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Undone by Her Two Masters [The Wolf Masters 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 9

by Berengaria Brown

  Bronx hid a smile as Nevis’s eyes opened wide when she took a step and the rope abraded her most sensitive tissues.

  “Walk faster. Up and down.”

  When he was sure she was burning with arousal he collected his flogger and flicked it lightly over her breasts. She gasped hard so he did it again, then flogged her ass while she still was pacing the trailer.

  “Suck York’s cock. Make him come.”

  Judging by the size and redness of York’s dick this wouldn’t take her very long. Hell, if she sucked Bronx, one second would do it.

  Obediently Nevis kneeled in front of York and let him feed his cock into her mouth and move her head as he wished. With her arms forced behind her back and her breasts engorged in front of her, she had very little upper mobility. Not to mention the rope between her legs, which was likely very wet from her juices.

  Bronx kneeled behind her, pressing his body against her bound elbows so he could touch her cunt. It was indeed wet. He fingered her nipples which were bigger than he’d ever seen them. Her breasts were hot from the pressure of the zip ties so he pulled on her nipples, seeing if they’d grow even bigger. He cupped her breasts, pumping them with both hands, reveling in their hard fullness.

  Then he pulled Nevis’s head right back and said, “Deep throat York now. Make him explode in your mouth and drink all his cum.”

  York thrust his dick down her throat and pumped into her and soon his essence was dripping out of the sides of her mouth. Bronx let her go so she could swallow and when York pulled his cock from between her lips he pushed Nevis flat on the floor, resting her bodyweight on her engorged breasts. He untied the rope from around her waist, undid the knot over her clit, and then pulled the rope slowly from between her ass cheeks and her labia, wanting her to feel the abrasion one last time. When it was off her he lifted her hips and thrust his cock into her cunt from behind her. He tried hard to last but knew that was impossible. So he wiggled a hand under her body and began pinching her clit. He was rewarded almost immediately by her orgasming around his cock. She’d been very aroused and came easily.

  Now it was time for her to enter subspace. He pumped into her cunt and rested a hand on the center of her back forcing her hard onto her breasts. They had to be hurting her already, and the endorphins from all her climaxes should help send her into subspace. He let go of his iron control and exploded into her cunt, filling her with his cum, then lay over her back, her bound arms digging into him and his heavy weight holding her hard against the floor. She gave a surprised little whimper, and then relaxed underneath him. He waited a moment to be sure she was properly in subspace, then climbed off her and began untying her elbows.

  York kneeled beside her, the bottle of olive oil in his hands again, and Bronx said, “As soon as I turn her over you can massage her shoulders. She’ll smell like a salad but that can’t be helped.”

  He rolled her over and went to get a pair of scissors to cut the zip ties off her. They had dug into her flesh but it’d return to normal fairly fast. She shouldn’t even bruise.

  “We can’t lose her, Bronx. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman and a whole lot more. We’ll never find anyone as perfect as Nevis,” said York.

  “You’re right. We’ll just have to love her so much she agrees to stay with us forever.”

  “But what if the townspeople won’t accept us as a ménage relationship?”

  Yeah. That was a hell of a fucking question. What if they didn’t?

  Chapter Six

  Nevis woke up and stretched carefully. Her breasts still felt a bit tight and swollen and her shoulders ached. Also she was almost certain she had some rope burn on her pussy. But all in all she felt pretty good for someone who’d just experienced her first visit to subspace. She was tucked between the two men on the bed in the trailer, Bronx’s arm possessively over her waist as he so often seemed to have it, and York pressed tight against her back.

  Carefully Nevis wiggled down the bed, slid off the foot of it, and walked into the bathroom. She shut the door before turning on the light then stared at herself in the mirror. Her face looked exactly the same as usual, but her breasts were a little darker and fatter than normal. She turned the water on and stepped into the tiny shower cubicle. She couldn’t imagine how hard it must be for the men to shower in here. There was only just enough room for her. Spacious it wasn’t.

