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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 60

by Altonya Washington

  “What’s that got to do with anything?”

  County gave her a haughty look. “‘Cause I don’t make friends with idiots.”

  Again laughter mixed with tears as another round of hugs began.


  “You know I’m going to try talking you out of this more than once.”

  “And you know that I have to go,” Fernando told Jeff Carnes that morning when they met in Jeff’s office. “I have to see this for myself. It may be the only way to get my dad out of this family.”

  “What if you’re recognized?”

  Fernando clenched a massive fist. “I really don’t think that’ll happen.”

  “And if it does?”

  “That’s a chance I’ll have to take.”

  Jeff regarded the powerful looking young man seated before his desk. “I commend your bravery, son. I sincerely hope it won’t get you killed. These are the sort of people we’re dealing with,” he said, seeing Fernando bristle. “They’re evil, murderous sons of bitches and the fact that you’re Marc’s son will do little to protect you.”

  “Hmph, that’s the one thing I don’t need to be told,” Fernando assured Jeff, grimacing at the sour taste that suddenly filled his mouth. “My dad put a crime ship in my name- his own son, Mr. J. I don’t think there’s much else that could surprise me.”


  Memphis, Tennessee

  Wood Stanton smiled curiously as he leaned against the doorjamb and watched the cloud of fluffy black hair bobbing behind the desk.

  “You okay?” he called out finally.

  The jet-black cloud ceased its bobbing and rose as its owner peeked over the desk. Melina Dan’s exotic dark gaze narrowed even more when she produced a sheepish grin.

  “Just a clumsy episode,” she admitted.

  “Need any help?” Wood offered, pushing himself away from the door. Of course, Melina could drop a stick pin and have every man in the building ready to help her find it. Still, Wood wasn’t surprised when she turned down his assistance.

  “Thanks anyway,” Melina called, her tone absent. Her fingers were poised over the spilled papers and the letter that had fallen from her desk drawer.

  “Melina?” Wood noticed the look on her face.

  “I’m okay, Wood,” she said quickly, gathering the other papers and setting them atop her desk. “Seriously, I’ve got it covered,” she smiled when he nodded and left her office. Letting her easy look fade then, she stood behind the desk with the letter in hand. The French tips of her nails brushed across the envelope which bore only her first name scribbled across the front. She was seconds away from opening the envelope, knowing the contents by heart and knowing they would only torture her emotions for the millionth time. On cue, it seemed, her private line buzzed.

  “Thank you,” Melina whispered, setting the letter back to its resting place inside her top desk drawer. Clearing her throat, she pulled the phone from its cradle. “Hello?” she answered.

  “Melina? This is Josephine.”


  “Sheila McPhereson.”

  County returned the smile to the woman who had just introduced herself as Stefan Lyons’ assistant. She’d just arrived for her appointment with Dark Squires and was more than ready for the meeting to commence.

  “Right this way, Ms. Warren,” Sheila said with a wave past her desk. “Mr. Lyons has been anticipating your meeting since you called.”

  “Well then, that’s something we have in common,” County said, smoothing both hands across the teal green asymmetrical skirt she wore with a white scooped neck tee. She hadn’t bothered to dress in her most severe business attire for the meeting. Stefan Lyons was not someone she had any desire to impress. Besides she wanted to be comfortable when she told the man to go to hell and take his bullying, scavenging piece of crap company with him.

  The executive floor of Dark Squires vastly differed from its lower levels, which were accessible only by glass stairway to the fifth floor. A visitor had a breathtaking view of the starkly designed company offices and cubicles that housed the loud, fast talking wheelers and dealers of all sizes and colors. Following Sheila McPhereson down the wing to Stefan Lyons’ office, however, County could tell there would be none of that there. The soft hum of the cooling system could have been relaxing, except it wasn’t. The luxurious carpet, thick and giving beneath the soles of her teal wedge heels should have been inviting, but it only reminded her more of the calm before the storm.

