The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 127

by Altonya Washington

  The statement, delivered so briskly and laced with such subtle terror, brought a rush of realization to Taurus’ face. Nile noticed before he could mask it and the awed look on her face glossed over with regret.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered smoothing both hands across his solid chest. “I’m sorry.” Her hands inched up to cup his face loosely. “I know it’s crazy-just a weird reaction to someone I’d never seen before.” She smiled easily then and shrugged. “I guess it’s just my own consciousness urging me to…no?” She probed watching as he shook his head.

  Taurus pulled her hands from his face, pressing double kisses to her palms before clutching her hands to his chest. “No love, I’m afraid this is about a little more than your conscience.”


  Nendaz, Switzerland~

  Michaela was prepared to be bowled over by the beauty of Switzerland and bowled over she was. Nendaz was accessible by direct trains from France, Germany and Italy. Mick felt the place had to be where the wealthy played for who could resist (or afford) the luxuries nestled amidst the stunning snow capped mountains? The glorious peaks were visible from every angle, it seemed. Not surprising, the ski slopes boasted challenges that beckoned the world’s best.

  Of course, Mick planned to content herself with the indoors and leave the skiing to… well…everyone else. Spending time indoors wouldn’t be a chore at all she realized once they’d reached their final destination. The car that shuttled them from the airport arrived at the chalet that would be home to her and Quest for the next week and a half.

  Elaborate, exquisite, elegant…Mick just couldn’t seem to lock onto a word appropriate enough to describe the dynamic scene before her eyes. The magnificent construction sat amidst a sea of white with the mountains in the distance. The view was like the backdrop of some artist’s rendering. The chalet itself looked to be a two or three story construction of brick and stone. Its finely crafted windows offered opportunities to enjoy the wintry views from any indoor location.

  If Michaela thought a pristine five bedroom five and a half bath chalet was a bit much for a ten day stay, she said nothing. Such over the top luxury had become a rare treat for the new mom and she planned to enjoy every minute. Mick took time to observe the spacious kitchen with its richly polished hardwoods and cabinets. The cozy dining area sat far in the back as if on its own enclosed balcony. Mick could imagine taking a candlelit meal there and enjoying the twinkling lights from the ski lifts in the distance.

  Still, for all the beauty at her fingertips, nothing proved to be more stunning than watching her husband and the attention he commanded without saying a word. Never had she seen such bowing and scraping except in movies or books about kings and queens.

  Strolling the rear staircase leading up from the kitchen, Mick recalled the driver who met them at the jetport. The man also wore the hat of bartender for he’d provided her with a deliciously sinful mug of authentic Swiss chocolate cocoa the moment she settled into the limo.

  While Quest had demanded no fuss, it was clear he approved of a fuss being lavished upon his wife. Mick couldn’t decide if she’d wanted to doze off in coziness or take in the brilliance of the atmosphere.

  “Too much,” she uttered when her steps carried her into the master bedroom. The shameless allure of the suite had her shaking her head in wonder.

  She was sure the bed had to be a double king built into a gorgeous wood grain headboard. Soft lighting radiated from the mounted lamps and spotlights along the board. There were cabinets to house books for nighttime reading with matching dressers, armchairs and desks on either side of the room. Mick was just peeking into the lovely bath-complete with sauna and Jacuzzi when she heard Quest’s voice.

  “Just where I want you,” he called when he strolled into the room. “Bags are on the way up but I can stall if you want a few minutes alone with me.” For emphasis, he kicked the wood grain paneling surrounding the base of the bed.

  Mick’s laughter was full but brief. “Please tell me you don’t own this place?”

  Quest’s teasing expression turned serious. He looked around the room while closing the distance between them. “Why? Would you like me to?” He asked once he towered over her.

  “I don’t think so. Seeing as how it’s been almost three years and this is the first I’ve seen of it.”

  Quest was concerned and dipped his head to more closely survey her expression. “Don’t you like it?”

  “Are you crazy? I love it!” She whirled around towards the view.

