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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 143

by Altonya Washington

Mick’s expression sobered. “After all this I honestly wasn’t sure. I’d ever be really okay, but I am.”

  “I wasn’t sure where all this would put us.” He confessed, rubbing fingers across the hair that tapered at his neck. “If I’d told you sooner, you would’ve had time to talk to her and-”

  Quest please, alright? Don’t.” She leaned in to brush a kiss to his mouth. “You know, my main question would’ve been ‘How?’ How do you walk away from your family? See…I had to know that because I’d always feared whatever was in Yvonne that made her leave well…it would’ve been inside me too.” Her amber gaze was soft as she watched the baby fumbling with the lapel pin on her mauve pantsuit. “When I knew Quincee was coming, it was like an obsession- something I had to know.” She kissed the riot of curls covering Quinn’s head. “Then when she was born and I held her, I understood that Yvonne Wilson wasn’t qualified to answer that question because she had no concept of family- of real family and unconditional love and devotion…sacrifice. That was a thing she wasn’t willing to do for me if it meant giving up her dream. Still…I like to believe that what she did for Nile…maybe she wasn’t a complete monster. Maybe she finally realized what family meant.

  Turning to Quest then, Mick laid her hand across the cuff of the crisp gray shirt he’d worn outside his trousers. “I have all those things and they were things I’d always wanted but tried to convince myself I could do without. Now I can’t imagine existing without them.”

  “I love you.” His declaration came in the form of a fierce whisper and he massaged his fingers through her hair. “I was terrified that I’d lose you over this.”

  “Never,” She swore, her eyes glistening with tears. “You guys are my life.” She looked down at Quincee and laughed when a tear splashed onto her little girl’s forehead. She looked back at Quest. “You’re my life and I’m not ready to stop living just yet.”

  Quest brushed his cheek against Michaela’s and captured her mouth in a kiss of devotion and love.

  Secure on her mother’s lap, Quincee Ramsey looked up at her parents and smiled.

  This Ends A Lover’s Soul

  And Now:

  Lover’s Allure (Novella)





  While reading this story, you may come across dialogue regarding events that have already occurred. “Lover’s Allure” was crafted to take place along the same timeline as “A Lover’s Soul”. So don’t be alarmed, you haven’t missed a thing.

  Enjoy the romance,



  Near Invernesshire, Scotland

  The wedding to unite Taurus Ramsey and Nile Becquois, now Nile Becquois Ramsey, had been about as exquisite an affair as any Kraven DeBurgh had ever witnessed. It seemed the entire borough of Near Invernesshire turned out for the gathering. The nuptials were made even more special by the attendance of much of Taurus’s own family. Music and laughter mingled with conversation and the subtle clink of glasses filled with champagne or other spirits.

  Kraven finally had some inkling as to how Taurus must’ve felt when he was enfolded into the Near Invernesshire clan. Though he, Taurus and Fernando Ramsey went back many years, Kraven himself felt as though he were part of the Ramsey family. They greeted him as if they’d all known each other for ages. It was no exaggeration to say Taurus and Nile’s wedding reception felt more like a family reunion.

  Still; as enjoyable as the festivities had been, Kraven found himself seeking the company of the one he’d seen far too little of. He and Darby Ellis had relatively no time to chat since she’d arrived the day before. Last minute preparations to assist her best friend the bride had the maid of honor running on one errand or another since she’d stepped off the plane in Edinburgh.

  After stopping to speak or laugh over a joke with his neighbors or new found friends in the Ramsey brood, Kraven finally made it back to the manor house. He hadn’t seen a trace of Darby outside and hoped to have better luck indoors.

  The fact that he’d let out a sigh of relief the instant he saw her, didn’t even register. All he knew was that she was still as incredible as she’d been when she’d disappeared in the car that carried her back to the airport, on to California and out of his life too soon after he’d first met her.

  Leaning against the kitchen counter, Kraven folded his arms across the worsted fabric of the gray tux he’d worn as best man. His emerald stare was intent as it followed her pacing the opposite side of the room.

