The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 128

by Altonya Washington

  “It’ll be hell to pay if they’re not.”

  Smoak acknowledged the threat. “Believe me Quay; the Tesanos have a lot on their plates right now. It’ll all start to close in and very soon. I’ll let you get back to your family now. Good night.”


  As Smoak Tesano hoped and predicted, Quest was indeed contemplating the idea of disbanding one of Ramseys’ largest money makers. While his brother was in Seattle and preparing to settle in for the night, Quest’s day in Switzerland was just beginning. The meeting he’d thought of shrugging off that morning was bound to turn ugly. His only concern was whether Mick could handle what she was about to witness.

  Moreover, Quest hoped he could focus on his job with his wife in the same room. As usual, her presence was murder on his concentration. Not to mention her perfume. It filled the car with an intoxicating fragrance that was a cross between coconut and mango. The dress she wore gloved her curves in a walnut color that accentuated her dark chocolate complexion. Clearing his throat, Quest opened a file and did his best not to think of what lay beneath the soft wool frock.

  Michaela was too absorbed by the exquisite sights passing before her eyes to pay much attention to her husband’s distress. While Quest was busy praying statements and numbers would help him to focus, she was leaning across him to peek out the window at the passing view from his side of the limo. Innocently, she braced her hand on his thigh to steady herself.

  “Mick please,” Quest whispered then as though she were torturing him. In truth, her hand inching up his trousers and her breasts nudging his arm had every part of him as tense as a bow.

  “Sorry,” Mick took notice at last and offered a sheepish smile as she moved away.


  Ramsey World was a seductively stark high-rise located just outside Sion, Switzerland. The organization was established when Ramsey Group transformed from a simple family owned business of real estate, law and construction into one of vast land development, corporate architecture and scientific research.

  Mick held onto Quest’s hand as her head turned this way and that trying to view as much as she could of the dark elegance encamping her. They were greeted like royalty, signed in and escorted to the elevators which would have been standard enough. The elevators however, were like mini lounges complete with richly upholstered burgundy panels and matching benches of the same upholstery.

  “Wow,” Mick’s eyes were wide as amber moons when she saw the car’s glass ceiling.

  “Don’t let ‘em see you drool,” Quest advised coolly and grunted when she elbowed his side.

  The double glass doors opened with barely a swoosh. Before them stood a tall, impossibly lovely blonde gentleman with striking teal eyes and even more striking white grin. He offered up a surprisingly hearty laugh and clapped as Quest stepped off the elevator car. They shook hands and hugged.

  “Good to see you D,” Quest greeted Drake Reinard squeezing the man’s shoulder when they separated.

  “Good to have you here Quest I…uh…” Drake’s bright eyes sparkled with unmasked appeal. “Very nice,” he murmured losing interest in his old friend while taking note of the woman at his side.

  Quest allowed Drake a few seconds to stare before stepping forward to burst the man’s bubble. “Drake Reinard, I’d like you to meet my wife Michaela.”

  Noticeably embarrassed and unnerved, Drake blinked and retreated a step. Clearing his throat, he prepared to apologize for damn near propositioning his boss’s wife.

  “Forget it,” Quest interjected, “I do the same thing every time I see her.”

  “Very nice to meet you Michaela,” Drake recovered from his uncertainty and stepped forward again.

  “Mostly everyone calls me Mick,” she shook the hand Drake extended.

  “Mick it is. Please,” he urged drawing her hand through the crook of his arm and escorting her into the corner conference room with its regal view of the snowy landscape.

  Quest leaned against a wall folding his arms across his chest while waiting. He watched Drake getting Mick settled in one of the deep claw foot chairs at the rear of the room. The smile curving his mouth simply deepened when he heard his wife request a mug of the delicious Swiss cocoa she had when she first arrived in town.


  Michaela whispered a hushed ‘thank you’ when her request was granted. Warming her hands around an oversized gray porcelain mug, she caught her husband’s eye and blew him a kiss when he granted her a wink.