  A lazy smile in place, Quest drew Mick back against him. “If it makes you feel better, I plan for us to make use of all the rooms.”

  Mick couldn’t help but bow her head and laugh.

  Quest toyed with the zipper of her hoody. “Also, I don’t own the place-not completely.” He explained, propping his chin atop her curly head of hair. “The company keeps it for extended trips any of the executives might make out here.”

  That made Mick feel better and she snuggled a bit more deeply into her husband’s embrace. “Are you the only exec out here now?”

  “No there was a guy out here for about two weeks before I announced my trip.”

  Horrified, Mick turned to glare up at Quest. “So he has to wait til you’re done before he can settle in and get his bearings while we could’ve just gotten a hotel room?”

  Quest shrugged yet winced playfully as her point hit home. “Are you losing respect for me?”

  The natural arch of Mick’s brows rose in playful skepticism. “I’ll tell you in the morning.” She purred and tugged on the collar of his jacket.

  Quest was about to accept her kiss when a bustle sounded in the room that announced the arrival of the baggage. Chuckling softly, the couple held onto one another and enjoyed the view while their things were put in place.


  After a restful night’s sleep, Michaela woke the next morning feeling refreshed and content. Desiring her husband’s touch, she stretched across the bed. Cool sheets were her only reward.

  “Damn double king,” she grumbled and stretched a bit further. Still, no Quest.

  Opening an eye, Mick scanned his side of the bed and found that he was no where in sight. Frowning, she braced her weight on an elbow and pushed a slew of curls from her face.

  Quest entered the room then, drawing to a halt when he noticed her awake. Grimacing, he dragged his gaze back to the task of tugging the cuff of his shirt from the dark tailored suit coat he wore over it. “I really don’t want to go to this meeting,” he muttered, his body reacting instantly to the sight of Mick naked and tousled in the middle of the mammoth bed.

  “You have to,” Mick braced herself on both elbows now and fixed him with a narrowed amber glare. “Besides,” she paused to yawn. “I thought I was going with you?”

  Without a care for his clothes, Quest returned to the bed. Crawling to the middle, he forced Mick back down into the coverings. A tiny whimper left her throat mere seconds before his mouth was on hers. The kiss was thorough and slow. Smoothing her hands across his collarless shirt, Mick linked her fingers behind his neck. Instantly needy, she rubbed her bosom across the crisp midnight blue fabric and moaned at the delightful friction of the material against her nipples.

  Quest deepened the kiss and wanted out of his dark suit then and there. He was already shrugging out of the charcoal coat with one hand and undoing the buttons of his shirt with the other.

  “Quest no…” Mick urged only to have her resistance smothered when the kiss grew deeper. “Wait- you can’t.”

  “I can. I am.” He grumbled still shrugging out of his clothes.

  “Uh-uh.” She pressed on his shoulders and broke the kiss. “Stop.”

  His eyes darkened then and he simply stared down at her.

  Mick was undeterred. “You’re going to that meeting and I’m going with you. Now let me up so I can get dressed.”

  “I promise you’ll hate yourself for agreeing to go.” He warned but d
ecided it’d be pointless to remove his clothes. “You’ll be bored stiff.” He added, his sleek brows rising in the hope that she might possibly change her mind.

  No such luck as Michaela was already shaking her head against the bed. “You told me you didn’t want me anywhere but by your side.”

  Quest tugged down the sheet baring more of her to his gaze. “You always listen to everything I say?” He asked while nibbling the satiny underside of one breast.

  Mick’s lashes fluttered. “Only the good stuff.” She gasped ready to surrender to his persuasive touch. When he gnawed at her collarbone, she giggled and managed to push him off. A screech followed as she just barely evaded his grasp.

  With effort, Quest managed to pull his eyes away from her bare bottom when she left the bed. Down Quest, he ordered himself. “You’ve got one hour!” He called out to his wife.


  “Word is, with Quest taking those meetings in person some heads are gonna roll.”

