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Angel Ink

Page 23

by Siobhan Muir

  I sighed and glanced out the windows of the rest stop, glad the cold, windy weather kept most people inside their cars. “I’ve seen them do their thing, Jeff. I can’t tell you everything because it’s not my story, but believe me, they’re not human. Or at least some of them aren’t. Didn’t Loki give you the heebie-jeebies?”

  Jeff shivered. “Yeah, he’s scary.”

  I didn’t tell him the half of it. If he knew the Norse God of Mischief was hanging out in Fort Collins, he might shit himself. Hell, I was still spooked at the idea and he’d made me sign a contract about exposing them. In blood.

  “Yeah, so, you gotta keep this to yourself if you want to keep in contact with them and me.”

  His gaze snapped to mine. “What do you mean ‘and you?’ Is this now some sort of secret cult?”

  In some ways, it kinda was. But only because humans were destructive toward anything different. Hell, we couldn’t even handle humans with different skin color, sexual orientation or gender equality without violence. Glory knew what we’d do with other species.

  “No, it’s about safety. Remember when we were growing up, we always wanted the dragons and unicorns and gryphons to be real?” He nodded. “Surprise, they are real, but they have to hide because humans suck.”

  “You are human. We both are.”

  “And I work for the newspaper. I get to see the worst of our species, all for the love of money and power.”

  “That’s because it’s all y’all concentrate on.” Jeff glared at me. “If it bleeds, it leads, remember?”

  I sighed. “Yeah, I do. Better than most. Which is why protecting these people is important to me, and not just because my life’s at stake.”

  “What?” Jeff’s eyes widened. “Did they threaten you?”

  “No, nothing like that. They made me sign a contract.” I didn’t tell him the consequence of breaking said contract was probably my death or worse.

  He took a breath, but snapped his mouth shut and narrowed his eyes. “What does your famous gut have to say about this?”

  “It says this is the right thing to do. Michael is the love of my life and he’s worth this kind of effort.” I couldn’t get more honest than that.

  Of course, I wasn’t about to tell Jeff that Michael was the Archangel Michael and his older brother Luke was a far more famous fallen angel folks were meant to revile. And forget about mentioning Sam’s foxy self. Besides, I liked Luke, and who could say they’d hung out with the Devil and actually had a good time? Jeff would learn who everyone was soon enough. Or I’d have to cut him off to protect everyone, including him.

  “I don’t know if I can handle this.”

  I sighed. “What else do you want me to say? They’re people, just like humans. They just have some skill sets we don’t.”

  “Like breathing fire?”

  I remembered Torch’s breath and Michael’s flaming sword. “Yeah, like that.”

  “This is insane, Haley.”

  “Why? Because they’re more effective at hiding who they truly are than everyone else? Hell, I bet they’ve perpetuated the idea that they’re myths just to keep us dumb humans from finding out the truth.” I shook my head and let my gaze fall on the day outside. The clouds had rolled in with the wind and hidden the sun.

  “Look, Jeff. You’re my family and I wanted you to know that I’m going ahead with my relationship with Michael. He’s worth every effort on my part, even if he’s not human.”

  “Wait, Michael’s not human?” Jeff looked like he’d swallowed too much peanut butter. “What is he, then?”

  I grimaced. “I had to sign a contract, Jeff, to protect their secrets. I can’t tell you if you can’t handle this. You’re family, but if it’s too much, I at least wanted you to know why I’d have to cut you off. It’s for your protection as much as for theirs.”

  Glory, it curdled my stomach to say that. But I’d chosen Michael and Luke, Calhoun, Viper, Attila, Torch, Sam, Talon, Nightingale, hell, even Loki and the Scooters. They’d be my new family and considering how many weren’t completely human, that was a powerful family to have.

  “You’d really cut me off?” He looked wounded and my heart bled for him, but I nodded.

