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Undone by Her Two Masters [The Wolf Masters 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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by Berengaria Brown

  The Wolf Masters 2

  Undone by Her Two Masters

  Burned out human speech therapist, Nevis Greenway, has been recuperating at Hot Springs Mountain. She likes York Greenmountain with whom she plays cards, but he’s shown no interest in her. Until his best friend, the Dom Bronx Montaine, arrives.

  Bronx is about to open a new branch office for the werewolf pack and he’s been told to take a woman with him. York suggests Nevis, and Bronx thinks she’ll suit him very well. Nevis is happy to go with them, and sleep with them, too, but just until the branch is established.

  Once they arrive in Pine Corner, though, all bets are off as they try to work together, set up the transportation company, and play increasingly hot BDSM scenes all around the state, in the B-Train, the minivan, the trailer… And still Nevis won’t consider staying with them for very long.

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 34,510 words


  The Wolf Masters 2

  Berengaria Brown


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2013 by Berengaria Brown

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-936-0

  First E-book Publication: December 2013

  Cover design by Harris Channing

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  About the Author


  The Wolf Masters 2


  Copyright © 2013


  High up in the wildest part of the mountains, far from any town or city, is a group of hot springs surrounded by caves. Werewolf shape-shifters have lived there for hundreds of years practicing their own brand of BDSM love. The Master’s word is law and he holds the key to a woman’s pleasure.

  Chapter One

  Nevis Greenway leaned against the metal railing on the roof of the pack building on Hot Springs Mountain, and watched as Andorra had her first helicopter lesson with Trenton. Trenton’s most notable feature was his long hair, which was unusual for a werewolf shape-shifter. Right now though, he was being very patient with Andorra as he explained the various knobs and dials to her.

  Nevis hoped Trenton would let Andorra have a turn flying the machine. Because this was her first lesson, maybe he wouldn’t agree, though. Either way, it meant Andorra was getting her life organized, and moving forward. Andorra had just mated the Alpha of the Hot Springs Mountain Pack, Master Kingston, and his best friend Master Raleigh. Andorra wanted to learn to fly the helicopter and it was smart to have a reserve pilot for any time Trenton was ill or wanted to go on vacation. Mostly, she’d do office work for the pack, but a second pilot would be of value to the pack as well.

  Nevis’s life, on the other hand, was still stuck in a rut. She sighed. She’d come here a few months ago to rest and soak away all her tension and stress in the hot springs. She was a burned-out speech therapist, exhausted from trying to help people with acquired brain injuries who didn’t want to be helped. Too many of these people would prefer to either play the victim card all the time, or simply wallow in misery and helplessness.

  Nevis shook herself. No, that was unfair. Some of her patients had been desperate to learn to speak properly again and had worked very hard. But it seemed that the unhappy ones had leeched all her time and energy until there was nothing left inside her. A friend of hers had dated Master Kingston for a while, but had shied away from the pack’s taste for lifestyle BDSM and some ménages. Nevis, on the other hand, longed for a Master of her own, and wouldn’t mind finding out what a ménage felt like either. So when she’d wanted to find a place to escape and relax, where no one could reach her, this mountain top building, accessible only by helicopter or a damn hard walk up the mountain, had seemed perfect.

  And it was a wonderful place of stunning views and genuine peace. Besides, she’d met Andorra and made a good friend. But time had passed and she was still no closer to getting her own life back on track, unlike her new friend.

  She focused her gaze on the helicopter. Trenton was showing Andorra how to turn the engine on. Hastily Nevis sat on the ground, not wanting to be too close to the propellers when they began rotating. She was hard against the railing, so likely well out of their way, but decided being lower to the ground would be a bonus, especially if Andorra was allowed to take her first flight as pilot.

  From down on the ground the helicopter looked even larger, and when the engine roared into action it was also deafening. Reverting to
childhood, Nevis stuck her hands over her ears, and tilted her head back wanting to see the moment Andorra took off. As long as the damn machine didn’t come toward her.