  “Q doesn’t operate like that.” Quaysar championed his twin while watching his own twin sons playing on the sofa in his study. “We’re taking over for the Elders not cleaning house.” He saw fit to add.

  From his office in Phoenix, Arizona, Smoak Tesano sat perched on the edge of an uncluttered desk and studied his view of downtown. “Cleaning house may just happen if these folks argue with the changes he’s threatening.”

  “Watch it man,” Quay’s dark gaze remained soft though his voice held an all too familiar edge. “You sound like you’ve crossed over to the other side of your family.”

  Smoak grimaced in the direction of the speaker phone. “Never,” he vowed.

  “Stranger things have happened,” Quay sighed reaching down to grab the ball one of the twins had tossed near his chair. “Never in a million did I think I’d see Q runnin’ it all.” He shared, tossing the fuzzy green ball back to Dakari.

  “You think he can handle it?”

  “Hell man, he should’ve been handling it all along. He’s the one who handles everything else for this family.”

  “You think he’ll make the tough changes?”

  Quay shrugged. “If he thinks they’re necessary.” He stroked the Seahawks emblem covering his sweatshirt and pondered the statement.

  Smoak had gone to stand before the windows in his lab office. “You think he’ll make those changes even if it means dissolving certain branches of Ramsey?”

  “Oh especially if it means that. You know Q don’t give a damn about turning his back on money if it’s for the good of the family.” The stony edge that began to darken Quay’s face diminished when Tykira peeked into the room. She crooked a finger at the boys urging them to follow her. To her husband, she blew a kiss and left with the twins to give him privacy.

  Alone then, Quay focused all his attention to the call. “Let’s cut the shit, alright? Now I know you didn’t call me at ten p.m. just to check on my family’s welfare. I know you’ve got my wife workin’ on some kind of research facility and; though no location is specified, the fact that my cousin’s callin’ and sayin’ she’s got Tesanos inquiring about her property makes it all pretty easy to figure some kind of bull is in the wind. Now why don’t you get to the point and stop wasting my time?”

  “Sabra…” Smoak had been preoccupied by the mere reference to the woman. “You’re talkin’ about Sabra? Is she-”

  “She’s just fine. Get to the point Smoak.”

  “Quest taking over has a lot of people nervous and before you ask, no one’s gonna touch him or any Ramsey.” He confirmed massaging his chest as thoughts of Sabra Ramsey began to affect his breathing.

  Quay was chuckling and switched his phone to the other ear. “You’ll forgive me if I don’t take your word over the past actions of your family.”


  “And before you ask, the keys are gone. We thought we’d save ourselves a shitload of time trying to figure out how to handle this and just turn the damn things over to the cops.”

  The smile came through in Smoak’s clear deep voice when he spoke. “Certain folks on the other side of my family already figured on that. You’re mistaken Quay if you think the authorities’ll prosecute any of the big wigs on those cards. Besides, with Houston dead and Marc gone-so to speak- that corrupt element is pretty much out of the picture on your end. Everyone knows bribery and strong arm tactics with the younger Ramseys is futile.”

  “So why the hell are we talkin’ then, Smoak?”

  “Because all this is about a lot more than pictures on pieces of plastic. And it’s about a damn bit more than taking ovaries with the hope of making mothers out of barren women.”

  “Jesus.” Quay went cold.

  “Mmm…forget what you think you know.” Smoak advised in a hushed tone. “Cufi Muhammad, your uncles and most of the men on those cards were tools to obtain what was needed. They were told what was necessary in order to…encourage cooperation.”

  “What the hell is goin’ on?” Quay breathed standing in the middle of the study and riveted on the conversation.

  “Those organs and many more elements were part of studies ranging on everything from reproductive therapies to biological weapons. Now while there is certain government involvement, those actually responsible for acquiring said organs are…let’s just say, on the flip side of government.”

  Quay appreciated the heavy silence following Smoak’s monologue. He took a seat on the arm of the sofa and tried to process the details. “Go on,” he said after a while knowing there was more to come.