  “Their secrets are that powerful and they’re worth it to me to keep them, contract or no.” I bit my lip and took a deep breath. “I love you, Jeff, but what’s it gonna be?”

  This was it. He could choose whatever he wanted, but I’d have to make good on my statement and I really didn’t want to lose him. He was just as important to me as Michael and the Concrete Angels. But I’d given my word to keep their secrets and I wouldn’t go back on it even if it was inconvenient.

  “I can’t believe you’d choose them over me, after all we’ve been through together.”

  I nodded. “It doesn’t have to be that way, you know. All you have to do is keep their secret.” I rubbed my chin and took a chance. “And considering how you feel about Sam, I’d think it’d be something you’d choose to do, too.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  Jeff’s voice sounded a little panicky and I gave him a one-shouldered shrug.

  “I’m a reporter, and a pretty damn good one. I notice things. You’ve opened up and relaxed around him, smiled and laughed more. Don’t think I haven’t noticed.”

  “He’s a friend.”

  I nodded again. “I know. Someone you trust and like and respect. The thing is, if you want more time with him, you’re going to have to make this decision.” I straightened my shoulders. “Think of it this way. You can either get a whole new family of people who might not be what you expect but still accept you as you are. Or you can lose the only family you have left, including Sam and the others. That’s what it boils down to.”

  Jeff didn’t say anything and I figured I’d said all I could. It was time to head out. I had other people to disappoint. Of course, they were bad guys and I was looking forward to it, but I couldn’t stay here.

  “Just think about it and text or call me with your decision.” I wanted to give him a hug, but I didn’t think he’d welcome the touch, though he’d allow it. “No matter what, I love you. Take care, Jeff.”

  I gave him a pained smile and walked away. It just about broke my heart. He was the only one who knew my past and cared. We’d shared so much, but the past was only memories and I couldn’t live there. I’d made my choice and I wanted Michael as he was, even if it meant losing Jeff.

  I took a deep breath and squared my shoulders as I stepped out into the windy, gray day. I would be strong and I could do this. At least, that was what I told myself. Fake it till you make it. The words were easier thought than put into practice.

  I climbed into my car and wiped my tears away before I started the engine. I was moving into the compound and I needed to pack up the last of my things. My lease ended at the end of the month and I just needed to finish cleaning and turn in the keys.

  “It’s gonna be okay.”

  I tried to listen to my famous gut, but my mind got in the way and garbled the message. I backed out of my parking space and headed for the freeway entrance, refusing to look back. This was my decision and I’d made it. Hell, I’d exposed a national shadow group infiltrating law enforcement. I could deal with my cousin taking his time to absorb this information.

  I took a deep breath and blew it out. “It’s gonna be okay.”

  I kept telling myself that all the way back to Fort Collins.

  Chapter Twenty


  I told Jeff about the club. I think he’s convinced I’m on drugs or crazy, or both.

  Haley’s text came in as we cleaned up after the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Fort Collins. We always rode the parade, our bikes decked out in green streamers and saddle bags. She’d taken her time to tell her cousin until after her story on the Assistant District Attorneys O’Donnell and Mitchem came to light. Her good friend and mentor Ryan Sutton had helped her break the story, and now she was the hottest
investigative reporter in the Rocky Mountain region.

  She’d been so in-demand, she’d had to make a false profile with a new photo that looked nothing like her, a new name, Nicole Chatman, and a PO box for an address. Her email led to a blind and hidden server, her phone number remained unlisted, and her electronic footprint sat hidden behind multiple firewalls. I understood little of it except that it kept her safer than she’d been when only writing fluff pieces.

  She continued to write a few of those under her real name—art shows, children feeding the ducks at the park, the latest outdoor fashions for the discerning hiker—but overall, her focus remained investigating more of Backlog and where their tendrils led. I worried about her getting caught, but Neo assured me he’d taken extra precautions when it came to her online persona.

  What did he say? I tried not to be too nosy, but I was curious at Jeff’s reaction. He’d always struck me as rather down-to-earth with everything.