  But Andorra must have known what she was doing, obeying Trenton’s instructions, as the machine rose straight up into the air, before turning and moving slowly south. Nevis stood up again watching as they gradually disappeared, only occasionally lurching this way or that.

  She leaned her forearms on the rail, watching as she thought. She was thirty-five and needed to get back to work and start saving for a deposit on a home. A single woman had to have a way to support herself, and while vacationing here had relaxed her and restored her somewhat, it was slowly chipping away at her savings and it was time she went back to work.

  She’d had vague hopes she might meet a Dom who appealed to her while she was here, but that hadn’t happened either. Nevis was interested in York, the company IT guru. He was delicious to look at, with very curly dark hair cut short against his head. They were both part of a group that played the card game Scumbags and Warlords together once a week. And while he was always friendly and polite, he’d never made the slightest attempt to date her, which had to mean she didn’t interest him. Unfortunately.

  Nevis remained looking out over the surrounding countryside. Hot Springs Mountain was the tallest peak around here, although the mountain range extended for hundreds more miles and other, taller peaks were undoubtedly scattered along its length. But from the roof of the three-story pack building here, she had a panoramic view for miles in every direction, across steep cliffs, wooded valleys, and other rocky peaks. It was incredibly beautiful and she was grateful to have had the opportunity to come here.

  Werewolf shape-shifters did their best to remain hidden in society. When out in the world they acted and spoke as humans. This particular pack owned and managed a profitable transportation company, which operated branches across this state and three neighboring ones. That’s why their helicopter was so huge. It was needed to bring all their food and equipment up the mountain as there was no road here. And from what she’d heard, Andorra was the first person to hike up the mountain in more than a generation. In fact, Master Kingston hadn’t even believed she had walked there at first, assuming she was lying and that she’d been brought in by helicopter.

  The pack had purchased its first helicopter in the late 1930s and had covered up the trail to the mountain almost immediately thereafter, disguising the entry with rocks and planting sturdy shrubs and bushes, which had grown and covered the pathway in five years.

  According to what Nevis had been told, the pack had greeted the invention of the “autogyro” with acclamation, sending several of their young men to learn all about the new machine. Up until then they’d been very careful to buy food and supplies from several different towns, so none of the locals really knew how many people lived on the mountain or where they came from. But carrying everything in was a huge commitment, so they’d also grown much of their own food. Once they could go wherever they wanted and buy whatever they liked, as well as fly their staff in and out, the standard of living of those on the mountain had increased. So had the company profits, as it freed many more men to work in the business instead of laboring in fields.

  None of which was the least help in her own situation. It was time she left the mountain and found herself a new job. She’d decided she wanted to join a practice that worked only with children. She always enjoyed watching their enthusiasm as they realized they could learn to speak like other people. Leaving here meant the chances of her finding a Dom would once more fade into the background but it had to be. She needed to move on with her life. Ah well, at least Andorra was happy. That was something.

  Nevis became aware of a speck in the sky growing gradually larger. She must have been standing here longer than she thought. Andorra’s first lesson was almost over and she was coming back. The helicopter was flying smoothly and straight, so Andorra was evidently a fast learner. But Nevis had known she would be. She turned and watched as Andorra circled the mountaintop then gradually lowered the helicopter, only bouncing it a small bit and placing it within the rectangle marked with an H, although not in the exact center. However, for a first lesson, Nevis thought it was pretty fantastic to even land it on the roof, never mind inside the rectangle.

  She continued watching as Trenton helped Andorra shut down the machine. Only when the blades stopped whirring and the noise had faded did Nevis realize that it was not just Trenton and Andorra in the machine. There was also a huge older man with flecks of gray in his dark hair and very tan skin.

  Nevis was not a small woman. She had a medium build with curves in all the usual places and carried possibly ten pounds more on her belly, ass, thighs, and hips than she ought to for her five-foot-eight-inch height. But this man was a giant. Well, a good six inches taller than her anyway, packed with solid muscle over every inch of him. Oh yes. Now that was someone she wouldn’t mind spanking her ass and fucking her. And what a shame he was arriving just when she was about to depart.