  She turned her back to the spray and let the hot water soak into her shoulders. As she did she became aware of the aroma of salad dressing—no, olive oil. Aw, how sweet. They’d massaged her muscles while she was either in subspace or asleep. Since the men were both asleep she guessed she must have gone directly from one state to the other. But that was so thoughtful of them. They really were amazing men.

  The question is, “Am I ready to commit to them?” She shook her head as she took the bath gel and washed the olive oil off her body. No, she wasn’t. She liked them very much and truly appreciated their love and care for her. But forever was a long time and there was no divorce under shape-shifter law. Just because they gave her red hot orgasms and looked after her now didn’t mean they’d even be talking to each other in a year’s time. They had to be able to progress from companionship and sex to genuine love.

  Nevis lifted her leg to wash her foot, wincing as the hot water hit her ass crack. Ouch that stings. Rope burn on that delicate skin is a bitch.

  How did she feel about Bronx and York then? Really truly feel, not just feel after a massive orgasm. And hell, they had a mighty fine line in orgasms. She’d had more and better climaxes since she’d met them than in her entire life to date.

  Bronx. Definitely bossy, sometimes argumentative, always very much the Master, the Dominant. But he’d listen to her opinions and give her a turn at whatever she asked of him. She’d named their vehicles and she’d heard him call the rig Animal and the minivan Walter, so it wasn’t just for show when she was around. His acceptance of her part in the triad was genuine. She did trust him and like him, even love him. He would never deliberately hurt her except for her intense pleasure, she knew that.

  York. Despite them both being wolves and him having the same hair color as Bronx, York was a very different person. Still a Master, there was no doubt about that, but a much less determined and decisive one. He made suggestions and assumed she would see the wisdom of his ideas and follow his instructions. He was fun to be around and she’d liked him for a long time. It could easily be called love. She’d certainly hate not to be with him again. Not to be with either of them again. She really did want them both and want the relationship to succeed.

  What if there was outrage when they asked to share a room at the hotel? What would she do then? Would she be strong enough to leave them so their business didn’t fail? After all, men always blamed the woman whenever there was sex involved. And she had wanted them both.

  She turned off the water and pulled a towel from the rail to wrap around herself. She’d fucked them every possible way and she still wanted them both. She’d travelled on a road trip with them, talked to them, laughed with them and worked hard with them, and she still wanted them. In her bed, in her life.

  Maybe she was in love with them both already. Could that be possible?

  * * * *

  Bronx had intended to continue working from the office of the double-wide while the building work was going on, but it was hopeless. The only bathroom was in the trailer and all the workmen needed to use it. The only external door was also into his office so anyone needing to come inside to measure anything had to tramp past him. All of which meant he was interrupted every ninety seconds and couldn’t even hear his cell phone ring against the background of hammering, sawing, and voices calling to each other.

  Nevis took one look at all the filthy boots coming into her home and rolled up her pretty rug off the living room floor, standing it in a corner of the room. A close second was her bedding. She rolled that up as well and put it inside the closet, then she packed an overnight bag
, collected her laptop and said, “If you want me, I’ll be at the hotel.”

  Bronx had to agree she had a point. “Ask the old man to recommend a restaurant for dinner and book us a table for seven, please. That should give York and me time to have a shower and meet you there. Are you taking Kermit?”

  “Yes. You two might need Walter. I’ll book a table at the Pine Plantation. I keep meaning to eat there and never have.”

  Besides, he knew she liked Kermit better. That screaming green metallic paint was cute, he supposed. It was eye-catching, too, which was good for a business vehicle. Everyone knew it belonged to Hot Springs Transportation. “The Pine Plantation? On Main Street? Okay.”

  He watched her leave, then picked up his laptop and took it and the pile of paperwork he was trying to do out onto the deck. He piled a few other things he might need onto the little coffee table there, and then went back into the office and pushed the table against the wall, stacking the chair on top of it, and making more of a space for the workmen to get through. Then he went and sat back down on the deck to work, reminding himself that when the builder came by next time he needed to ask him about making the door to block off the living room and bedroom from the office area. Nevis deserved some privacy. Then he shuddered at the thought of all the extra noise and mess there’d be when the walls started coming down.