  Still, Contessa managed to maintain her smile regardless of how faint it was. Her eyes harbored unmasked suspicion and intensity as Sheila opened the doors leading to the office suite.

  “Ms. Warren, it’s a pleasure,” Stefan greeted, already heading toward the door as though he’d seen her approach.

  Probably has a camera in every corner of the place, County barely raised her hand when Stefan moved in to shake it.

  “That’s all Sheila,” he told his assistant without casting a look in the other woman’s direction. “I hope you’re hungry,” he said to County, curving a hand beneath her elbow. “We have smoked salmon, wild rice, pumpernickel rolls, steamed asparagus and apple cake for dessert.”

  County nodded, her brown eyes focused as she let Stef lead her farther into the office. “It sounds wonderful, but you may want to hear me out before inviting me to break bread with you.”

  “Ms. Warren,” Stef sighed, pressing a hand to the green and gold striped tie he wore with a dark forest green shirt. “Can we start fresh?” he proposed.

  “Why? I still don’t intend to sell,” Contessa assured him, folding her arms across her chest, “and besides, your remarks to me on the phone practically begged for a more substantial response. I’m here to give you one.”

  Stef appeared as though he were trying to shield his humor by pressing his lips together as he cleared his throat. “Please do,” he urged with a slight wave.

  “You are an unprofessional jackass,” she began without hesitation, leaning forward slightly to hold his eyes captive with her own. “You made your fortune off the backs of businesses already established and profitable, You’re a parasite who gets even nastier when your gracious offers aren’t welcomed with open arms. Yes, Mr. Lyons I’ve asked around about your company and I’m aware of your not so nice reputation.”

  “You don’t get to be a success in this business by playing nice, Ms. Warren,” Stef shared in a polite albeit strained tone of voice.

  County nodded as though she were agreeing. “Well, I suppose that would depend on a person’s sense of ethics and you have the ethics of an alleycat scavenging anywhere he can find- whether it’s already spoken for and off limits or not.”

  Stef’s shoulders tensed beneath the worsted fabric of his suit. “In my defense of Dark Squires’s interest in your House, it was my partner who was most determined in acquiring it.”


  “I swear to you, Ms. Warren,” Stefan raised his hand defensively, and then turned to head back toward the imposing desk at the rear of the office. “However after I did my own...homework, I found that Contessa House was a very lucrative business. It would make a fine addition to this company.”

  “And where is this partner of yours?” County asked, while following Stefan deeper into the office. “Or is he too much of a coward to meet with me face to face?” she presumed.

  The phone sounded then and Stefan raised his finger in silent request that County excuse him. He spoke only a few seconds with Sheila before ending the call. “My assistant tells me my partner just entered the building and is on his way up now.”

  County only shrugged.

  Stef clasped his hands and fixed her with a solemn smile. “I should apologize, Ms. Warren. I don’t expect you to believe this, but speaking with you in person has certainly opened my eyes. I’m sorry that it hasn’t done the same for my partner.”

  Blinking, County stepped closer to the desk. “Have I met with him before?”

  Stefan put on his mos
t convincing look of innocence. “According to the things he’s said, I believe you might’ve,” he shook his head. “It’s like he was obsessed with taking your publishing house, but he knew it’d have to be done delicately because you were no fool. It’d take much wining, dining and other things he said he’d take great pleasure in, considering what a beauty you are. I’m sorry,” he whispered when she blinked in obvious surprise. “It’s just that my partner was very taken by you. He said that once he, um, worked you, was how he put it, you’d be willing to sign anything.”

  Contessa’s lashes fluttered. “Bastards. The both of you,” she spoke in a voice shuddering with contempt. “Just who is your partner to try and deceive me out of my business and God knows what else?”

  A quick knock rapped on Stef’s door before it opened.

  “Ah, here he is now! Contessa Warren, this is my partner, Fernando Ramsey.”