  The huge man swung an oversized suitcase out of the helicopter and marched over the roof through the garden to the stairs and into the building. Either Trenton had explained to him where to go, or more likely, he’d been here before.

  Andorra skipped over the roof to Nevis. “Did you see me fly?”

  “I was watching the whole time. You were awesome!”

  “It’s not actually all that hard to do. Although, whether I can remember everything Trenton told me next time I fly is something else again.”

  Trenton jumped out of the helicopter and locked the chains around the wheels. “You’re a natural, Andorra. Fast reactions and gentle hands. You’ll soon be as good as me.”

  The three of them laughed and headed for the stairs. But what Nevis wanted to say was, “Who is that delicious man and how do I get to know him?”

  * * * *

  Bronx Montaine had been so busy reading over his papers that he needed to present to the Alpha that he’d been almost unaware that the woman was flying the chopper, until Trenton warned him the landing might be a bit bumpier than usual. So he’d packed away his paperwork and checked his seatbelt was correctly fastened, but she’d done everything just fine. He’d supposed she must be about ready to go for her flying license until Trenton congratulated her on a perfect first flight. Well, thank the gods he hadn’t known about that, or he might never have gotten in the fucking machine at all. But she was obviously skilled. Anyway, he had far too much to think about to worry about her.

  He picked up his suitcase and headed down the stairs to the first floor at a fast pace, not stopping until he reached the door of Kingston’s office. Raleigh was leaning against the wall, and Kingston was setting down his cell phone. Bronx dumped his luggage by the door and said, “When the fuck are you going to install an elevator.? That suitcase is fucking heavy.”

  Raleigh burst out laughing, which wasn’t at all the response he’d expected, until he said, “I’ve been asking him that for years.”

  “We’re wolves. We need the exercise,” said Kingston.

  “And he’s been saying that for years, too,” added Raleigh.

  “Yeah, wolves, not pack mules. I know a man who specializes in elevators. I’ll get him to contact you.”

  Kingston glared at him for a moment, and Bronx remembered that this was his Alpha to whom he owed his allegiance. Yeah, allegiance. That doesn’t mean I need to leave my brains at the door with the suitcase, though.

  “Shut the door and give me your report,” said Kingston.

  Bronx did, only sitting when Kingston waved at a chair and Raleigh came across to sit as well. Then he launched into everything he’d found out about the various branches. “Most of them are doing as well as can be expected. Some of them are facing considerable competition. One in particular is being constantly undercut by a competitor, but he’s not maintaining his trucks properly and sooner or later he’s going to dig himself a hole he can’t get out of
. I recommend not cutting our own prices any further, but concentrating on giving truly excellent service, even if it means losing more money short term, because in the long term the clients will come back to us.”

  Kingston fired a bunch of questions at him, but he had all the facts and figures at his fingertips, and knew his suggestions were the best way to go.

  Finally Kingston said, “What about the places where we thought of establishing new branches?”

  “Pine Corner is the perfect place for us to expand into. Two interstate highways cross through town, and there’s no major competition anywhere around. On the outskirts of town is a big old warehouse that hasn’t been used for a year or two. It’s still in good condition and has a parking lot big enough for a couple of rigs, and there’s a double-wide trailer home on the property as well. We’d need to securely fence it, hire a couple staff and get it looking ready for business. It might take three months. I believe I could have it up and running by then. I’d like to go there. It’s a challenge I want to undertake.”

  Bronx had thought about what he was saying quite carefully. He was on a damn good salary and would have to take a big pay cut, but it was something that called to him. He liked the idea of building a branch from the ground up. Fuck, he’d be happy to dig the post holes and help put up the fence himself, and he’d sure as hell drive the rigs until the branch was making enough money to hire a driver, or until it was so busy he would need to be in the office full-time to run the place.


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