  “Christ Q, had I known she was that stunning, I’d have flown through that blizzard to get to the wedding.” Drake was full of compliments when he crossed the room.

  “She would’ve married me anyway.”

  “Yes, but at least I would’ve had the chance to kiss the bride.”

  Male laughter rumbled between the two business associates turned friends. Once the laughter simmered however a more solemn aura slipped in.

  “Meeting her now makes what I’m about to say even more important.” Drake lowered his voice a bit more when he noticed a few meeting attendants making their way into the conference room.

  Quest slanted a look toward Mick. Satisfied that she was content with her cocoa, he nodded toward Drake directing him to continue.

  Drake took Quest’s arm urging him to veer off to a small alcove. “If you’re here to do what you alluded to when talk of your taking over was just…talk, then this meeting could get quite ugly-quite fast.”

  Easing both hands into his trouser pockets, Quest took a quick scan of the room. “What are you saying?”

  “Perhaps the things about to be said are things Michaela shouldn’t hear.”

  “Ah,” Quest bowed his head and smiled. “Understood.” He nodded once more and took a step closer to Drake. “You should know that if we try to usher her out and keep it from her, it’ll only make her more determined to find out what’s up.”

  While Drake considered his input, Quest stroked his jaw and turned the words over in his head. With great effort, he managed to dismiss them in light of what he was currently keeping from his wife.

  “Let’s get on with it then,” Drake gave a quick nod and clapped Quest’s back.

  The next half hour was set aside for a meet and greet with the executive committee of Ramsey’s European offices. Of course Michaela’s charm capacity was in full gear that morning. No one could resist her refreshing allure. Quest and Drake scarcely spoke a word during the socializing session. Drake was a charmed as anyone while Quest found himself hoping for a swift conclusion to the meeting. His thoughts were almost completely centered on finishing what he and Mick started in bed that morning.

  The good vibes radiating throughout the understated elegance of the conference room diminished once everyone took their places at the long table. As Quest had no use for small talk, he began with the announcement the group both dreaded and anticipated.

  “Within the next twelve to eighteen months Ramsey World’s weapons division will be thoroughly dismantled. A task force has been selected to oversee the process. They’re set to arrive in four days.”

  Not surprising, the committee was silent following the statement. The silence however gave way eventually to raised voices and fists pounding upon the glossy oak table. Arguments were thrown at Quest from virtually everyone at the meeting. Mick had long since moved to the edge of her chair to observe the scene. She wasn’t alarmed by the raised voices. Instead, it was the unnerving intensity shown by her husband. Quest remained focused on the notes in his portfolio. He seemed unaffected- unmindful of the anger directed his way. Gradually, the raised voices lost some volume as others tuned into Quest’s mood.

  “As I said, the task force will arrive in four days. Attached to the agenda before you is an itinerary of the visit. This is subject to change depending on what aspects of the division disseverment the group feels they’ll need to cover with you all.”

  “Dammit Quest you can’t do this!”

  Quest made a notation on his age
nda. “It’s done,” he replied quietly without giving the angry speaker the benefit of eye contact.

  “Do you have any idea what sort of money is involved here?!”

  “Course I do.”

  “Fucking millions!”

  “That’s enough Jacques.” Drake warned the V.P. of the weapons division.

  Jacques Cuary left his chair to move closer to the head of the table. “Think before you do this Quest. Think hard. This is about more than simply shutting down a part of the company you no longer have an interest in. Think how this decision will devastate the people who’ll lose their jobs.” Jacques whispered hiss was as furious as the look in his pale blue stare.

  “That’s what the task force is for.” Quest reminded the man but seemed unmoved by Jacques argument. “They’re charged with finding spots for everyone in the division.”

  “And you really believe this will happen?” Jacques refused to take heed of the soft dangerous undertone in Quest’s words. “That’s pretty naïve thinking young man.

  Perhaps you’re not as ready to take over for your uncles as you think.”

  “Jacques!” Someone in the room called out in a warning tone.