  Cell phone in hand, she didn’t appear to be the happiest camper while engaged in the conversation. Kraven felt for her but wouldn’t complain as it offered him the chance to observe her unaware. The cream wrap dress was cut simple yet elegant in the way it draped her lovely figure. She hadn’t looked his way once while they’d stood up for their friends. He; on the other hand, could scarcely pull his eyes away from her. So caught up was he in studying the enticing swell of her magnificent chest, that Taurus had to nudge him when Reverend O’Shay asked for the ring.

  Now; standing there watching her with the intensity of an eagle surveying its prey, he had to ask himself just what the hell he thought he was doing. She lived in California for Christ’s sake! Exactly how did he expect this- whatever this was, would work? He had no ready response to that question. He only knew that this time, he’d pull any string to get her to stay until he figured it out.


  “Dammit Bebe, the girl’s going on her honeymoon. Cut her some slack, will you?” Darby held the phone from her ear in order to sigh when Beatrice Woods, owner of the Wood Gallery in Oakland, CA continued to rant over the fact that Nile would miss the grand opening of her second gallery in Sacramento.

  “Hell Beeb, has it been so long that you don’t remember what a honeymoon is?” Darby tilted her head-squinting her gaze beyond the windows above the sink and hoping to catch a glimpse of Kraven DeBurgh. “Hell Bebe, would you rather be pleasured on a honeymoon or stand up in some gallery?” She snapped when a glimpse of Kraven wasn’t forthcoming. “I mean, have you even seen the man she married? Trust me he’s the only thing on her mind right now.” Darby gave up on the window and turned. Her heart flew to her throat when she found Kraven there watching her. “Bebe, I’m hanging up now.”

  Kraven smirked and pushed off the counter. “Missing out on a lot of fun out there, you know?”

  This time it was Darby who leaned as the mellow sounds of his deep Scottish brogue caressed her ears. She cleared her throat before she actually began to swoon over the man.

  “Galleries wanting Nile for shows,” she hefted the slim phone against her palm. “They’ve been right steady with everyone clamoring for an event with the newest Ramsey queen.”

  Kraven’s steps drew to a halt when he stood a foot away and he relaxed before her against the kitchen island. “Good thing she has you to run interference for her, eh?”

  Darby massaged her neck and missed the smoldering affect of Kraven’s stare when it trailed the line of her throat and collarbone.

  “Who’s gonna run interference for me is what I wanna know.” She moaned when the phone vibrated in her hand. Recognizing the name of yet another gallery, she cursed.

  Kraven accepted the job and took the phone before Darby could answer. “She’ll get back to you.” He told the caller and pocketed the phone in his jacket.

  Darby’s laughter filled the kitchen.

  “Now, I’m guessing you could use a break?” He closed a bit more of the distance between them. “You could always stay here.”

  Darby was speechless.

  “No,” she said once her vocal powers returned.

  “Why not?” He tilted his head in challenge.

  “My schedule-”

  “You deserve as much of a break as Nile does, right?”

  “We still have a gallery to run and the kids-”

  “I’ve heard Nile rave over your staff-surely they
can handle it all for a while. You may even build their confidence by trusting them to it, you know?”

  Darby’s lashes fluttered when she shook her head. Lord but the man had a persuasive voice. “I’ve got no clothes to last me beyond a few days.”

  Kraven shrugged and bowed his head. “We have a very lovely shop right here in the borough. The proprietor’s quite proud of all the latest fashions she gets in from Edinburgh. Every woman loves to shop, doesn’t she?”

  “No where to stay,” Darby whispered, slowly coming to the realization that she was fighting a losing battle. When an easy smile tugged the seductive curve of his mouth, she snapped to. “Don’t even suggest it. I’m not staying with you-castle or not.”

  Grinning then, he dragged a hand through the lush onyx of his hair. “Manor house,” he corrected. “And I was actually thinking of T’s place right here.”


  “Well, well here you both are and discussing the same thing we were.”