  This particular information might be too fantastical.

  “Damn, you fuckin’ have to see this!” Trigger came running in with a tablet showing the evening news and the story breaking across the airwaves. “That’s our girl. Or maybe I should say, Michael’s girl, rockin’ the world to its core.”

  “She’s not a girl, Trigger. She’s all woman.” I shot him an enigmatic smile as the others around me raised their green beers. “She also a badass investigative reporter who can find out just about anything.”

  “Holy shit.” Eric gaped as he stared at the tablet, shaking his head. “She totally exposed the corruption in the local FBI and Marshals’ offices. You know that’s gonna make her a target, right?”

  I nodded. “It would, except the woman on the article who did the research was blond and named Nicole Chatman. She has a friend who has contacts at CNN, MSN, CNBC, BBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, and far more acronyms than I can remember.” I shot a look toward the current dark big screen against the wall. “Each one has their headline story about the mysterious group infiltrating law enforcement and how the current and former ADAs were part of it. It was brilliant.”

  Eric sat back in his chair and wrapped his arm around Karma’s waist. “This is going to be a total shitstorm.” Then he frowned. “Won’t they be able to find her?”

  I smiled. “No. She technically doesn’t exist. She was at the news conference as a member of the Fort Collins Bugle, but she was just another staff reporter in the crowd . She walked right out the front doors and no one knew she was the one to break the story.” I nodded to Gadget. “Thanks for the prosthetics for the online profile. They totally changed her face.”

  Gadget nodded and raised her glass of port. “Anything for a good cause.” The Basque woman winked and sipped.

  “Where is Haley now?” Calhoun swiped a corn chip out from under Friar’s watchful eyes.

  “Oy!” He grabbed his plate and moved it out of her reach.

  “You snooze, you lose, Friar.” She winked.

  I laughed. “Haley’s out talking to her cousin about her change in address. They should be along soonly.”

  “Soonly?” Gopher blinked owlishly. “Who the hell says ‘soonly’?”

  I shrugged and lifted my green pint. I’d learned the phrase from the woman who held my heart. Now I just had to convince her that Jeff would come around. Because he would. I could sense that in my gut. Mom had plans for both Jeff and Samurai, but it would be a helluva ride getting to the finish line. Luke and Loki would have a field day.

  I hoped Haley would come home soon, but I knew she had to talk to her best friend about the changes to her work environment. Not only did Loki have requirements, but I had a sense that something big was coming. Something big enough for her to need some protection, but not necessarily from Backlog. Unfortunately, the message was frustratingly vague, and I could only give her unclear warnings.

  He didn’t really say anything other than he was amazed I’d cut him off if he couldn’t keep the secrets about the Concrete Angels.

  I could feel the sadness in her words, but their survival depended on both she and Jeff keeping mum on the distinct inhumanity of the club members.

  He’ll come around. Just give him time. It’s a lot to take in as you well know.

  Her text came back faster than I expected.

  Yeah, I know. I just don’t like being at odds with Jeff. I should be home in 40 mins.

  Home. She’d used the word as if she meant to stay. Glory, I hope so. She was bound by Loki’s contract to reside in the compound, but she still had an apartment in Fort Collins with a few items left in it. She could decide it wasn’t worth the trouble to break with her cousin and move in with me.

  The unease made me set aside my beer and roll to my feet.

  “Where are you going?” Scott raised his eyebrows as Numbers handed him a soft pretzel Grub had just made. “Things are just gettin’ started here.”

  I shook my head. “Got shit to do. Haley will be back soon and I promised her tea.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Is that another way of saying sex?”

  “Scott!” Numbers thumped him while the others chuckled.

  “What? It’s a legit question. The Brits have some of the weirdest names for shit. Like “knackered” for tired, and “wheelie bin” for trash can. I was just adding to my translation guide.”

