of a spaceship and find her way to an Earth outpost.

  “Here.” She must have gotten lost in her train of thought because suddenly he was shoving the glass of pinkish liquid in her face. “Drink this. All of it.” His visage looked sterner than it had only seconds before. Her eyes widened as she took the glass.

  Could he hear her thoughts?


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