  “Quest taking over is very important to a great many people.”

  Quay tried to massage the furrow from his brow. “I hope you’re gonna clarify that.”

  “He’s got a rep for no bullshit. He’d shut down the whole operation without a wince. That, combined with the clout and Ramsey connects would ring a death bell and leave the other side of the Tesano family looking for a new backer.”

  “Don’t screw with me Smoak.”

  “I wouldn’t do that.” Smoak tread carefully not wanting to rile Quay’s easy temper in spite of the fact that they were hundreds of miles apart. “Ramsey made money hand over fist with that weapons division especially after your uncles hooked up with Muhammad and my family.”

  Quay’s dark eyes narrowed in realization. “Why’d you call me tonight?” He needed to hear Smoak say it.

  “We need Quest to shut down that branch of Ramsey. If he’s smart and I know he is, he’s already read the weapons division’s files and he’s figured you manufacture more than guns for our military and he knows our military aren’t the only customers.”

  It was crystal clear to Quay then. “God…Smoak are you tryin’ to take down your family.”

  Smoak’s voice was void of emotion. “I’ve been tryin’ to take down those racist jackasses since the day I understood why they hated me so. We were hoping to persuade you guys to pass over those keys but…well…”

  “Who’s we?”

  Smoak chuckled. “Let’s just say it’s not the other side of my fam.”

  Quay relaxed back on the sofa then. “What about Sabra? Why does she have Tesanos on her phone?”

  Smoak was quiet for a while once again his thoughts were riveted on Sabra. “It’s me they want- or rather, they want info on what I’m up to.”


  “If Quest dissolves weapons, they’ll need a new facility. Weapons research and engineering is my field.” Smoak grinned at his reflection in the windows lining the lab. “I never dreamed my lowly job as a scientist would set my feet on the path I’d need to take to destroy my family.”

  “What can you tell me about it?” Quay asked.

  “Just that I’m in the process of constructing transportation around a new facility. My folks contacted Ty because her name is everywhere and they decided to see if she’s as good as all the hype.” He shrugged. “I went along with it figuring in some roundabout way it’d be extra insurance- that word of my expertise would get
back to my family. I’m figuring they heard I was expanding. They know my…history with Sabra and were probably just covering their bases by calling her. They’ll do most anything to get me to come back into the foal and lend my weapons knowledge. That includes going after the woman they think I love.”

  “You’re thinking about going back to Vegas.” Quay guessed, and then smiled in spite of his agitation. “Don’t you think that’ll prove it to ‘em?” To yourself, he added silently.

  “I know where you’re coming from Quay, but I’d have to go out there anyway.” He massaged his eyes. “I couldn’t rest wondering…” he sounded as if he were making the admission to himself.

  “We can protect our cousins, you know?”

  “I have to be there Quay.”

  “We don’t want her hurt again. You know seeing you again is going to do exactly that.”

  Smoak grimaced and smoothed the back of his hand across his square jaw. “She’ll be too angry to feel hurt.”

  “What’s your plan?”

  “To have her not only hating me for being out there trying to take over but letting everyone know how much she hates me for it.”

  “And if you both fail?”

  Smoak pushed off the edge of his desk and moved closer to the windows. He thought of all the ugliness between him and Sabra Ramsey…all the hate. “We won’t fail.”

  “I don’t like it.” Quay’s voice resembled a growl.

  “Smoak lost his temper then as well. “When the hell will you guys stop oversteppin’ into you cousins’ lives?”

  “When Tesanos stop tryin’ to overstep into their beds.”

  Smoak was angry enough to slam down the phone. He slammed down his fist instead and resisted the urge to end the call on a low. “Your point’s made and taken,” he managed the cool response.

  “How’s all this supposed to go down?” Quay couldn’t help but to probe a little deeper.

  “You’ll forgive me, man, if I can’t say. I already told you more than I should have. I only wanted you to know your family’s safe.”


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