  I wasn’t going to dignify that with a response as I left the clubhouse and headed for my cabin. Haley needed a home, a place where she felt safe and supported, and there were still a couple of things I needed to do to make that a reality.

  Years ago when we remodeled this old 1950s era motel, I’d requested my room have an extra space built into it. Not a full room, but an alcove that could be closed off with a Japanese rice paper screen or folding screen door. I’d opted for the rice paper screen with cherry blossoms painted across the panels. I’d set up a desk, rolling chair, bookshelf and filing cabinet in the space to give Haley her own office. Now I waited for the big reveal. I hoped it would take away some of the sting about Jeff’s lack of enthusiasm.

  And tea, too, of course.

  The tea was hot and the room was ready by the time she drove into the compound and parked beside Eric’s sexy peacock green Chevy Corvette. Nervousness and excitement warred for my attention as I waited for Haley to come to the door. Would she like the gift of her own office space?

  I had the door open as soon as she knocked and a big smile of welcome that wilted a little at the look of tired resignation on her face. She carried a bin of cleaning supplies and a broom, and set all of it down with a long sigh.

  “Welcome home, love. Would you like some tea?”

  She gave a tired laugh. “Yeah, because tea makes everything better, right?”

  I nodded thoughtfully as I offered her a mug of Jasmine Phoenix. “That, and good sex, but we can do that after you’ve rested.”

  That got a louder, happier laugh out of her. “Oh, well, if you insist.” She hung her jacket in the closet and took the mug. “Thank you.”

  “I know it’s been a trying day, but I have a surprise for you whenever you’re ready.”

  She sipped her tea. “A surprise? Please don’t let it be like Jeff’s reaction. I don’t think I can handle that kind of surprise at this point.”

  “I promise not to take the piss out of you, love. This is a good surprise.” I offered her my hand. “Come with me.”

  “Come with you? Where is there to go?” She followed my lead and stopped at the rice paper screen. “What’s this?”

  “This is your new office.” I folded the screen up and showed her the office space.

  “Are you kidding me right now? This has been here the whole time and I’ve never noticed it? How is that possible?” She set her mug down on the bookshelf beside the alcove and stepped into the space. “Wow, it looks a lot like my old office at the apartment. When did you do this?”

  I shrugged as warm pleasure filled my chest. “While you were cleaning your apartment and packing up. I wanted it to be
a surprise for when you fully moved in.”

  “Wow.” She turned around to run her hands over the desk with her new laptop and external hard drive. “It’s perfect.”

  “Neo has made sure there’s a dedicated server and IP address so you can connect to the ’net but no one can follow you back to our system.” I waved at the little blinking contraption on the shelf. “I don’t really know how it works, but Neo assures me it’ll do.” I rubbed the back of my neck. “Do you like it?”

  Haley threw herself into my arms with a huge grin. “I love it. A much better surprise than I had earlier today. Thank you so much, Michael.”

  “So, this is a good reason to stay, right?

  She grinned as she wrapped her arms around my neck. “Yes, it’s a great reason to stay, though not the primary one.”

  “I love you, Haley. Never doubt that.”

  “I definitely won’t. I love you, too. Especially when you fuck me while showing your wings.” She shivered with exaggerated pleasure. “That shit is sexy as hell.”

  “I think you mean sexy as heaven. Hell is my brother’s thing.” I pulled back and tilted my head with a raised eyebrow. “Unless there’s something I should know?”

  She laughed. “While a threesome is great in the romance novels, I don’t think I want to be that intimate with your brother. I’m all yours, forever.”

  “Good answer.” I dipped my head and took her lips in a deep kiss to put a seal on it. She was definitely mine and I was hers. Forever.



  I always prided myself on being cool, inscrutable, aloof. My Asian ancestry helped with it. Most of the gaijin around me couldn’t figure me out, and that was preferable. Kitsune weren’t common anymore after the loss of the Japanese dynastic regimes, but we were even less common in the New World, and being alone and aloof helped keep my heart safe.


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