  York waved at him from the warehouse. The plumber had just quoted for installing a second bathroom there with space, faucets, and a sink, for a washer and dryer. Nevis was going to buy the washer and dryer today, and order them a sink, and a shower with glass doors. He could hardly wait. The one in the trailer was built for short skinny people. He’d almost decapitated himself one night when he forgot to duck getting out of the shower. Not to mention the permanent bruise he’d developed on his hip from banging into the wall every time he turned around in the miniscule thing.

  Bronx leaned back in his chair picturing himself going into the new bathroom after a day’s work, dumping his dirty clothing in a laundry hamper, showering, changing into his wolf persona to run back to the trailer, then standing up all clean, fresh, and naked, ready to fuck Nevis. It’d be the perfect way to spend every evening.

  A truck pulled into the parking lot, but Bronx ignored it assuming it was something to do with the building work. He bent his head to his laptop again, pulling up a spreadsheet and trying to work out what he needed to do next. Even when he heard boots on the steps up to his deck he didn’t look up until a voice said, “Um, Hot Springs Transportation?”

  Bronx jumped to his feet his arm outstretched to shake the man’s hand. “Hi, I’m Bronx.” He blinked twice. It might have been a husky voice, but the figure dressed in work pants, heavy boots, and a tight black T-shirt was no man, but a very attractive young woman.

  She shook his hand and he gestured to one of the chairs. “Please sit down. I’m afraid the coffee is only instant, or I could offer you a cold beer or a soda.”

  “Soda would be good, thank you.”

  He went inside and grabbed two cans out of the refrigerator, then remembering this was a woman, he picked up a glass for her as well.

  She ignored the glass and downed half the can in one long drink. “Damn, I was thirsty.” Her voice was not nearly so husky and masculine now.

  “I’m happy to be of help to you. What can I do for you?”

  “I’m Anne. Cherice said you’d been talking to her about shipping antique furniture she buys and sells online.”

  It took him a moment and then the references clicked. “Oh yes. Cherice is Sam the fencer’s sister. I spoke to her when we first arrived.”

  “That’s right. Well, I’m a sculptor and up until now I haven’t been able to take on commissions any bigger than will fit in my truck. I’ve got a minivan like yours and even when I lay sculptures down it means I can’t do any really big work. Several of my good customers, art galleries, you know, want me to do much bigger work but with no suitable way of shipping them to New York, I haven’t agreed. My career won’t really take off until I can do that but I don’t trust just anyone to deliver my work. I always take it myself, usually with a couple of the teenagers from town to help me lift it. But with your big rig, I could do half a dozen works and crate them up for you to deliver all at once. That’s to New York. Would you be interested in that?”

  Absolutely. Would you want to come along with them to make sure they arrive safely?”

  “The first time I would, yes.”

  “That would be fine. There’s three seats in Animal’s cab so it’d be me as primary driver, a second driver, and you. I guess there’d be lifting equipment at the gallery end and we’d have your young men to help at this end. Or should I hire a forklift truck?”

  “No, no. I work in bronze so the insides are hollow. They’re heavy but don’t weigh tons.”

  Bronx talked to Anne for a while and she went home to contact her galleries, show them some designs she’d already drawn but never made, then to begin work. So that meant trip to New York and back sometime in the future. Bronx wondered if he’d be able to get a load to fill the truck with on the way back. Maybe if he made it known around town he was going, people would order things and he could transport them. It was worth looking into later. He made a note to remind himself.

  Before he could return to his spreadsheets the builder arrived, and then it was time to pack up, shower, and get ready to meet Nevis for dinner. The day was almost gone but each day he could see little bits of progress made. Slowly but surely his new life was coming together quite successfully. All he needed to do was convince Nevis to mate them, and everything would be perfect.