  Darby trained her stare past Kraven’s broad frame and saw Nile. She was leaning back against Taurus whose face held the same knowing expression as his wife’s.

  “I was just trying to convince Darby to take a few days for herself.” Kraven innocently explained.

  “And I think it’s a great idea.” Nile added.

  Kraven played the role of the innocent. “I’m afraid Darby doesn’t think so.”

  “Nonsense. She’s been working way too hard.” Nile argued, ignoring the slashing gesture Darby made with her finger across her throat when Kraven wasn’t looking.

  “So it’s settled?” Taurus almost burst into laughter at Darby’s wilting look which was in direct contrast to Kraven’s gleeful one.

  Darby only smiled weakly when Kraven turned, flashed her a cunning look and smoothed the back of his hand down her arm. Moments later, he’d left the kitchen with Taurus.

  “Is there some rule against slapping a bride on her wedding day?” Darby asked when Nile sauntered close.

  “Oh stop it, it’s not so bad.” Nile pressed a kiss to her best friend’s cheek. “Actually, it’s not bad at all. If you can’t see how in awe that man is of you, you should have your eyes checked.”

  Darby waved a hand. “What are you guys thinking? You’re on your honeymoon- I can’t be hangin’ around here.”

  Nile’s expression dimmed for the first time in weeks. “I haven’t said anything to Taurus yet,” she glanced over her shoulder. “We won’t be here long. I…I want to get back to my mother.”

  “Nile why-”

  “She’s my mother Darby, only one I know. She’s going to need help-much help. Taurus won’t like it, but I have to do something.”

  Darby was nodding. “I get it.”

  The light returned to Nile’s eyes. “So it’s settled, you’ll stay? Kraven will show you the best time, yes?”

  Darby felt swooning was dangerously close and nodded. “I don’t doubt that for a second.” She leaned into the crushing hug Nile gave.


  Darby lay in her massive bed in Taurus’s massive home and decided she’d have a massive headache by day’s end. She’d go utterly nuts in the span of an hour roaming about that place and listening to her voice echo.

  Lying there ensconced in cozy elegance, she cursed Nile and Taurus; who had left for Seattle two days prior. Just because they’d fallen in love there in Scotland didn’t mean the same was in store for her- and with a man like Kraven DeBurgh? Who in the hell were they kidding?

  A man like Kraven DeBurgh…She certainly didn’t mean that in any way negative. Blowing a tumble of curls from her eyes, she conjured an image of the man. To say he was tall was an understatement, but he wore the breadth of his frame with ease. The leaning stance that he usually opted for made her think of some deadly animal at rest but still alert. His body was to die for and that went double for his face surrounded by the waves of all that lush black hair. The green eyes were deep set and made more vivid by the sleek midnight brows that slanted above.

  Darby felt something tingle as the image grew clearer in her mind. Kraven DeBurgh was a man made to fall in love with and made to fall in other things with.

  “Jesus Darby, stop it!” She hissed the order to herself, seconds before a booming sound had her shrieking and bolting upright in the middle of the bed. A second or two passed before the sound registered as a knock.

  Whipping back covers, she rushed out and downstairs to find the man she’d been conjuring in her head, standing outside the front door.

  “What’s this? You’re not up and about yet?” Kraven playfully chided, taking in the almond colored pajamas she sported.

  Darby slapped her hands to her sides. “Up and about for what? To get dressed and roam around some empty mansion?”

  “Ah…so the quiet’s getting to you, eh?” He grinned and praised his ability to give her space for the last couple of days. His gaze settled on her pretty pink polished toes peeking out from the hem of her pajama pants. “I could help you out, but as you’ve already said no…”

  Darby moved back when he ventured forward and headed down the main hall. “What do you mean?”

  “Well…” he stopped in the den and leaned against the mantle. “There’s plenty of room at my place, it being a castle and all.” He grinned when Darby crossed her arms over her chest. “Besides, my staff could use the practice waiting on someone aside from myself.” His gaze narrowed as he observed the unease creep onto her lovely face like a cloud. “If you’re afraid I’d find my way into your room at some unseemly hour and do something unspeakable to you…well then, I could put you clear on the other side of my chamber.”