  Anyone who knew Contessa Warren well, knew nothing surprised her. Ever. If it did, she never showed it. Her heart didn’t race, her eyes didn’t widen and she was never afflicted by a sudden shortness of breath. It was the only reason her closest friends had never thrown her a surprise party.

  In the time she’d known Fernando Ramsey, however, he’d managed to surprise her every time she was in his presence. She was almost beginning to think she’d know nothing but happy surprises where the man was concerned. Told you Mick, she mused silent;ly.

  “Well, I’m sure you two have much to discuss,” Stef said, acting every bit the gracious host. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll just-”

  “Don’t bother,” County interjected, with a flip wave. “I’m leaving,” she decided and braced herself as she headed towards the door and Fernando. Once there, she did her best not to touch any part of his massive, hard body.

  Fernando’s handsome caramel-toned face possessed the look of a lost little boy. He was helpless to think of anything to say. “County,” was the most he could manage in a whisper. He reached for her arm, but she angled clear and left the room.

  “Damn,” Stef sighed, a satisfied smile on his face. “That’s one fiery bitch.”

  Fernando’s hands clenched into fists and he closed his eyes but a moment before turning to bound toward his partner. A second later, one of those massive fists smashed into Stef’s face. The man yelped in pain, falling back against the corner of his desk.

  “Dammit Fern!” he cried through clenched teeth that were now crimson with blood. “You broke my damn jaw!”

  Without a care for his partner’s cries of pain, Fernando locked his hand around Stef’s throat and squeezed. “Not yet, but don’t worry I’ll be back to make it happen,” he promised in the calmest of voices.

  Fernando stormed out of the office, leaving Stef looking after him with a murderous stare.


  “Dammit,” County hissed, “come on,” she urged, slamming her fist against the elevator buttons- praying one of the cars would arrive and save her from having to face Fernando again. No such luck, she realized, closing her eyes when she heard his deep voice rumble her name down the corridor. Giving up on the elevator, she headed for the stairwell. She was pressing down upon the door lever when he caught her.

  “County stop,” he urged, folding a hand over the lever and preventing the door from opening. “Let me explain,” he pleaded when she snatched her hand from beneath his. His engrossing translucent brown eyes were filled with uncertainty and fear.

  “There’s no need to explain,” County said when she turned to face him.

  “You need to understand this,” he took hold of her upper arms as he leaned down to look directly into her deep brown eyes.

  County blinked, sending a lone tear streaming down her cheek. “Why?” she grimaced when she brushed away remnants of the tear. “Why now? Why now and why not before?”

  “There was never a good time,” he sighed in regret while his hands trembled slightly on her arms.

  County rolled her eyes. “Not even when I told you what I knew about the ship?”

  “County it just wasn’t-”

  “The right time,” she challenged with a nod. “Let me go,” she asked, eventually sounding defeated.

  Fernando shook his head, his hold tightening. “Never,” he swore.

  “Fernando please, I-I need to get out- out of here. I can’t hear you. I just can’t hear you now.”


  “I don’t know.”

  “Can I call you later?”

  County flashed him a despairing look. She had to get out of there- away from him and knew she wouldn’t be in any more of a mood to talk to him later than she was at that very moment. Still, she nodded, hearing his sigh of relief. The second he released her, she dashed into an opening elevator car.


  Quest smiled, sparking his deep left dimple. He inhaled the familiar honey-almond scent of his wife’s glossy blue black curls as his hands moved in slow, circular sweeps along her shoulder blades and spine.

  Michaela snuggled her head deeper into the cushioning of the recliner they both shared.

  “Hey, hey,” Quest patted his hand against her hip. “I don’t know how long this chair can hold the both of us, so don’t move around so much.”

  Mick shook her head. “The longer I’m pregnant, the worse your jokes get.”

  “I thought you liked my jokes?” Quest pretended to be hurt.

  Michaela clenched her fist in triumph. “Yaay, I still have him fooled folks.”