  “Let me remind you Quest of all that’s transpired within this division.” Jacques refused to be silenced by the well-meaning words of caution from the other meeting attendants. “Your uncles took Ramsey to heights no one could’ve predicted.” He stepped closer to the head of the table then. A knowing look enhanced the sharp features of his salon-tanned face. “Take heed son. Things are a lot less realistic from your big real estate mogul’s chair in Seattle.”

  Drake stood when Quest finally gave Jacque the benefit of his gaze. Michaela gripped the cushioned arms of her chair in an effort to remain seated. Slowly, Drake closed the distance between the two adversaries.

  Of course everyone knew Quest Ramsey had excellent control over his temper- the physical aspect that is. It was however, the dangerous aura that loomed over him like a shroud that made him a man one did one’s best not to rile. Jacques Cuary realized his mistake too late once he’d taken heed of the waiting rage in Quest’s now onyx stare.

  “Point taken,” Quest closed his portfolio and let the eerily polite tone of his words hang in the air. “But now that I’ve traded my real estate mogul’s chair for this one, if you’re craving Marc and Houston’s return and the corrupt old days they brought into Ramsey, then you can feel free to either follow Houston to hell or crawl down the same shit hole Marc’s disappeared into. Don’t for a moment think you’re about to convince me to reverse my decision by making me feel like a child trying to squeeze in at the adult table. You’re welcome to leave now if you like. Don’t bother stopping by your office, I’ll have everything in there packed so fast it’ll be waiting at security by the time you step off the elevator.”

  Jacques blinked and took note of the expectant gazes from everyone around the table. He reclaimed his seat and studied the meeting agenda as though nothing had happened.

  “May we proceed?” Quest scanned the faces of the executive committee.

  The meeting continued without further upset. Michaela; who had been riveted on the morning’s events and full of questions, felt as subdued by Quest as everyone else when he came to collect her once the conference adjourned.


  Michaela had hoped she and Quest might find time to shop and have lunch once his business was done, but decided not to mention the suggestion. She was happy to return to the chalet knowing her husband needed the solitude. She wanted to go to him but it was one of those rare occasions when she had no idea how to approach him. As food was always an effective icebreaker, she decided to try that.

  Quest had headed upstairs to shower once they’d returned. Mick found the heavy drapes drawn close in their room when she went to look for him. The fire blazing in the hearth offered the only illumination. She heard running water and went to investigate. The spacious bath was steam-filled when she peeked inside. Mick opened the glass shower door just a crack and watched her husband for a while.

  Quest simply stood there soaking his head beneath the heavy spray of water. The muscles in his arms were powerfully defined as he braced one fist on the burgundy tiled wall before him and the other on the wall next to him. The stance came across as both strong and defeated. Mick felt her heart ache with concern for him.

  Quest shook the water from his head and turned to Michaela as if he knew she were there.

  “Hey,” he cocked his head and slanted a glance across his shoulder. “There’s room,” he offered smiling when she laughed.

  “That’s the best offer I’ve had all day, but I’d rather feed you.”

  “With what?” He asked in the boyishly innocent way he’d mastered.

  Mick slapped at his wet shoulder. “Food, idiot.”

  “Food…you sure?”

  “Yes. Hey?” She called when he shrugged. “You need to eat. Tell you what, I’ll bring it up and we can eat together.”

  Quest leaned out of the shower and silently requested a kiss. Mick complied, unmindful of the water soaking her wool dress. His arm linked around her waist and he would’ve pulled her into the shower dress and all.

  Mick enjoyed the kiss for a while longer, but was soon pressing against his shoulders. “Wait, wait you need to eat.”

  “I will,” he growled into her mouth one hand cupping her breast to work the nipple into a rigid peak.

  “Quest wait!” She shrieked when he would have picked her up and set her inside the shower. “Food first.”

  He muttered a curse into her neck. “You’re really sure?”