  Darby cleared her throat to hide the sound of the moan that chimed in response to the words. The unseemly throbbing which began someplace unspeakable would drive her crazy faster than the silence of that damned house. A few hours in his house and she was sure to be the one finding her way into his room.

  “Seriously Darby,” he strolled closer, hands hidden in the pockets of his loose fitting carpenter’s jeans. “Nile and T would have my ass if I didn’t do all that I could to make you comfortable.”

  Silently, Darby acknowledged that while the place was serene and gave her much needed time to breathe, she’d enjoy herself far more with others around. Absolute seclusion had never been her favorite thing.

  “I haven’t really slept well since Ny and Taurus left.” She shrugged, “I’d hate to be rude to your staff.”

  Smiling then and pleased that she was softening, Kraven dropped one arm across her shoulders and led her back to the stairway. “Don’t worry yourself over it,” His head nudged hers when he spoke, “they need to learn how to deal with bitchy guests.”

  For the first time in two days, Darby’s laughter lilted.


  Kraven bypassed the castle and manor house and drove through the rich hills surrounding it all to a gazebo-like structure which was decked out for an elaborate breakfast.

  “Did you plan all this?” Darby asked when she was able to make use of her voice.

  Kraven shut down the Jeep’s engine and seemed to be considering his response. “I may’ve laid it on a bit thick but I figured you’re too sweet a lass to let all my hospitality go unrewarded.” He nodded, satisfied by his reasoning then looked over and roused her laughter when he winked.

  Darby studied the beauty spread out before her. “Is it so easy to get women to…reward your hospitality?” She looked at him when he remained silent.

  “Would you mind my not answering that? I’m not sure you’d care for my response.”

  “Why?” Darby turned to face him in the seat. She was fully intrigued then. “Because it is easy?”

  He grimaced, growing completely serious for the first time that morning. “It’s pathetically easy. I’ve never had to work so hard to have a woman enjoy breakfast with me.”

  Darby nodded and turned back to study the view beyond the windows. “Is that why you went to all this trouble? T
he challenge?”

  “You have no idea.”

  The stone intensity of his voice then had her studying him closely.

  “But that you’re a challenge to me isn’t even a fraction of it.”

  Darby felt the smooth fabric of her mauve top begin to itch her skin amidst the heat inflaming it. “Tell me,” she heard herself ask him.

  The teasing light returned to his eyes as a devilish smirk emerged. “You’re not ready to hear it, Ms. Ellis. Ah! Just in time.”

  Darby watched him leave the Jeep to come open her door. Breakfast had arrived.


  Darby felt as nourished by the actual meal as she did by the conversation itself. Kraven’s knowledge of food was incredible and she found herself literally hanging onto his every word. Not hard to do, considering everything from his face and body, voice and mannerisms were alluring to the point of holding her mesmerized. It was dangerous for a man to have so many enticing weapons at his disposal.

  “Sorry,” he mistook her set expression for one of boredom instead of intrigue. “Didn’t mean to run away with the conversation. Have you had enough?” He waved toward her plate which only held traces of the omelet, toast and browns that had resided there.

  “Stuffed,” she groaned while pushing at the heavy plate. “I have to say that I honestly don’t know how you store so much info about what mushroom tastes best with which spice.”

  For the second time that morning, an aura of seriousness shadowed Kraven’s striking features. “One finds all sorts of things to brighten a day that’s otherwise filled with truly depressing matters.”

  Darby fiddled with the delicate gold chain about her neck and thought she would’ve given anything to know what those depressing matters were. Nile had told her the man had a rather unsettling past, though one could look at him and see that. The scarred hands were powerful looking but possessed a surprising grace which she observed as he filled her plate with the delicious breakfast spread and her dainty teacup with some flavorful brew… She believed the man was a true paradox and would have loved to confirm her suspicions.


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