  Quest pulled her back more tightly against him. “The minute the baby is born, I’m carrying you off and giving you what you deserve,” he warned.

  Mick chuckled. “That’ll be pretty tough, Pop, with a newborn screaming down the house.”

  “ little girl will look out for me,” he predicted.

  “Is that right?” Mick sighed, contentment filling her voice and glowing on her dark face.

  Quest nodded. “Mmm hmm, I think she’ll give me more than enough time to have my way with you.”

  Mick giggled and resituated herself to face her husband on the mammoth-sized black La-Z-Boy. “And what way is that, Mr. Ramsey,” she taunted.

  Quest simply cupped her cheek and held her still for his kiss. Simple pecks began to pepper Mick’s lips before his tongue outlined their fullness. She gasped, feeling his thumb rubbing her achy nipple beneath the soft cotton of her flaring lavender tee. The kiss deepened and was growing more heated when the front door slammed.

  “County?” Mick called, seeing her friend hurry past the den door.

  After a few moments, Contessa stuck her head inside the room. “Hey y’all,” she greeted.

  “Hey, you feel up to shopping and lunch?” Mick propped her chin on Quest’s shoulder as she spoke.

  County massaged her eyes. “Girl, I really just wanna stay in for the rest of the night.”

  Mick sat up a bit. “Are you okay?” she finally tuned into the weariness surrounding her friend.

  Suddenly, County broke into an uncharacteristic display of tears and waved her hand. “I’m sorry,” she whispered before racing upstairs.

  “Hey wait, wait a minute,” Quest urged when he saw that Mick was ready to go after her. “Give her a minute.”

  “Dammit Quest, didn’t you see her crying?” Mick snapped, straining against his hold.

  “I know, I know,” he soothed, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Just give her a minute to get herself together. Where’s she going, but upstairs? Talk to her later, alright?”

  Mick looked towards the den doorway, and then finally conceded with a quick nod. She resumed her place on the recliner and let her husband continue his massage.


  After a long cry on the bed, Contessa washed her face and spent time overlooking the gorgeous backyard from her balcony. She called herself a fool at least fifty times. How in the world could she think Fernando Ramsey was the least bit interested or in love with her? How could he be, when she liter
ally picked him up a party, screwed his brains out and gave him an open invitation for more? No man in his right mind would turn down such an arrangement.

  Now, she was angry because he’d lied to her. Someone has to respect you before you can even expect truthfulness, County, she told herself. Even then, it was still a hard thing to obtain. It was fun while it lasted and besides, she knew he’d been keeping something from why did it still feel like her heart was shredding?

  “Because you should be keeping your mind on business, idiot?” she berated herself and grabbed her cell phone from the small round claw-foot table near the French doors. She smiled when the connection was made. Spivey’s boisterous voice filtered through as he shouted orders to someone in the office before turning his attention to the phone.

  “This is Spivey.”

  “Contessa here.”

  “Well hey!” Spivey chuckled at the sound of County’s voice. “How’s it goin’ out there?”

  “Fine, fine. Mick’s good-big,” County teased, joining in when Spivey laughed. “It sounds like you’re busy,” she noted.

  “Ah, a few slackers taking their time about shipping out some review copies. I had to crack down.”

  County shook her head over Spivey’s playfully authoritative tone. “So what’s new with our biggest upcoming release?”

  “Well I managed to wangle a few minutes to talk with the owner of the travel agency. The one responsible for getting the girls work on the ship,” Spivey explained.

  County nodded. “Can you get me on the ship?”

  “I don’t think that’s such a good idea, County.”

  “Now Spivey-”

  “Wait a minute,” he urged softly, “just hear me out, alright? Now this slimy agency owner would only tell me that this ship is for men only. He made it clear that it was nothing a woman would want to be a part of.”

  “Unless you’re working there, right?”

  “It could be dangerous, Contessa.”


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