  “Positive.” Mick pushed him into the shower and closed the door before he made another grab for her. Before heading back downstairs she exchanged her soaked dress for a warm cotton robe.


  “I know it sounds like an unbelievable story.”

  Claire Boyer smiled. “Thanks for saying so. If it’s true it’ll be next to impossible clearing your mother. With your father dead, the outcry for justice will call for someone’s head on a platter if…you’ll pardon my phrasing.”

  “I understand.” Nile perched on the corner of Taurus’ desk. He’d arranged for her to take the meeting with the well known defense attorney in his home office.

  “I don’t expect Yvonne to get away with this. Even if what I told you of these ovarian surgeries is false, there are far too many atrocities my mother still has to answer for. Still…” Nile left the desk to pace the room. “She’s my mother-raised me like I was her own after…she protected me Ms. Boyer and I have to do…something.”

  “I understand.” Claire stood and crossed the room.

  “Does this mean you’ll take the case?” Nile asked when she and Claire shook hands.

  “I’ll take the file,” Claire glanced toward the sofa at the stack of paperwork, “spend tomorrow familiarizing myself with the facts and then I’ll go visit your mother day after.”

  “Merci, thank you. Thank you for coming by so late Ms. Boyer.”

  “Claire please.”

  Nile nodded. “Claire.” She watched the woman take the file from the sofa.

  Satisfied that she had everything she needed, Clair straightened and fixed Nile with a probing stare.

  “Is there anything else I need to know? Anything you can think of?”

  Nile toyed with the capped sleeve of her top and winced. “I’m pretty sure everything’s in the file. Taurus has a very thorough staff.”

  Claire’s lovely plump face softened. “This I know,” she agreed. “What I’m asking for is anything personal. Anything that may help to convince your mother that full cooperation would be in her best interest.” Claire hooked the strap of her leather tote across her shoulder. “Anything I could use to give her that extra push to confide in me.”

  Nile tapped her nail to her bottom lip and debated. Her thoughts turned immediately to Michaela Ramsey and the fact that her existence and proximity might promp
t Yvonne in some way. Stupid! A voice hissed inside her head. It would be beyond cruel to give her mother such hope. Moreover it would be thoroughly insensitive to assume Michaela would want any sort of attachment to a woman who abandoned her.

  “Nile? You alright?” Claire tilted her head to ask.

  “I’m sorry. Yes.” Nile reclaimed her perch on the corner of the desk. “There is something um- keys. Card keys.”

  “Yes, yes Taurus mentioned those. They’re in police custody.”

  “Right,” Nile smoothed suddenly damp palms across jean-clad thighs. “But there are dangerous people who want them. People my mother had frequent contact with. She may know things they’ll want to silence her for.”

  The thought riddled Nile’s arms with gooseflesh. “She may resist talking in hopes of assuring them she’s not a threat.”

  “She should know that won’t help her.” Claire pondered as well, tapping her fingers to her chin as she strolled the office. “The fact that she’s in police custody is enough to have her killed.” Claire’s pensive expression vanished when she heard Nile’s shuddery intake of breath. Instant regret flashed in Clair’s brown eyes. “I’m sorry- I shouldn’t have…that was insensitive.”

  “It’s true.” Nile smiled when Claire stepped close to rub her shoulder.

  Claire gave one last reassuring pat. “Try not to worry. I’ll call after speaking with your mother.”

  Nile squeezed the woman’s hand. “Thank you so much.”

  Claire gave a quick efficient tug on her olive suit coat. “I’ll be in touch.”

  Nile waited until the door closed behind Claire. Then, she covered her face with both hands.


  “I pride myself on keeping a neat office Contessa.”

  Faking a yawn, County studied her nails as she reclined in the massive desk chair behind Fernando’s desk. She batted her lashes adoringly when he kicked aside one of the bridal magazines littering the floor.

  “I’m serious County,” he warned spying the smile curving her mouth.

  County was now toying with the fringe around the scoop neckline of her sweater. “So I assume your pride keeps you from picking up the damn things?”


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