  * * * *

  Ten days later all the external building work was completed. The new laundry-cum-bathroom was installed, tiled, painted, and ready to use. The new living room and bedroom walls were painted and the floors had been stained and just needed another twenty-four hours to be completely dry, and at last the three of them would be home alone again in their trailer.

  So Nevis took Walter to the outskirts of Pine Corner to the animal refuge there. When she arrived, the young girl at reception smiled at her and said, “The puppies are to the right, and the kitties to the left.”

  “I was more looking for bigger dogs. Full grown ones, or almost grown.”

  The girl looked at her in astonishment. “But everyone wants to adopt the puppies. They’re so cute.”

  Nevis smiled back at her. “They are cute, but I’m not everyone and I’d like some big dogs please.”

  “The older dogs are at the back of the yard, but we don’t have very many.”

  Nevis thanked her and turned right, walking past the cages. The puppies were cute indeed and very loveable, but no one would mistake Bronx or York for a tiny puppy. She looked at each of the older dogs. One of them, a female, stared at her with sad, haunted eyes that almost made her cry. This little dog had evidently had a hard life and deserved to be adopted. But she was only half the size of Bronx. She’d be no disguise for him at all. Regretfully Nevis kept walking.

  She went all around the shelter twice, and there was no dog big enough to be mistaken for her men and no dog she wanted, apart from the sad female, whose big brown eyes watched her every move. Yet she was a complete lady and didn’t cry or whine at all. Nevis knelt in front of her cage. “What’s your name?”

  The dog came over and licked her finger but she didn’t have a name tag on. Nevis stood up. “I’m sorry. I’d really like to help you, but I can’t.”

  The dog silently bowed her head and Nevis’s heart almost broke. “Ah, fuck it. I’ll take you.”

  The dog looked up as if she understood every word Nevis was saying. Nevis went and told the girl at the desk what she wanted, checked that the dog had been inoculated and collected the paperwork, paid for her and a carry cage, then asked, “What’s her name?”

  “We don’t know. She belonged to an old lady who died and her son brought her in. He paid for her to have all her injections but he couldn’t k
eep her.”

  Nevis stroked the silky head through the bars of the carry cage. “Well, we’ll just have to work out what your name is, then.”

  Nevis walked out to the parking lot, wondering how far it was to the next Animal Refuge. If the next town even had one. The towns surrounding Pine Corner were all quite a lot smaller than this one.

  In the parking lot an old lady was sitting on the ground her arms around a dog’s neck, crying. Thinking she’d fallen over or been hurt, Nevis raced across to her. “Are you all right?”

  Red-rimmed, watery eyes gazed up at her blindly. “I’m moving to a new home and can’t take Ben and Jerry with me, but I can’t bear to leave them here. No one ever adopts big dogs and as soon as I leave it’ll be a death sentence for them both.”

  “Big dogs?” Nevis looked down and realized that what she’d thought was a coat or blanket over the lady’s legs was actually a huge brown dog.

  “Where are your manners, boys? Say hello nicely.”

  Both dogs sat up straight and extended a paw to her. In a daze, Nevis shook each paw and stared at the dogs. Both big. Both brown. Both what she’d come here looking for.

  “I’ll adopt them as long as they’ll be kind to this little lady I just bought.” Nevis opened the top of the carrier so her dog could meet Ben and Jerry. All three rubbed noses, then the bigger one licked the little female and it seemed they were friends.

  “What’s her name? She’s beautiful,” said the old lady, stroking the dog’s head.

  “Lady,” said Nevis. No other name would be more suitable for her than that.

  “Now, boys, you look after Lady and treat her nice,” said the old woman wagging a finger at her dogs. Once again it was the bigger one who licked the old lady’s hand.

  Nevis went and got Walter and parked next to Ben and Jerry’s owner and they transferred all the dogs’ equipment and toys across. Nevis immediately decided to buy a few toys for Lady as well. Why should the boys have all the fun?


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